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I hope ZZ is ok.. It's his idol.. RIP. 

Edit: Poor ZZ was really quiet today and had his head down at the airport. He still has the superdry event in the evening.. Usually i would be super happy to see him at another event but not after this. 




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Poor ZZ, he's been up all night. Updated his weibo at 4:30am then deleted.

He's going to the airport to fly to Shanghai for SuperDry event today. 3 days, 3 cities with very late rehearsals. Take care ZZ ah!

Cr JoeyChika





Fanart by YO-F_i_Sh

Do what you want to do and we will always support you two. The trophy last night was not only an award for ZZ and Man Man Zou but also for Addicted, JY and all of us. In the face of those who have been trying to erase Addicted! We never know what tomorrow holds but we will walk slowly with you two, slowly but together. I so love his performance last night. Good job ZZ ah!!!




By jjseason




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Youtube Clips

Fans singing Man Man Zou before MTV event

This song will forever be the death of this fandom. This and When Hai has Yin



ZZ's full performance at MTV Award 200717



ZZ's performance at Asian Music Gala 190717



ZZ's clip for Blind Children

I can only understand the first part 

Someone told ZZ there's group of blind children that need help and asked if they could do something. Opening this foundation makes me happy, hopefully there will be more people who understand and help these children so they can feel the love blah blah. If I'm not wrong this is ZZ's personal foundation.

The part where ZZ talks to the kid. 

ZZ: Do you feel happy today?

Kid: Happy. ZZ, I love you.

ZZ: I also love you

**Awwwwww, I can't with ZZ and kids ahhhhh**

He said something about sharing music with them. They can sing together, play guitar together. Even though they can't see him but he hopes these children won't feel lonely because XWZ gege and other people? will something light up their (darkness world? Im making this up lmao). There's light in your heart. Fighting!




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ZZ studio weibo update

7月20日,#2017MTV全球华语音乐盛典#在深圳举行,@许魏洲ZZ 凭借个人首张专辑《light》一举荣获年度最受欢迎新人和十大金曲两项大奖。当晚,许魏洲身着纪梵希2018早春系列裙装造型西装酷帅登台,现场连接演唱了热血摇滚的《明白梦想》、《放》两首歌曲串烧,并带来精彩的吉他solo舞台,嗨翻全场。












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Hi everyone, 

I'm new in this forum but I've been following YZ since end of 2016 (after I left my crazy work in the island of gods). 

Seeing YZ is like seeing J2 in the US (though now they are married to their significant others with kids but still...). 

So...please be kind to me and share the candies of YZ. 

Thanks all


p/s. BTW @bearology love the updates both here and IG

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That because of public safety reason seems odd to me, I hope everything is fine. ZZ looks down this morning, I don't want anything else to happen to him today. Good thing that he's in Shanghai, he can go home and have a good rest. Take care ZZ ah! :(

JY and ZZ Chic Teen and Mens Uno photos though, I always amaze at ZZ as a model. He really is a professional model now. JY has taught him well.

Showbiz is a very scary and lonely place, I feel thankful that at least JY and ZZ can lean on one another. Like gayyoxx always said, I hope they will find solace and happiness in each other. We want nothing but both of you to be happy! That was one of the main reasons why we ship and trust YZ. They were always at their most relaxing and happy mood when they were around each other. Stay strong my boys! 


Cr OnlyLady女人志 








Fanart by Somikse



Fanart by J9294T





@bannyrabbidz Thank you, you are very kind and welcome to the thread. I hope you will enjoy your stay. Please post more XD

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12 hours ago, psychology92 said:

ZZ- Asian Music Gala Event 190717

Tencent video Uploaded the full show on their official YT channel. If anyone interested to watch the full show then you can watch this here. I hope they will upload MTV Global Chinese Music Award event too.


YAS~ Thank you! Edit: Haha i thought it was the MTV global ceremony video.. But thank you still. 

11 hours ago, bearology said:

That because of public safety reason seems odd to me, I hope everything is fine. ZZ looks down this morning, I don't want anything else to happen to him today. Good thing that he's in Shanghai, he can go home and have a good rest. Take care ZZ ah! :(

Showbiz is a very scary and lonely place, I feel thankful that at least JY and ZZ can lean on one another. Like gayyoxx always said, I hope they will find solace and happiness in each other. We want nothing but both of you to be happy! That was one of the main reasons why we ship and trust YZ. They were always at their most relaxing and happy mood when they were around each other. Stay strong my boys! 


He does look down, but its understandable. Ideally he would be able to take a couple days off to recover.. I'm glad that he was able to enjoy the award ceremony before this, but its like going from a more or less really happy time to a sad time in a day.. I really hope that he will be able to express emotions in some way, like sing/write a song or something. I kind of wish that JY wasn't in another city working, their MIA time would help a lot. But ZZ will have time away from cameras after this..

Other linkin park fans are probably also having a hard time, i hope everyone will be able to have the time they need to grieve. I think what other fans have said is that linkin park has helped them get through many hard times, it must feel very disconcerting to find that chester has left already when he might have been their rock. That might be the hardest thing about this. I didn't listen to much linkin park before this, but i kind of understand the therapeutic effect of rock to a degree and maybe the circumstances that rock is most beneficial for. It's no small thing to lose him, so please talk with someone if you are feeling sad, same for ZZ, please talk to someone if you are feeling sad.

I have seen some fans say that we could leave a message for ZZ during this sad time, i don't know, but if you think your message would be uplifting and appropriate that could be something you could do. Or maybe a message on Hao ge's ig or something. ZZ probably needs some space and time..

Edit: I really hope there's nothing up with the superdry event being cancelled either..  

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More news from the fandom. Don't let this affect the MTV mood, but i think maybe if you don't mind knowing what is going on, its worth talking about because its about fan behaviour.. Warning: its long.. =___= I feel like the bringer of bad news now, but this topic is still going around so can it not involve international fans? I don't know.



So a couple of unhappy things happened in the fandom again............. Sigh. This issue has made me want to just stay away from weibo for a little bit, because it's annoying me actually.

I think the main problem was during the day of the MTV ceremony in shenzhen. That day CPF did a good job with singing walk slowly outside of the building but inside they were less organized and didn't gather together as well as the bz. Apparently some CPF decided to use a different colour for their glow sticks than the tiffany green that ZZ's fans are known to use. They used blue, which is JY's colour and some actually brought light boards that said something like JY is here to see you. With JY's name written in full on it, plus a couple of ZZ's signs had small whales on it. 

So as you can imagine both the JY and ZZ's only fans started attacking CPF. And CPF were mad at the ppl who decided to use blue glow sticks and bring all the stuff with JY's name because on fancams you can zoom in and see what it says. The bz were also attacking CPF by saying not many CPF stayed after singing walk slowly. There's been so many posts in the YZ topic from CPF who were saying that it is selfish to bring in YZ and CPF materials when it is an event for only ZZ because it caused ZZ to be badmouthed by JY only fans and draws a lot of unwanted attention to the ban and everything. Basically saying that ZZ and JY are more important than the CPF fandom and its selfish to risk it for some candy.

I agree with what they are saying, but i have seen so many people saying the same thing that its actually annoyed me. It is frustrating because these CPF who might be considered poison CPF for being irresponsible, might do similar things that could affect ZZ and JY so they want to prevent it from happening again. So they are establishing that no one is to bring in JY or ZZ colours when the other is performing individually. Plus in ZZ's concerts before i think the organizers might have banned CP items before anyways.........

I think the CPF were shocked that there were other CPF who would do this kind of stuff to jeopardize ZZ and JY. It was never a problem in ZZ's concerts before, but there are a lot of new fans who have less experience and different ideas. Some ppl were saying maybe these ppl were led astray by ppl who were pretending to be CPF only. Either way, the topic was just rehashed and there was so many negative posts from bz etc, like there is no point for CPF to exist. (They are also super smug about how well they organized their lights and everything. Like they say all the green lights in the audience were bz.)

In my perspective i just hope everyone learns from this experience for next time. Since its over already. No more blue lights and just move on past this. Of course no one knows if these ppl will do it again. But next time maybe ppl will be on the look out and it will be less likely. I think just yelling at these ppl non stop is going to be useless if the really stubborn ones won't listen anyways. 

I mean ZZ is kind of down right now, i'm sure he doesn't want to see all these fans fighting. I hope the signs didn't bring any trouble to him. I wouldn't think so anyways. But yeah, what do you guys think about this? Technically this affects all the fans, even international ones that can't show up there in person, cause it affects ZZ and JY. 



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