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On 14/07/2016 at 2:56 PM, tea4two said:

Be-late congratulations to @bearology on becoming a Legend.  

Link to the final episode of DWSS this season is below.  What I find interesting is the wedding in this episode....it took a decade.....


I just want to say that DWSS is really a great show (yes, I watched all episodes with JY in it).  It is inspiring, heartwarming and a very positive energy show.  I don't know if it is luck or fate, but this show is made for JY, it fit him perfectly.  Wanting to become a soldier and wanting to play the 'hero', this was all due to his strong sense of duty and the urge to protect those around him.  In some sense, this show is giving him the chance to play a different type of 'hero' or 'protector' for the common citizens.  If this show is able to broadcast on TV, I think it will gain a lot of viewers, although it doesn't make people laugh like Happy Camp, excited like RFT, but I think that seeing the heartwarming stories of ordinary life citizens and the positive aspect of the show, in time, will gain a lot of loyal viewers.  I haven't seen another Chinese variety show with similar theme.  

I can see how the casts also grew closer as the season progress, especially between Ethan and JY, they're really comfortable with each other.  I don't see anything between the casts other than a brotherly & sisterly affections.  From this episode, looks like Ethan & Jingyu CP has a greater chance than Lulu & Jingyu CP.  I feel happy when I see JY make friends with others and is able to laugh freely.  This program is a type of community service that gives back to the community.  I'm looking forward to season 2.  

@filmlore46 & @lovehaiyin On further discussion regarding JY's acting, I believe that he will need the right guidance to polish his acting skill.  The skill that JY have in acting is innate, you can't take it away innate ability, although, it can be corrupted.  However, I believe that JY have natural blockage ability based on his personality and the tendency to go against the grain of things.  People like this tend to look at things differently and will bring new perspective into things.  So even if he does take acting classes in the future, I believe instead of corrupting him, it will enhance his perspective.  

JY did mentioned during one of his interview in Cannes that he wants to find a teacher to guide him in acting.  I think he will learn best by on the set training, he will gradually learn as he the take more roles, small cameo roles like Nurhaci from Demon Girl offer great learning opportunities.  Another great way for him to learn is from other veterans like Liu Ye, Deng Chao, Fan Bingbing, or even Ethan Ruan.  If he has the opportunity to star aside one of them, I think he will learn a lot from observation and just being in on the experience itself.  To summarize, I don't think there's much you can do to corrupt JY's acting, I think he can only get better as he gain more experience.  

ZZ's concert in Thailand is coming up soon and I hope that everyone continues to support him.  I don't think we should bring politics and religion into play when we are deciding if we should like someone or not.  As long as their heart is pure, there is no shame in liking them.  Your brother, your sisters, your husband/wife, your friends, I'm sure that you love them with all their faults.  Patriotism is an environmental factor.  You cannot choose the country you grow up in or the family you're born into.  Much of what influence you will largely be the environment that you were brought up in.  So don't blame these boys for showing their patriotism.  From the looks of it, it looks like the majority of the mainland celebrities forwarded the same post, you might as well as wash your hands off of all entertainment coming out of China if this was your reaction.  This battle, don't entangle any further.  The land, the sea, the air we breath in, all these a temporary.  Life is too short to own anything for a long period of time.  Go find joy the things that makes your life interesting.  


Applaud you for this post 'tea4two' :)).. wise words there, liked it so much :).

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3 hours ago, ryokise said:

I watched the livestream, she didnt mention in the livestream that she will attend the concert, it's a rumour that suddenly got spread on weibo. Some fans who watched the livestream also clarified on weibo that it's a rumour . (although I think there is the possibility she might go) 


wonder why some ppl have to make up rumors or bring up something from the past just because they are becoming more famous now...

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Thailand VIP event (072916)


Source:   A_apricot_










First Light Asian Tour in Shenzhen (071716)


Source:   REDMOON9294






First Light Asian Tour in Korea (062516)


Source:   mochalattebest








Shanghai ee809d.png Beijing (080716)


Source:   YuZhou_办公室









Source:    鲸鸿_黄景瑜粉丝后援团





Source:   墨小虾xx




Source:   九宫格工作室





Gu Hai x Bai Luoyin


Source:   墨小虾xx




Shangyin BTS


Source:   墨小虾xx


c81cc374jw1f6lfs50k80g208w05ke83.gif c81cc374jw1f6lfsffzjhg208w05ku0y.gif




Source:  yuzhou.studio19520



Source:  ling_yz



Source:   朝辞瑜洲暮时归



Fan arts


Source:   Dxx是一只炸毛喵哼 /  Timmy-Hsu_许魏洲全球应援站




Source:   许魏洲吧




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6 hours ago, fingersandpaws said:

I've finished translating another chapter of YM and YQ's epilogue. YM finally realised that it's so good to have someone dote on you, although it's at the expanse of BLY's misery.

Read the full chapter translation of MQQ epilogue Ch. 14: It’s so good to have someone dote on you here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1098227/50


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The doorbell rang in the afternoon while they were eating lunch. BLY went to open the door.

The moment You Qi’s handsome face flashed into his view, Yang Meng shouted.

“I won’t go back with you!”

However, You Qi didn’t repeat the pleading speech he had used before. He just stuffed a luggage bag straight into BLY’s arms and said plainly, “It’s all Meng Zi’s clothes inside here. I saw him wearing your clothes, it looked very ill-fitting on him, so I delivered his clothes here.  It’s up to him whether he wants to wear them or not!”

After saying, he turned and left; his back view cold and cool.

BLY opened the luggage bag and shook the clothes that were inside out. There were many new clothes that still had tags on it, one look and one would know it was all new clothes that You Qi had just bought for Yang Meng. Hence, he walked in front of Yang Meng and purposely waved the new clothes and exclaimed, “Look at how good others treat you. He had thought of all your daily necessities. He’s such a busy person normally and he still specially went to the mall and bought you so many thick clothing; hurry up and change into it.”

“I’m not wearing them!” Yang Meng buried his head and ate his food.


BLY’s mobile phone rang again. GH called about once every hour, it’s stricter than keeping a close eye on a criminal.  Seeing BLY walk out, Yang Meng put down his chopsticks and walked to the luggage bag surreptitiously. He rummaged for a while. As expected, there was a plastic bag inside. There were two jars of smelly tofu inside the plastic bag.

It was different from the few times before, the smelly tofu this time had a label stuck on the jar with two sentences written on it.

“You like eating this; then I will like your like of eating this. If there’s someone who likes smelly tofu then there will be someone who falls for an idiot.”

I’m done for I’m done for …… Is this his love confession to me? ......


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The next day, BLY was on leave, which was rare. He proclaimed that he would cook a meal for Yang Meng. When Yang Meng walked into the kitchen, he realised that BLY’s eyes were red. This was his first time seeing BLY shed tears, his heart thumped. He walked into the kitchen and said to BLY, “Yin Zi, don’t force yourself if you really don’t want to cook for me. I can’t accept your kindness.”

“It’s nothing, I was cutting chilli.”


When they’ve finished eating, Yang Meng took the initiative to wash the dishes. BLY went to the balcony to call GH. Yang Meng could vaguely hear his own name being mentioned by BLY and he went closer to eavesdrop.

“Today after I’ve cut chillies, I forgot to wash my hands before going to pee. My ‘bird’ is almost on fire! Hurry up and help reduce its temperature!!”

If it was before, Yang Meng would definitely fall to the floor and laugh till he can’t get up. However, he can’t laugh even for a bit now. He had never seen BLY speaking in such a tone, like a little kid relying on his parents. Some things cannot be said between friends, just like how BLY kept tolerating the pain just now rather than reveal one word of it. However in front of one’s lover, one can tell the other any secrets without any ill-feelings.

It’s so good to have someone dote on you; one could get a great amount of comfort from the other person even for a tiny bit of grievance.



@fingersandpaws let me thank you and all the people here that in a very fantastic way have been translating almost everything is possible to make everybody able to catch even the behind the lines. Thanks a lot about that 


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Ah, I want to save Yu's "glow" pics but there are too many and I can only save some. Which pic is the best one?


Yu really have to come to Shanghai concert. Fine not standing side by side on the stage, fine not singing HRYY, fine just watching it from dressing room. Just let cpf take your pics at the venue and we will satisfied with that. Zhou's parents came last time so this time his in-laws should be there to support him.

And Ryan too. I need to see they sing Understand Dream.

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8 hours ago, KKmegan said:

Thanks for clearing that up. :) Why the vitriol on her WB anyway if she didnt saything ... Shhsss. It's not like the fans doesnt know he has an ex.  I think its a possibility as well. 


9 hours ago, Scandani said:

is this the one that was in beauty pageant? the other side of ZZ's wing tattoo?


In the livestream, she showed her phone to the cam and there was a message of a fan saying that he/she hopes she and ZZ would get back together. I think she showed her phone to the cam to show that her phone number was leaked in the livestream which caused fans to message her. 

I guess this is the part which fans are angry about? but anyway fans should stop leaving nasty and hate comments to her...

(will not talk about this any further, this is just to clear things up :))

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JY was caught by paparazzi this morning checking out some real estate around an upscale neighbourhood (?) with Zheng Ge and the other female assistant. 


The article speculates JY is shopping around for a property in Beijing. (Maybe Zheng ge is the one buying.. He is getting married soon I think, and he can be seen wearing somethng over his shoes in one of the pictures.)  It's a double edge sword but I'm a little excited that JY is now famous enough to warrant the attention of the paparazzi. 


Such a happy boy this morning.



Vintage ZZ




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Thank you all for the sugars from Johnny and Timmy i'm overdosed now hahaha.

Johnny looked so happy on the pictures from yesterday it's like he's glowing some aura of that warms your heart when he smiles like this.:wub:

Sometimes i think how do the do that how can the live like that every time the go out on the streets the get surrounded by fans camera's etc.

So when the disapear from radar for a couple of day's i'm happy thinking that the finaly have some time for themself without all those eyes and camera's pointed at them.

@KKmegan When i see that picture from this morning i'm glad that he can having fun without surrounded with fans and camera's glad that the photographer stayed on distance and not bothering them.

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Johnny – Shanghai ee809d.png Beijing (080716)


Source:   维鲸_黄景瑜个站










Source:   Tender甜乐


Fan arts


Source:  沫色惜年



Source:   martin_area



Source:   3roadZZ












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@lielee yup Jay Chou's concert was held on Saturday at Stadium Merdeka. I have been a fan of him since more than a decade ago, for more than half of my life T^T it feels unreal. Last Saturday's concert was my first Jay concert and the fact that I still have yet to "recover" from post-concert depression after ZZ's BKK concert -- I'm pretty much dead here at the office :vicx:

but I can say it's hella different, what I feel for Jay and ZZ. ZZ makes me feel like a young teenage girl again, like the time I was a huge fan of queen Jolin and Fahrenheit. 

On a rather related note, so excited that ZZ will be performing at Zebra Music festival where Jolin will be at later this month (27-28/8). So happy for ZZ, really hope he will get more fans! Coco Lee and Huang Zi Tao (apparently he is really famous too) will be there as well haha.

Can't wait for JY's 3m welfare video! Of course, ZZ will reach 3m followers soon as well I believe, hopefully after his 813 SH concert. He needs to get some rest before the Music Festival, hopefully while travelling at small European countries -- and while he's at that probably he can get some inspiration to write more songs for his next album. Hopefully he will include happy love songs as well in that hihi.


Accurate depiction of me looking at ZZ's pic every time (cr on pic):


SH concert: Heard it will be 16 performances for his SH concert (inclusive of dance performance and him doing a cover of his fave artist -- really hope it'd be Jay's song! Simply because him performing English songs isn't that great imho, I always feel like he's a bit too self-conscious every single time he performs an English song hence we don't get to see his best self during the performance... I'd rather have him covering a Chinese song any day really!)


And about the infamous ex, meh. Let's not talk more about her, I think @tea4two has explained it briefly why I don't think she has good intentions at all.

JY's post-coital glow tho  [Forward][Embarrassed] MUEHEHEHE still can't get over that super contented, happy face - it's a nice change from his normal grumpy airport face. (Of course we can't blame him for that though.) He looks even more handsome with the hairstyle. Love love love the hairstyle! 

Have a lovely and productive week y'all!

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8 minutes ago, izziehudson said:


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@lielee yup Jay Chou's concert was held on Saturday at Stadium Merdeka. I have been a fan of him since more than a decade ago, for more than half of my life T^T it feels unreal. Last Saturday's concert was my first Jay concert and the fact that I still have yet to "recover" from post-concert depression after ZZ's BKK concert -- I'm pretty much dead here at the office :vicx:

but I can say it's hella different, what I feel for Jay and ZZ. ZZ makes me feel like a young teenage girl again, like the time I was a huge fan of queen Jolin and Fahrenheit. 

On a rather related note, so excited that ZZ will be performing at Zebra Music festival where Jolin will be at later this month (27-28/8). So happy for ZZ, really hope he will get more fans! 

Can't wait for JY's 3m welfare video! Of course, ZZ will reach 3m followers soon as well I believe, hopefully after his 813 SH concert. He needs to get some rest before the Music Festival, hopefully while travelling at small European countries -- and while he's at that probably he can get some inspiration to write more songs for his next album. Hopefully he will include happy love songs as well in that hihi.


Jolin and A-Mei are both gay icons. They spoke out in favour of gay marriage. How interesting that ZZ will meet Jolin. Wonder if they will duet like Amei and JY!

I suspect that JY is waiting for ZZ to pass 3 million before releasing their welfare posts :) 

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Oooh! So ZZ will have more concerts after him finishing his First Light tour? I am so happy hearing this, since I was afraid that ZZ would vanish from the radar for a long time until he launches his second album :D I am glad that won't be the case!

Anyone know how popular ZZ is compared to other young singer?

Also, any info on JY's next charity concert? I can't wait to hear his singing voice again *sigh* 

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ZZ - SH Press Interview


Cr 华语音悦Tai






@xix19xix agree with you, I also think that JY is waiting for ZZ to reach 3M as well :wub:

8 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

Oooh! So ZZ will have more concerts after him finishing his First Light tour?

ZZ will be a guest for another concert as well in September, IIRC sth to do with Moon Festival. 

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Sorry, I should have included this in the previous post:

More details on it - sorry if this has been posted, I haven't had the time to read all the pages where I last left off (I have about 60+ to read T^T)


Traditionally held on Jinshan beach, this year Shanghai's Zebra Festival is moving to Jiangwan Stadium, seemingly due to it being taken over by Beijing-based promoters Modern Sky. Backed by sponsorship by Tsingtao beer, which will hopefully be available in copious amounts at the festival, Zebra is combining Mandopop headliners with a smattering of locally-based bands.

Saturday 27 August
Tao (Huang Zitao)
Coco Lee
Plastic Chocolate
Blue Magpie
Sunday 28 August
Xu Weizhou and band
Round Eye
link here (in English)





So he's performing on the same day as queen Jolin (28/8). To answer your question @gayyoxx, I think the other guy is a pretty big deal since he's "headlining" on the previous day. He's a former member of EXO apparently. I think we've mentioned this guy a few times, isn't this the guy who performed at Yaya Planet as well? Correct me if I am wrong. Sorry if I offend anyone here, I really know nothing about K-Pop stars....

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28 minutes ago, izziehudson said:

So he's performing on the same day as queen Jolin (28/8). To answer your question @gayyoxx, I think the other guy is a pretty big deal since he's "headlining" on the previous day. He's a former member of EXO apparently. I think we've mentioned this guy a few times, isn't this the guy who performed at Yaya Planet as well? Correct me if I am wrong. Sorry if I offend anyone here, I really know nothing about K-Pop stars....


@izziehudson you're correct. He's a former member of EXO and he performed at Yaya planet as well. :)

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