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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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11 hours ago, cheetah_omma said:

well it must be so hard for you :(

i do had that moments back then, but you come to the right place! we here to cheering each other! the ending is trully hard to accept but we cannot do anything to change it. youre not alone so dont be too sad ;) 

i think you must watch ryu jun yeol V-app, thats the impactfull medicine for me! indeed!! after that just come back to this thread regularly to find good news about our OTP in real life! it such a current daily vitamin for me :D 

uri Junyeol said that we must to move on, just enjoy your sadness now it will be gone by time! He mybe didnt get the girl but look he got million love from us <3 <3

yeah omma.. i will enjoy my pain just now, i will wait it untill it gone. but that Junghwan, that Ssangmundong gang, that ahjumas, that Ssangmundong place, that family, their youth will always in my heart.. really love this drama... saranghae omma..

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7 hours ago, snowglobe147 said:

Heehee, happy 700 pages guys!!!! :D. After this one, we'll only need one more to get to 14,000 posts!!!!!!

Anyways, this is kind of random, but did you guys know that the current best baduk player in Korea is named 박정환 (Park Jung Hwan)? I just thought it was really funny/ironic. He's 9 단, just like Taekie in the last episode, and he even won the weird brown pot trophy thing. He's a picture of him with it:



And here's him (right) competing against Lee Chang Ho (left):



But he definitely can't compete with this :P:


Nope. He is so out of his league.

(Oh, me and my stupid puns. :lol:.)

Ordinary man , but he had an incredible facial expressions . Ah I really like it 



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Happy 700 pages guys...!!!!

Wow...what a journey. We fall in love, got our heart broken, swim in sorrow, crying, loss appetite, loosing sleep, wailing and at last moving on and trying to let it go, learn to accept the (kdrama) reality as how it is together.

It Has been a wonderfull journey which I wouldn't regret. If I was asked to choose again, I'll still be choosing junghwan, supporting him, cheering on him and rooting for him.

He is the character that I like and care the most from all the ssangmungdong's squad, and I love his family the most. Kim sajang, cheetah omma, bong hyung and his dongsengah were the best.

Seeing how junghwan grown to be the man that he was in 1994, I believe that he will lead a very full, successfull and happy life with a beautiful wife who is kinda like deoksun in personality but having brain, confidence and determination so that she can see through junghwan's tsundere ways, appreciate it and loving him just as much as he is loving her.

And with that...I'm moving on too. Thank you show ^^


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For everyone who already has the 25 minutes raw video of "V - [HIGHLIGHT] REPLY, JUNYEOL RYU! - 3rd Period_ The Readerfrom V-app . Here I just upload the english soft subtitle so you can enjoy watching it offline. (Note: The sub belongs to CJes, I just ripped it out)

English Subtitle for V - [HIGHLIGHT] REPLY, JUNYEOL RYU! - 3rd Period_ The Reader

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1 hour ago, luffypyon said:

For everyone who already has the 25 minutes raw video of "V - [HIGHLIGHT] REPLY, JUNYEOL RYU! - 3rd Period_ The Readerfrom V-app . Here I just upload the english soft subtitle so you can enjoy watching it offline. (Note: The sub belongs to CJes, I just ripped it out)

English Subtitle for V - [HIGHLIGHT] REPLY, JUNYEOL RYU! - 3rd Period_ The Reader

Thank you so much for the highlight's soft subs! I've given up wondering how my eyes could keep on churning up the tears! With this man, I just become a watery mess! I love love love RJY's feelings about Jung Hwan, when he said that although he took pride in thinking he knew Jung Hwan most of all (better than the writer and director XD), it's actually the viewers who understood JH better. And knowing the audience was hurting as deeply as JH made him feel so sad..I could never get enough of watching this guy!

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Finally gained the courage and now watching the final 2 episodes with subs. At least I can concentrate now on the heartwarming family parts that I missed when I was still on denial during the livestream.

Anyway, sorry about still rubbing this in but can somehow clarify about the college thing of the Future husband? I went back to dramacool and dramabeans recap if anything going to college was mentioned particularly in ep. 6 but it it's only adult Deok Sun saying about husband dating in the day and not in college. Kinda vague to me. Did we get mistranslations here or something? Whatever the case, still it's a fact that what's maddening about this show was not about JH not being the husband but how the show played with the viewers till the end.

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Title : Viewers still struggle to get over the ending of 'Reply 1988'

Article: 'Reply 1988' records highest viewer ratings but ironically the lowest grade by viewers

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+14,344, -1,112] The scriptwriter deserves it. She messed with the viewers too much.

2. [+13,070, -1,125] I agree, the drama may have gotten the highest viewer ratings out of the series but as a viewer, it got the lowest rating from me. I do not understand the ending at all.

3. [+10,065, -783] Even a song that's only a couple minutes long is organized with structure but this drama had none of that, just got lost in the mountains and then cut off

4. [+5,099, -564] Should just extend it to 25-30 episodes and show everything that needs to be shown...

5. [+3,101, -318] It's not that viewers are pissed that Junghwan wasn't the husband, it's that the viewers were never given a proper understanding as to why Taek became the husband. None of the process was shown so of course we'll be pissed. They put everything on the table and then ran away without closing any of the loose ends like, "lol whatever we're just going with Taek xD"

6. [+2,319, -81] Nothing cohesive about the plot, no explanation as to why Duksun became a stewardess, no explanation about her dreams..


Source: Nate

1. [+963, -98] The last two episodes could've used some work... The drama failed to come up with a proper explanation as to why Junghwan was not the husband, therefore inciting rage to his supporters. Despite myself being a supporter of Taek, I didn't enjoy the last two episodes at all. There was no reason given as to why Taek was decided as the husband... If only we had more time, like an episode more... I think we wouldn't be this upset and still caught up in the ending of the drama.

2. [+855, -81] Just because we rated the drama a 1 doesn't mean we didn't love it... we're just upset at the ending.

3. [+605, -60] Can we get a wife search next time instead of a husband search

4. [+73, -6] Drama started off being about Duksun and then ended with Bora ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ the true leads ended up being Bora and Kyungpyo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+69, -10] What I want to know is that they took a week off to better perfect the last two episodes... but the last two episodes were the ones that ruined the drama. What did they take that week off for?

Credit to : http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/viewers-still-struggle-to-get-over.html

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I'd rather they make reply 2002 instead of 1974 like I read before... Atleast in 2002 the 1988, 1994 and 1997 gang could still collide. I don't care if writer Lee is going to harpoon another ship, but hopefully they will show Junghwan in 2002 coming home to Bangyo (lol!!) for chuseok or seolal herding his out of controlled young kids (multiple) out of his jeep so they can greet their grandparents

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@MrsSoJiSub I agree that it’s a kneejerk reaction from weeks of ongoing torture that some people may have not reacted as fairly as they would under normal circumstances. I also feel I’ve been sensitive towards it as it seems a lot of immediate reaction was to move on and scoff at DS/The ending and to me it felt like a breakdown of what we were fighting for – although that is a fair reaction to accept it and move on. Some people did say unfair things towards innocent individuals and I wanted to air that out and just request some re-thinking of unkind words. I however do not and did not want people to feel unsafe in the thread to post whatever thoughts and opinions they had so I apologize for that – I just wanted to put out there a varying perspective / a more objective standpoint that might have been more fair towards characters/individuals. I just hate seeing Hyeri/DS get knocked down for things out of her control. I don’t need people to adore or fully embrace DS, I’m not requesting people be forced to like her, just not to be too unjust towards her for how things turned out - obviously the ending made it easy for people to write her off – when we should really be writing off the writer! Who this ALL stems from. She sacrificed DS’s character for the ending she decided on. It unraveled the entire backbone of the story and I will never be over how wrong everything is. Episodes 19 and 20 is an ending that never should have been produced. I do however want to say I hope what I said does not scare people off from posting here – I’ve deeply enjoyed all the wonderful thoughts and ideas and I’m thankful for everyone’s words – even if I didn’t agree with everything it all has still been meaningful to the thread and to see from another’s perspective. I’ve gathered insight from a lot of commenters and I deeply appreciate that.

@carolinedl Thank you for your post!! All so very well said. I do think it was an identification process and one of the stages of grief that we’re all suffering together, and I so agree that we have a right to analyze and dislike some attributes as we all have our own perspectives and opinions – and clearly there is so much to disagree with for DS post time skip because the alternate ending ruins everything that was built up until now.  I don’t think Hyeri is a perfect actress but I did grow to adore many things about her

@ayingThank you for the kinds words!! I needed to express what was in my still dying heart and soul. You’re so right. We were all still hoping – there was a light in DS’s eyes the entire time she was staring at JH, her eyes just had this sparkle there. When they were making eye contact you could see it. It was right there, they were in their own world – regardless of the writer forcing Hyeri to act out staring out the door looking for TK, when they were making eye contact there was no one else in the room. By the way when I was watching I had thought they put makeup on RJY because his eyelids were reddish/pinkish but now after his V-App I realize it’s because he was CRYING between takes (and seeing Hyeri breakdown definitely made him cry more). No wonder..  Also during the car scene arguing over music they were SO flirting. I haven’t watched episode 18 subbed yet because it hurts me too much but I remember her saying something like Can’t you speak prettier words? (actually I have no idea what she said) and he was like ..okay (smiles) THAT SMILE WAS EVERYTHING. Darn it if I wasn’t such a noob I’d post that smile. HE WAS STILL SO IN LOVE WITH HER. HE DID NOT GET OVER HER WHEN HE WAS CRYING IN THE CAR BEFORE. RJY says the confession scene was really difficult to act out because it was hard to accommodate the change in JH, to let go of DS, when he had always steadfastly loved DS.. they were still flirting in the car, still with so much chemistry in the confession scene. There is no way JH and DS were not supposed to be together, regardless of what executive decisions were made on this relationship. To me it’s like Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Ginny was sobbing and forced to write her own farewell on the walls under Voldemort’s control to walk to her own death – RYJ and Hyeri were forced into a scenario that went against the grain of what they had been going towards together. That’s why they fell apart in the confession scene, it was a goodbye they never wanted.

I imagine their kiss scene(s) ALL THE TIME but it hurts too much to think what could have been – all that angst and misunderstanding being reprieved through this heart connection, which we miss out on due to the writer’s decision – there is NO WAY the writer would let there be a JH –DS kiss scene – there’s too much chemistry between them that it would eclipse the endgame couple.

I’m exhausted so I’m  sorry if this post was rambly – the melatonin is kicking in so I need to sleep – still want to butt in and comment on more things pages 695+!!! Like the for fun things!!! And take those shots that we need.. Enough with the serious!!! But goodnight for now

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@malkrystal As I posted before, I've foreseen this about Hye Ri. She's an idol-turn-actress and come from a sexy girl group that kinda get stereotype to hate by netizens afterall. Wish they really just opted to end this drama with a high note. Now, when your supposed to have your breakout drama but it ended with people debating and getting engraged, it will naturally be a tough follow up for Hye Ri and can haunt her. Added that statistically, previous Reply stars haven't pulled a Joo Won or Kim Soo Hyun or Lee Min Ho ratings and hit project so far post-Reply. But anyhow, she's talented and as long as she won't have attitude problems or scandal circulating, Reply 1988 definitely already paved way for her so she'll already have more contracts guaranteed. It's just up to her to choose the right follow up to Reply. Entertainment biz is a hit or miss afterall that pressure to every A-listers is inevitable there.

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3 hours ago, Niel2804 said:


Title : Viewers still struggle to get over the ending of 'Reply 1988'

Article: 'Reply 1988' records highest viewer ratings but ironically the lowest grade by viewers

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

5. [+3,101, -318] It's not that viewers are pissed that Junghwan wasn't the husband, it's that the viewers were never given a proper understanding as to why Taek became the husband. None of the process was shown so of course we'll be pissed. They put everything on the table and then ran away without closing any of the loose ends like, "lol whatever we're just going with Taek xD"

6. [+2,319, -81] Nothing cohesive about the plot, no explanation as to why Duksun became a stewardess, no explanation about her dreams..


Source: Nate

1. [+963, -98] The last two episodes could've used some work... The drama failed to come up with a proper explanation as to why Junghwan was not the husband, therefore inciting rage to his supporters. Despite myself being a supporter of Taek, I didn't enjoy the last two episodes at all. There was no reason given as to why Taek was decided as the husband... If only we had more time, like an episode more... I think we wouldn't be this upset and still caught up in the ending of the drama.

5. [+69, -10] What I want to know is that they took a week off to better perfect the last two episodes... but the last two episodes were the ones that ruined the drama. What did they take that week off for?

Credit to : http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/viewers-still-struggle-to-get-over.html


Oh my god, those comments. Spot on!!

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Guest wizengamot

wow!! wow! wow!!


@MrsRyu wow that fanvid song. I was requesting a JH-DS with that song a long time ago. Thanks :)

8 hours ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

I accept the ending but too many plot holes. I cannot see how as someone who watch every ep twice I am getting it wrong. I want to fangirl(thus I am on this thread) but it's like there's something off.


yeah i agree. too many plot holes. Like the Music Award. It was clear that the future husband had confused who won at '88 and '89, but the fact remains that he'd confused it because he saw it both. Between TK and JH, JH was the only one who saw both Music Awards. TK didn't see the '88 MA because he was having a baduk match at Busan that time. lol!! And then the pink shirt was highlighted so much but was left unresolve. I even find Kim Joo Hyuk's acting at the last episode hilarious, because at the early episode he was so manly but then at ep 20, he was reduced to someone who can't open a tin can of biscuit lol

3 hours ago, Niel2804 said:


Title : Viewers still struggle to get over the ending of 'Reply 1988'

Article: 'Reply 1988' records highest viewer ratings but ironically the lowest grade by viewers

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+14,344, -1,112] The scriptwriter deserves it. She messed with the viewers too much.

2. [+13,070, -1,125] I agree, the drama may have gotten the highest viewer ratings out of the series but as a viewer, it got the lowest rating from me. I do not understand the ending at all.

3. [+10,065, -783] Even a song that's only a couple minutes long is organized with structure but this drama had none of that, just got lost in the mountains and then cut off

4. [+5,099, -564] Should just extend it to 25-30 episodes and show everything that needs to be shown...

5. [+3,101, -318] It's not that viewers are pissed that Junghwan wasn't the husband, it's that the viewers were never given a proper understanding as to why Taek became the husband. None of the process was shown so of course we'll be pissed. They put everything on the table and then ran away without closing any of the loose ends like, "lol whatever we're just going with Taek xD"

6. [+2,319, -81] Nothing cohesive about the plot, no explanation as to why Duksun became a stewardess, no explanation about her dreams..


Source: Nate

1. [+963, -98] The last two episodes could've used some work... The drama failed to come up with a proper explanation as to why Junghwan was not the husband, therefore inciting rage to his supporters. Despite myself being a supporter of Taek, I didn't enjoy the last two episodes at all. There was no reason given as to why Taek was decided as the husband... If only we had more time, like an episode more... I think we wouldn't be this upset and still caught up in the ending of the drama.

2. [+855, -81] Just because we rated the drama a 1 doesn't mean we didn't love it... we're just upset at the ending.

3. [+605, -60] Can we get a wife search next time instead of a husband search

4. [+73, -6] Drama started off being about Duksun and then ended with Bora ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ the true leads ended up being Bora and Kyungpyo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+69, -10] What I want to know is that they took a week off to better perfect the last two episodes... but the last two episodes were the ones that ruined the drama. What did they take that week off for?

Credit to : http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/viewers-still-struggle-to-get-over.html


LOL!!! I LOVE THE KNETZ TOO!!! seriously, there's lot of plot holes and instead of tying the loose ends, it created more questions.


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