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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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Honestly, my personal opinion is that the photos by CJEs are better than the ones in the articles hahaha!~




See how oppa is sitting when talking to the reporters:






Do you see how he is leaning forward and explaining things to them like he is chatting with a friend?? He is not assuming a "I'm a star being interviewed" pose. How can it be possible to love this guy even more?!??!




cr http://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=3693576&memberNo=28655711


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CJES are really generous with pics..and always love to post pics where Junyeolie didn't pose which is good. it showing, the real RJY. yes his seat manner is very polite like explaining things to his friends.

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Actress Kim Go Eun Talks About Friendship With Park Bo Gum, Go Kyung Pyo, and Ryu Jun Yeol


tvN’s drama “Cheese in the Trap” became one of the most popular dramas despite its handicap of airing on a cable channel and also airing at very late evening hours.

Another drama “Reply 1988” and its follow-up drama “Signal” became extremely popular as well. The common denominator of these three dramas is the fact that they’re all tvN’s dramas.

Another common denominator is the movie “Chinatown” (also known as “Coin Locker Girl”) where actress Kim Go Eun worked with actress Kim Hye Soo along with actors Park Bo Gum and Go Kyung Pyo of “Reply 1988.” Kim Go Eun had recently expressed how happy she is for her fellow actors.

Kim Go Eun commented, “I’m so glad Park Bo Gum and Go Kyung Pyo are both receiving so much love from the fans. We had so much fun making the movie ‘Chinatown’ together. The project was pulled together by rookie actors Park Bo Gum, Go Kyung Pyo, and the rookie director. We met for the first time working on the movie together. But we became close friends quickly. I only have good memories from that time. We always cheered each other on since then. I’m so happy that their drama ‘Reply 1988’ became such a big hit.”

Kim Go Eun is a self professed fan of the drama “Reply 1988.” Who did Kim Go Eun cheer on to be Duk Sun’s husband between Jung Hwan and Taek? She carefully revealed that she cheered on for Jung Hwan portrayed by actor Ryu Jun Yeol. It turns out they’re close friends as well.


Kim Go Eun added, “I’m very good friends with Park Bo Gum and Ryu Jun Yeol both. Personally, I didn’t care who became Duk Sun’s husband ultimately. But as a fan of the drama, I hoped Ryu Jun Yeol would end up with Duk Sun. Taek is someone who needs constant care and I felt that would get old. On the other hand, Jung Hwan is someone who takes care of Duk Sun. I think a woman likes to feel protected and taken care of by a man.”

Kim Go Eun also mentioned that she received a lot of advices from her senior actress Kim Hye Soo. Kim Go Eun felt motivated to do a good job on the drama “Cheese in the Trap” thanks to Kim Hye Soo’s wise input.

Kim Go Eun went onto say, “Since it was my first drama, Kim Hye Soo showed heartfelt concern for me. She told me a lot about what to expect on location. She told me to go prepared. She even texted me an encouraging message saying, ‘Recording the drama isn’t that hard.’ I also sent her a text message before the first episode of her drama ‘Signal’ aired. I said, ‘You’re gonna kill it.’ After it aired, I texted her saying, ‘It was awesome. You’re so cool.’ I’m so grateful to her. She’s awesome.”



Kim Goeun...i am with you :glasses::w00t: I forgive your wishy washy character in CITT ( i stop watching after ep 10..i dont want to get lost again). I want you to act with RJY in the next project...but probably it would be awkward since you were his bff gf. but that's okey....

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[TRANS] 160226 Ryu Jun Yeol interview - New Daily
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[Interview] Ryu Jun Yeol “Someone you can reach out to, to be a helpful actor in real life”


Source: New Daily
Translated by Eyes on RYU | eyesonryu.tumblr.com
Please do not translate to other languages without permission.
Don’t forget to credit Eyes on RYU when sharing!
Thank you ^^

“Golden days? I’m simply shy”

He is the one to shoot up and became a ‘Hot Trend Star’ over a night. Every Friday night on the cable channel tvN, through ‘Reply 1988’, he controlled the viewers’ hearts, actor Ryu Jun Yeol maintains his ‘Hot Trend’ move. But he might been following the saying, ‘the boughs that bear the most hang lowest’. To the reporter’s question, “how do you feel to having your golden days?” He answered it humbly.

As soon he ended ’R88’, he appears on ‘Youth Over Flowers’, at the same time, the movie ‘Glory Day’ is soon to be released and will also hold the solo fanmeeting, Ryu Jun Yeol is active in every aspect. And last February 25th, New Daily met Ryu Jun Yeol and talked to him.

#The gift brought by ‘R88’

‘R88’ has brought so many things for Ryu Jun Yeol. It is not exaggerating to say that ‘EoNamRyu’ (the Husband is Ryu Jun Yeol Anyways) was the best new word in 2015, and to also be cast in ‘Youth Over Flower’ to fully display his charms. Here, he also gained fellow actors who also made the teamwork shining.

“Although the drama has finished, we still speak to each other through the group chat. We share about our daily life unhesitantly. (Ryu) Hyeyoungie is going to Japan with Ra Miran Sunbae. (Ahn) Jaehong and (Park) Bogum are having an interview right now, too, including the time when it’ll be finished, we speak about everything even to the simplest things like this.”

The gift that ‘R88’ has brought to him does not end here. As if they understood Ryu Jun Yeol’s heart which says “I really wanted to go traveling”, from the Reward trip in Phuket he was then sent off to Africa. Although it’s an unexpected gift, he said, “I’m thankful.”

“I have said to my ‘R88’ friends that we should go traveling together for so many times. But of course, it’s pretty impossible because our schedules unmatched each other’s. The trip itself was a thing to be thankful for. The word ‘thankful’ is one word that was always said by (Park) Bogum. He uses this expression without hesitations because he is a bright and a pure friend. It’s addicting isn’t it? (laugh) And the word ‘thankful’ is a good word. If I think back again, I am always thankful.”


# Fans Love - Ryu Jun Yeol = 0

Ryu Jun Yeol wears the strength he got from the pouring interest and popularity and is doing his activities without catching a breath. Recently, he who is caught by the flu and controversy, he has the right to feel that things are hard, but rather than worry about himself, he was thinking about his fans first. It might be because of the extraordinary ‘Fan Love’ that has been watching over and supporting him.

“Recently we had a ‘R88’ fansigning event. Because the fansign was limited to only 100 people, many couldn’t come inside. We can only be thankful that many people came for us, even from far-away places. It wasn’t only a cold day, but they have been waiting for us since dawn, and for that we are really thankful. Also, the fans confessed their love. It wasn’t just a simple ‘Oppa, I like you’, but they said, ‘thanks to Oppa, I found strength’. ‘It was a good and a happy time because I spent it with Oppa’. I feel so good and thankful that through the drama I appeared in, they received strength and healing.”

# comforted and consoled just by looking at him

During the entire interview, he kept his humbleness. Moreover, we can see what ‘No Escape from Ryu Jun Yeol’ means, that he has been capturing his fans’ hearts through his various charms. Although he shoot up to the stardom immediately, he does not forget his first intention, and his wish is to be an actor who is be able to give a great strength.

“I never thought that I climbed up to a certain position through gaining popularity. I’m just one of the actors who got casted in the ‘Reply’ series. I want to be an actor that can be helpful in real (daily) life. Someone that you can touch when you reach out your hand, I will try my best to be an actor that can share comfort and consolation, and also an actor who is able to give a great strength to fans. Please watch over me.”

Ryu Jun Yeol who came like a comet last 2015. And now is the time, that his 2016 moves have gathered the public’s interest and expectations.

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[270216] Ahn Jaehong + Ryu Joonyeol + Park Bogum’s YOF Interview


How was Youth Over Flowers?
AJH: It was a different experience. If movies and dramas show acting, then YOF shows the person called ‘Ahn Jaehong’. There aren’t a lot of opportunities that allow you to experience this. Watching the show, I looked different to myself. I saw sides of me that even I didn’t know of. I didn’t know that I paid so little attention to what Shin Wonho PD was saying. (Laugh) It was really hot.
RJY: It was really fun. Since we really went without knowing anything, we couldn’t bring anything with us, so there a lot of episodes that popped up.
PBG: It was extremely fun. I didn’t know what went on in Phuket with the Hyungs, but seeing them being so considerate of me as I watched the first broadcast, I fell for them. This is something that I kept on saying, but I was thankful. Through YOF, I came to understand the charm of travel.

You went to Africa, which is normally hard to go to.
AJH: Honestly, I was really happy going to Phuket too. It was my first time in Southeast Asia, so I was wondering how the regional noodles will be and looked forward to the pad thai. I enjoyed local food and had fun spending time with my colleagues, but I ended going to Africa too. I had my preconceptions about Africa, during the time I spent there, I didn’t know anything. I think the time I spend in Africa was valuable. There were of course surprises, but I thought that I’d have to leave a lot of things in my eyes and heart. 
PBG: Everyone asks if it was hard, but it wasn’t hard at all. It wasn’t even hot, Ryu Joonyeol Hyung lead us well and Kyungpyo Hyung made it comfortable for me. On the other hand, I got in that car accident.

It’s your first variety show.
AJH: Everything was new. They really shoot 24 hours a day, even us sleeping. The first two days, it was burdensome. Since it was the first time for all four of us, rather than trying to do something funny, we focused and enjoyed the vacation. Wouldn’t the viewers enjoy watching that?
RJY: We weren’t different from how we normally were. We’re originally good friends. I think it came out fun.

Park Bogum wasn’t around the rest of the Ssangmundong gang much. In particular, you only met Ahn Jaehong in the manitto episode.
PBG: They became Hyungs that I want to see more often. Since Ryu Joonyeol Hyung and Go Kyungpyo Hyung were students, they even went to Gyeongju and made lots of memories. I didn’t go to school, and was only ever at the training centre, so I didn’t see them much. Ahn Jaehong Hyung in particular took great care of me at the set, but there weren’t a lot of opportunities to get close. We got to share a lot of honest conversations and spend valuable time getting close to one another [on the trip]. It was like going on a vacation with family.
AJH: We did a project together, but it was hard to say that we were close, but I’ve gained a great dongsaeng.
RJY: Since we were stuck together closely more often than at the filming set, we shared more deep and honest conversations.

Source : http://goonggeumhani.tumblr.com/post/140114821307/270216-ahn-jaehong-ryu-joonyeol-park-bogums

A.N: Thank you so much @EMM! for sharing the interview ^^

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Thank you so very much C-Jes hahah .... 

These pics are literally gold :w00t:











This photo tho ... the killer shot. Really .... speechless. Open with your own risk. I warned you



Cr: Cjes Ent.; RJY DC Gallery

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I guess oppa will not be having any more back to back interviews for awhile. I got used to seeing him everyday ottoke?


Ah I guess all is not lost since there is the upcoming No tomorrow premiere on Thursday and then the Reply concert on Saturday ^^ I hope we get fancams!!!! Chaebal!!!!

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1 hour ago, EMM! said:

[TRANS] 160226 Ryu Jun Yeol interview - New Daily
To share, go to: 

[Interview] Ryu Jun Yeol “Someone you can reach out to, to be a helpful actor in real life”

# Fans Love - Ryu Jun Yeol = 0

Ryu Jun Yeol wears the strength he got from the pouring interest and popularity and is doing his activities without catching a breath. Recently, he who is caught by the flu and controversy, he has the right to feel that things are hard, but rather than worry about himself, he was thinking about his fans first. It might be because of the extraordinary ‘Fan Love’ that has been watching over and supporting him.

“Recently we had a ‘R88’ fansigning event. Because the fansign was limited to only 100 people, many couldn’t come inside. We can only be thankful that many people came for us, even from far-away places. It wasn’t only a cold day, but they have been waiting for us since dawn, and for that we are really thankful. Also, the fans confessed their love. It wasn’t just a simple ‘Oppa, I like you’, but they said, ‘thanks to Oppa, I found strength’. ‘It was a good and a happy time because I spent it with Oppa’. I feel so good and thankful that through the drama I appeared in, they received strength and healing.”


That fan said exactly what I want to say to him. RJY fans telepathy! Haha

Thank you as always, Emm and Eyes on Ryu :)

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So many great things today too for us :D

Where to start?

Maybe oppa meeting Spongebob dubbing PD. The meeting of spongebob's fan and ryu junyeol's fan... 

ahahah that's so cute, he seems really happy in the photo... thanks for sharing @mojobobo 

Oppa you did it, happy for you



Then there is Kim Go Eun interview. 

I didn't know they were friends... for being a rookie until R88 oppa surely knows a lot of famous people :)

Anyway since I love KGE - and I'm really sad for CITT problems right now :tears: - I love what she said about RJY :D

I agree with her 100% :lol:


And we have a new interview... 

9 hours ago, aprodithe said:

I am wondering what is left to be asked after 20 days and i think more than one hundred interview...hahahaha..


ahahah @aprodithe

I was wondering the same thing :D I lost count how many he is doing :D

So about the new interview, thanks a lot @EMM! for sharing :lol:

I like this part a lot


Also, the fans confessed their love. It wasn’t just a simple ‘Oppa, I like you’, but they said, ‘thanks to Oppa, I found strength’. ‘It was a good and a happy time because I spent it with Oppa’. I feel so good and thankful that through the drama I appeared in, they received strength and healing...

... I want to be an actor that can be helpful in real (daily) life. Someone that you can touch when you reach out your hand, I will try my best to be an actor that can share comfort and consolation, and also an actor who is able to give a great strength to fans. Please watch over me.


How great that he loves us so much, I think he never forget to say how thankful he is to us fans and how much he wants to be a better actor for us... even if he already is a great actor for me lol 

And I like this part too


During the entire interview, he kept his humbleness. Moreover, we can see what ‘No Escape from Ryu Jun Yeol’ means, that he has been capturing his fans’ hearts through his various charms. 


Yes, we can't escape from oppa anymore :wub:

I like everything about him... I won't leave this man




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I think KGE knows RJY because of BY. She dated BY before. She's also close to Suho. Basically, to all BY's friends. :)



Thanks @snowglobe147 for the recap. 

And everyone for bringing all the goodies here. I was kinda sad last night when this thread hardly moved. But I guess everyone's having a great weekend. 


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