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18 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

@crystalclear18 you misunderstood my post. I already knew about ZZ's intentionally changing the lyrics, even during the Shanghai fanmeet of Shangyin. I'm talking about JY here, not ZZ. I'm alluding that he, JY, could have made a taolu moment here like ZZ. Or JY forgot the lyrics or his accent was coming out. But I'd like to think he didn't make a mistake, tho so it could only mean he did it with an intent like ZZ did. 

Yeah sorry, i did completely misunderstand what you said.. :D"" Now that i read it again, sometimes i think i skip pronouns or something lol. Yeah i don't know, he might have forgotten lol.. JY did mis-sing the lyrics of that song he sang while he was crying too (while ZZ was away in japan).. But he was probably drunk at the time and he could have resung the line by accident. For red bean, it's not as obvious as ZZ's changes so i think i'll have to figure out whether there is much change to the meaning.. 


15 hours ago, ghettomilkshake said:


@crystalclear18 I definitely believe zz can sing it's just that belting isn't his forte & yes i agree he always manage to nail 'dust' live and i like his 'walk slowly' performances as well 

i feel like it's weird for ppl to compare both of their singing last year bc at that point zz definitely is a better singer for me. zz was already pretty well trained back then while jy had rather little proper singing experience so he often sounded pitchy and off beat. im not sure about jy's range either but now he seems to have a bigger range than zz to me bc he transit to high notes quite smoothly & effortlessly

Acting wise jy did have alot more talent for someone with no prior experience & background but we all know guhai is very similar to jy's own personality whereas BLY is the opposite of zz's personality so i feel it's quite unfair to compare (btw can't wait for their new shows to come out i miss their acting so much)

I guess maybe it wasn't ppl specifically comparing JY and ZZ's singing in particular all the time, although i'm sure it did happen, because at the time there were so many ppl saying baseless things and basically attacking one or both of them. 


I don't know, you can maybe say that ppl are kind of shallow.. Just from when they were both singing in the shanghai fan meeting you can already tell that they were really impressed with JY's voice. I think its obvious that i really like ZZ lol. I'm a YZ fan but i am also a ZZ fan, so i don't say it because i prefer JY or anything like that. But i think ppl heard JY's voice and they really liked it cause it stood out and was unique. Not saying ZZ doesn't have a nice voice, but its good in a different way from JY's. And entertainment industry ppl are basically always trying to look out for ppl who have unique voices that are going to be liked by the audience. I gave JY a huge compliment by comparing him to faye wong lol. Faye wong is hugely famous because of her voice, maybe JY isn't quite to her level, but i think i can still draw some comparisons.. And actually i think that ZZ does have a unique voice too (he wasn't really showing it as much at the time), in a way different from JY. I'm not sure if you heard it before, but you should listen to JY and ZZ sing li ge, sad as the song is, ZZ goes really high there and he sounded pretty strong too. :) 


Here let me help you lol. Li ge is so sad.. 




Yeah GH's personality is very similar to JY's personality and well i'm sure having the other romantic lead be ZZ helped him a LOT. Cause i'm sure it made it a lot easier for him to show his feelings.. YZ, enough said lol. :D:D ZZ definitely did have the harder role to play, since it was so different from his own personality. From my own perspective i wouldn't give JY as much credit lol.. But apparently the director of guns and kidneys, JY's first movie, also said that JY was good at picking stuff up (its actually an understatement, he said much more than that but since we haven't seen JY in stuff yet i am not giving him the full credit yet lol). So yeah, i'm really curious about the movies when they come out. I think guns and kidneys is supposed to be out around the end of october. 


15 hours ago, ghettomilkshake said:

btw in which song & scenario did zz purposely change the original lyrics to yuzhou?! (my newbie self must have missed it :ph34r:)

I'm not completely certain but probably "towards the bright side" during his shanghai concert? He changes lyrics pretty often so my brain can't keep track lol. 



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@ghettomilkshake I'm deluding myself he did it on purpose, lol. But, I read it like waking up from the painful kiss. Or something those lines. This is how I interpret it, but I'm a beginner in Chinese mandarin. You were asking for the lyric changes right? There's also the one in Shanghai Shangyin Fanmeet. Right at the end of the Fanmeet, it's the Meteor Garden song Liu Xing Yu



@crystalclear18 it's ok. Wishful thinking of mine. Who knows what goes on with YuZhou world. But it could be. 

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JY weibo udpate

Translated by Ryokise

It's time for full moon again, wishing everyone a happy mid-autumn festival, wishing @OSM happy 50th anniversary and happy birthday! I m working with the filming production team, bao bao men eat more mooncakes at home.


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7 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

hettomilkshake I'm deluding myself he did it on purpose, lol. But, I read it like waking up from the painful kiss. Or something those lines. This is how I interpret it, but I'm a beginner in Chinese mandarin. You were asking for the lyric changes right? There's also the one in Shanghai Shangyin Fanmeet. Right at the end of the Fanmeet, it's the Meteor Garden song Liu Xing Yu

@ghettomilkshakeMaybe i misunderstood again lol, but if you're asking about which songs ZZ changed the lyrics to there's a few songs and many instances of him doing it. Dust and toward the bright side come to mind most often. 


I've forgotten how beautiful ZZ looked when he looked at JY before singing those lyrics.. Honestly i really miss how ZZ was so expressive back then. And he was expressing really tender emotions then when JY was there. He was so beautiful. He still is but its different.. 


7 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

crystalclear18 it's ok. Wishful thinking of mine. Who knows what goes on with YuZhou world. But it could be. 

Yeah anything is possible with the both of them lol. 


1 hour ago, clediver said:

one 2145, a 1254. Can only say that the world coincidence are met with both of you

2 emoji hands

2 talk about work

mid autumn festival..........

What is JY doing in that picture........................................... If ZZ has to take down the night run pic from ig, i wonder about that pic of JY lol. Although maybe ZZ doesn't mind as much..

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The magazine was asking ZZ & Tang Yixin to create a look for themselves based on the show they watched. L'OFFICIEL posts as the Tang Yixin first, challenging ZZ to top her look. Then L'OFFICIEL HOMMES posts as ZZ, saying how did I complete the mission? didn't lose huh?





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Cr Circle _狐狸與小王子

JY was playing Kings of Glory. Remember who used to say playing games is a waste of time? What have you done to JY ah ZZ??!? This game is played as a team.

ZZ: Huangjingyu, focus!!!! What r u doing??!?

JY: Hang on, I'm holding a cat and our photo!!!

ZZ: The heck!










By Alohomora





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@crystalclear18 haha honestly u were quite impartial so i couldnt tell u were more of a zz fan :) im still quite new so i think i like yuzhou equally at this point but if we re talking about the show/novel i definitely like BLY's character more hehe

I've seen that video of their 'li ge' duet and zz sung really well but it's just i wasnt a huge fan of the song plus the lyrics are about separation and it's kinda applicable to them now sighh..


For the lyrics changes i was basically asking which song and when did he changed the lyrics to 'yuzhou' (bc i think that was what u said)

i know about dust where he changed 'ai' to 'hai' during his concerts, the liu xing yu song at the fanmeet which made jy cried and that's about it

For 'towards the bright side' isnt the original lyrics already 'yuzhou' ? :huh:


6 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:


I've forgotten how beautiful ZZ looked when he looked at JY before singing those lyrics.. Honestly i really miss how ZZ was so expressive back then. And he was expressing really tender emotions then when JY was there. He was so beautiful. He still is but its different.. 

(I assume u re referring to the fanmeets?)

 i think everyone miss the boys before the ban, they were definitely more innocent, simple and happier together. they were so comfortable and goofing with each other all the time. i just wished they had more than 6 months together 

all that success and fame came at a cost :unsure:


btw 中秋节快乐 (happy mid-autumn) everyone!! :) 

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