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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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1 minute ago, junghwana said:


Yh I think we are all hoping for that.

As someone previously mentioned JH character is the type that uses fewer words but speaks through actions.

So really this guy needs someone who understands him and his selfless shy, nature. Someone who gets him. Someone who can read his actions without him having to spell everything out.

He has been suffering by himself for too long, he DESERVES a good caring wife, if it's not DS then that's fine too!

No I take it back plzzzzz let it be DS!!!

No really it's fine...any nice woman will do

No I take back it has to be DS.

Ahhhhhh whatever.:cry:


Yes,  He deserves a good and caring wife like us here, but i want him to be with DS or he can choose me instead.. Kahkahakah.. *just joking * ... Kekekkekekee

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9 minutes ago, nhaninie said:

it just my imagination..

what if deoksun already know jh liked her? thats why her reaction really calm (i think). maybe taek is the one who told her everything.

it just my wild imagination #teamnoexpectationbutstillimaginethings


I HOPE IT'S GONNA BE TRUE CHINGU!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


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1 minute ago, wizengamot said:

Actually the future husband today acted more like JH. Why?

- because JH is only brusque around DS. But when other people are around, he is polite

ep 7

- when TK dad came in after he and DS wrestled for the book

ep 9

- he bowed when he took photo of the couple stranger

ep 10

when he bowed to MO and Ja Hyun before asking DS privately to go to a movie

definitely. When he's aware of the people behind the camera, he's very polite. When he and DS was away from the camera, his demeanor changed. Totally JH. And DS was bringing him coffee because his hands are cold, which means the hubby doesnt stand cold weather despite wearing thick jacket: the hubby definitely has weak body. Possibly someone who's prone to nosebleed



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watched the raw already.  but doesnt understand nothing of it. anyway i still trust that junghwan is  the husband.. hoping that at least they can wrap the husband hunting on the 19th ep. and ep 20 will be focused on their coupling.

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Sorry I've been posting a lot tonight everyone I'm just too attached to this drama.

I'm not one to analyse the future clues because they are misleading, I take everything with a pinch of salt although I do read them.

When JH said all those flashback scenes in his confession I can't help but to think that that's how future DS knows her husband has been chasing her for a long time.

Or maybe this is my delulu mind talking hahaha I've gone bonkers :rolleyes:

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Guest wizengamot
2 minutes ago, callmegiggles said:

My take on the confession-not-confession:

DS knows.

She knows he is sincere. He talked about all the things he's done for her. He talked about the secrets between the two of them. The pink shirt that only the two of them know about. Him waiting for her with an umbrella when she leaves the study hall.

She might not know about the waiting at the door for an hour and that may be new to her. But she knows what she's done before. She waited for him to go to school. She's done the same.

Also when he was confessing-not-confessing, he held a steady gaze. He was sure. It was his all or nothing moment. Compare that to the time when he told her he wouldn't go to the concert. So much shifty eyes and twitchy body language.

Now the ball is in DS's court and she's gotta decide how she's going to play.


Yes, I know that she knows that it is true. Because how will you smoothly bring up all those little moments if you're not thinking about it all the time. Her reaction the whole was like "go preach! confess to the world, i'd like you to announce it right here right now because you kept on denying before" that's DS expression the whole time and she's smiling

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hi guysss hi fellow shippersss ~~ 

first of all i feel like hugging everyone in this thread ( or more like I'm the one who needs a hug) hahaha

tbh i havent watched this week's episode so I cant really comment about this week's episodes. BUT after reading recap at dramabeans and live recap I kinda get the gist of the situation (?) 


Anddd my shipper heartt my kokoro cannot take guyss. :tears:


I dont what to feel. Seriously this drama is affecting my mental health in real life hHah i was hanging out with my friends and when I read the confession was "fake" i literally screamed in public muahahahah

i need everyone's positive vibes plzzz

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8 minutes ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

A bit off topic but hope it cheer you guys up a little :wub:

I just had to make this gif since I found it too adorable XD before I start backtracking again :)


(when I look at it again, it's kinda look like my expression when I finished watching today's episode though bwahahaha. A bit shocked at first but then all smiling and keep nodding my head happily to your posts XD).

Just a friendly suggestion, for those who still sad about today's episode could start backread from page 378 ;). It really helps lighten up your mood :) (at least for me though, hahahaha)


YAY! i've been waiting for your gifsssssss hahahah and i know right nervous junghwan is so cute :wub:


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4 minutes ago, minyeonhan said:

and i remember clearly junghwan wished taek to be some jerk that's why he backed out, because i swear if taek didn't tell his feeling to his friends after hajima scene, there's no place for him between deoksun and junghwan. junghwan will probably took his chance and confessed right away.

YAAAS. Remember, JH already bought ticket for LMS concert before he knew about TK'S feeling. Maybe he planned to confess after the concert. Augh the possibility is killing me.

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Guest wizengamot

seriously i need to sleep but i already missed 300th page the other day so i want to be here when we hit 400 woo hoo!!!

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The background music during JH's emotional/jeep scene is the same one they used in the finale when Na Jung broke down when Trash finally asked for her help. :bawling:

The rest of the week is gonna be tough,  I suspect it will be about TK in episode 19.

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Guest wizengamot
9 minutes ago, creecabs said:

Yes guys I'm game with this positivity we have even though we were shaken a while ago, I always love that during livestream we're all in chaos but by the end of the day (or rather until the next episode) we are able to pick ourselves up and believe that EoNamRyu :D

I'm off to dreamland now whilst thinking about ridiculous scenarios for the final episodes lol 

Again, thanks for the good vibes and see you guys soon! 


oh good night chingu~

i'm happy that we're back to our spazzing selves actually

it was all like yesterday's reaction hahaha!!!

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I have just had enough!!! I can't take this anymore!!! Pd nim if u are trying to make taek the hubby,why must u hurt junghwan like that? Just why? Crushing his heart and making a bulldozer pass over it? Wtfff i m sooo frustated!!! And why does deoksun keep looking at the door just why? And why must the pd hurt junghwan more by making him notice this? Idk how i will survive the next week  :angry: probably crying maybe. I don't even want to see junghwan's proposal anymore bcz it only makes me cry :bawling: and TAEK what the hell did u do all those years? Just what on earth were u bz doing when junghwan wasn't around?  Idk what do with my life anymore.pd nim should't spoil such an awesome drama by giving it the worst heart wrenching ending :expressionless: 

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You guys crack me up so much with the gifs and give me hope! It's good to see everyone calming down now haha.

Can JH/RJY get an award for that proposal? The BEST I've seen since yeah since......nothing RJY your the man even if it was for just a couple mins till you decided to play cool again.

Sw & Dr's reactions WERE LEGENDARY. You cry than when the camera shifts to them you laugh. 

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37 minutes ago, debieg said:


Can you share it in eng translation?

yes of course! but I'm not a native speaker nor have learned korean formally - this is just me trying my best, so I'm sorry if I make some mistranslation!

Article: R1988, Ryu Jun Yeol confessed to Hyeri.... but in the end love is about timing.


[1] Writer-nim ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is currently feeding us yeot (actually "eat yeot" or 엿먹어 is fck you in korean...i'm not sure by what they mean feed us yeot, but it sure has some relation with that phrase) [+22177 , -697]

[2] I'm the fool for believing that JH did confess.. I'm a fool [+15137, -375]

[3] ㅠㅠ The way Deokseon seem to care so much about Taek.. Every time the door opened she will turn her head to the door.. and Junghwan who smirked knowing that.. ㅠㅠ No ㅠㅠㅠ [+14688, -326]

[4] Ao, he left the ring. Fyuh ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ [+12264, -261]

[5] Although as a person who believes in EoNamTaek (Eochapi Nampyeoneun Taek) seeing it's geting more near to Taek is making me happy, but it's not needed to make Junghwan this pitiful  ㅜㅜㅜ [+11998, -992]

[6] Deokseon will know. that Junghwan was sincere. [+4745, -67]

[7] Until now, out of all the Reply series, this series' character development is the most nonsense/frustrating/annoying (I'm not really sure about this one) [+5115, -259]

[8] When Junghwan was talking is it just me who finds Deokseon's expression vague??? [+3832, -62]

[9] Even knowing the confession was a joke, Deokseon didn't get hurt and continue to stare everytime the door opened. [+3619, -47]

[10] I stopped breathing and completely focused I almost smashed hard my TV. (not sure about this one too) [+3633, -107]

whoops forgot to link the original article, here it is: http://entertain.naver.com/ranking/read?oid=311&aid=0000564388

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My heart did hurt too much during the confession scene... for me there is no need to either put myself in JH's shoes or understand him as I have been in the same phase as of him from past don't even know how many years, first of all its too hard to hide your emotions from your BFF and its even more hard to confess, its perfect if the feelings are mutual but if it isn't it will just be awkward for the rest of your life... I know there are many people out there just like me for whom their BFF is the first love which very rarely turns out for a lifetime for few very lucky persons...

I clearly know one more thing that feelings need not be spoken, they are just felt. Its especially true between childhood friends who know each other in and out. This is from my personal experience.

DS for sure understood everything and ep 19 is going to be from DS's POV. Upto now too much has been said about both TK and JH's feelings but now its time for our DSnah...   

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