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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Which one is who, do we have a character poster?? I have been dying to know who would be Rou Lan, Rouxi's sister, she was a lovely character and the one that broke my heart the most. And which one's the 14th prince, the ultimate husband material and Rouxi's constant support system, I hope they don't leave these one's out just to flesh out 4th and 8th because original Scarlet Heart did justice to pretty much all the characters.

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1 hour ago, Nymeria289 said:

Which one is who, do we have a character poster?? I have been dying to know who would be Rou Lan, Rouxi's sister, she was a lovely character and the one that broke my heart the most. And which one's the 14th prince, the ultimate husband material and Rouxi's constant support system, I hope they don't leave these one's out just to flesh out 4th and 8th because original Scarlet Heart did justice to pretty much all the characters.

14th is Jisso. Is the one right next to her in blue. He is so cute! :wub: 



She doesn't have a sister this time. Wiki says that Park Si Eun (the one at the left) will play Hae-Sii, which is cousin of Hae Soo and the wife of eight prince.

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My  maknae love! 14th prince! :wub: 

On 6/12/2016 at 9:06 PM, maskros said:


It is a pity though, that the 14th prince character will not remain as in the drama/ original novel. JiSoo's character gives off a bubbly, fun vibe to me from the preview, even though I'll have to wait till the drama broadcasts to be sure. I'll hate it though if they decide to make him a comic release because JiSoo is capable of displaying the depth and complexity of the original character with all his hot-headedness and angst combined. I'll restrain any comments on the character portrayal until the drama airs, but I just hope the writer would not make this K-version just a light and bubbly love story. Even if the ending of the C-version drama is sad, it's not necessarily bad and even though I have to sit through tears it's still the kind of drama and ending I'll rewatch for several times.

 The one I high light... what do you mean? character will be killed? Yes, impressive and also hope we get to see acting skills ( probably in SBS  Doctors albeit brief)) and not just pretty boy face.

As for the rest of the Prince....

Second Lead Syndrome. 8th Prince:wub:

The quiet one loves. 13th Prince :wub:

The strong cold hearted lead 4th Prince :wub:

The rest can have all the other princesses :D 


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13 hours ago, scr0ll said:

So much wrist grabbing... Not really one of my fav tropes. Though looking forward to seeing LJG being all dark and cruel. :)

Aye. It's a staple scene in kdramas.  Name a drama where the lead actor hasn't grabbed the wrist of the (petulant?) female lead. :P  but as @valsava  said... dang sexy! He's suited more the costume dramas but I wish to see him in modern drama.

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7 minutes ago, jongski said:

Aye. It's a staple scene in kdramas.  Name a drama where the lead actor hasn't grabbed the wrist of the (petulant?) female lead. :P  but as @valsava  said... dang sexy! He's suited more the costume dramas but I wish to see him in modern drama.

@jongski  We love him in period dramas and his costumes I'm looking forward to seeing how the wardrobe department decks him out maybe with different color eye patches to match each outfitt.. But it's time for him to do a modern drama it's been a while sice his last one.. I just think they haven't wrote a good one for him yet maybe we should lend a hand he would have also been good with doing healer or city hunter we need to see him in a modern action drama where he could use his fighting and gun skills.. 

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12 hours ago, peny said:

Don't dive too deep guys. It's hard to see them fall in love and fall apart later. Just hope that 8th prince personality in SHR will be better than in BBJX.

C-version of 8th prince is confusing to me, I am not even sure if he love ruoxi or just see her as ruolan replacement (first time he confess to ruoxi with jade bracelet was after he tried to backhug ruolan but rejected. LoL) and then I thought he like ruoxi so much but when she ask him to give up his ambition, he said noooo. (LoL girl poor you, he just don't value you that much) and when ruoxi confront him about his misbehaved son always bothering ruolan, he get angry with her without trying to check the truth, after the incident with death bird, the first person he suspect was 14th prince (this is totally absurd to the point where I doubt if he is in his right mind at the moment, as everyone know how loyal 14th prince to 8th prince) and the list of how his personality irks me goes on.

I sincerely hope, Haneul character is alot better than this, we all like kang haneul and know he is lovable. Please drama give his character justice. XD 


It might be only me but I haven't got any doubt about 8th prince's love for RX. It was real, for me, at least. Just because 8 gave her the jade bangle doesn't mean he saw her as the replacement. RX seemed to think that she was a replacement and the rightful owner of the jade bangle should be her sister too, but in that scene where she tried to remove it and return it to him, he clearly said he would give the bangle to the woman he loved. The bangle was an embodiment of his true love, not his love for any specific person.

It also seems to me that we have been so familiar with the idea of 'true love means giving up everything else for love' sometimes it's hard to accept things otherwise. However in ancient time, especially in a country ruled by Confucianism, true love used to be secondary to many things. For a man, achieving greatness came first and the role of women in society back then was very small so it would be rather unrealisic for a man to give up on his career for his woman, which would make him look weak-willed and even close to worthless. Even in marriage between two ordinary people, loyalty was held in higher regard than love, which explains why divorce was rare at best during those times. Couples often remained together until old age out of loyalty to each other rather than bound by love as of today. These explain for:
(1)  8's bonding with his first wife after his romance with RX went to boot, which may be confusing and annoying to many people not familiar with the ancient Confucian ideals but very realistic from a historical viewpoint. This was out of loyalty and in retrospect, none of the princes was indifferent to his wives even if he loved someone else (8, 14, 4 and 13).
(2) 8's reluctance to give up on his ambition for love. His refusal irks us perhaps because we tend to see and judge his choice from the perspective of our time and not from back then.
Tbh, even in our time it still makes me uncomfortable for a person to ask his/ her partner to give up on their dreams for the sake of love. The ending to RX and 8's love came to an end was not because of him alone, but also because of her.

As for the bird incident, I agree with you that he wasn't in his best state of mind. He was desperate at the time for recognition, while his ally 14 was gaining more favour from the king, so his suspicion also stemmed from his perceived incompetence, helplessness and jealousy, but all in all I agree it was not the right thing to do.


From the preview I also like KHN's character much better. For some strange reason I feel uncomfortable with how LJK's character wooing and forcing himself in the female lead's way, perhaps because of too much wrist-grabbing and claiming 'you're mine' thingy. I really like LJK as an actor and many of his characters in his past projects, but the way his character is written this time doesn't work for me :(

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1 hour ago, jongski said:

My  maknae love! 14th prince! :wub: 

 The one I high light... what do you mean? character will be killed? Yes, impressive and also hope we get to see acting skills ( probably in SBS  Doctors albeit brief)) and not just pretty boy face.


No, I mean his character will be written completely differently from the original 14th prince character. I have grown to love the 14th prince in the novel, so JiSoo's character will come as quite a shock to me. Of course JiSoo is more than capable of playing the mischievous, but I prefer him to take on a more serious personality (and because teenagers in ancient time matured much earlier than teenagers today too). Oh well, but perhaps it's just me and his character may be well-written after all, so I'm open to the changes. Actually in the original novel the 10th and 14th princes are the ones who lead happy and peaceful lives, so if they keep JiSoo's character's fate that way you won't have to worry about his end even after the drama ends, lol.

As a side character perhaps he won't get as much screentime as we'd wish, but I would worry about the other three models-turn-actors rather than JiSoo, especially Hong Jong-Huyn. 

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@maskros I agree. I think that 8th answer at the time was appropriate, even at modern times would be appropriate. Why? Because she never give a reason that justify the act of choosing the throne or her. She had a reason but was only on her mind, she never tell him hey I am from the future, if you continue like that you will die...lets live happily together. And I understand why she doesn't want to explain after all. If the one you love came from nowhere saying Hey I have built this ship, we have to scape from Earth exploding in 3 days...I am from Mars. What will you do? I will think he is crazy. Sorry. 

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@Gabi Bros I suddenly blruted out Team 8th prince! Ha ha. 

 He's just more like the lead. I just base from teaser and some post here regarding  c drama and novel.   In the novel.. did she really loved the 8th prince? Was she ever jealous? Did she doubt him?

@maskros   Oh man and it's like Doctors drama.. less screen time too.  But still gonna watch.. for maknae.. and newly discovered KHN.


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@jongski Is because SHR 14th personality is really different from the one of BBJX. His personality is more like the one of 10th prince BBJX (without being annoying), like a silly cutie pie. We can see that SHR 13th (Nam Joo Hyuk) makes fun of him for being the younger in the trailer. There is a huge emphasis in him being the younger because Hae Soo also treats him like that (aigo aigo! our maknae prince). That would have never happen to BBJX 14th, he was really smart, a quiet type most of the time but hot blooded depending of the situation. I like him being cutie pie so I had no problem. :blush: I read somewhere that SHR 14th also will have character development, so his personality may change. The one of BBJX also changed for better. At the beginning, I think BBJX 14th has so much idolatry for 8th...feels like a little boy with his hero. But he was young, so he changed with time. Also Jisso in this 14th is a young character...that will have some experiences that will probably change him. I don't think he will have one personality the whole drama. 

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49 minutes ago, jongski said:

In the novel.. did she really loved the 8th prince? Was she ever jealous? Did she doubt him?


I don't read the novel but I think that she loved him. For me it wasn't an infatuation because it took several years. The fact that she loved intensely 4th after him, doesn't erase for me the fact that she loved 8th. In this life, we can love many people. If I fell deeply in love in a current relationship considering is my true love, that doesn't mean that in my last relationship (if it was good) there was no love. It was love but at different intensity. That is an example. :P 

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9 hours ago, jongski said:

@Gabi Bros I suddenly blruted out Team 8th prince! Ha ha. 

 He's just more like the lead. I just base from teaser and some post here regarding  c drama and novel.   In the novel.. did she really loved the 8th prince? Was she ever jealous? Did she doubt him?

@maskros   Oh man and it's like Doctors drama.. less screen time too.  But still gonna watch.. for maknae.. and newly discovered KHN.


@jongski the center character in BBJX is ruoxi/haesoo (IU character) cause the whole drama is about her timetravel journey and relationship with the princes. No. 8th prince is not the lead, honestly I think kangxi emperor and 14th prince have more screentime than 8th prince. He only dominate the first half of BBJX and after break up (in ep 14 per 35 eps in total) 8th prince part reduced alot. We don't really get to see him especially after the emperor remove all his tittle, he get sick, shut himself from the world and become so pitiful.

The BBJX timeline:

1. Ruoxi and 10th prince puppy love

2. Ruoxi ,13th prince, and lady luwu start of friendship

3. Ruoxi and 8th prince romance

4. Ruoxi and 4th prince

5. Ruoxi and 14th prince friendship

If only kangxi emperor is not too old, I will count him as one of ruoxi admirer. LoL. There is many scene with kangxi and ruoxi since she begin to serve him as palace maid. And I enjoy their interaction so much. As you can see per first half of drama Its 10th prince, 13th prince, and 8th prince but after like 14 or 15 eps until the end of BBJX, its 4th prince and 14th prince. I think we can devide it that way. So 8th prince is not the lead I think, his portion of story is not that big actually. But I do hope they give more screen time for 8th prince in SHR. XD

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10 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

I don't read the novel but I think that she loved him. For me it wasn't an infatuation because it took several years. The fact that she loved intensely 4th after him, doesn't erase for me the fact that she loved 8th. In this life, we can love many people. If I fell deeply in love in a current relationship considering is my true love, that doesn't mean that in my last relationship (if it was good) there was no love. It was love but at different intensity. That is an example. :P 


^ This. Thanks for saying it all.

I can also argue in 8's defence, that his love for RX is real rather than a hallucination of his unrequited love for her sister. First, the personalities of the two sisters are completely different, so it would be far-fetching to say RX reminds 8th of RL in any way. The context where 8th falls in love with the two women are different too. Second, 8th waits years for RX to eventually make up her mind and accept his feelings, so from either side I don't think that's infatuation or illusion.

8th was not my fav prince when I watched the series, but I did feel for his pain when they broke up. He wasn't the same man again after RX left him, even when he came to appreciate his first wife, but I can still feel that the void is always there until the very end.

Show, please be gentle to KHN :( I haven't looked up the history of that specific period, but from various sources it seems several of the princes reigned for some durations in history. I'm not sure if KHN's historical character actually died before LJK's character took over the throne, but even if Korean 8th is to meet a bad end in the show please don't leave the poor man in the dark not understanding why his woman left him for his supposedly prioritising power and ambition over her, only to fall for a man not less power-driven and ambitious (or even more) *straightface*

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48 minutes ago, maskros said:


^ This. Thanks for saying it all.

I can also argue in 8's defence, that his love for RX is real rather than a hallucination of his unrequited love for her sister. First, the personalities of the two sisters are completely different, so it would be far-fetching to say RX reminds 8th of RL in any way. The context where 8th falls in love with the two women are different too. Second, 8th waits years for RX to eventually make up her mind and accept his feelings, so from either side I don't think that's infatuation or illusion.

8th was not my fav prince when I watched the series, but I did feel for his pain when they broke up. He wasn't the same man again after RX left him, even when he came to appreciate his first wife, but I can still feel that the void is always there until the very end.

Show, please be gentle to KHN :( I haven't looked up the history of that specific period, but from various sources it seems several of the princes reigned for some durations in history. I'm not sure if KHN's historical character actually died before LJK's character took over the throne, but even if Korean 8th is to meet a bad end in the show please don't leave the poor man in the dark not understanding why his woman left him for his supposedly prioritising power and ambition over her, only to fall for a man not less power-driven and ambitious (or even more) *straightface*

I agree ruolan and ruoxi personality is different but the ruolan who made 8th prince fall in love is the young, happy, loud, cheery, and passionate ruolan when she was inlove with her ex bf before she married with 8th prince, I think its pretty similar to ruoxi character in the beginning of BBJX but after living for a while in the palace, we see ruoxi changed and has her own character development and I think this change also one of the factor that causing the fall out, 8th prince constant disappointment and resentment because ruoxi is not the same ruoxi, he first fall for, make 8th start to be sick and dispirited (he never the same bright man he used to be, its so true)

As for the infatuation part, the original poster should to explain more why she or he think 8th and ruoxi feeling are an infatuation and not love.

But there is a part in BBJX where ruoxi narrate about her feeling for 8th prince (if only my memories is not too clouded, I will be able to find the episode but I just cant remember so I need to rewatch and gonna take time. LoL) and in the narration she mention why she can't stay by 8th prince side, I think it is somewhere around when she had a talk with 8th first wife and admiring how the first wife able to overcome all difficulty and remain by 8th prince side supporting him despite the mockery. If I am not wrong the first wife answer was "if you have him in your heart you will be able to do it" (well its something along this line/similar to this. lol) and ruoxi realized what her true feeling for 8th, why she choose to run away from him (you guys can assume cause I dont want to be the one to say ruoxi doesn't have 8th in her heart)

Yesss more KHN juseyoo. 

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19 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:
19 hours ago, jongski said:

In the novel.. did she really loved the 8th prince? Was she ever jealous? Did she doubt him?


I don't read the novel but I think that she loved him. For me it wasn't an infatuation because it took several years. The fact that she loved intensely 4th after him, doesn't erase for me the fact that she loved 8th. In this life, we can love many people. If I fell deeply in love in a current relationship considering is my true love, that doesn't mean that in my last relationship (if it was good) there was no love. It was love but at different intensity. That is an example. :P 

@Gabi Bros  the one I high light. See this is the thing that makes me think that indeed it wasn't infatuation as well

I went back to what sunl0ver posted pg 31 and  then I mentioned it somehow contradict feelings of RX.. saying that she was just infatuated when I also think that she indeed truly loved the 8th prince.. like her first true love.

" RX was heart-broken by his lack of trust when she found out and she finally made up her mind to break up with 8th prince. "

I guess heartbroken and trust are two key words here. She only when to 4th because he was heartbroken. Again, perhaps I'm watching too many dramas and I'm thinking maybe trust doesn't equate to love..or does it?

10 hours ago, peny said:

. As you can see per first half of drama Its 10th prince, 13th prince, and 8th prince but after like 14 or 15 eps until the end of BBJX, its 4th prince and 14th prince. I think we can devide it that way. So 8th prince is not the lead I think, his portion of story is not that big actually. But I do hope they give more screen time for 8th prince in SHR. XD

 But in any case more screen time for 14th prince! because I'm basically just watching this for Ji Soo (IKR. but just really not t fond of historical dramas  no matter how good it is.. after about 3 or 5 episodes I get bored. I remember  a chingu suggested Cruel Palace to take a look at. But I didn't even last an hour on ep 1after 20 mins I just drop it. But that's just me.. ha ha)  Gaksital is the only period drama I watch from start to finish.

I hope this will be good one. And yes I also would like more KHN.

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6 hours ago, peny said:

I agree ruolan and ruoxi personality is different but the ruolan who made 8th prince fall in love is the young, happy, loud, cheery, and passionate ruolan when she was inlove with her ex bf before she married with 8th prince, I think its pretty similar to ruoxi character in the beginning of BBJX but after living for a while in the palace, we see ruoxi changed and has her own character development [...]

As for the infatuation part, the original poster should to explain more why she or he think 8th and ruoxi feeling are an infatuation and not love.

[...] If I am not wrong the first wife answer was "if you have him in your heart you will be able to do it" (well its something along this line/similar to this. lol) and ruoxi realized what her true feeling for 8th, why she choose to run away from him (you guys can assume cause I dont want to be the one to say ruoxi doesn't have 8th in her heart)


Hi thanks for your input. And yes I remember the scene you mentioned so you don't have to waste your time rewatching it if you don't want to. I know looking up for certain scenes in a long drama can be time-consuming ^^

I still think RX and RL as different though. RL is lively (personally I don't think she is loud :P ) but is still the Confucian kind of liveliness while RX's character borders on rebelliousness, independence and pretty much breaking all the concepts of womanly behaviour at the time (as 4th commented after the horse riding lesson, 'she is different, she has individuality').

That RX is not willing to accept 8th's ambition doesn't make her love an infatuation. I would call the 'love' that 10th has for her as infatuation instead. 10th's infatuation is gone as his character grows, but RX's love for 8th lasts through her personal development in the story. Her sacrificing her moral belief against polygamy and most importantly sharing a man with her own sister (a huge sacrifice for a modern girl at that) was not dropped overnight, but through much reflection and consideration of her own feelings (and his).

That the first wife sacrificed for 8th doesn't make her love any more true than RX's love either. Many women back then considered their husbands as their little 'sky', and would often go along without questioning their decisions and choices. RX only loves 8th (and even 4th) with a modern mindset, and probably thinks she wasn't courageous enough to be with him. That I'm selfish in love does mean my love is not strong enough, but doesn't make it an infatuation. I think the same goes for RX's feelings for 8th.


Thank you guys all for the screencaps and news. I do hope (and pray) that the actors do not have to lose any more weight. It is alarming enough as it is now, what with LJK losing 12 kg for the sake of the drama. IU is skinny and pretty enough, so please don't give her the idea that she is 'chubby' X(

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