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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Oh my gosh finally I got my password back !!

Hello guys, I am a silent lurker since the very beginning ! I just wanted to post my opinion here before becoming a silent lurker again.

This is actually a first for me to experience the "second lead syndrome" as it is called, or to get fooled like this, after years of watching Kdramas.

I am a big fan of the Reply series, and I can't help to feel disappointing in the husband game in this one.

For the first two seasons, I guessed who the husband was right away and what I liked was the fact it was really clear from the start and did't have to be frustrated, anxious or whatever about the "hunt" and actually enjoy the show.

For this one, I started with the same mindset, believing JH was the endgame as he shared the same feeling with the lead actress as in Reply 1994 and 1997... this kind of great chemistry and tension.

But then JH would just not confess and as the episodes were passing I was like wth is going on ? where are all the lovey dovey scenes and kisses ? What was missing also was the lack of response from DS's side, we could not guess who she liked for sure, not like Shi Won who had her mind set after Yoon Jae left her with the ring and didn't waver, or Jung who basically had chosen her husband when she was still a little girl.

Then I realised Taek was the husband and ok, maybe it was decided from the start (really?) but it felt to me like the relationship was built in a rush, and too late on the series... why have JH and DS stuck together between two walls, fighting against sexual tension all for nothing HAHA ! why making this breathtaking moment when he says not to go to blind dates, making him wait for her all the time, look at her like she was the most precious thing, making her looking at him the same way all for nothing ??

IMO, there should have been more history between her and TK for me to take it seriously... like one moment she give him medicine, give him food, tuck him to bed and take care of him like a noona/mother, the next episodes they're making out like BAM ?

Anyways, I hope that if they make another Reply, they make the couple obvious from the start and focus on building the relationship beautifully, without making someone confessing his love as joke, breaking his (and ours) heart in million pieces

Okay sorry for the long rant I am going back in the shadows


PS : RJY is now one of my favourite actors, his acting is ON POINT, and he's really, REALLY attractive (his lips my gosh !!)




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@balladblue I agree with every word. Junghwan and Deok Sun would have worked together (heck the writer made similar dynamics work out in R97 & 94). They would have made it work and been happily married with kids living the military wife/mother life. The post @blue_angel_1004 posted about her uncle. that is exactly the ending i foresaw for our Deok Sun and Junghwan and although it is not the ending the writer gave us, it's the ending I like to imagine they would have had. He would be an adoring husband to her dotting her and their daughter or son in his own way (their relationship would be similar to his and her parents as Taek and Deok Sun's are similar to his dad and mama Sung's). Anyways I too disagree that Deok Sun and Junghwan wouldn't have been good for one another and wouldn't have worked out in the long run. I see the discussion going on now in the MT and if I could choose any girl for Junghwan it would be Deok Sun. Yeah he didn't get her but for me she was his perfect fit. So I would still choose her and since he can't have her then a Deok Sun 2.0. 

As for everything else...I wish this fandom could just learn to be a little less sensitive, a lot more easy going find the humor in it all/laugh it off, and really just let things go because it is not that deep! They are fictional characters, the drama has ended. Let people express their feelings. Ignore what bothers you comment on what you feel can't be ignored and just respect the fact that there will be varying opinions on it all. We don't all have to be accepting and happy and kumbaya about the ending if we don't want to. It changes nothing if the viewers want to accept it or not so really what is the big deal if some want to harp on it for a bit. As @carolinedl mentioned as for many people who are upset that Junghwan wasn't the husband and are sending love RJY's way there also those who are beyond happy that Taek was the husband and are sending love PBG's way. As for many people who are upset at Deok Sun's choice there are those who are happy with her choice and sending love Hyeri's way. Either way all these actors and actresses are doing well becuase as they saying goes "there's no thing as bad publicity" Yeah the majority is pissed about the ending and showing a bit more love for one more than the other but it changes nothing and really all the actors and actresses of this franchise are blessed. Many unknowns have been discovered and have popularity, praise and up start in star power they would have without this project coming along. At the end of the day all the actors and actresses benefited from this work and are going to continue to have long lasting careers and many opportunities arise because of it. I don't care what any side wants to say. Go on and say it, it changes nothing. So long as all my precious squad kids and their parents continue to flourish in their careers, I'm cool. 

Anyways back to the topic of our richard simmons. I enjoyed reading everyone's top 5. The other day I was imagining how everyone would react if they had dated and the neighborhood found out. I like to imagine they would find out similar to how the mom's found out about SunBora....catch them mid kiss. Funny enough Junghwan would be the more embarrassed one and he would have a hard time looking his mom in the eye for a week. Papa Kim would be happy and teasing towards the two. He would immediately take to calling Deok Sun his "daughter in law". They didn't happen but doesn't mean I can't still enjoy what did happen and what could have been. 

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45 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:


I did not say it having in my mind a comparison between the actors but HE STOLE the show.


Hey, sorry chingu, my message was not specifically aimed at you! I was referring more to the discussions about RJY and all than your actual post. The whole MT is comparing the two and saying this and that, explaining aways his Vapp thingy, and all. I just do not see the need to compare or try to find explanations of why RJY is so successful.

@MrsSoJiSub Ha ha ha I enjoyed your little fantasy moment there. I can't just yet but I will join your fantasy world once I am more at ease with the whole thing. I told myself today at the library that I should just accept that it was a great show with a poorly written end. But I am just so frustrated that I wanna shake writer-nim and ask her what the hell went through her mind?!? Ha ha ha... I have a nasty tendency to hold grudges so I need more time.

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OMG I must be disoriented a few minutes ago. Someone liked my post on MT and I thought maybe I could go take a peek at the last page, or perhaps two or three pages? Juuust a tiny peek.

Wrong decision. Dang. The debate on script etc is still on. Some are having nice talk about what kind of person might fit JH and I like it, but what's with the downtalk on JH, people who have a say about the finale, and RJY's V app (where he said he and hyeri thought JH was to b the husband)? Has reading MT always been that uncomfortable? Gosh, I need to rewatch the happy scenes again. Here I come, cheetah omma and dongyonryong oppa! 

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Good evening/ morning/ afternon everyone

I have the same problem you have: how is it possible that I already said my goodbye to R88 and yet here I am... still a silent reader on soompi one moment... still talking about it the next one... still not moving on for real?

Anyway I have not read the MT yet, but from what you wrote I understand that a lot of people from Taek's shipping are still trying to find the meaning of R88 rushed end the same way they lived the drama: insightful analysis and a lot of rude comments... lol

If they have nothing better to do than analyse every single thing, let them be

But I'm really sorry this time they chose to badmouth RJY with their analysis, because who are they to said what RJY can say or can't say?

He is a great actor that gave a lot to this drama... I think he has the right to say what he wants.

In truth it's a simple fact to understand:

no RJY= no R88, the drama we all like

Are they really so petty to belittle a person that gave so much to all of us, to them too, because they are so unsatisfied with their happy ending?

It's a pity, but it seems there's no limit to their haughtiness... it's just useless now to argue with them

Anyway about the Vapp I just finished a message with a Taek's shipper...

I still am  a JH/DS shipper and don't hate me please but I needed to reply her since she quoted me in the MT so I think it was polite to reply since she didn't use offensive words with me, I'm just bored to read the comments Taek's shippers wrote after my posts so I hope a private message can be the right place to have a civil conversation.

So this is what I wrote:

the fact that both RJY and Hyeri believed JH was the husband ( and I don't see why I should doubt it if RJY said that's what they thought... he really said that it's not what anyone told them it's what they thought) it's a good thing to me because it feels somewhat better to know that they feel the same way I did, that my love for JH/DS couple and my decision to choose that couple was the same of what the actors were feeling while playing their parts... 
I would still like the couple JH/DS without that Vapp, the Vapp is just something more... it's a bonus for me.

And I don't have a big problem with an actor saying what he thinks with honesty, both RJY and Hyeri played their parts how the writer told them but like every human being they had their opinions and ideas about the story... 

Of course they didn't say anything while the drama was still airing, because while working they can't go around saying " I think this or that" " the writer should do this or that" that wIll be rude and wrong but now that the drama is ended I would like to read more about what every actor thought about the story, what they liked, what they think could have been better... all that little things that happened behind the scenes.
Like you I'm also curious to know what PBG thought about him being the husband. 
I read that he was happy for the love R88 viewers showed him and that he likes Taek a lot, but what does he thing about him being the husband? 
Was he surprised like RJY when he learned of it or did he, like RJY, thought he was the husband too?
Did he discuss kisses scenes with Hyeri too before ep18?

Anyway, it was really refreshing to see what RJY the person thought of JH the fictional character and it may sound silly but it's even a healing feeling for me.
Yes, I know they are fictional characters but I'm not ashamed to say that I always love to immerse myself in the books or the movies worlds when I'm liking a story... I always cry when I see a sad movie or when I read a sad book, I really don't think it's so bad if my feelings are real when I'm told a fictional story.


I hope my POV is clear this time:

I like RJY's honesty but this is not a reason to not be curious about PBG too.

RJY the person has a rigth to say what he thinks, there's no need to feel wronged about a person being honest.

For sure as an actor of this drama his POV is interesting not only for his fans but for all R88 fans and the fact that I ship JH and I like RJY doesn't mean that I'm going around saying PBG was bad or that I'm not interested in what his opinions are... in truth I'm very curious about what PBG thinks of Taek being the husband.

The drama is ended, now I want to know about the actors... for now:

RJY, Hyeri, the actor that played NE and the adorable JJ wanted JH as the husband... I'm really curious about the others.


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Please make fanfic deoksun and junghwan until they marry or old.

Please ...

Please make me satisfied and move on.

junghwan must with Deoksun or

RJY and Hyeri, maybe ... * muahahaha

And..i dont care with 'another' husband.My mind still with Junghwan-Deoksun's husband. 

Thank you.Love You..hahahahaha

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I want to read/reply everything but it will have to wait til I get home from work but I've read a little briefly and no @MrsSoJiSub I did not mean you! Your drunken sorrow was my drunken sorrow and reading your posts gave me something to smile about on dark times. I'll reply more later but for now I needed to sign in to say I'm listening to A Little Girl at work and I simultaneously want to cry and vomit. I'm still constantly thinking about why why why did this all happen and trying to keep it together but falling apart anyway 

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The thread is so quiet now but I can't seem to leave. There were a whole bunch of you who wrote your farewells and decided to let go. I still can't. I will still be lurking here.

I do not have the energy to defend JH/RJY. This show and his character knocked the wind out of me. I won't compare him to TK, or say why he should be the husband. I watched the show with my own understanding and I was captivated by this character. I followed him through his journey and I wanted what was best for him, in this case DS. I wanted JH for DS as well because I thought he was good for her. Not saying that TK isn't, but it's just my preference. So I really don't want to hear people telling me that I picked wrong or putting down the character and the person who played the character that I love dearly. So let me just curl up in my corner in my grief, and winners please just pass me by and ignore me. I don't need any comments and remarks from you. Thank you.

Thank goodness everyone have their own preferences, otherwise it will translate in real life and we'll all be married to the same man and be sister-wives LOL 

This is how much the show affected me: I live in an apartment and I have a designated parking spot. I never take extra notice of the cars parked around mine, but I know it's always the same ones, unless a family moves away. But then there was this one car that caught my eye since ep 17 of this show. Why? It's a jeep that looks very similar to JH's. During the week of (I saw spoilers) and after 17&18, I smiled every time I see that car. I had hope that JH's confession would get to DS. I remembered the cute bickering that the two had in the car. Then 19&20 happened. OMG. That stupid car is there to rub salt in my wounds, I tell you. When I leave in my car, I see it and sigh. I arrive home, I see it and sigh.

Will I ever get over this stupid show? No, I take that back. Will I ever quit being so stupid over this show?  Help.

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2 hours ago, carolinedl said:

Hey, sorry chingu, my message was not specifically aimed at you! I was referring more to the discussions about RJY and all than your actual post. The whole MT is comparing the two and saying this and that, explaining aways his Vapp thingy, and all. I just do not see the need to compare or try to find explanations of why RJY is so successful.

@MrsSoJiSub Ha ha ha I enjoyed your little fantasy moment there. I can't just yet but I will join your fantasy world once I am more at ease with the whole thing. I told myself today at the library that I should just accept that it was a great show with a poorly written end. But I am just so frustrated that I wanna shake writer-nim and ask her what the hell went through her mind?!? Ha ha ha... I have a nasty tendency to hold grudges so I need more time.

i have the same feeling with yours and also millions R88 fans out there have the same betrayed feeling like us.. so some of R88 fans made a petition that want some clear ending or just an official explanation or the an alternate about the ending story of R88.. if you agree with us and dont mind, please signing and sharing this petition https://www.change.org/p/tvn-petition-reply-1988-to-have-an-alternate-ending-or-an-epilogue-scene?recruiter=468940878&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink thank you very much..

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22 minutes ago, callmegiggles said:

The thread is so quiet now but I can't seem to leave. There were a whole bunch of you who wrote your farewells and decided to let go. I still can't. I will still be lurking here.

I do not have the energy to defend JH/RJY. This show and his character knocked the wind out of me. I won't compare him to TK, or say why he should be the husband. I watched the show with my own understanding and I was captivated by this character. I followed him through his journey and I wanted what was best for him, in this case DS. I wanted JH for DS as well because I thought he was good for her. Not saying that TK isn't, but it's just my preference. So I really don't want to hear people telling me that I picked wrong or putting down the character and the person who played the character that I love dearly. So let me just curl up in my corner in my grief, and winners please just pass me by and ignore me. I don't need any comments and remarks from you. Thank you.

Thank goodness everyone have their own preferences, otherwise it will translate in real life and we'll all be married to the same man and be sister-wives LOL 

This is how much the show affected me: I live in an apartment and I have a designated parking spot. I never take extra notice of the cars parked around mine, but I know it's always the same ones, unless a family moves away. But then there was this one car that caught my eye since ep 17 of this show. Why? It's a jeep that looks very similar to JH's. During the week of (I saw spoilers) and after 17&18, I smiled every time I see that car. I had hope that JH's confession would get to DS. I remembered the cute bickering that the two had in the car. Then 19&20 happened. OMG. That stupid car is there to rub salt in my wounds, I tell you. When I leave in my car, I see it and sigh. I arrive home, I see it and sigh.

Will I ever get over this stupid show? No, I take that back. Will I ever quit being so stupid over this show?  Help.

YO THIS is sooo funny because I have had the EXACT same feeling....So, during the weeks that I was hyped for this show...I rewatched R1997, and 1994 because I was looking forward to what types of kiss scenes that JHXDS would get..and I would listen to "Last Christmas" by Wham....and "Unconditionally" by Katy Perry, and a whole bunch of 80s love songs ....but NOW ...

this drama has scarred me so much that I cannot listen to these songs without wanting to run to the bathroom and puke my heart out....

I also CAN NEVER Watch Forrest Gump again (and that was one of my favorite movies) , and

TODAY, I was at the mall, and I saw a F***ING PINK SWEATER at FOREVER 21 and I Wanted to burn it..but instead I just left the store, to go to Old Navy...where I found another Pink collard shirt..... I was like, "OK, WORLD, STOP Rubbing it in!!!!!" AISSSHHHH!! 



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1 hour ago, mylkrystal said:

I want to read/reply everything but it will have to wait til I get home from work but I've read a little briefly and no @MrsSoJiSub I did not mean you! Your drunken sorrow was my drunken sorrow and reading your posts gave me something to smile about on dark times. I'll reply more later but for now I needed to sign in to say I'm listening to A Little Girl at work and I simultaneously want to cry and vomit. I'm still constantly thinking about why why why did this all happen and trying to keep it together but falling apart anyway 

sigh**** tell me why everytime I think about all the good things in this drama.. including the AMAZING Soundtrack...that I would replay over and over again to get hyped during the weeks leading up to the finale, Including A little Girl....and Sobangcha....I instantly want to go puke, and realize that the reality is the reality...LIKE F*** and then I go into this spiral of , "What?" "Why wasn't he the husband, like WHY?" , and then I want to go crawl in bed and question the meaning of life.......

And now, I have these triggers:

  • Black Jeeps
  • Pink Sweaters
  • Pink Collard Shirts
  • Pink Gloves
  • 80s love songs
  • the R1988 soundtrack
  • Any person in any relationship
  • Girls Day songs and Girls Day members
  • richard simmons LOVE ....
  • Bangs
  • the color black
  • sleeping pills
  • kiss scenes
  • airplanes
  • pilots
  • richard simmons stewardesses
  • Spiderman Kiss UPside down kiss scene
  • Soccer
  • RAIN

I think we all  @MrsSoJiSub @mylkrystal  need to just get a drink to just forget wtffffffffffffffffffffff happened......????

Also, who else is into shipping RJY and Hyeri in real life?? Apparently, they were at a coffee shop together with smiles and they signed an autograph for the cashier

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please help me.. i cant move on from this drama, especially from Junghwan character.. this drama really affected my real life.. everytime when i saw, heard, read, watched all over about Junghwan or alot of clues about Reply 1988 i must shed tears, again, again, again and again... i coulndt do everything.. i coulndt sleep well, my work cant finished, i didnt feel to eat at all.. my heart is very sore.. what should i do? please help me.. please....

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I think no one expected that RJY could bring out the character so well. He's practically a newcomer, no one knows who he is yet and the thing about Reply series casting is they're trying to bring out fresh faces. So its normal for people to think names like PBG and GKP are leads for this series since they have a lot more experience in their belt, and when they eventually became the end game people would quickly points that he is the main lead.

The PD and writer might be just trying to cast a fresh face to slap the classic gruff cold personality the typical friend classic KDrama normally have. If it's not RJY who is casted as JH, I doubt that the term "Tsundere" will ever be mentioned, EoNamRyu, or even the filial son. JH will be just a typical second male lead we all wished he 'got the message' and "we'd get over it". 

RJY is truly a dark horse here.... I think the writer and PD are even surprised of how well he is able to morph into JH and even developed JH personality more than what it was written in the script, and how well his character is loved by the viewers,  they have no idea what to do to not waste such a talent and such a well rounded character which is Kim Jung Hwan. 

Waaaa really...guys, we have been so lucky to come across a character such as JH to love, and the man behind that character Ryu Jun Yeol. Let's love!

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