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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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24 minutes ago, balladblue said:

Hello all! :) Just wanted to share a post by a Korean person who shed more light surrounding the Ilbe controversy:


Her original post can be found here. She also added that Oppa rated his own film Socialphobia 4 out of 5 stars hahahahha. 


HAHAHAHHAH oppa!!!! 


More photos!





cr as tagged


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Chingus, i'm sorry to bring up this topic here. But i believe most of us are Gaeddeok shippers. I'm actually a bit lost when it comes to the Shippers Contest. The only link i can reach is the 1st round. If there are other round, can someone post the link here? So that I can go support our Gaeddeok couple as well? Pretty please~

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55 minutes ago, Lyna said:

Wow they even dug up his posts on other sites? ... I guess the lesson here is that you shouldn't use the same username for everything, lol. 

but i think they need the ID to submit one username. and smart hacker can track your ID and finally backtrack all of your ID in all social media you may had (social phobia anyone ?).

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24 minutes ago, deokhwan said:

Chingus, i'm sorry to bring up this topic here. But i believe most of us are Gaeddeok shippers. I'm actually a bit lost when it comes to the Shippers Contest. The only link i can reach is the 1st round. If there are other round, can someone post the link here? So that I can go support our Gaeddeok couple as well? Pretty please~


The contest will last until the end of March(each voting period will last 5days~ each) and yes, we will post it here since this is still related to Ryu Jun Yeol(though if you have any questions or thoughts about our entry, you should message me or other fans that posted the entry in the thread for submission of entries). For the first round, the voting hasn't started so what you seen is just the submission of the entry. We will post the link here once the voting has began! 



2 hours ago, balladblue said:

Hello all! :) Just wanted to share a post by a Korean person who shed more light surrounding the Ilbe controversy:


Her original post can be found here. She also added that Oppa rated his own film Socialphobia 4 out of 5 stars hahahahha. 

I am glad that CJes is taking actions fast. Lol, he's honest.

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I am not really sure the exact context, but the actor Park Sunwoong (REMEMBER, WAR OF THE SON..) basically praised RJY. not only he praised that Junyeol is look like older generation actor like Lee Jungjae or Jung woo sung who's manly rather than pretty boy..but he also defends RJY from this ilbe rumour.

Another samyulie part


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3 hours ago, balladblue said:

Hello all! :) Just wanted to share a post by a Korean person who shed more light surrounding the Ilbe controversy:


Her original post can be found here. She also added that Oppa rated his own film Socialphobia 4 out of 5 stars hahahahha. 


Wow I can't believe the lengths they did to try to ruin him. These people have no life at all.  I'm so glad that the company is taking legal actions against these individuals. I don't understand how this people can get pleasure in ruining other people's lives. It's insane! It's so scary it's not even funny. 

Rjy oppa be strong! You're very blessed to have good friends and stay healthy. We will always be here for you. Hakuna matata!

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19 minutes ago, harukajane said:


Wow I can't believe the lengths they did to try to ruin him. These people have no life at all.  I'm so glad that the company is taking legal actions against these individuals. I don't understand how this people can get pleasure in ruining other people's lives. It's insane! It's so scary it's not even funny. 

Rjy oppa be strong! You're very blessed to have good friends and stay healthy. We will always be here for you. Hakuna matata!


it's so scary. remember that the late Choi Jinshil commit suicide because a knetz accused her to give a huge loan to her husband's friend to the point she commit suicide (she already had heavy depression prior the incident..but this incident adding her depressed state. not to mention that the husband of the friends were commit suicide because of his debt. so basically that knetz were saying that Choi Jinshill forced him to commit suicide). the accuser was found as 2 office worker who probably had less work in the office, so they had time to spread stupid rumour to the person they never ever meet.

Choi jiwoo suffered a bad rumour of she's dating another woman's husband. she took legal action, and then the police found out that the one spread the rumour is a housewives that her husband left her for a woman who look alike CJW.

the most ridicoulous was, Tablo was accused to never attended Stanford Univercity. people quickly jumped to the witch hunt, spreading any stupid rumour about tablo. it was happened during Haru just got born, so both tablo and his wive almost loose their job (they just having a baby and this person spread rumour...i remember KHJ (Tablo's wive) said that they start closing their social live because afraid of getting hurt and attack by another rumour...they distance themselves from friends..except only really really close friend...the rumour died down after Stanford Univercity releasing a statement that tablo DID attended the school...and even the president of Korea stated that tablo DID attended. still the haters keep spread this and that (somebody need to put this person's face in public..this is the most social justice needed for this kind person).

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9 minutes ago, tituyphing said:

This post was from a friend of 20-years, he stated he watched over Junyeol from the started before he became so famous, until he reached the popularity and until now. he decided to wrote it because he saw this issue has hit Ryu Junyeol hard, and as friend to not be able to do anything for him, it is saddening for the friend as well. this friend seems a quite respectable members on that site (today's humor) seeing the badges on his ID. he also explain Ryu Junyeol is not someone who ridicule or mock the deceased, and if he was that kind of person the friend wouldn't ever be a friend with junyeol for so long. the friend also ask reader to keep support and love Ryu Junyeol, he can put his everything on the line that Ryu Junyeol will be an actor that won't disappoint you. 

before he posted the picture of him and Ryu Junyeol he added that once he shared on his FB that he and Ryu Junyeol are friend since they were on 4th grade elementary school and has been spend the times with him like brothers since then, they are meeting each other so often, even now, they still meet when Ryu Junyeol has no schedule (to this I assume this friend is Mr. Park, the one whose wedding, Ryu Junyeol danced uptownfunk, this is solely my assumption from the similarity of the way he wrote) 

lollyhu (lollyday's owner) also posted something similar to this post, but with different way, she wasn't directly mention the issue or Ryu Junyeol's name, but she shows her support by saying "it is upsetting, frustrating and knows how it feel to be misunderstood" (because she experienced it bad a year before as well)

Park Seong Woong, said in his interview today that, Ryu Junyeol is someone he is proud of, once he came to his filming set and greet him on the set, bec Ryu Junyeol is having good relationship with '6fd' team (byh drama) he also made time to visit Remember team. 

Socialphobia's Producer, posted on his personal IG about what he feels of the whole issue generally and the connection to the movie, he can't believe it happens for real, when they decided to make the movie, it's fiction with some real issues as reference. they (the production team and casts) also never involved or dig so much to real community like that. he explains ALL the casts, didn't even know how the cyber crime, internet issues work, they were clueless until they got complete explanation about the movie content. so the issue is so unfortunate. 


many people who has decent life, who has so much too lose, yet they stand up to defend Ryu Junyeol, the non celebrities friends shouldn't really have to do that, since it means they are ready that their private life going to be published, yet still they stands before him. but the most important things is how Ryu Junyeol feels right now, isn't it? 

a dear friend of mine, inform me that he posted to fancafe that, he is now the happiest person, he got to know how many people around him still there supporting him in the midst of the issue. and he gave advice to fans, 'when the hardest thing happened just take a look around you and if there is even only one person still support you, that is something to be happy about'.

and just fyi, in just two days, the fancafe member numbers increasing more than 500 people. 
like seriously, if I'm a haters who make this happened I would be supeeer (imitating junyeol said 'super respect' on yof) embarrassed , because they failed to bring him down twice. Let's see it positively, this might blessing in disguise. Ryu Junyeol's image gets even brighter~~~

I wish this is my last post about this, hopefully the issue die down soon, and we can focus to YOF, Glory Day, No Tomorrow and The King.


Thank you @tituyphing..i didnt catch up the word that he visited Remember's filming scene. maybe because 6FD and Remember filming scene quite close so he managed to go there.

I agree with you about the 20 years old friendship. i remember the friend said that Junyeolie is a dear friend of him, that's why he rejected all request friendship from fans to protect his friendship with Junyeol from any kind of attack..still, Junyeol had been attack and he put his identity outther to put his back on the line for his dear friends. and BYH, and LDH..and AJH too..and even the people who worked with him.

I agree that he looks happier in today's pic. yesterday in the GD's pers conf he looks had a heavy burden and still ill, but today, he looks happier. his face is bright and smile widely. he must be so happy that he has friends that supporting him, and more than that, trust him.

i know that he had 2 disaster of disguise...but i dont want another 3..I can't stand of getting heart attack from the cruel netizen...if i who just fans feels so hurt, what about him ???



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4 hours ago, balladblue said:

Hello all! :) Just wanted to share a post by a Korean person who shed more light surrounding the Ilbe controversy:

Her original post can be found here. She also added that Oppa rated his own film Socialphobia 4 out of 5 stars hahahahha. 


THIS. This is why I always believe in karma.

I started liking him because of his character in R88 and I thought it will fade away after the show has ended. I didn't even follow his IG until ep15++ My first time stalking his IG posts I was like "well, this Ryu Jun Yeol guy is interesting" not because he took cool pictures but purely because of the way he interacted with others and vice versa. And then came all these interviews, news, etc. Oh boy, I'm in love :heart:

He was/is loved by his friends and fans way way back before this skyrocket fame. Of course he can't be that perfect and one day I might find something I don't like about him, heck, even my best friend has something I don't like but she's still my best friend because that what makes her who she is.

If the real Ryu Jun Yeol is the opposite of what he's showing to the public, the truth will eventually come out and bite his backside.
But if he really is a kind/witty/lovable/caring/optimistic/genuine person, good karma will take care of everything. That's why his friends stepped in and backed him up one by one.

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Is Ryu Jun-yeol a far-right keyboard warrior?

Updated : February 25 2016


After the mega-success of tvN drama, “Reply 1988,” actor Ryu Jun-yeol gained critical acclaim and attention. 

However, the “Socialphobia” star experienced the dark side of fame as an Instagram photo he posted of himself climbing up a cliff went viral online. The photo didn’t show much information by itself, but when combined with his cryptic comment, “I’m on an errand to buy tofu”--it caused an uproar. 

The comment was an apparent reference to a meme on Ilbe Storage--a politically far-right social website in Korea. The culture of Ilbe is controversial due to its misogynic content and aggressive political statements by its users. 

One of the biggest controversies is the users’ constant belittlement of South Korea’s former president, Roh Moo-hyun. Roh committed suicide by jumping off a cliff in 2009. 
(Ryu's Instagram)

Ilbe users have since used the words, “cliff” and “tofu”--which in Korean can be used in puns to refer to the “head” of a person--to insult Roh’s death. 

The actor and his company CJeS Entertainment denied claims that this was a Roh reference, saying Ryu has never been a member of Ilbe. However, Ryu has in the past complimented an online talk show host--who happened to be an Ilbe user--and this has been working against him. 

Actress Kwon Eun-soo--who starred as a classmate of Deoksun in “Reply 1988”--tweeted to ask, “Why would someone hint that they’re an Ilbe user? Does it grant them higher status within the community?” 

Despite the heated situation, fans and fellow actors lent public support to Ryu. 

“Do not be effected by the storm. Move on forward” Byun Yo-han, Ryu’s close friend and fellow actor, wrote on his Instagram. 
Byun did not directly refer Ryu in his message, but considering the time and situation, many speculate it was directed at Ryu. 

Actor Ahn Jae-hong, who played Ryu’s brother in “Reply 1988,” defended him in an interview, stating that Ryu would never be a member of “such a community.” 

Other evidence that the actor is not an Ilbe-user includes Ryu’s expression of sadness over the Sewol Ferry incident--which is also another subject of bashing on Ilbe--and his compliments on the 2013 film “The Attorney,” which is based on Roh’s years as a defense attorney. 

By Jung Min-kyung (mkj1105@heraldcorp.com) 



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