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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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5 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:



Guys, what song is playing towards the end OF THIS PREVIEW? is this OST out yet? Did I miss it? If someone can link me THANKS!

It's this one I believe?



Edit: Sorry just saw that u got a reply. Bad timing eh?

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Although I didn't finish watching reply 1994 because I couldn't take the angst (I knew Trash would be the end but Chil was the one I was rooting for), I wanted to know if there were a lot of scenes of Chilbongie with NJ?

JH scenes are too many (ofcourse more the better lols) whereas TK is rarely shown. He hardly has any cute scenes with DS not even a full MV amount of scenes. And if the last two episodes do show a lot about them together, I still think it would be too late to justify him as DSs hubby.

If you compare this with Trash, NJ and Chil was it a similar pattern?

P.S. I'm asking you this because it seemed like you made it till the end ~_~ of the 1994 series. 


I felt like in 1994, Chilbong was gone a lot.  I don't think he even appeared in the first episode.   There was a couple of episodes that he barely appeared because he was on away games or training (similar to TK who was away for his competitions).  In terms of scenes NJ definitely had more scenes with Trash but she had a fair amount of scenes with CB.  I actually found the baseball scene in which he throws the ball to NJ really sweet.  After the NJ/Trash break up, episodes 18-20 was pretty much all NJ/CB.  Trash was barely seen.  He was always tired and sleeping.  So to answer your question, it's similar to what's happening now.  After DS and JH have the t-shirt misunderstanding, DS/TK had more scenes and JH is just hanging out studying or whatever.  JH makes a come back and I expect TK to make on last come back before we find out what's DS's mind.


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I noticed that all the boys in R88 (except for JB) gave the girls that they like a gloves while the girls gave the boys a polo.

I hope that Sung parents like in R97 and R94 be true to their pattern - always choosing wrong in terms of the future husband for their daughter.

Its not important because they already like a big family but it will be nicer if the three mothers become relatives. SY will be connected to II-Hwa if SW and Bora marry. However, the connection will be complete if MR omma will also become their relatives through marriage.;)

Btw, in episode 17 when the guys are playing in the field, I have the feeling that DS eyes is following JH. Maybe just my wild imagination.:)

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21 minutes ago, junghwana said:

Loooooool that is exactly how I feel!   I love it but I'm scared of watching it. I can't handle the pain.

crazy? That makes us two. Actually I think most peeps here have the same feeling. 


@Kelly86  You are not alone guys..  That short youtube video like my meal.. I always watch it.. Ah if we get beautiful scenes between that two i can endure this pain.. But now his pain ours pain:tears:

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12 minutes ago, honeywell said:


I felt like in 1994, Chilbong was gone a lot.  I don't think he even appeared in the first episode.   There was a couple of episodes that he barely appeared because he was on away games or training (similar to TK who was away for his competitions).  In terms of scenes NJ definitely had more scenes with Trash but she had a fair amount of scenes with CB.  I actually found the baseball scene in which he throws the ball to NJ really sweet.  After the NJ/Trash break up, episodes 18-20 was pretty much all NJ/CB.  Trash was barely seen.  He was always tired and sleeping.  So to answer your question, it's similar to what's happening now.  After DS and JH have the t-shirt misunderstanding, DS/TK had more scenes and JH is just hanging out studying or whatever.  JH makes a come back and I expect TK to make on last come back before we find out what's DS's mind.



I asked all of these questions because I happened to read an interview on Chilbongie (don't know his real name sorry) regarding 1988. He said that he identified with Taek a lot and that he wants Taek to fulfill what Chilbongie couldn't.


Even if the writers do decide to give Chilbongie/Taek a happy ending in 1988, for me it just doesn't make sense. I mean if that was their intention they should have atleast tried to slightly balance out the screen time between JH and TK. I know it is now up to DS to pick so that's what makes me unsure whether they will use that card to justify Taek as hubby.

Ah well. We shall see.

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26 minutes ago, junghwana said:

Loooooool that is exactly how I feel!   I love it but I'm scared of watching it. I can't handle the pain.

crazy? That makes us two. Actually I think most peeps here have the same feeling. 

Me too. After the live stream, I have watched the subbed version once. I want to watch it again but its too much for my heart. Its the best proposal scene...sincere...so heartfelt...RJY just nailed it. Each and every line delivery is so well done. 

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Guest nchoerunnisa

@balladblueYeah... tbh... I think that kissing scene was real too. DS's reaction was way too detail and too real for it to be a dream. And if it was just a dream, what's the purpose of that scene? To show that Taek likes DS? But we're already know about that. For fan service? Really? I don't think LWJ is kind of writer who will throw some random scenes for the sake of fans. But if that kissing scene was real... why did she kiss him back? why did DS act nonchalant the next day?

Team Taek has reasonable argument for this. It's simply because DS likes TK. Some said that she has liked him all this time without her realizes it. Some said that she realized it after TK's movie date cancellation and bridal style carry scenes. She acted nonchalant the next day because she thought TK won't reciprocate her feeling. TK had ever said that he likes someone. And she had no idea that someone is her. Beside, she's already brokenhearted... twice... by SW and then JH.

It does make sense I think. But I have another theory.



It's true that DS had finally seen TK in a new light. This girl thought that TK was in the palm of her hand. She used to order him around and he let her do whatever she wants to him. Suddenly, one day, he canceled the movie date which is probably very uncharacteristically of TK. She probably felt sad. She felt like TK was starting to ignore her.

(I must admit this assumption is very subjective. I made it based on my own experience which is probably very far from the writer's real intention. But from my experience, sometimes I can get sad or jealous when my best friends suddenly ignore me or forget me. My Sunbae even accepted her friend as her BF because she's jealous when she saw him getting close with another girl. But she realized later that it's not love that she felt for him and she broke up with him later.)

After that cancellation, she's impressed by TK. TK, whom she's babying so much, is actually capable of carrying her in bridal style, while running so fast to be exact. Something that DR couldn't even do with his piggyback style. She's amazed, shocked, and flustered because of his action. Well, is there any normal girl who wouldn't be?

These whole new things about TK probably made DS suddenly felt strange about him. She felt some kind of attraction? sexual tension? I don't know. But whatever it was, it made her couldn't sleep and stop thinking of him.

Then the kissing scene happened. I definitely saw her kissing him back. It's her first kiss, probably she just followed her instinct and curiosity? Or she wanted to confirm her feeling for him? I'm not sure.

But IMO, what should be highlighted is her reaction after that night. If she felt something for him, how this awkward and clumsy girl could manage to act nonchalant in front of TK? Remember how nervous she was when she wanted to test JH through fake blind date? Do you think she could pretend as if nothing happened if she liked him? IMHO, she couldn't. Since that kiss didn't mean anything for her and she didn't want her relationship with TK becomes awkward, she decided not to mention anything about it.

So the purpose of this scene is to give TK a chance to be seen as a man by DS... and at the same time... to confirm that even though DS finally sees him as a man... She doesn't feel anything for him.

I know this theory is very assumptive... and there's no way to prove it unless the show unfolds the story itself...

I admit that DS's reaction toward TK makes me nervous. And JH's expression when he was confessing doesn't help me at all. He looked like someone who's already found his acceptance and peacefulness, unlike YJ who's all brokenhearted.

But that feather slowmo scene from Forest Gump gives me assurance. I can't explain myself why. But I'll just trust my instinct. Hahaha. Beside, he's the one who's being a huge fan of LMY. I believe this wouldn't set by our meticulous PD nim without a purpose.

It's okay if I turned out to be wrong... My only wish is to see JH being happy and lovey-dovey :wub: with his wife in the present, LMY whoever she is.

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5 hours ago, wasted_youth said:


@parkangel the title is 'Banggapda, Nonli-ya'(반갑다 논리). A book about logical thinking I guess. You wanna purchase it?

Thank you :).

No, I am just curious because they seem to put "emphasis" on that book. The way camera zoom to the cover and so on.

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7 minutes ago, Nurul Choerunnisa said:

@balladblueYeah... tbh... I think that kissing scene was real too. DS's reaction was way too detail and too real for it to be a dream. And if it was just a dream, what's the purpose of that scene? To show that Taek likes DS? But we're already know about that. For fan service? Really? I don't think LWJ is kind of writer who will throw some random scenes for the sake of fans. But if that kissing scene was real... why did she kiss him back? why did DS act nonchalant the next day?

Team Taek has reasonable argument for this. It's simply because DS likes TK. Some said that she has liked him all this time without her realizes it. Some said that she realized it after TK's movie date cancellation and bridal style carrying scenes. She acted nonchalant the next day because she thought TK won't reciprocate her feeling. TK had ever said that he likes someone. And she had no idea that someone is her. Beside, she's already brokenhearted... twice... by SW and then JH.

It does make sense I think. But I have another theory.

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It's true that DS had finally seen TK in a new light. This girl thought that TK was in the palm of her hand. She used to order him around and he let her do whatever she wants to him. Suddenly, one day, he canceled the movie date which is probably very uncharacteristically of TK. She probably felt sad. She felt like TK was starting to ignore her.

(I must admit this assumption is very subjective. I made it based on my own experience which is probably very far from the writer's real intention. But from my experience, sometimes I can get sad or jealous when my best friends suddenly ignore me or forget me. My Sunbae even accepted her friend as her BF because she's jealous when she saw him getting close with another girl. But she realized later that it's not love that she felt for him and she broke up with him later.)

After that cancellation, she's impressed by TK. TK, whom she's babying so much, is actually capable of carrying her in bridal style, while running so fast to be exact. Something that DR couldn't even do with his piggyback style. She's amazed, shocked, and flustered because of his action. Well, is there any normal girl who won't be?

These whole new things about TK probably made DS suddenly felt strange about him. She felt some kind of attraction? sexual tension? I don't know. But whatever it was, it made her couldn't sleep and stop thinking of him.

Then the kissing scene happened. I definitely saw her kissing him back. It's her first kiss, probably she just followed her instinct and curiosity? Or she wanted to confirm her feeling for him? I'm not sure.

But IMO, what should be highlighted is her reaction after that night. If she felt something for him, how this awkward and clumsy girl could manage to act nonchalant in front of TK? Remember how nervous she was when she wanted to test JH through fake blind date? Do you think she could pretend as if nothing happened if she liked him? IMHO, she couldn't. Since that kiss didn't mean anything for her and she didn't want her relationship with TK become awkward, she decided not to mention anything about it.

So the purpose of this scene is to give TK a chance to be seen as a man by DS... and at the same time... to confirm that even though DS finally sees him as a man... She doesn't feel anything for him.

I know this theory is very assumptive... and there's no way to prove it unless the show unfolds the story itself...

I admit that DS's reaction toward TK makes me nervous. And JH's expression when he was confessing doesn't help me at all. He looked like someone who's already found his acceptance and peacefulness, unlike YJ who's all brokenhearted.

But that feather slowmo scene from Forest Gump gives me assurance. I can't explain myself why. But I'll just trust my instinct. Hahaha. Beside, he's the one who's being a huge fan of LMY. I believe this wouldn't set by our meticulous PD nim without a purpose.

It's okay if I turned out to be wrong... My only wish is to see JH being happy and lovey-dovey :wub: with his wife in the present, LMY whoever she is.

This is it what i was talking and thinking about, about that kiss scene, just that you explained it with more details  than i did.  And that definitely was not fan service. Why would that be fan service when in ep 15 we have SW`s mom talking with TK`s dad about guy on motorbike who passed by her really fast and stole her purse. In ep 17 we saw DS holding her bag tight and hurting her leg bcz of same motorbike. They laid the basis for bridal carrying scene which leads to kissing scene.

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5 hours ago, gogo92 said:


The title of that book is "Nice to meet you, logic." It is about logic and how to think logically.

DR said that JH should not read that kind of book because he lacks romance in his life and urged JH to date more. Hope this helps.

Thank you for explaining. :wub:

At first I thought the book held more meaning, because they seem to put lots of focus on it. Maybe the production team wants to imply, sometimes you need to abandon logic and just go with the flow. *lol

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The thread's moving pretty quickly me like it so much!! at this rate we may hit 500 pages before the new episode air :D so keep your great posts coming chingus ;)

I rarely go to the MT place too and frankly i did a mistake for peeking there cause to my surprise i saw some whole new level posts that reminded me why i avoided that thread in the first place :o

Reading Ikea assembly instructions

 I do understand that there is different people with different ways of thinking but reading some deep analysis there (posted clearly by tk supporters) makes me wonder if we still watch the same drama :phew:

8 hours ago, wizengamot said:

my frustration with this series is not even who is the husband because it's already given (yes, Jung Hwan i'm looking at you) like 1+1=2.. my major concern is they should have made the OTP (JH-DS)  together already because really, we viewers could have use an overdose of lovey-dovey moments for all the angst you've put us through. (one episode is almost two hours, thus doubling the angst time of a regular kdrama, maygawd!) 


My thoughts exactly we are approaching the end and it's upsetting that we ain't getting the loving yet. At this point in the story trash already bought a ring and proposed to najung in reply 1994 and in R1997 shiwon and yoonjae kissed and confirmed each others feelings!! While in 88 the coupley stuff is slow, we need ds to know her heart asap so we can get some skinship (hugging, holding hands and kissing please)...i really truly hope that we can get some sweet loving scenes between junghwanie and ds in the remaining episodes :wub: 

Photo from oim.illust

cr: oim.illust

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Guys! I'm so thankful that you guys still believe in our precious Jungpal. 

It's my very first comment here. I was so desperate when the episode 18 aired. I shipped DS ans JH since the beginning of this drama tho. I'm so in love with JH character.

I was so optimistic about everything until the latest episode. It seems like... I mean... The husband acts like Taek and... Kim Joo Hyuk himself looks more like Taek than JH. And Deoksun... I kinda have a feeling that she likes JH only because her friends drag her into it. Idk. I just don't know anymore.

Some said that in January 1995, there was an air force accident which has 4 victims and 2 of the victims' surnamea is Kim. 

Guys... Please help me. I've been crying a river for almost 2 days straight now. :(((

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