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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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@anishaym Agree,  whoever the husband I hope both of them will get their happy ending. 

@moonkeeper what if taek looks bothered because Duksun sleep in his room and he cant focused playing baduk that night ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Eonni you've got the things that made me out of control last week hahaha. Its about the idea of give way I really hate it. We see this type  of game in almost kdrama. 

In two case with SW and now JH, duksun starting to like them bcos of her friends, not comes naturaly from her heart. Im clearly see, till now we dont know who's duksun's first love. I hope its taek xD

Wohoooo Taek shoot in school building? If its true then Taek start to make a move to get his love? xD

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Wow the PD must be very brave if hubby turn out to be DR :D not that I mind. However I dont mind if his friend Miss A Suzy comes in as cameo as DR's future spouse/love interest.

Also I dont see why  JH is compared to R97 YJ & R94 Trash becos beside bickering they have nothing in common.

For one YJ never really wants to bicker with SW. He was there most of the time caring for her long before he fall in love with her. It was just whenever he cant stand SW's bullying or attitude anymore that he retaliate against her & they starts bikering. As for SW, even before she sees him as a man yet, she already knows everything abt him, what he likes or what he doesnt.  YJ was a picky eater too, so SW wud remove whatever he doesnt like before giving food to him.

As for Trash, he loves baiting NJ into fighting with him. He loves teasing her yet underneath his playful nature he cares & concern abt NJ since they were children & that too long before he fall in love wit NJ. And of cos NJ has been in love with him like forever.

Now JH, its not that I dont like him or want to see him hurt, who can not find him adrable but here's my thing...JH never care a sheet abt DS until he was 'turn on' by her accidently when their bodies were trapped close together. If the alley didnt happen JH wud still be treating her the same way. Why I say JH never care abt her, remember on the day they were all late for school, DS ask him how she looks, he just swear & rushed past her, then DS met SW outside her gate, he yell at her to run together becos they're late. So she ran after him but got distracted when he saw Taek walk out from his gate (I wonder if he did it on purpose when he heard all the commotion, just to see DS) She stop to talk to him (I think she called him 'Buin' jeoson era word for wifey) & patted his butt, but then DR came running by & drag her along too. So from this incident I can see JH didnt care at all abt DS,  at least SW care enuf to tell her hurry up & DR concern enuf for DS to drag her along.

Then the liquor incident during their school excursion. To save his own butt he force her to hide his liquor. It didnt bother him if DS could have been caught having the liquor by her homeroom teacher, and  she cud be punished for it. He just came to her, shoved the liquor to her, then walk away without even listening to her. At least DR listen to her, and SW willingly came to help her win her walkman. Then he just suddenly drag her along afraid she gave him away to his dean, and their bodies were press close together, making him suddenly notice her feminine side or at least her feminine body & walah...he thinks he's in love!

Sorry guys but I see DR & SW care & concern for DS is more genuine than JH's. What happen if another more beautiful, sexier girl, comes seducing him? What exactly DS to JH that wud make him hang on to her? For DR she's like his best buddy, for SW she's his best friend, for Taek she's someone he needs, someone who's always beautiful in his eyes, sumone who made his face lightened up whenever he sees her, sumone special to him.


Yes...that's the perfect key word....deep connection..which i cant  see between JH & DS as what the previous reply otp & sw-br couple share. Both JH & DS dont seem to know much abt each other; what each other like or dont like or food they like unlike DS & Taek. She knows every little things he needs that even his dad miss out...and for him to give his attention to only her despite his busy schedule & fatigueness, even if just sitting beside her, being accomodating to her when her family often neglected her. But the best revenge for her bias parents is when Taek's dad specially request DS to go to China with Taek...not BR not NE...bwahahaha...*evil laugh*

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After watching ep 9 with sub I can't help mentally slapping myself  every time I remember the scene after Take winning game, his company's boss ask him to join their party but here refused & said, " I want to rest upstairs with my friend in my room"  And me, " How are you going to rest with your friend in your room?" 

Then also the part, Taek said to DS," DS, lets go upstairs"  me,"Doing what?"

But Taek said it so comfortably that it almost sounded natural for a young hot blooded boy to ask a pretty girl to join him resting in his room

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@Ixands The reason JH being compared to YJ is that both are first to fall in love with girl. But their approach to girl is so very different. Even though  YJ was unsettled, he was still straightforward, while JH seems more confident but somewhat indirect. YJ never did change his behavior and stayed true to himself. He wanted to be with her but never did find excuses. His taking care of her was never intentional it was just  natural (like he run to save her without shoes)  

As for JH I agree he was completely rude to her till alley moment but it still doesn't mean he didn't like her as a friend because someone like him really can't get along with a girl unless they find them comfortable to be with. That's only because DS was much tolerant with his attitude. This still ain't changed...but only when  there is other people around.  This is exactly why I can't understand what is so great if someone looks down on you all the time but when you are alone he becomes all sweet? specially if you will spend rest of your life with him personally I can't take it. He didn't even confessed but acting like her boyfriend. Is a big no no from me... JH is not bad boy since he cares his family but he is still too immature and full of himself. If he is husband for  DS's sake I hope he will be considerate about not only her well being but also her emotions. 

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Guest hien le

I dont think JH is first fall in love with Ds. On episode 1, when DS said she when teak grow up she will marriage him. I can see teak was happy. Also, teak remember exactly everything about DS. Teak not appear frequently but there are many scenes show DS hold his hand. If he is the main character, these will show the hint scene of him. 

One more thing, I remember on episode 2, bora reads DS diary, DS decribed the boy clothe is black ( sorry I watch Vietnamese sub, so may be there different). When teak play baduk , he always wear black. Why the husband asked DS on 2015 like he knows she decribed him. I think it can not JH because she showed she was not interested in JH this time.

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Ok, now I feel like Sherlock Holmes !..

1. PD Shin said the focus will be on family not so much on love story...

2. Confirming casts time, beside the main original Reply series parents couple, the first ones that was announced were Girl's day HR, PBG & GKP

3. Viewers jump to conclusion JH was the one bcos the common bickering couple & also JH's harbouring feeling for DS after the alley incident. 

4. In the beginning Taek seems to have less airtime than JH

Let's start from ep 1... if the pd said the focus is family,  lets look at the first scene of the introduction in ep 1. Then it dawn to me!  It started with the gang, all 5 of them in Taek's room. The clock struck 6, one by one being call home for dinner, & Taek's dad walk in  asking his son to come eat dinner..then the scene went to DS's house & her family introduction, followed by JH's family introduction,  and lastly to SW's home & his family.

Now the first family being introduced was Taek's family! Beside his dad, all 4 of them, DS, JH, SW & DR are his family. They come & go into Taek's home like nobody business,  they cook & eat in the house like their own even when Taek wasn't around.

So here's my say again...Taek is the lead & the future hubby :P 

If you guys re watch again & find something we overlook before pls share it here :)


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7 minutes ago, lxands said:

Ok, now I feel like Sherlock Holmes !..

1. PD Shin said the focus will be on family not so much on love story...

2. Confirming casts time, beside the main original Reply series parents couple, the first ones that was announced were Girl's day HR, PBG & GKP

3. Viewers jump to conclusion JH was the one bcos the common bickering couple & also JH's harbouring feeling for DS after the alley incident. 

4. In the beginning Taek seems to have less airtime than JH

Let's start from ep 1... if the pd said the focus is family,  lets look at the first scene of the introduction in ep 1. Then it dawn to me!  It started with the gang, all 5 of them in Taek's room. The clock struck 6, one by one being call home for dinner, & Taek's dad walk in  asking his son to come eat dinner..then the scene went to DS's house & her family introduction, followed by JH's family introduction,  and lastly to SW's home & his family.

Now the first family being introduced was Taek's family! Beside his dad, all 4 of them, DS, JH, SW & DR are his family. They come & go into Taek's home like nobody business,  they cook & eat in the house like their own even when Taek wasn't around.

So here's my say again...Taek is the lead & the future hubby :P 

If you guys re watch again & find something we overlook before pls share it here :)


Hands down!!!! It just great to read your post..indeed your pretty good as Sherlock ..hihihihi ^^

@lxands looking forward for more post... 


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@lxands I don't know if you've noticed this maybe it's minor but still..after jh is seen taking photo with ds,then time travel to future and ds is saying to jh,'look how big his smile is',and husband says yah you were pretty then.Now maybe it's because of dramafever's poor translation but if someone is sitting next to you and he's the one in the picture he's not supposed to be addressed as a he right? She should have responded to him directly.But I can be misinterpreting it of course.Another thing is at the baduk match period,taek was quiet serious looking,and grim tbh.I felt like ds was kind of in awe in front of him.And watching him from far way  with another kind of look in her eyes.And notice how two people with whom ds uses the derogatory language 'ya' - jh and taek,[though dr is also there but he's not in consideration for now].I don't get why ds is suddenly asking permission to jh about if she should go to blind date or not.We see how jh is attracted to ds till now,but ds was never seen given much importance to anyone except sun woo till she had wrong idea about him.So with taek there is nothing solid yet,and it would be refreshing to see taek grow up as a man lol as they've always made fun of him.A bit  flash forward after few more years would come handy in this case.

-- I wonder if after time jump taek's father is shown married to sw mom...that could act as an incentive for taek's character transformation.But as few of you already stated,I'm not keeping too much hope on this pair happening.As the writer Is hell bent to keep the recycling going on and on for how long god knows.Also yes jh-ds looks too scripted.When ds is with jh she has this puzzled look on her face,which either hyeri is not being able to deliver,or it just looks forced.While when she is with taek,because they've this give and take relationship lol,it just seems spontaneous,like the  beach scene when ds tells taek to walk on the sand.It is fresh rather than the old bickering concept.Honestly if this was a book,readers would already be closing it,considering we all know the result,what happens when.Since this is a drama,and there are the actors,we keep watching this.I don't have much hope,but as the writer said this drama is about family rather than love,then even if taek came into the picture so late,there is a chance.Also at the preview of ep 11,taek is seen quite sadly playing baduk,when ds is taking jh's name in her sleep.Taek should of course hear it and guess the rest.I would rather him also have the idea that jh and ds have something going on.As jh still has the upper hand with all the information =/.

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@Meliere Thank you so much for reviving my hope with your analysis! I've been so conflicted on how to go down with this ship when there were blaring signs that JH would probably be the husband. And the thing that was the most frustrating was TK's character development (or, rather, reveal per se).

Peeling back the layers of TK's character has been the most interesting thing in this drama for me. Maybe it's because I'm character-centric or maybe I just love a character you don't understand until they let you. I know there has to be more to him, and I'm anticipating to see it all. I'm not PBG's-face-biased at all when I say this because I hardly knew who he was before this drama. I just fell more and more in love with TK as TK, not PBG (though I'm now interested in seeing his other works, too). Anyway, I agree regarding the development of the second lead character. I get that it's a family drama, so the focus goes around to share, but TK's development has been so detailed. I feel like it'd be a waste(?) to develop him just to be a plot device for JH/DS's romance. I'm not necessarily entirely convinced that TK's the husband, but I'm saying I'd be disappointed if his character went to naught. I want to see big things for TK (husband or not)!

With @Meliere's analysis for the picture scene, I was also thinking- they used separate angle/shots to piece that scene together for TK/DS. We got to see close-ups of their expressions and their conversation. With JH, we just had them standing there in one frame. You know? TK's scene seemed more important...?

I love JH, I do. I was originally "Team JH" because not very many people were lucky to be insightful enough to recognize TK as a potential lead in the beginning. But TK's gradual build-up has monopolized my attention, and while I can't necessarily be upset if JH's the lead, I would be far more interested if it were TK.

Of course, this is all given that it makes sense with the story. I want to see a real connection between the characters. It's not about what the boys do for DS or how much more they deserve her, really ... at the end of the day, it's about how she feels- whether a connection is there or not. I'll make this argument towards both sides: No matter how many things JH does for DS that's uber cute and swoon-worthy, if she doesn't have feelings for him then no. No matter how specifically important DS is to TK (shown through his selective memory), if she doesn't have feelings for him then she doesn't. Has there ever been that person that you just weren't interested in no matter how amazing they were?

As of now, I can't say I've seen that connection between DS with either husband contender. It's not there in the way that Shiwon and Yoonjae were meant for each other. We see that they're all friends. But that's all of them. It does so happen that the closest we get to this is a bit of a focus on TK as a child, and DS taking care of him in China. (I don't even know where to start raving about how much I love DS. Another post, maybe.)

I believe that there are a lot of good analyses written for both JH and TK which has had me so confused and anxious trying to "solve the mystery." I read one thing about JH and am convinced it's JH but then read about TK and rock right back. I guess that's supposed to be the fun of this drama. Making my heart bleed. Given the history of the Reply series, my brain chooses JH, but what can I do when my heart chooses TK? We're only on episode 10 though, in which last week was a real game changer in the series. We'll have to see if this week's episodes confirm or deny any theories. I have a feeling we'll only up the ante.

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Guest hien le

@liteulkwin you describe exactly what I think. Right, my brain think the husband is JH but my heart lead me find anything to prove teak is the husband. I totally fall on ep 9-10, just two episodes , there showed that teak is not simple like people think, he has many secrets that we don't know. I re-watch the beach scene many times. It's so touching 


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I'm "Yvian" on Dramabeans, and this whole time I've been commenting the same thing-- that in my mind JH is 100% the husband, though my heart belongs to Taek. Jung Hwan being the husband almost seems *too obvious*, and so I didn't want to be that delulu fangirl hoping Taek-ah is end game only to get Chilbonged hard.

But today, I had to spend 6+ hours photographing/cataloging artwork for work, and during this zen-like state of mind it occurred to me that Taek is not necessarily the "obvious" second lead. And that the whole set up thus far with JH is so scripted it almost seems like the writer/PD is purposefully setting us up.

BUT MAYBE NOT. We have to keep in mind that kdramas are conservative, repetitive, and derivative. JH would be a 3-peat in terms of the romance setup, but I wouldn't be surprised if the 1988 team chose to stay with what has been proven to bring in ratings.

Basically we're half way through the show. The next two episode will tells us for sure if Taek even has a chance.

For me to believe Taek could be the husband, the following CANNOT happen in the next two episodes:

  • Noble idiocy from Jung Hwan
  • A childhood flashback / back story for JH & DS
  • Decreased character development and/or screentime for Taek
  • DS continuing to treat TK like a baby/puppy/little brother, and seeming romantically disengaged. 

^^^  If any of the above occurs, it's basically over. Taektanic will sink for sure.

For me to believe Taek could be the husband, the following should happen in the next two episodes:

  • Taek is revealed to know about DS's crush on SW. Come on.. dude isn't oblivious. He WAS THERE during the pizza scene, when DS encouraged SW to confess during the first snow with those wide eager eyes. I mean, isn't that why Taek confessed during the first snow?!
  • an umbrella scene between Taek & DS (not *necessary*, but definitely helpful)
  • an indication that DS isn't indifferent to Taek, and possibly sees him as a man. A scene with some sexual tension would be greatly helpful, LOL.
  • Taek not acting like some oblivious second lead chasing blindly after the girl.
  • some further developments in Taek's character, to show that he's capable of speaking and acting like modern-day husband (who, to be honest, currently acts like JH's carbon copy).
  • Edited to add:
  • Gesture(s) of care from Taek. So far it's been DS who's been protecting him. A reversal would be awesome. (credit: @liteulkwin )
  • Taek discovering JH's feelings. Or Taek discovering DS's (possible) feelings for JH. And instead of acting like psychotic determined second lead, he'll back off and date other girls.
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@hien le I know! The last two episodes showed amazing developments in TK (and cute DS interactions)! I didn't expect it. My favorite scene was the one where he was in the hospital with his dad. The way he said, "I almost became an orphan." Oof. That hit me. I was beginning to worry about him, but I think we're starting to see that he can handle himself. Not completely (skipping meals, trouble with simple tasks etc.) but I'm sure he'll get there. He handled his dad's hospital bills and paperwork just fine, I'm assuming? The writers didn't point out anything inept about him then. Also he's been better at using chopsticks in recent scenes hahaha. I am so excited to see what 1994 TK will be like. I hope the writing continues to develop him. :)

@Meliere I don't comment on there, but I've seen your post! On episode 10, I believe. I remember really liking it. Of course, the response from Team JH to your comment on there had its merits, too. The problem is that we can make up any explanation to support what we believe in, but we can't know for sure because we're not the writer.

The PD said that we would be getting a lot more family this time around. So we got that. But he said that that doesn't mean that there won't be romance. I'm not sure where he said that it was going to be one where the husband is obvious from the beginning, but a lot of people have been saying that. And Mr. Obvious would point to JH. He's the generic male lead. I love the generic formula, but this is the brilliant Shin Won Ho's drama we're talking about. He threw twist after twist in 1997 that we were so worried Yoonjae wouldn't be the husband even though he was so obviously the husband at the same time. I blocked out 1994, so I can't use this series as a reference other than "I don't want to get Chilbonged again." This time around, no one on Team JH is worried that JH isn't the husband. Everyone, including Team TK, are pretty convinced. So it comes down to how the PD wants to play with us. He knows we don't trust him, so whether or not he's being straightforward will trick someone. The possible 3-peat romance set-up has done them well thus far, and RJY is becoming super popular, especially domestically. Husband JH would be a safe bet. But I don't think anyone's really going to be impressed by that. I'm not saying people wouldn't like the drama as much because man, the familial subplots are worth the investment, and hey, JH is adorkable. Considering the rule of three, they may wind up doing just that. But at some point in possible future seasons, they're going to need to change it up or we'll know exactly what to expect. So hey... why not start with this season? ;) I'm game. Lay it on me, writer. Give me a twist. Please?

I love your suggested scenes. I'd like to add just TK doing something for DS in there. We've seen how well she takes care of him, but a big reason why everyone is so set on JH is because he does these small, sweet gestures towards DS to show he cares. It's not that TK is self-absorbed or doesn't care about her as much as she cares about him. He's just been very focused on baduk (and his dad) all his life. He doesn't even know how to properly take care of himself. I don't know when he started liking DS, but if that China scene was a revelation of his love for her, then I want to be able to expect some advances from him. The written plot teaser does say that he will make advances towards DS without knowing JH's feelings, so we'll see.



I hope we can all reconvene back on this thread after this week's episodes to reevaluate!

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