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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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4 minutes ago, minyeonhan said:

i'm 100% agree with all of you here!

i tried to move on really hard and forget about junghwan's broken heart from my mind these couple of days but i couldn't. i can't. i won't. junghwan need justice, the least lwj could do is to give him a chance to confess properly or cut their ties completely for awhile so he can move on fully from deoksun. but no, she made his beautiful confession into a joke (at least in front of his friends), she put kim and sung houses near with each other (meaning : junghwan probably will se a lot of deoksuns because their families practically living together like one big family), and yes @noname noname !! lee miyeon said they're having a great difficult problems before finally getting together and i was like WHAT KIND OF DIFFICULTIES ARE THESE? afraid to ask about the kiss because you're friends???? and yet you saw him as a love interest???? najeong confessed to trash oppa and she's not scared because they're 'family' but she scared that trash oppa would reject her! i mean her relationship with trash is even more bonded than deoksun and taek, they have to face dongil-ilhwa before they date each other, but once the girl saw the boy as her love interest, she didn't even afraid to ask trash out.

beside isn't it awkward to see junghwan here who touched deoksun's underwear, who trapped in the alley together with her, who felt deoksun's chest first before her husband, and his little me get touched by deoksun accidentally when they're arguing, as someone who's not going to be her husband? isn't sexual tension really important for a relationship? well for example harry love ginny and not hermione because to him, hermione is his sister, she's always been there for him whenever he's facing a great difficult but that's it. it's different with ginny though, he's secretly desiring his bestfriend's sister on his mind and to think that ginny always waited for him since book 1 kinda remind me of jungpal.

so congratulations lwj, to me you just make harry and hermione dated and married each other, a couple who doesn't even have any sexual tension, on your drama.


And you know what, hermione ended up with Ron and they always bicker with each other and Ron always had a secret crush on her. Like he doesn't want to admit it, he was in denial but we all know that he likes her. JUST LIKE JH and DS!

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2 minutes ago, harukajane said:


And you know what, hermione ended up with Ron and they always bicker with each other and Ron always had a secret crush on her. Like he doesn't want to admit it, he was in denial but we all know that he likes her. JUST LIKE JH and DS!


You know I never actually thought of that lol, so similar!

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@harukajane yup another reason why hermione never see harry as 'the one'. i'm so jealous of hermione's tough heart : ( sometimes ron can't even filter his mouth and hurt her feelings many times but she chose him because deep down inside she knew ron's actual heart, i wish lwj could write our deoksun matured to someone like her : (

oh and guess what? ron and hermione always bicker with each other even more than what deoksun junghwan did but their relationship is working out! who said bickering is bad for a relationship?

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If only the writer has JH as the end game (the one choice that make most  sense  naratively speaking)  I'm sure we will be talking about all the other aspect of this drama, the family aspect, the one theme that they desperately want to be talked about.

Right now we are (all side) stuck talking about the husband hunting plot. 

Several years down the line, if people asking "what do you remember about reply 1988 ?"  IMHO, most would answer  "junghwan and his failed first love" or "the shipper war"

Is this really what LWJ aimed to achieve, how she want the drama to be remembered for ? 

If it is....congratulation, you've made it

if this isn't it (as I am sure it isn't), then you FAILED big time LWJ !!!.

What a pity. This drama can easily be the most favourite k-drama of all time for some people (me included).

(I sound like a broken record..)


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Bickering for some people is some sort of communication and as long it is done right, I dont think bickering could be seen as something bad. Talking from my experience, I am in 11 years of relationship which consist mainly of shouting and bickering, but despite that I could still maintain healthy relationship. Most of couple who bicker usually forgive each other easily and know that whatever word said during that time were not mean as it was. They are understanding of each other and they have their own way to resolve problem during any point in their life

People need to understand that life doesnt really consist of rainbow and unicorn, problem and angst are also part of life. To deal with the latter two, people have different approach and as outsider to judge other's way without being in their shoes are plainly being rude. People are also human being and not merely a beef meet that other could put label on them. 

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Hello Guys! 

Finally today i got O.s.t Reply 1988 Box set So proud So happy 

But why why ? the standing paper isn't uri Junghwan but it's Teak :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

Un-dweeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! i wan't uri Junghwan and Deokseon but i got Taek and DongRyong LOLLLLL

Ok i just accept it like i accept uri JungHwan is not Husband kekekeke :D



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Hello my fellow DS x JH shippers! Long time no sharing. I haven't been posting here for a while now bcoz of my studies but I'd sometimes visit when I have the time. Anywas just came by to say that I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. Thank you for still being here and also for keeping the positivity and love for our ultimate OTP ... it's just priceless. I love it that you guys still board this ship and continue to support JH x DS!! What can I say though, once you board this ship, there's no getting off lol.
Also can I just thank the lovely talented people for writing those lovely fanfics about how our OTP should have ended .. seriously those fanfics give me LIFE. Those have been the source of joy and energy for me when  I start to think of our OTP's cruel ending.
Anyways, all I can say is thank you, thanks, and thank you again for all. You guys are simply AMAZING. MAY THIS SHIP FOREVER SAIL. 

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Going to the MT is simply like going to a minefield. Everywhere you try to go, there's always a "mine" waiting to be stepped on hah. My advice for those visiting the MT: just skip those posts by usernames that are unfamiliar to you. Helps a lot, trust me.

Well, I went to the MT yesterday(I know, suicide) and posted a non-otp related post, just in order to hopefully change the current topic of the thread, but sadly failed hah. Anyways, since the MT is full of shippers of the other otp, the posts there are like 80% about the other otp and its always either long boring analysis, or how the other otp was meant to be from the start, or how their love developed, or their love was more beautiful and so on. For me as a JH x DS, I cant help but feel really hurt and angry, because like they're really rubbing it in hah. They've won, my ship sank (or did it? *evil smirk*) now stop it alreadytumblr_n39dj9rC8I1sqo4e9o1_500.gif


But anyways, I know I'm riskimg myself when I say the following words, but I just cant help it amd need to spill it out somewhere


Everytime I see posts like that on the MT, I feel so angry but at the same time feel like laughing because like "Congratulations you just wrote a long analysis and you just convinced NO ONE but yourself and your other fellow shippers hah"


I really dont mean to be rude or anything but I always feel like these kind of posts are a bit forced and too 오바/over (?) and they're more like trying to convince themselves that their otp's ending was beautiful despite the many-questions-and-plotholes and also the obvious feeling of incompleteness of their relationship. Anyways, its just my thought, dont mind me if you dont agree.


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10 minutes ago, tesasonzzz said:

Going to the MT is simply like going to a minefield. Everywhere you try to go, there's always a "mine" waiting to be stepped on hah. My advice for those visiting the MT: just skip those posts by usernames that are unfamiliar to you. Helps a lot, trust me.

Well, I went to the MT yesterday(I know, suicide) and posted a non-otp related post, just in order to hopefully change the current topic of the thread, but sadly failed hah. Anyways, since the MT is full of shippers of the other otp, the posts there are like 80% about the other otp and its always either long boring analysis, or how the other otp was meant to be from the start, or how their love developed, or their love was more beautiful and so on. For me as a JH x DS, I cant help but feel really hurt and angry, because like they're really rubbing it in hah. They've won, my ship sank (or did it? *evil smirk*) now stop it alreadytumblr_n39dj9rC8I1sqo4e9o1_500.gif


But anyways, I know I'm riskimg myself when I say the following words, but I just cant help it amd need to spill it out somewhere

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Everytime I see posts like that on the MT, I feel so angry but at the same time feel like laughing because like "Congratulations you just wrote a long analysis and you just convinced NO ONE but yourself and your other fellow shippers hah"


I really dont mean to be rude or anything but I always feel like these kind of posts are a bit forced and too 오바/over (?) and they're more like trying to convince themselves that their otp's ending was beautiful despite the many-questions-and-plotholes and also the obvious feeling of incompleteness of their relationship. Anyways, its just my thought, dont mind me if you dont agree.



HAHAHA I know what you mean. I think we've tried a few times to steer the discussion towards a more neutral topic like you know the other components of the drama but it inrvitably ends up being about the husband hunt in grounds that this was essential part of the drama (yeah right there was nothing in the love triangle front for like what...at least 8 episodes???). 

The rare occasions the topic was sterred towards other people in R88...well let's just say that it again wasnt pretty and i felt that even JH's parents got insulted (like what?) =_=

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2 hours ago, minyeonhan said:


i'm 100% agree with all of you here!

i tried to move on really hard and forget about junghwan's broken heart from my mind these couple of days but i couldn't. i can't. i won't. junghwan need justice, the least lwj could do is to give him a chance to confess properly or cut their ties completely for awhile so he can move on fully from deoksun. but no, she made his beautiful confession into a joke (at least in front of his friends), she put kim and sung houses near with each other (meaning : junghwan probably will se a lot of deoksuns because their families practically living together like one big family), and yes @noname noname !! lee miyeon said they're having a great difficult problems before finally getting together and i was like WHAT KIND OF DIFFICULTIES ARE THESE? afraid to ask about the kiss because you're friends???? and yet you saw him as a love interest???? najeong confessed to trash oppa and she's not scared because they're 'family' but she scared that trash oppa would reject her! i mean her relationship with trash is even more bonded than deoksun and taek, they have to face dongil-ilhwa before they date each other, but once the girl saw the boy as her love interest, she didn't even afraid to ask trash out.

beside isn't it awkward to see junghwan here who touched deoksun's underwear, who trapped in the alley together with her, who felt deoksun's chest first before her husband, and his little me get touched by deoksun accidentally when they're arguing, as someone who's not going to be her husband? isn't sexual tension really important for a relationship? well for example harry love ginny and not hermione because to him, hermione is his sister, she's always been there for him whenever he's facing a great difficult but that's it. it's different with ginny though, he's secretly desiring his bestfriend's sister on his mind and to think that ginny always waited for him since book 1 kinda remind me of jungpal.

so congratulations lwj, to me you just make harry and hermione dated and married each other, a couple who doesn't even have any sexual tension, on your drama.



Hi~~ OMGG chingu ! that last line I was just comparing them with the Harry Potter's series' parings the other day.... The other day my sister ( she didn't watch the drama btw ) was asking, why were people so mad that JH wasn't the husband, I answered simple, just imagine hermione and harry ending up together !! 



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okay guys. I will admit to an ugly truth that I didn't want to admit at the time the drama was airing and didn't want to see because come on it was so clear and it couldn't be true, so I told myself fit was nothing and built myself back to ignore it. However I had a feeling and knew (though I ignored it and told myself that wasn't the case all too quickly seeing how it all turned out) that Deoksun and Taek were endgame in episode 18 when they showed all the reunions of the couples everyone had been waiting on to reunite and we knew were endgame (My Jungbong and Maggie Cheng, Sunwoo and Bora) but especially when they showed the all the scene of my Oppa-ya and Jeong, I just, I had a feeling. That is why I wanted sooo badly for Junghwan to get there on time. To be the one who runs to Deoksun and when it wasn't :tears::tears: I part of me knew but didn't want to know. :bawling::bawling:

I still stand by my belief that Junghwan was the planned husband but then during the break or maybe before then, they chose to change the narrative (who knows why). It pains me and this ship was endgame to me. However I can't really say that it was out of left field or something last minute (which I guess it kind of was...?). It feels like they had a plan, then they changed the plan, and then the plan went accordingly :bawling: . We could have had it all though and came so close. Yesterday I was watching ep 18 again, and the slow mo drive by kills me each and every time. I still yell at Junghwan to get up and run and run and run "just drive through the red light" when he is on the way to Deoksun. This time around I actually cry with Junghwan when he cries in the car, because I like him hear of Taek giving up the match and wail because we both know it's over. Master Taek gave up his beloved baduk for a girl...even I would fold up my heart and turn it into a joke. I would need to say it just to get it off my chest and out my system and let it be known to you even if you will end thinking it all a game. Because well I had my chance (I had countless chances and maybe the universe was sending me a sign with all those stop lights!) and I just love you both. Yes I am one  of those idiots who could break my own heart if it mean someone else would be happy (I have done this before). I think it's beautiful to love someone so much that their happiness comes before your own love for them. I love you enough to be happy when you're happy, even if sadly your happiness does not include me or is a type of happy I was not the one meant to provide :bawling:. You have regrets. I have regrets, but life is life and you learn to move on. It all becomes a fond memory...

*goes to listen to Adele songs and try not to cry while at work*

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@MrsSoJiSub Why ugly truth? I think we all felt it, because the end was sooo great. For me, it's more a question of consistence. It does feel like a break in teh story. I have come to accept Taek and DS together, sthg that was not difficult to do since I liked Taek (and I also respect the fact that he went to see JH before doing anything in 1994). But I still have a problem with the built-up... Was it really the ending they had planned? Did they change their minds? That questionning alone makes me unconfortable. If JH and DS were not supposed to be end-game, why do I feel like they were? Sometimes, you have a sudden change of plot and you are like "Wow! Awesome, I did not see that coming and it makes sooo much sense!". Well I don't feel it there... I am almost certain that it is what they went for, but somehow in the process, they failed.

Some people have said that perhaps they did not expect RJY to act so well, and like PBG said to "maximize" all the scenes he had, satturating them with many emotions. That was also my first reaction. Somehow, I think that it truly is the case... TK and DS were meant to be endgame but it did not go as planned because of the wonderful way RJY portrayed JH.

I also think there is a general lack of balance. They spent so much time focusing on JH and DS that it was hard to see beyond them... Plus like PBG said, DS was only taking care of TK. I wish we had seen more of the build-up. I would feel less regret over the ending if that would have been the case...

Maybe that makes me "ignorant" but if that si the case, I am willing to be called ignorant! I am just a richard simmons ignorant richard simmons then :P

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On 2/8/2016 at 0:55 AM, cheetah_omma said:







There's many talented artist draw our OTP ^^

Wow, I like that cheetah Omma. Thank you. Btw, can someone make a translation out of that? Ugggggh, It's so cute.

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11 hours ago, girlbehindfate said:

what happen to MT??? people there were more and more ridiculous every time i went there. 

nobody seems to respect each other opinion and were still arguing. the drama ended already with taek as the husband. as team junghwan i am still dissapointed but i did not go around belittling taek team. but on MT team taek said a lot of awful thing about JH.

they got the ending that they wanted but why they are still doing the supeeeeeerrrrrrr longggggg analysis again and again. it as if they are still trying to convince themselves that taek is the husband even though he is the husband which is so ridiculous.

they also avoid discussing about what taek said during his interview that he also thought JH is the husband and they refutes it by saying that out of the actor who gave interview deoksun answer was the best. this show how unsecure they are.

i am not trying to incite a war here. but it make me upset to go there and read all sort of negative things about JH when almost all of us team JH never even belittle taek as a character. it is frustrating seriusly.

i would suggest for everyone to avoid going to MT. it is much more peaceful and lovely here.


The MT is like a broken record that keeps repeating over and over again the same theories.

It's sad to see it but let's just move on from it.

Here, let me take care of your bad mood after your trip on the MT with something absolutely relevant... lol


Welcome on board, we're a big family here




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2 hours ago, mojobobo said:

I risk sounding like a broken record but I would have been fine with the ending if the execution of the drama could have been handled in a better manner (but I still have issues about the couple's compatibility lololol).

We were set up to root for JH and followed him through the maturing of his feelings for DS. For Taek, it was just simply him saying he liked her. We were not shown the process of the development of his feelings for her (and only given a last mintue flashback). 

Also, the way DS was written made her seem confused all the way to the end until there was another physical contact. I thought DS was better than that and that there would have been an arc for her growth but I'm sorry, I don't see it. It would have been more in keeping with her character to have an outburst at JH confronting him about his feelings. 

Those that say we are ignorant and rolling in our delusion etc, they can say what they want (and risk sounding rude and ignorant themselves) but really when more than half the nation and as far as we know the entire cast were rooting for JH and expecting him to be the husband right to the last minute, you know something has gone wrong somewhere. Who is responsible for that? We all want to know. 

You expressed what i meant to say in a much better way, thank you :)

Why did the writer made that mistake though, considering she's exprerienced it's hard to understand her! Maybe she changed her mind in the half way writing and she wanted to surprise us? She will have to explain sooner or later, we'll be here waiting haha

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