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Guest skeletonworks
17 minutes ago, xix19xix said:


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She is really hot though. At least he has taste :) Well, I am happy as long as both of them are well and successful. Don't care if he is straight or otherwise.



Actually I'd be lying if I said I didn't die a little when I first learned about it. But I consoled myself "who's here who is already in a relationship/married but still fanboy/fangirl about Johnny or Zhouzhou?? Right??" ;) Same goes to our human Johnny. Love Zhouzhou but that doesn't mean he can't like whatever he likes. 

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11 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


Actually I'd be lying if I said I didn't die a little when I first learned about it. But I consoled myself "who's here who is already in a relationship/married but still fanboy/fangirl about Johnny or Zhouzhou?? Right??" ;) Same goes to our human Johnny. Love Zhouzhou but that doesn't mean he can't like whatever he likes. 


Don't forget his post on the bent steel pipes too :) 

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20 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

Actually I'd be lying if I said I didn't die a little when I first learned about it. But I consoled myself "who's here who is already in a relationship/married but still fanboy/fangirl about Johnny or Zhouzhou?? Right??" ;) Same goes to our human Johnny. Love Zhouzhou but that doesn't mean he can't like whatever he likes. 


If you look at who JY follow on Instgram, you will have a pretty good idea where his taste runs. Victoria Secret anyone:rolleyes:? Haha

50 minutes ago, mrsaturn said:

@bearology oh yeah i forgot about it but i still need more. Lol

Sigh just hope that things will get better for both of them from now onwards and that we will get to see them together soon and hoping for more hints (and big surprise that we hoped for) during zz seoul concert.


Sweetheart, its not going to happen. Sorry dear. Unless you want both of them to commit career suicide. Hug. :tears:

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My life is complete.... #mylife #gone someone is in MILAN... someone is wearing MILANO shirt.. OKAY........ 

@aeislaeigh thank you for the photobook pics! I can't wait to get mine, it says its on the way via UPS, it will be here Monday?! +_+ @abbraccio91 I ordered ZZ deluxe album via taobao and taobaofocus and its on the way T_T so happy for you! its beautiful. @bearology that fan art is sooo cute T_T @xix19xix bent steel pipes.... AHHHHHHHHHHHH........ @matthew2312 I SWEAR I only looked for JY... (sure.. right...)

@skeletonworks WELL-SAID! I agree with you 200% We are wishing and hoping and praying.

More new pics of JY from MILAN / D&G :D













Previous pics without SOHU logo







Did anyone post this? Sorry if this is a repost: men's uno HK posted a pic of JY from D&G show. absolutely LOVED Men's UNO work with JY&ZZ... hope they work together again.




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25 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

"who's here who is already in a relationship/married but still fanboy/fangirl about Johnny or Zhouzhou?? Right??" 


Maybe not many, but some!

I like them and can relate.

This is a 24/7 reality show and I am determined to stay here for the next 7 1/2 years.

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Guest skeletonworks
9 minutes ago, KKmegan said:

If you look at who JY follow on Instgram, you will have a pretty good idea where his taste runs. Victoria Secret anyone? Haha

Sweetheart, its not going to happen. Sorry dear. Unless you want both of them to commit career suicide. Hug. 


I know who he follows and we have discussed this like what 600-700 pages back? @thoron also noted that he follows hunks with 6 packs too. :phew: I think a lot of us who have been here for quite some time already know about this fact and Zhouzhou's gestures about Johnny's ideal in Ellemen was not foreign to us. 

Secondly, there's no need to burst someone's bubble. A lot of us know deep down that the probability of him attending Zhouzhou's concert is little to none but we can all wish and hope. That's why we are all gathered here.

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35 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


I know who he follows and we have discussed this like what 600-700 pages back? @thoron also noted that he follows hunks with 6 packs too. :phew: I think a lot of us who have been here for quite some time already know about this fact and Zhouzhou's gestures about Johnny's ideal in Ellemen was not foreign to us. 

Secondly, there's no need to burst someone's bubble. A lot of us know deep down that the probability of him attending Zhouzhou's concert is little to none but we can all wish and hope. That's why we are all gathered here.

On who he follows on Instagram - it's a comment, not a point of contention. I didn't implied you or anyone else don't know. I'm not sure why that rub you the wrong way but please dont take it the wrong way. 

On JY tuning up at ZZ's concert in Seoul - I would have to stand by what I said. I wasn't trying to burst anyone's bubbles,  but rather merely pointing out the chances are low, given the current climate and situation. Best to look forward to other things at this point.

Peace. :heart:

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Got back like 2 hours ago and I feel like riding a roller-coster reading today's posts (sad cuz what happened to Zhou then happy about Yu's liked pic and all the cpfs comments).

How long will Yu be away? Zhou with the so-obvious t-shirt. I'm saving that runway pics for future use. That Dior and Gucci gifts haven't show up yet.


I know 0 to none Chinese and no other sns except Twitter (my other life before this) plus I'm a lazy bum with 'eh~' internet connection and seeing all the contributors posting about what is happening around YuZhou made me feel like I need to contribute something too but I couldn't because the above reasons. And I can't change those to make sure that my 1st life stay as my main life (like some senpais that had to stay away from this to focus on their 1st life) while still living the other 2 (my 2nd has become the 3rd life now. Addicted is 2nd).

So I just want to say thank you to you guys (you know who you guys are, and our founder) for providing me with everything YuZhou that I would never know if I have to find it myself. :cookie: and :heart: for everyone!


Zhou's Beijing fanmeet


I really thought it would have a page about it but it's just the editor (I guess) talked unofficially about it with other ramblings. Not even a proper small column. Maybe Bangkok (Seoul is still far) will be different.




Going to scrapbook.


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I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how this works and what it suppose to mean when both are online. 





The OP implied they are calling each other.  The first purple heart is ZZ. The second and third is JY work studio. 

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18 minutes ago, mrsaturn said:

I just watched some part of zz live stream...  And it is very obvious that he couldn't stand the host... It was very awkward.... But zz was nice enough to do what the host requested


ZZ looks rather uncomfortable like you said. But he is always very nice and polite. I adore him so. I hope good things come to him soon!! 

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Ah need a clear image of that newspaper article as i want to read what they wrote especially there's jy too!

Anyway now that I rethink the CCTV incident... i think it's quite normal for singer's performance (especially the new ones) not airing in the show.. in fact the trailer didnt said that zz performance will be aired, they just say "who will be on the stage". I guess the fans reacted strongly because of the ban previously which resulted in us thinking that it is the ban/unjust treatment again. As for the CCTV15, either there's some miscommunication or the person posted by mistake (still it is a bit unprofessional especially rumors might spread around that there is sth going on and resulting in other station dont dare to invite zz to their show).

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On 18.6.2016 at 11:00 AM, Franz Grant said:

@liesl and others

Things have again turned worse, it is still morning here.

I will make this brief.

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I don't want to dissect real people as well. I second what you wrote. And my remarks were a little sarcastic. But we all have different backgrounds. Male, female, younger, older, gay, straight. Living in Western Europe I know how it feels and what it is still like if you love another man and want to live a normal and happy life together. It is still not easy.

JY is a honest man. But since the awards he has changed. They were forced to take decissions then. Now he acts according to his inner state. He talks and acts like a straight man and with some inner distance to all things that happended. He has walked on. Read the translation from his show. He didn't forget or deny. But he deleted everything that could raise rumours, he talks about a series and his actor colleagues, no names , where he learned to act and now he wants to become better. There is no current relationship, he is in good terms with his family. It all sounds realistic and a little detached. But it is his inner truth now. He has contacts to a lot of influencial people now, who seem to support him and there are a lot of plans for him. But the price is no Timmy and nothing Addicted. And he has come to terms with this.

With Timmy things are different. He signed with a company that produced the series. He still wants to perform all the songs Addicted related. He has a lot of CP fans. People who are backing him up in the business are few. His inner state is also different. He seemed much more affected. He is on his way back to normal. But he lost his smile, a lot of weight, went into protest mode and hyperactivity and showed a new side of him  which I never saw before. Look how sweet, soft and loving he can be now (sadly only now when playing with cats). Songs he is performing now and talking about are all breakup related. To me he seems to be lonely. It is possible that old memories came back after another separation. To me he broke up after a long struggle. He didn't see a future.



Let us give ZZ a big group hug!!


@Franz Grant : Are you refering to the "Full translation for Youku All Star Full version - 75mins" izziehudson posted?

Tari Tari said: " What's the difference between JY and ZZ? Why did fans, government, tv, etc, treat ZZ worse? He did nothing wrong." I don´t really know but I have two theories:

1. JY markets himself much better than ZZ is marketed and JY is more experienced. If JY stands in front of an audience, during interviews and photoshoots he always seems to be very relaxed, calm and confident. And because being a model before he knows very well which postures and looks the photographers, the situations and the fans expect. And he delivers that. Looking at JY in all these situations he apperars to be authentic on an unconscious level. His personality, his appearance and his image fit together. Quite contrary is ZZ. If one compares pictures of him before and during filming addicted with current ones. I think there is a difference. Before he was a kind of rocker, more manly, a typical young man etc. and now often  he is the supercute kitten people like to call "wifey" and often he appears to be not as confident as JY is. In one of the first pages of this thread someone wrote "ZZ could be both seme or uke". I agree with that. But would anybody still say so today? While I am thinking JY is authentic I don´t think that ZZs image currently is. Because personality, appearance and image are not really matching together with him at the moment this creates a certain insecurity for him and makes him appear a bit weak. Don´t misunderstand me. I really like ZZ and it angers me if people call him wifey. It is the job of his managment to create an image that fits with him. 

2. Now its going to be difficult and I hope I wont create misunderstandings. Traditionally men are percieved to be active and giving and women being passive and receiving. This gets problematic with same sex relationships. Some people have the prejudice that being same sex orientated and being the top/active part is more manly than being the passive / bottom part in that relationship.  With JY being pretty manly and appearing to be dominating its clear what people probably think ZZs part is in that rumored homosexual relationship. This gets more problematic in a homophobic society if a man is perceived to be the passive (female) part in that homosexual relationship. I would not be surprised if thats one of the reasons why ZZ is treated worse than JY. Even the fans call him wifey! What do you think what other people might call him who are not even fans?

Same sex means husband + husband! Especially between men both roles are possible. Same sex doesn´t mean husband and wifey. And by looking at the older ZZ pictures its so obvious: Maybe he is in love with a guy. But he is not a wife! He is a man!


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21 minutes ago, sandown said:

Same sex means husband + husband! Especially between men both roles are possible. Same sex doesn´t mean husband and wifey. And by looking at the older ZZ pictures its so obvious: Maybe he is in love with a guy. But he is not a wife! He is a man! 


Concur!!  I wish the fans stop feminising him. He is a man and identifies himself as one. Calling him wifey when he doesn't identify himself as a woman is incredibly awkward for him and can typecast him negatively. 

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22 minutes ago, KKmegan said:

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how this works and what it suppose to mean when both are online. 

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The OP implied they are calling each other.  The first purple heart is ZZ. The second and third is JY work studio. 

Apparently fans are saying there's some bug issue with the stalking app. It is said that if you login to your weibo and call someone, the app will show you online. There was one incident where jy got off from plane and was calling someone and the app showed both jy and zz online on weibo. But no proof yet however the coincidence is too high

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ZZ, you're so transparent [Meow meow] He read another message with JY's name being mentioned (but not the rest!)

Not sure what he meant, from KR translation, OP asked "If I screamed Huang Jing Yu, will you answer me (emoticon)"

but this could be a mistranslation because CHN -> KR -> ENG :sweatingbullets:

Sorry for no credit as I got this from twitter but this picture is due to the OP herself!



@Scandani @ximichem and @gashupingo for better translation hehe love you :P


@sohocomo auntie ohh auntie, how did you I am lacking sugar these days? Thank you for tagging me, am now reading while fanning self. Must calm down, must!

Random gif for beloved auntie (gotta bring back the gold, ay?)



A big round of applause for @lielee's answer! A d*ck is called cucumber in the novel but it's literally not a cucumber, same as ZZ is called wifey but he's not a woman nor that fans intend to see him as a woman. We can call both of them hubby, yes of course, but how to differentiate them then? Hubby A and hubby B? Taller hubby and shorter hubby? Singer hubby and model hubby?

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The translation is correct. The OP asked if I shout Huang Jingyu, do you dare to reply?

Apparently many fans messaged zz with jy name. In fact many fans messaged zz that jy liked the girl photo on instagram and zz read it!

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