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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Chingus you all are so awesome people !!!! I am so so grateful for finding chingus like you ! *virtual hugs* I am going to miss all of you so much ! But don't worry, I will continue  to be a silent lurker and share all the spazzings :) you guys are beautiful  people who prove that the world still is a better place and cyber bullies/ stalkers can never make it no matter how many conspiracies they pull

@b020 your fanfic was just too hot .loved it !!!

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5 hours ago, MrsRyu said:

too many sweet scene, we cant forget it easily, this broken heart.

i want to move on, but cant. It's not easily for me, because it's first time i break my heart with a drama character because i loooooove him too deep. inside my heart, i still crying even i smile. I want to leave this painful feeling but i was end up in same place again. :tears:

"Though time may have passed, his first love was something we will always remember." __EMM


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after watch this video, i remember again that painful first love, omg!



OMG, THIS VIDEO IS GOLD! So precious! This is IT, guys. This is our OTP.  No ending can beat this compillation. 

Honestly, I don't mind if TK ended up being the husband, I wouldn't change one single scene of these for that rushing end. It was such a beautiful journey. 

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Guest wizengamot



you know we have your backs because we know that you had ours also. Our ship had gone through a lot and no matter what people do to bring us down we will stick together. Aren't we squad goal? hahahaha!!! i wish for @Boranoona to come back but we know we could still be in touch with you so i respect your decision chingu.

also, i'd like to mention our newest member of the ship


First, it was RJY and Hyeri and now, with Bogum interview he even chose JH-DS "sogaeting hajima" scene as one of the most memorable scene. OMG!

On 2/5/2016 at 10:36 PM, minyeonhan said:

hey guys, i think you should read this interview of PBG and i swear that this is really really interesting and believe me, if you read this, your pain will lessen a little (ok no, at least for me). since this is a junghwan-deoksun shipper thread, i'll put it under spoiler~ cr; http://fyparkbogum.tumblr.com/post/138728199771/trans-topstarnews-interview-with-park-bogum

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When did you actually know that ‘Choi Taek’ was the husband?


I knew about it in the 19th-20th episodes. I didn’t hear confirmation. Other people were also unsure about it. In the 1st episode, I didn’t know that Sunbae Lee Mi Yeon came out. I also didn’t know that there were 2015 versions [of us]. The director told us that it would end in 1994. I thought, ‘It looks like there won’t be a present time’. Even in my dreams, I didn’t know that Sunbae Lee Mi Yeon would come out. There wasn’t a 2015 script shown.


As each episode progressed, I also thought Junghwan would become the husband. I also thought that my first kiss (with Deoksun) was a dream. In the script, it was a dream. In the next scene, although Taek, while drinking milk, asks ‘When did you leave?’, Deoksun says, ‘As soon as you fell asleep, I left’. Because the script was only given to Deoksun, I thought it was a dream. I only knew it was real after watching the drama.


‘I hope it’s Junghwan’, I thought, thinking it was Junghwan, so I thought I received the wrong script for the 19th and 20th episodes. At that time, I left when I saw it. Originally, because I received the script for the adult cast, I thought I wrongly received it. My picture was in the contents. Then, I finally knew who the husband was. I couldn’t have even imagined this reversal.


Why do you think that you hoped it was Junghwan?
In the position of a viewer, the character of Junghwan was so cool. Junyeol hyung made the role charming, and he acted so well. Because he maximized the script’s thrill (T/N: as in romance), I thought, ‘He’s cool. I have a lot to learn.’ Deoksun’s heart, too, was (like this). When Taek was with Deoksun, there was nothing apart from Deoksun taking care of Taek. Because of Deoksun and Junghwan’s sweet loving hearts, I thought it would be the two of them.


[05/02/2016, 21:22] Al kim (alviennarabbani@gmail.com):Your tears fell after cancelling the movie promise with Deoksun.
Knowing Junghwan’s heart was enough. In the position of a viewer, I thought that Junghwan would do well with [her]. Something like, the two would be lovey dovey. There wasn’t anything lovey dovey between Deoksun and me. I thought that it would work out with Junghwan, and, at that time, I met one woman for a long time but we were friends. Taek didn’t want to have such a considerate heart.

hashtags : #WeAreNotBlind #WelcomeToTheClubBogummy

[0 5/02/2016, 21:23] Al kim (alviennarabbani@gmail.com)



"As each episode progressed, I also thought Junghwan would become the husband. I also thought that my first kiss (with Deoksun) was a dream. In the script, it was a dream. In the next scene, although Taek, while drinking milk, asks ‘When did you leave?’, Deoksun says, ‘As soon as you fell asleep, I left’. Because the script was only given to Deoksun, I thought it was a dream. I only knew it was real after watching the drama."

Why do you think that you hoped it was Junghwan?
In the position of a viewer, the character of Junghwan was so cool. Junyeol hyung made the role charming, and he acted so well. Because he maximized the script’s thrill (T/N: as in romance), I thought, ‘He’s cool. I have a lot to learn.’ Deoksun’s heart, too, was (like this). When Taek was with Deoksun, there was nothing apart from Deoksun taking care of Taek. Because of Deoksun and Junghwan’s sweet loving hearts, I thought it would be the two of them.


[05/02/2016, 21:22] Al kim (alviennarabbani@gmail.com):Your tears fell after cancelling the movie promise with Deoksun.
Knowing Junghwan’s heart was enough. In the position of a viewer, I thought that Junghwan would do well with [her]. Something like, the two would be lovey dovey. There wasn’t anything lovey dovey between Deoksun and me. I thought that it would work out with Junghwan, and, at that time, I met one woman for a long time but we were friends. Taek didn’t want to have such a considerate heart.



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I will forever be grateful for this group. I am new here and I will always remember the warm welcome and how everyone is so friendly. I feel so sad that some experienced cyber bullying. I hope that they will be able to move past that and just remember the friendship built from this group. The group was formed so that we could all share our love and woes between JH and DS. To reminisce their good moments together and cry on Junghwan's loss of his first love and we all know in our hearts that they should belong together. 

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A guy who dances in-front of whole gang of girls only for you is a keeper. In real life,many people express their love through actions instead of only words....am glad to find a real-life like drama character JungHwan.

Since Little girl still hurts...am watching this one these days. I hope the squad perform this during Reply 1988 concert.


Came across this video of  last night by Sobangcha on YT. Putting it under spoiler. Have fun!



Also, thanks to friends who helped and supported me and others. Like JH, we show love through actions,not just mere words.

Edited by binnielover
Added stuff.
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Quoting PBG as posted by @wizengamot "There wasn't anything lovey dovey between Deoksun and me." Truer words were never spoken.

What is there to gain, writernim, by doing what you did? You flipped the script. Just 'fess up. We all make mistakes. 

@binnielover The first sentence on your most recent post - yes! JH is a keeper. That writer kept him away from DS. :( To keep him for herself :w00t: Just kidding everyone. Ahh my "beef" with this writer seems endless at the moment.

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On 1/31/2016 at 9:09 PM, b020 said:

Sorry about the cliffhanger - had to go out of town for the weekend.  Now that I'm back, here's the rest of it:

“Deoksun-ah!!! Wake up already! The plane is about to land and we have three elderly grandma’s who need help with wheelchairs!”

With a quiet snort, Deoksun opened her eyes, groggily confused as to where she was. She looked around to see she was on a plane, belted in and her co-worker was already gathering her things to make the landing announcement. She slowly gathered her wits enough to discreetly wipe the droop from the corner of her mouth and sat up straight, smoothing back her hair.

Why had she been dreaming of the fortune teller? It had been years since that visit, why now? She had taken the fortune teller’s advice and concentrated hard for the remaining five months before the next entrance exam. She and Dongryong had been study buddies for the past year and both were determined to get into university. They even talked unnie into giving them cram sessions two months before the exam. They walked around like zombies the week before the exam and Sunwoo and Junghwan had both called the night before to wish them good luck. The day of the exam was nothing but a blur of nerves, stress, last minute cramming, and ‘fighting’s amongst her family, Dong-ryong, and his family.

She smiled as she remembered how her mom had packed an extra-large lunch for her, how her little brother had actually gotten up early and set the table for her, and her dad gave her his fried egg at breakfast. The Kim’s had been up early too, to see them off and had made sure to give both Deoksun and Dongryong pocket money for snacks later. After several grueling hours, they had both left the exam exhausted, but she had felt confident about passing. And she was right.

Dongryong and she had passed, gotten into a smaller university and stayed close through graduation. Their senior year of university saw Dongryong finally settling down into his hyung’s restaurant business, taking on the challenge of opening a new branch, while venturing into the entertainment world as a local MC for small festivals and store openings. He had gained a small but loyal group of ajumma fans that liked to spoil him with packages of food and sweets. He always complained, but he really loved it. He tried out at the broadcast stations, failing year after year, but continued with the local MC jobs. He even hired JungBong oppa in one of his restaurants. All the while, the restaurants kept succeeding.

Deoksun had tried out to be a flight attendant her senior year, wanting to travel around the world. She hadn’t been completely sure going into it, but of all the jobs she had explored in college, she kept coming back the flight attendant academy. And if a small part of her mind whispered the name of a certain friend who was at the military academy, who would be stationed at the same airport if she happened to get transferred there, it had nothing to do with her career choice.

As she trained hard and made new friends, she realized a dream that she hadn’t known she wanted. She loved traveling around the world, practicing her English, and picking up souvenirs for her family that they displayed lovingly around the house. No-eul was bragging to his friends about his flight attendant noona and showing off the brand name clothing she’d pick up for him. She loved her job, so why was she dreaming of the fortune teller’s visit? Maybe just a few more minutes of sleep…

“Ya, Deoksun-ah, chingu, you know lots of single girls, right?” Dongryong nudged her as he looked slyly at her, “When are you setting up…”

Deoksun snapped awake and abruptly interrupted the ongoing question, “Never. I would never be forgiven for introducing you to them. The unnies are scary when they’re pissed and they would stick me with the worst schedules ever. So, no – I’ll never introduce you to my co-workers.” She stuffed a little more birthday cake in her mouth and debated about another beer. The guys sat around the table and picked at the demolished birthday cake, while drinking the latest bottle of alcohol Teuk won.

“Chingu-yaaaa” Dongryong whined, batting his eyes. Then he nudged Junghwan, silently telling him to beg, too. Junghwan cleared his throat uncomfortably and uncrossed his arms, “Deoksun-ah-ahhh…” stiffly shaking his shoulders.

Deoksun almost choked at the attempt at aegyo and laughed out loud, “Never!”

Dongryong whined a little more, but then went on to tease Junghwan and Teuk about dating so much. He points out to Junghwan that he still hadn’t given anyone his graduation ring. What was that? What was that look Junghwan just gave her?

Ring? Why did that send a shiver down her back?

Junghwan shrugged, “I don’t have a girlfriend to give it to.”

“Yah, the way you’re going, you’re going to die before ever being able to confess once.” Dongryong snickered and went back to begging Sunwoo for a pretty nurse’s phone number. Deoksun’s heart started to race at the mention of confessing, tears welled in her eyes, and she couldn’t figure out why her heart felt like it was about to break.

Junghwan and confession. Why did that make her so sad?

A memory flashed by, what was it?

Her pager buzzed, bringing her back to reality and she recognized the number of the new guy was seeing. She got up to return the call, but paused at the door for one more look at her friends, suddenly hit with the realization that they were all growing up. She grinned, knowing that the get togethers weren’t always going to last, but her favorite thing in the world was hanging out here. Things were changing so fast and they were already 23 years old. Sunwoo was looking tired from his long residency hours, Dongryong now wore suit jackets for his ‘image’, Teuk was even driving now, and Junghwan…she shook her head. Her parents were talking about moving once No-eul graduated. Everything was changing, except her. Why couldn’t she change too?

She dismissed her nostalgic feeling and raced to the phone. She was supposed to go to a concert this Sunday and had bought a new outfit while she was Paris. It even had a cute beret to match. She dialed the number and sweetly talked to her new boyfriend, keeping her fingers crossed . Maybe this time the guy wouldn’t be so boring. Maybe this time, the guy wouldn’t get so upset if she punched him in the arm. Maybe this time, the guy would like her when she was more herself than the sweet and cool image she projected. Maybe…

Please don’t ask, please don’t ask about concert’ Deoksun begged Junghwan silently as they listed to the Lee Moon-se tape in his jeep on their way to meet their friends. She kept bickering with him, just to distract him, and he argued right back, both hiding grins. It felt good, just like old times, she was only ever comfortable being herself when she was around Junghwan. And if she closed her eyes she could almost pretend…something hard clenched itself around Deoksun’s chest. Something felt off. She opened her eyes to look out at the night scenery, something was coming. She felt it. She’d seen this before, but where?

They sat around waiting for Teuk, Dongryong whined about another girl dumping him. Deoksun faked a smile while trying to hide her fear. Something bad was about to happen. Her chest felt too tight. She kept looking around the restaurant, trying to figure out what it was. Every time the door opened, she tensed, expecting something. Then she heard Dongryong ask for Junghwan’s graduation ring.

Everything blurred around her. Deoksun’s heart started pounding louder and louder.

If you continued on the path that you’re currently on, doing nothing, then your husband would reveal himself to you. A comfortable life, full of material wealth and gentle warmth would surround you.”

Why was the fortune teller’s words ringing in her ears?

The pressure in Deoksun’s chest grew, her heart raced and she stared at Junghwan. ‘No, no, no….’

He pulled out his graduation ring and set it on the table. Dread froze Deoksun while faint memories flashed in her mind. She stared at the ring box. From a distance she heard him say that it would be kind of a waste to give it to Dongryong.

She knew that ring – knew the heartbreak attached to it. She’d been here before. She looked around the table –Dongryong sat to her right, Sunwoo across from him, sitting exactly like she dreamed. And just like her dream this was the moment that Junghwan would say,

“Deoksun-ah..” and put the ring in front of her.

She couldn’t breathe. Her heart skipped…one…two…

If you continued on the path that you’re currently on, doing nothing, then your husband would reveal himself to you. A comfortable life, full of material wealth and gentle warmth would surround you.”

Memories of a dream flashed in her mind. A life of comfort. Contentment. An interview. A question.

Do you want to go back? Do you have any regrets?”

A name floated in her mind, unspoken.

“…doing nothing, then your husband would reveal himself to you. A comfortable life, full of material wealth and gentle warmth.”

Teuk smiled at her as he waited at the altar. Her dad squeezed her hand, signaling the march down the aisle, and her gaze wandered over the crowd…locking onto her old friend. He was grinning, right? So why were his eyes so blank? One step forward and he blurred from her sight…

“…you could jump off the path. If you took a risk, there is no clear path, but there was a faint trail if you looked hard enough. It led to rougher ground, uneven and difficult at times …”

The pressure in her chest ached – she fought for breath, “I like you.”

The words echoed in her ears.

“…jump off the path … someone beside you, clearing the rough ground from your feet, sheltering you when the storms came and carrying you when it was too dangerous,”

“All I ever thought about was you.”

It’s not comfortable, or gentle, but the colors surrounding you are so vivid, so bright and intense. And laughter, I kept hearing a lot of laughter.”

Dongryong’s laughter sounds hollow.

Junghwan’s voice goes on to name the times they ran into each other on the bus, or went to the concert together, or when she gave him the shirt for his birthday.

She knew this…she had heard it before. In her dream.

In her dream she let him make it a joke, let him think he fooled her. She even lied to herself that it was a joke. But she knew. In her heart she knew. Because it hurt so damn much. She remembered how she had swallowed her tears, not wanting him to see how much he hurt her. She had swallowed, and swallowed again, keeping her eyes wide open, determined to lock up her crushed heart and not let anyone know. That was it. That was when she closed off her heart.

And did nothing.

“…doing nothing…A comfortable life, full of material wealth and gentle warmth would surround you.”

Fragments of her dream flooded her memory, making her feel dizzy, she had married someone comfortable, someone who wouldn’t make her risk her heart or demand all of it. And Teuk was good to her – he loved her. She knew he did. And she loved him, too. It was a good life. In her dream, she had made his dream come true and made him happy. But had she been happy?

She remembered the feeling of pushing down her feelings, her temperament. Of biting her tongue and making sure he was taken care of. She remembered the feeling of loneliness when he would lose himself in his strategy games and she would have to wait to badger him to eat or sleep. She remembered having to hide herself while in public, putting on a polished sophistication so the reporters wouldn’t have anything to gossip about, of always looking over her shoulder in case someone saw her. She remembered the feeling of regret of having no children of her own, of feeling contentment, but she didn’t remember feeling happy…

“…do nothing…jump off the path”

“I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time: I really like you. I love you.”

Her eyes met his. The way they stared at her: intense, blazing…before a blink shuttered them, leaving them blank. Something clicked in her memory. He always did that, hid his feelings. Always acting cool, untouched. Like when JungBong was sick and he didn’t want his parents to worry about him, he always acted as if everything was fine. But she knew better. Had always known better. Wasn’t that why she always picked a fight with him? To distract him? To get him to react and come back to her? Why had she let herself forget that about him?

“…jump off the path…”

Silence fell after his last words and echoed in her mind. Memories of a vague dream fell away and Junghwan’s face came into focus, their past came into focus. He stared at her and she returned it, remembering everything. They had been born weeks apart, raised together. They cried together, laughed together, played together, even long after SunWoo and Dongryong went home – they were together. She knew when he was mad he’d cross his arms and sigh, she knew when he was hungry he itched his stomach, she knew that he snuck into his brother’s room just so he could check to see if he was breathing, she knew he never told his parents anything so they didn’t have to worry…she knew how he lied.

Then he blinked, turned his head toward Don-ryong, “Is that good, moron? You said this was your wish.”

Everything slowed down and yet, everything fell away. She heard Sunwoo and Dongryong laugh with relief and discomfort.

This was the moment.

Her choice.

Did she let him get away with making it a joke like she did in her dream and take a comfortable life or did she risk it all?

“Yah.” Her eyes focused on man in front of her, forgetting about her friends, forgetting about the restaurant’s crowd.

“You think you can say all that to me and then make a joke of it? Like you don’t mean it? Like it doesn’t matter how I feel? Do you really dare?” She saw him turn back to her, his eyes carefully guarded, but something was there.

A choking sound came from her right, but Deoksun ignored it and kept her focus on Junghwan . His eyes were still shuttered, but he was absolutely still, not reacting. Suddenly angry that he took so long to confess, that he was about to make it a joke and dismiss her, and that she would have let him, had let him before, made Deoksun stand up. Her voice cracked with suppressed tears, “I’ve waited all this time for you to say something, to give me some kind of sign that you loved me back.”

She saw him swallow, about to say something else, but she cut him off, “I know. It’s my fault too. I was too immature to say what I really felt, what I really wanted. Back then, I liked you so much, I couldn’t even concentrate at school. You think everything was a coincidence? I’d get up hours early just to run into you on the bus and then sleep through the morning classes. I bought a pink shirt just for you when I hadn’t even bought my dad a shirt. I faked a sprained ankle just to hold your hand.  I froze my legs off wearing skirts, hoping you’d say something, that you liked me too. But you never did. And when you gave that shirt to JungBong oppa, or at least I thought you did…I tried not to love you. I tried to tell myself that it was a silly crush; that the feelings would go away. But they didn’t.”

Angry tears filled her eyes, angry that he took so long to tell her his feelings and angry that she was so blind that she didn’t see what was in front of her the whole time. “I even failed the entrance exam because all I did was think about how to get you to say something.” Deoksun cut herself off, “Ok, maybe I failed because I didn’t study enough in classes.” Embarrassment stained her cheeks a bit, “But that’s not the point.”

She paused to scoff at herself, “The point is, I have lived on hope for the last five years that you would notice me, gone on dates with guys I didn’t even like on the 1% chance that you might get jealous and stop me, I’ve begged my sunbae and coworkers to switch schedules so that I can be here, on the days you have leave, just so I can see your ugly face. After all this time, you have finally said it.”

She sucked in a breath, pieces of their lives falling into place, “I’ve waited years, so no, you can’t just take it back. You can’t make it a joke, because I won’t let you. Because I finally remembered what I should have remembered all this time. I was confused for a while, got distracted with my job, so I forgot, didn’t see it. You’re going to pretend that you really didn’t mean the confession, that you don’t love me. But Jungpal, I know you. I forgot that for a bit, but now it's all coming back to me.”

His flinched, just a little, but he didn’t look away. Instead, he stared harder, daring her to continue and that was something else she remembered. That’s when she knew she had him. She wiped at her tears and gently smirked, “You always pretend everything is fine, that nothing bothers you so that no one will look too closely, so that no one questions it. You’ve fooled everyone. But I know better, you’re not unaffected – you’re hiding. You’re hiding because you feel too much, you love too much. You don’t want to burden anyone so you'll think of way to not hurt anyone, even if you hurt instead. You’ve done it since we were kids, when JungBong oppa was sick, when we were too poor to afford fancy snacks and other kids laughed at us, when SunWoo's appa died, when we entered school for the first time, when your grandma died. You hid your feelings so well everyone marveled over it, but I always knew. Why do you think I fought with you so much, picked at you so much? Huh?”

Silence responded, and she answered for him “I didn’t want you to keep hiding, not from me.”

She took a step towards him, ready to risk it all, and jumped “You mean it. You love me. Don't you dare take it back. And guess what, jerk? I love you, too. I always have. At first, it was because you were my friend. But later, in high school, it was because it was you. I love the way you laugh and your eyes crinkle, I love the way you dance so awkwardly because your arms and legs are too long, and the way you walk slowly so Dongryong doesn’t have to run along aside you,” a faint protest was quickly shut down with a swift kick, was that him?

“I love the way you hold your comics with one hand, the way you always fold your laundry so your mom doesn’t have to, the way you pick out the carrots in your curry because they’re your hyung’s favorite, the way you always give into your mom, and laugh at your dad’s corny jokes when he’s not looking. I love everything about you, even the things that drive me crazy.”

His eyes said it - he didn’t dare to hope, there was something holding him back – something, no, someone. Of course, that was it. He would never let anyone get hurt, just himself.

“He confessed. He was braver than the both of us. Teuk confessed the day Dongryong went to the ER for his hemorrhoids. He had to carry me home because I hurt my foot, and when we got home, he told me that like me. But I told him that I didn’t feel that way about him, that I only saw him as a friend. He tried again a few weeks ago, taking me out on a date. But my feelings haven’t changed. No matter how I tried, they haven't changed. Its you. I love, you.”

Relief, guilt, and there, the last of his defenses fell from his eyes, leaving...Doeksun softly gasped. The full force of his heart was right there, blazing deeply into her eyes. She smiled tremulously, dared to take one more step closer, “So, now that I know and you know, are you..” her courage faltered but she grabbed hold again, and glanced at the ring on the table, “will you put the ring on me or do I have to do it myself?”

Silence stretched between them. She tuned out Dongyrong's gasp, Sunwoo's giggle, the restaurant, everything. The only thing that mattered was Junghwan. She focused only on Kim Junghwan, just like she had for the past five years, and like all those years, she silently begged him with her eyes, 'Please'.

He broke off eye contact and reached across the table grabbing the little box. He held the ring box for a moment and stared at her, defenses back in his eyes.

'Please, please, please, Junghwan, don't joke this away...'

He shut the lid on the box and abruptly stood up. Her heart sank, cracking, and she shut her eyes, bracing herself for the joke, the sarcastic comment that would ignore everything she just said.

Large hands grabbed her face and squeezed until her eyes popped open, “Yah, special forces, if you put the ring on right now, it will fall off. Let's get a chain for it.”

Before the words could sink in, he grabbed her hand and moved towards the door. He threw out over his shoulder, “We'll meet you at the next bar” as the door slammed shut. A glimpse of a smirk and shock was all she was able to catch before she was running to keep up with her hand. A hand which was gripped tightly in his, so tightly she wasn't even sure if she had any blood left in it. But she wouldn't complain, not when his hand felt so warm, so strong and had just a bit of a tremor going through it.

She ran quietly, trying not to laugh at his determined face, his jaw clenched as his eyes frantically searched the market's stalls for an accessory store.

She finally dug her heels in after making the second round of the market and pulled on his arm with both hands.

“Yah, Jungpal, here. Let's get this” She pointed at a pretty hair ribbon.

“No. You need a chain. Something secure. Something that won't fall off.” He kept frantically searching the stalls. She giggled, and argued, “This will be fine for tonight. We can get a chain later. Hurry up and buy it. I want to wear my ring.”

That got his undivided attention. He stared at her, his eyes taking in nothing but her face, the smile on her lips, the eyes that revealed all the love he never dared to look for.

His hand moved on its own, cupping her cheek, disbelieving that she was actually there, standing in front of him, loving him and words choked his throat.

She wanted to cry at the way he was so hesitant to touch her, the way his hand trembled as he tenderly cupped her cheek and looked at her. Oh the way he looked at her...

She sniffled and grabbed his hand, biting down hard.

“Yah, you brat! How can you...”

She giggled, knowing he wasn't really mad, that it hadn't really hurt, that he just needed a minute to calm himself, “Hurry up and buy the ribbon! I'm tired of waiting.”

The smile slid from his face, but he swallowed what the was going to say to turn around and quickly purchase the ribbon. Instead of giving it to her, he took her hand and led her to his parked jeep, ignoring her attempts to talk. He lifted her into the driver's seat, facing away from the street and crowded restaurants, but facing him as he stood in front of her. Without a word, with intense focus, he took out the ring from its box, looped the ribbon through it and carefully tied it around her neck, securing it with a double knot. She saw his hand grip the steering wheel while the other gripped the back seat forming a cage, and he took a breath as if he was steeling himself. She gave into a moment's worry, but then he looked at her.

Eyes staring directly into hers, she saw everything, and felt tears well up in hers,


“No, I need to say it. You deserve to hear me say it clearly. I'm not good with words...” He trailed off, trying to come up with the words. Funny how he was so good with words when he was trying to lie. He would never forget the look on her face as he confessed everything tonight, forcing himself to tell her good bye. He had to keep looking away because her eyes had stared too closely, saw too much. How could he have forgotten how well she knew him? And since when did she become good at disguising her feelings – hiding her love for him as she waited? Or did he force her to hide it as he ran away.

He closed his eyes in grief as he thought about that. His laughing, bright, in your-face Deoksun hiding her feelings because he put someone else's feelings first. “Deoksun-ah. I love you. I can't think of any other words to tell you what I feel. I'm sorry that I hurt you, for making you wait. I'm sorry that I didn't have the guts to tell you years ago. But most of all, I'm sorry for even thinking about letting you believe I didn't mean one word I said before. I'll make up for it the rest of my life. You won't ever have to wonder how I feel about you because you'll know, feel it with every kiss, every hug, every argument. You'll know every time I let you nag me and when I nag you, or let you rest your head on my shoulder, and every time I scold you or let you scold me. I'm going to love you every day of our lives.”

He wiped the tears from her cheeks with a brush of his thumbs and wished for the hundredth time he could be more romantic like his hyung. He leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers and gently rubbed her nose with his, “I promise Deoksun-ah, I promise I won't ever let anyone else come first, not ever again. Only you.”

She sobbed once, grabbed his hands framing her face, and pressed her lips against his. A gentle kiss, a seal to a solemn vow, gave way to passionate kisses, breathless gasps.

Thank you! you save my day since the final episode aired! 

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13 hours ago, hailaft said:

guysss, finished the second part of my fanfic --> http://hailaft.tumblr.com/post/138799466569/the-new-beginning-part-2

beware it's full of angst :phew: And you can check the first part here. Hope you enjoy it!


I read, though I read slowly, still feel not enough to this story.
Friends, can't wait for this story.

Please do quickly.Haha :D:D

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Is it true that RJY still wants to work with Hyeri in his future project? Saw his interview on entertainment weekly. Seems like he couldnt get over from his heartbreak in R88.... I was totally shipping this two...until the writernim ruined everything. Sorry for the late reaction. Still cant get over about R88 ending. 

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