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[Drama 2016] Yeah, That's How It Is 그래, 그런거야 | 对,就是那样 | SBS @8.45pm KST


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So HW secret and the reason he doesn't want children could be that he already has a teenage son whom he is hiding. Could the teenage son's mother be ill and HW would have to assume custody forcing Se Hee to raise her step son?? interesting....

SJ and NY know how they are related, and I knew there would be a potential love line between them, and I like it!!!

Se Hyun and YR are still annoying me, I just can't with this couple, and I hate that they get so much air time time and the writer is really shoving them down my throat:cry:.

When will So Hee get a love interest? I really like the character. I dont mind the pace of the story although it is a bit slow but I wish we had more younger cast and love lines.

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@valsava HI chingu please catch up and join us.  I would welcome your comments and be happy reading them along with everyone else's.  I havn't seen your comments on any of the threads Im on lately so I hope you are well

Chingus, today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday the beginning of our Kdrama wknd...Yeah, that's how it is, here we come

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20 hours ago, valsava said:

Another I have to catch up on Hello Everybody

Yes chingu u do have to catch up even though there's not a lot here on this thread I enjoy it and I like the fact that it brings something out of each storyline as to where I'm willing to watch until the end.

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On 4/1/2016 at 10:03 PM, b2stsb2uty said:

@booha is that in front of courthouse?

Sorry for the late response.  I was in a hurry so I forgot to post the link when I posted the BTS-article.   The article says that the shooting took place in the front of a cafe.  You wonder whether they are ready for the marriage stamp since they dress formally?  I think it’s too early in the drama for them to get married.  Besides I enjoyed watching those motherly squabbles by both moms. I hope the writer doesn’t rush into their marriage. :)


another BTS (EP16): Yoo Se Joon



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Well chingu's the weekend is here as I also be looking forward to seeing this drama and the surroundings of it as well.

So Yoo Se Joon was only dreaming that him and Lee Na Young was kissing, but it might to turn into reality real soon as I think they make a cute couple.

Now I'm waiting to see Lee Ji Sun and Yoo So Hee find themselves someone, which they're both beautiful women's and would want to see what directions the writer takes their storylines. 

And as for Yoo Se Hee on the next episode she called this number and a woman answered the phone, but it could be someone Na Hyun Woo knows and probably just helping her out, and is another reason why we seen him and that young boy at the hospital. And then again I could be wrong (I think he's cheating) oh did I say that :D

Lastly" Yoo Se Hyun and Yoo Ri will continue to have disagreements while trying to marry, YR mother is really too much by going overboard. and I totally understands that her daughter is spoiled as well as having it all who didn't have to wait on hands and foots. But YR will want to change all that in order for her wanting to be with Se Hyun until the end. I'm loving this drama and can't wait to see the next episode as it looks promising.



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On 4/1/2016 at 10:26 PM, valsava said:

Another I have to catch up on Hello Everybody

Oh yes you do have to catch up. And so do I(so many good dramas this year!) :P This drama is really interesting, although not yet in any shock and awe kinda of way. But heartwarming and interesting. Welcome chingu. Been wondering where you've been. Hope all's well now. 

@ObsessiveCompulsive Yeah, where's So Hee's other half? Will she get one at all? I think there has gotta be more cast coming on. I also hope to see a love interest for Ji Sun too.

OMO, @booha that really is Se Joon!!! @b2stsb2uty agree he's so good-looking! Seems like he has succumbed to mom Hye Kyung's wish/pressure huh? Or was it any love interest's effect? I don't know yet cos I have to catch up, and I will :P 

@badsmuler Hmm, ratings still stink, no? :tears: Thanks for updating. Keep on chingu.

@suchadiva42 OMO, did I hear 'KISS'? What? Another troll? LOL. I guess it's likely that Se Joon and Na Young will be a pair. And yes, if that happens, we'll def get our KISS, actually, more like KISSES kkk, out of them.:blush:

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Well I guess YR and Se Hyun are married now so no turning back on for this couple. I just feel their storyline is so played out. Ditsy, dense, overly immature daughter in law and her hard a ss mother in law. Plus I can't feel the chemistry and love between the actors, I have no reason to fight for them you know? Hopefully now we can get more screen time for other characters.

NY and Se Joon are really cute, I'm rooting for them. 

I know Se Hee's husband had a son, and since he seems old I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he said him when he was a teenager. Now that the mother is not doing so well or perhaps dies, he  and Se Hee will have to raise him, should be an interesting twist of fate to see Se Hee as a step mother, while trying to conceive her own child.

I really hope to see love interest's for bother JS and So Hee. I really like both their characters.

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This article talks about the drama with its low ratings despite having the star writer and a solid cast and whether she lost her power. But it also mentions about her other previous dramas like, SBS ‘Thrice Married Woman’(which made 17.2% in 40EP) and JTBS ‘Childless Comfort’ (at the beginning 1.6% to end 8.5%)  



김수현 작가의 힘. 김수현 작가의 필력과 뒷심이 그래 그런거야에도 적용될지 관심이 집중된다. /SBS 제공



Well It looks like the writer didn’t drag out the marriage of  Se Hyun and Yoo Ri.  I know some don’t like Yoo Ri but I like her unconventional behavior.  When she was with Se Hyun’s granny and mom,  Yoo Ri appeared to be like a wild duckling and baffled them in funny ways.  At this point the granny and mom became a predictable pact which can be heartwarming to see but also a bit boring after awhile.   Yoo Ri could be some fresh tonic in between two matriarchs. Could she become another matriarch someday??  :glasses::expressionless:





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Yeah Yoo Ri is very annoying but who knows what happen. Earlier i fing Na Young as very annoying person as well but now she is one of best character whom i wait while watching especially when she together with Se Joon. Anyway now i looking forward what will happen with Se Hee.

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On 3/27/2016 at 8:00 AM, lauren2b2 said:

i just  watched  epi 13  and  it's  ;like  watching  the  day  to  day  living  of a multigeneration  family.  exactly  where  is  the  story leading  up  to. it  is  just plain  boring,  when  will  the  action  or  the  story  move  up.  there  was  this  scene  where  the  mother  asks herself  why does  my son  love  this  woman.  what  a  stupid  question,  love knows  no rhytmn,  rhyme  nor  reason.  love  is  the most  powerful  emotion  and  she  doesn't  know  it. this  drama  is  just  all  talk.  the  woman  the  young  doctor  wants  to  marry  is  simply  irritating,  her  voice,  her  cluelessness.  they're  both of  age  and  can  even  marry  without  their  parents; approval.  why not  go  ahead, live on  their  own  independent  from  their  parents.  can  their parents stop  their  wedding or  marriage  when they  are  bboth  of  age?

I agree with you about her chingu, she is so over-the-top irritating, I can only assume she will get less irritating and more wise as the time goes on.  And I'm thinking the mother and grandma will learn a thing or two from her even as they teach her into her new life in coming episodes.  

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On 3/28/2016 at 1:18 PM, denny said:

" How will the writer ultimately reward Se Hyun's poor suffering mother who's been given  three difficult children, a spineless husband and a randy father-in-law?". 

Hahaha, interesting you describe him as a 'spineless husband.'  That's one way to describe him I suppose but for me I've been struck by the unusual depiction of this husband/son character in this Kdrama.  May be there have been other husband/son/father character like this but I don't recall.   He just seems like a really nice guy, not the typical sexiest obnoxous man.  He is doing his best to be the conciliator and smoother as a husband, son and father here.  He is not assertive or demanding like the usual man in those positions.  He is a nice friendly doctor as well.  But his wife doesn't treat him very courteously and I don't get that, especially in a family in this drama where the filial duties are highly valued.  His wife seems to be constantly dissatisfied with him as a husband and father for some reason.  I don't know if the writer-nim will unveil some past sins he's committed that he has to repent (I've seen that in real life), or it's just that his wife is frustrated with her life and needs to take it out on somebody and he's the closest punching bag at the moment.  

May be it will be pointed out to her and she will learn to appreciate him more.  I've just noticed this unusual hic-up in otherwise a fairly usual multi-generational traditional family that is supposed to form the basis of this long 50 EP family weekend drama.  


Just catching up EP 15 after writing this post and this image visualized what I was thinking.  Look at his hands.  Isn't that more appropriate for someone being scolded by one much more senior?  What is the writer-nim saying?  Just wondering out loud.

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