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[Drama 2016] Yeah, That's How It Is 그래, 그런거야 | 对,就是那样 | SBS @8.45pm KST


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Why has this thread has been so quiet.  Granted the episodes aired last weekend were slow moving.  The only meaningful scene I can remember in Sunday's episode was Se Hee's ultimatum to Hyeon Woo in words to the effect: I'll live my life as I please, reverse the vascetomy , any child that results is mine alone and a divorce may yet occur down the road. We also saw gramps reverse course since the tumble down the staircase.  Although he's physically healed, the fall shook him up. He appears to have given up dancing with young women and he even told grandma how grateful he is to have her as his wife. Yu Ri is a major irritant and shows signs of turning into a carbon copy of her mother.

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I really feel Yu Ri needs to grow up to a fact that I'm so sick and tired of people's saying, how they were brought up different well DAMMIT that's what learning something new is all about. Yu Ri wanted to get married then her azz needs be what a daughter-in-law should and do by getting her lazy buns up early to start breakfast and chores geez. Wang Ji Hye (YR) is one of my favorite characters along side Seo Ji Hye (SJ) but here YR is getting on my last nerves and hope the writer change her quick, fast, and in a hurry :rolleyes:

I'm hoping the writer gives us a story of SJ with a love interested and will be keeping my fingers crossed.

I also liked the run down that Seo Hee gave hubby then walking away and all I heard from hubby was OK/THANK YOU and I could do a thing but say DAMN you go SH ;)

I think the storylines of this drama will pick up down the line as each episode goes by and I will continue to watch until the very end.

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I haven't posted in a long while but episode 20 forced me to find this forum to express my feelings.  I know this is a melodrama with some comical parts but honestly Actress Wang Ji-Hye's extreme overacting acting of her character Yoo Ri is making me cringe to the point of fast forwarding through her scenes.  I am surprised that the director let her scenes pass.....the scene of flouncing on the bed and the scene of reading a book out loud were just plain bad acting...  Disturbingly so!  I understand where the writer was trying to go but the actresses interpretation of this character is so far off the mark as to make it unwatchable.  The rest of the actors are outstanding.  I cried, empathized and laughed with the rest of them expressing their characters.

I can only hope that Actress Wang Ji-Hye gets some guidance from her Sunbaes from here on out.  They could help her figure out how to make her character more likeable while still being a lazy, unmotivated, attention hungry...   It's all in the delivery of the lines...the whining could be done in a more understated way as well and get the point across just fine.

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This is from the wikipedia entry, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Soo-hyun_%28writer%29 ), on the writer, Kim Soo hyun:

  " Kim is also known for her fiery and outspoken personality. She is called by insiders as "a Godzilla" on set, for controlling actors' depictions of her characters. Famous for her intense but meaningful dialogue, ad-libbing is forbidden and actors are required to say their lines exactly as her script dictates, word-for-word, down to her trademark fast tempo.[4] Kim admits that she's heard about actresses who cry in the bathroom because she forced them to act until she was satisfied.[21"

Judging from the above description, I very much doubt that the portrayal of Yu Ri will change -- much to the regret of all of us!!


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Stupid annoying Yuri grates on my very last nerve!! I just can't stand her. I don't understand what the writer is thinking. I used to think that Wang Ji-hye was an so-so actress... but now.. it's either the writing just sucks.. or she really doesn't know how to interpret her character. IF she actually had a winning side, like she helps the poor or volunteers at a homeless shelter whenever she goes out.. but noooooo.. she's just a self-entitled drama queen. I kept hoping that the mom would demand that she and SHyun just get out of the house and live on their own. I can't imagine living with a sister-in-law like her. Such a whiny stupid brat!

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Well I havent watched todays episode yet.  Yesterday episode though made me tearful. I wondered why halarbogi in the previous episode was crying holding halmoni hands and thanking her for being with him its because he felt sad thinking that he and halmoni were a burden to their children.  Ah the angst of a large family is many.  Dependent parents, irresponsible children, children having marriage and fertility problems, children marrying the wrong partner (at least from a parent perspective) extended family that are annoying,  that are gossippers that are demanding and selfish.  Then there the singles in family that cant find a spouse cant choose a spouse or cant move on from a lost spouse whether divorce or death.  Managing a family is hard work.  I dont want the grandparents to leave though.  What does everyone else think?

Yuri does not bother me, Im fine with her learning at the hands of omma and halmoni cuz could you imagine her trying to work?  I know people just like her.  They were grown given everything and is just plain spoiled, btu then real life eventually sets in and they are shocked.  Like how she was shocked about that family not eating meat everyday or buying clothes and expensive bags on credit.  

The person thats annoying to me is Ji sun and Na Young mom.  Argh. I have no words.  Anyway, hope you guys having deserted me on the thread. TTYS

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On 4/17/2016 at 10:24 PM, b2stsb2uty said:

How the he?$ can u forget u had a child?

No one with a normal thinking mind can. This is simply deceit. Intentional. Conscious. Manipulative. How awful! I can't get over what Hyun Woo has done to lovely Se Hee. Seeing how she has been soooo graceful and loving towards him, and how he has been nothing but a piece of crap to her and her beloved family just make me mad over him on behalf of Se Hee, and women in the shoes of Se Hee.

Is there anything he can do to seek redemption? Not unless he can perform magic and poof away his 'hidden son', undo his vasectomy and turn the clock back to before their marriage. The son of course is not at fault. It's the dad. The vasectomy is not undoable either. The time reversal is an impossible feat. But more than time that waits for no man, it's the deceit in the face of a wife who yearns to have a baby, and have been led to believe they can try for a baby, who has been stressed over her own inadequacy in not being able to conceive, all that has been hxllish for Se Hee. So, why should Se Hee settle for him again? This is one divorce I have no qualms over supporting, and it's one which I feel entirely worth cutting the cord.:angry: The sooner the better for Se Hee.:angry: Poor gal, how she must have felt upon discovering the deceit. I wanna hug her if I could. How dare you treat one of my fave characters this way? How can you peacefully live and work with all that deceit in play? Sadly, men like Hyun Woo do exist.

But, seeing that Hyun Woo:angry: is one of the main B cast, I fear writer-nim may bring him back into Se Hee's life. Writer-nim, are you going to? WIll you do that? Chaebal, ANDWAEYO!:angry::angry::angry:

On 4/11/2016 at 3:50 PM, denny said:

Perhaps, if it's not revealed to the family and the vasectomy is reversed,  the writer can redeem Hyeon Woo and save the marriage.

What? (no offence meant but) Are you suggesting further deception?:blink: Nah. Please don't. Save the marriage? That's a TALL order, IMO. Infidelity, once for a second chance, reasonable and I have no problem with encouraging this. Lies, almost everyone tells lies (which includes white lies), so that too can be forgiven. I'll go with that too. But, having a son before marriage and not mentioning it? not introducing the son to wife-to-be back then? That's downright deceitful. What makes it worse is the continuing charade of trying for a baby, A.F.T.E.R. a vasectomy! SMH. All these goes to show how little Hyun Woo cares for Se Hee. Because if he even cares a little, he'd know the stress over conception and the yearning for a baby do not just double the pain, but instead increased exponentially in a sense.   

On 4/11/2016 at 5:24 AM, bella1025 said:

 A part of me wants to drop this, and yet another part is still holding out hope that Yuri and SHyun will separate eventually. I can't, for the life of me, understand how anyone would want to tolerate someone like YR. She annoys the heck out of me.

So obviously I am not alone. Thank you for taking away my 'solitude'. Again, Yoo Ri is one of the B cast, so....she's here to stay. But yeah, I agree, Why oh why Se Hyun did you go ahead and marry her?:mellow:

On 4/17/2016 at 11:07 AM, whome said:

I don't see any chemistry whatsoever between Yuri & SHyun. I don't even know why they were paired up to begin with.

IKR! Me neither.:rolleyes:

On 4/21/2016 at 9:41 AM, denny said:

The only meaningful scene I can remember in Sunday's episode was Se Hee's ultimatum to Hyeon Woo in words to the effect: I'll live my life as I please, reverse the vascetomy , any child that results is mine alone and a divorce may yet occur down the road.

My GOD! Is that what Se Hee wants to do? Reverse the vasectomy? Still try for a baby with Hyun Woo? That's ridiculous! Why still want a baby with a man like that? What about the effects on poor baby? This is so unsettling. I have to say I don't like the way this relationship is going.... :( Se Hee-ah, chaebal just move on...

On 4/21/2016 at 3:17 PM, suchadiva42 said:

but say DAMN you go SH ;)

LOL chingu, even though I have yet to catch up todate, yet to watch that scene, I'll join you and say that too. 

On 4/21/2016 at 3:17 PM, suchadiva42 said:

Wang Ji Hye (YR) is one of my favorite characters along side Seo Ji Hye (SJ) but here YR is getting on my last nerves and hope the writer change her quick, fast, and in a hurry :rolleyes:

I like WJH the actress but her role here is just soooo unlikable. I agree again, writer-nim please change her quick! SJH is another actress I loveeee. I hope she gets a good man in the end. Writer-nim, please? Actually, in this drama, my fave characters are all of the female gender. B)

On 4/21/2016 at 9:41 AM, denny said:

We also saw gramps reverse course since the tumble down the staircase.  Although he's physically healed, the fall shook him up. He appears to have given up dancing with young women and he even told grandma how grateful he is to have her as his wife.

OMO really? That's what happened? Hallelujah! Not that I like for grandpa to have fallen down and hurt himself, but hey, if it takes that for him to wake up, then so be it. I like that grandpa has finally 'woken up'! :) 

I still have a few eps to catch up, but seeing Se Hee so heartbroken is too sad for me to carry on. I hope there really will be an end to her suffering with relation to Hyun Woo and his deceit. I hope Se Hee gets a new lease of life, married life that is. Or however 'miraculously' writer-nim want to 'save SH and HW' as a couple, and their marriage, I'm still open, albeit reluctantly, to see what will unfold. Writer-nim, I wanna do this kQOqyVp.gif  please don't make me do this  xUdRDUJ.gifJHchv5V.gif

On 4/21/2016 at 4:52 PM, desertflower said:

I haven't posted in a long while but episode 20 forced me to find this forum to express my feelings.  I know this is a melodrama with some comical parts but honestly Actress Wang Ji-Hye's extreme overacting acting of her character Yoo Ri is making me cringe to the point of fast forwarding through her scenes.  I am surprised that the director let her scenes pass.....the scene of flouncing on the bed and the scene of reading a book out loud were just plain bad acting...  Disturbingly so!  I understand where the writer was trying to go but the actresses interpretation of this character is so far off the mark as to make it unwatchable.  The rest of the actors are outstanding.  I cried, empathized and laughed with the rest of them expressing their characters.

Why am I not surprised to read your comments about YR? I so agree about YR vs the other cast. 

I will watch till the end of this drama, just prob not as current. It's on the back burner for me, for now. I'm sure this star writer-nim has some good to very good messages to impart, and the plot/characters' development will get more interesting. Ratings don't bother me at all. Although good ratings do give cheer to the cast and crew. Still, I hope for their sake, viewers interests will stick as the development gets better.n29Vilv.png

PS: I too hope to see more activity and comments in this thread. I'm 'guilty' as well for dragging to come here. Biyane chingus. I seem to 'jinx' badly the dramas I love badly. I'm really bad at picking dramas to start thread topic on (so I will stop after this!:(). The last drama I was so gungho for and it tanked, was 'Iron Lady Cha'. Most likely due to one of the main female lead getting sick and leaving the drama, thus causing writer-nim to change her direction. Now this seemingly is another tanking ship. wae ... aish. But these two dramas are supposedly from star writer-nims with awesome past draams. Wae-yo? ILC has completed its run, so that's unchangeable. This, I hope, really hope, will turn out well.n29Vilv.png

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"Yeah, That's How It Is" Nam Gyoo-ri and Jeong Hae-in kiss






"Yeah, That's How It Is" Nam Gyoo-ri and Jeong Hae-in expressed each other's feelings with a kiss.

On the twenty-second episode of the SBS weekend drama, "Yeah, That's How It Is", Lee Na-yeong (Nam Gyoo-ri and Yoo Se-joon (Jeong Hae-in) checked how they felt for each other.

Lee Na-yeong was active to Yoo Se-joon and asked to meet him. They talked about traveling and got close to each other.

Lee Na-yeong became honest to Yoo Se-joon and asked if they could kiss. Yoo Se-joon didn't understand at first but later understood and kissed her.




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There are at least five major disagreeable characters in this drama.   In no particular order, they are:  Sook Kyung, the mean spirited & acid tongued great aunt; Kyung Ho, the verbally abusive middle son who owns a restaurant; Tae Hae, the emotionally needy mother of Ji Sun and Na Young; Hyun Woo, the husband who neglected to mention his out of wedlock son & then, his vasectomy; & finally, the infamous Yu Ri, There's even a borderline 6th character, Jong Chul, the grandfather who, since he hit his head, seems to be less self absorbed.  

The following is merely my opinion of the proceedings so far:  So much air time devoted to so many unpleasant people is getting tiresome.  Furthermore, although this is a "family drama", to this viewer, Se Joon's purity seems overdone to the point of incredulity. . Doesn't this 26 or 27 year old man have any hormones? I'll keep watching for a while longer but aside from the basic setup of a grumpy gramps who has 3 sons and a long suffering wife, this drama does not seem to be the work of the same writer who penned "Life is Beautiful" and "Childless Comfort".




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Finally found the time to catch up and I have to say, I like the ease of watching this drama. The dynamics and conflicts are realistic and can happen within any family regardless of culture. I liked that Se Hee abandoned the norm and chose to stay in her marriage, and her husband seems to be trying as well, and slowly I think he will realize what he did and truly repent to her and his child. I also think Se Hee will be bringing the child to come and live with them, she doesn't seem to have any ill feelings towards the kid which is good.

I love NY/Se Joon together, they are so cute and so far my ultimate ship. I find it refreshing that his sticking to his principals and doesn't want to have a relationship he has to hide, his honesty, and self awareness is great. Poor NY though, she fall hard but she also has some growing up to do and I hope they figure it out so they can kiss again hahaha.

And here I was thinking So Hee was finally going to get a love story going, that goof ball and his obsession with brand names and designer clothes was ridiculous and to top it off he actually thought the date was " going great" hahaha poor So Hee. I have to say I noticed she also changed her hair and her style is on point.

Now when will our Ji Sun get a man? out of everyone she deserves someone the most, I hope they don't drag it out too long were already at episode 22.

I grandparents wanted to move out because the house had too much drama? but all I see is the grandparents causing more of the drama.hahaha

@denny I don't think the love line is really about SJ being too innocent or not having hormonal urges for his age. Because we see he does like NY and he does have those urges, but it comes down to NY and him being in law's and how his family would react. so ultimately thats why he feels he can't be with her so why start something that will end up hurting both of them. SJ is an extremely cautious person.

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I realize that the in-law obstacle was mentioned several times. However, that obstacle was tenuous even when Ji Sun's husband was alive since the only blood relationship was between cousins, (SJ and Ji Sun's husband). With the husband long deceased and the supposed romance budding in 2016 between a couple in their twenties, I'm not buying into the in-law obstacle. The real obstacle is Na Young's mother. I guess SJ would rather hug his stuffed animal than Na Young.  Strange young man!

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On 4/21/2016 at 1:17 PM, suchadiva42 said:

I really feel Yu Ri needs to grow up to a fact that I'm so sick and tired of people's saying, how they were brought up different well DAMMIT that's what learning something new is all about. Yu Ri wanted to get married then her azz needs be what a daughter-in-law should and do by getting her lazy buns up early to start breakfast and chores geez. Wang Ji Hye (YR) is one of my favorite characters along side Seo Ji Hye (SJ) but here YR is getting on my last nerves and hope the writer change her quick, fast, and in a hurry :rolleyes:

I'm hoping the writer gives us a story of SJ with a love interested and will be keeping my fingers crossed.

I also liked the run down that Seo Hee gave hubby then walking away and all I heard from hubby was OK/THANK YOU and I could do a thing but say DAMN you go SH ;)

I think the storylines of this drama will pick up down the line as each episode goes by and I will continue to watch until the very end.


@suchadiva42  Thanks for the turn on I marathon all 22 episodes over the past three days.. This drama puts me in the remind of a drama I watch a while back instead the sister came home pregnant and became a single mother she was a judge only to have her long time boyfriend marry some rich girl and come to find out she couldn't have children which they tried to take hers.. G/pa also played in that one..

I knew the two cousin in-laws will hookup little that they fail to see is they no longer related as being in-laws due to death playing it's part..

Well Yr what can I say brainless and mannerless her mom should be ashamed of herself for raising such a dimwit it's nothing princess about her.. I wonder if she just playing this or she really that cluess..  

Also will SH father ever let her live her life

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1 hour ago, valsava said:


@suchadiva42  Thanks for the turn on I marathon all 22 episodes over the past three days.. This drama puts me in the remind of a drama I watch a while back instead the sister came home pregnant and became a single mother she was a judge only to have her long time boyfriend marry some rich girl and come to find out she couldn't have children which they tried to take hers.. G/pa also played in that one..

I knew the two cousin in-laws will hookup little that they fail to see is they no longer related as being in-laws due to death playing it's part..

Well Yr what can I say brainless and mannerless her mom should be ashamed of herself for raising such a dimwit it's nothing princess about her.. I wonder if she just playing this or she really that cluess..  

Also will SH father ever let her live her life

Yes chingu I'm glad you marathon this drama.

I'm liking it so far as well as the page and I agree when is SH father will stop being so protective over her. but I thought SH had her a man (Not So) that complete fool started talking about fashion clothes etc had me saying NO that geek isn't the one for SH lol.

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44 minutes ago, suchadiva42 said:

Yes chingu I'm glad you marathon this drama.

I'm liking it so far as well as the page and I agree when is SH father will stop being so protective over her. but I thought SH had her a man (Not So) that complete fool started talking about fashion clothes etc had me saying NO that geek isn't the one for SH lol.


I couldn't make sense of that fashion statement he was trying to make he was so 80's.. She told him it wasn't going to work and he said I think it's working out fine I think he likes her because she low maintence all the money could be spend on him last years name brand sort of like wearing last year summer clothes this coming fall.. LOL

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19 minutes ago, b2stsb2uty said:

I kinda liked the fashion geek, though his outfit was ridiculous.  I know everyone wants JS to date as soon as possible, but at least she had a romance before, poor SH needs romance in her life like STAT.


CODE PINK CODE PINK :lol: KIND OF DON JOHNSON MIAMI VICE  I also thought he was cute and he did have a conversation to talk about beside what do you like to do? what do you like to do she would have replied..

BTW I wonder if her dad played apart of her ex leaving her..

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