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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 hours ago, hiluna said:

I don't understand, am I missing something? Why does HS think GJ turned crazy?  He hasn't done anything crazy yet except to indulge in his moment alone with his nasty mother and executing a regicidal murderer.  Her love was just not strong enough to stand by GJ, the king.  The real monster is Wook and yet she can still smile at him but not at GJ? Go figure, her emotions and logic make no sense. If she had left him for his sake to keep him safe because she was his weakness, it would have been the epic love story that we expected, but the writer got lazy and just followed the C-version.

actually i was saying  as a comparison, OUR BEST FRIEND turnt crazy from our point of view, in  sense that they suddenly behave very weirdly that went against everything we have ever believed and learnt in this world. sorry but i think my language its confusing and it made you it misunderstood. GJ did not turn crazy, but for HS he is behaving so out of control, from her point of view. its like a children throwing tantrum and it doesn't make sense to her. why? because she growed up being loved by people.

second, HS cant smile to him because she's trying to leave him, whereas when she smiles to WW it's like she doesnt even hate him anymore. its like WW is the past and forgotten. poof.gone.not important. thats why she can smile at him (and an emotionless smile too)

lastly, If HS left him for his sake and to keep him safe, it would be like another romance IMO and there's nothing new to it. here, hae soo left because she feels like she have to safe herself. moreover, i think it's really brilliant as it very consistently depicts HS who is a modern woman and a very strongly opinionated at that.

 i know. it doesnt make sense to a lot of people but apparently from what i see, the fans opinions are very divided. what i'm saying here maybe does not make sense to you, but it make sense to people who thinks the same as me ( refer to the tumblr link about HS, someone posted it a while back). :)

thankyou for discussing it with me! 

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Just now, gangurhar said:







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I feel like I'm going to like this ending and all the premises if I rewatch it like 5 times and try to psychoanalyze every little bit of detail but right now I'm still in denial and I'm really hurt so I'll just... 

Hide in my cave for now. At least when the SBS version english subs are up hahahaha



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Did HS transport back to a different modern timeline? She woke up in the bed instead of being rescued by the lakeside.. And the Ji Mong in this timeline looks well shaved and dressed.. vastly different from the drunkard she initially saw at the lake. 


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At least in BBJX, even the ending is tragic but there's still some HOPE, that their love will continue in the future! 

But here... not even hope, it's practically devastating. She remembered the love, but she will forever long for that love. There's no HOPE of meeting So again, or going back, or anything!! This is even WORST than BBJX!!! :angry:

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5 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

I am downloading subbed version now and saw a something labelled "special episode". Maybe our answer is there?


what do you mean friend, can u give me the link???coz i watched in SBS version

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3 minutes ago, ferily said:

Lol, yeah actually that's one thing to point out.. What about her daughter... Like what's going to happen to her- or i mean WHAT happened to her in the past?? That was kind of just thrown in the air and forgotten about in the end...


Nobody gives a Shizz about de babies. She didn't even want to see that kid before she died. 

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4 hours ago, moonlovertales said:


This is exactly the reason why I think IU has recorded monologues for HS but they have knowingly not used it at all, why? We may never know unless the editor/pd answers our queries themselves. This is mainly the reason I cannot hate HS the character since IMHO she has been done a HUGE disservice by the writer/pd. I can't defend nor support her until I know properly what was actually filmed and written for her v/s what was shown to us at the end.

It's truly unfortunate to see them destroy their own main lead like this when they have done so well with the second leads like So and Wook. Oh well, no use crying over split milk in this case. I'll just have to take my own interpretation based on the multiple versions.

Btw, has anyone complied all the different versions of an episode into one? I'm planning on downloading all the 1080p episodes after it ends tonight so I wanted to know how many versions and where I'll need to go to download it. 


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Just now, soph_t said:

I like the ending. :sweatingbullets: Even though I was waiting for the ending to be similar to the Chinese one but although my heart is crying and I want more, at least a scene of WS with his daughter playing etc. But I'm feeling content with the ending, maybe we will like it more once we watch it with subs? 


I like how optimistic you are. 

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We have dedicated our 2 months on this drama. We shed a bucket of tears and suffered a heart pain, only  to be given a freaking unsatisfactory ending? I am freaking MAD!  They are bringing out the monster in me! I  will kill writernim and pdnim in my mind brutally!!

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10 minutes ago, soorani said:

Ah I like it. Could it have been better? Yes. 

If So had appeared would be great 

But people would be complaining that Future!Wang So and Hae Soo didn't have enough screen time

People would complain that  Goryeo!Wang So and Future!Wang So didn't aren't the same person.. and so on and on aka people would complain no matter what they choose to do.

With the little time they have .. maybe this is the best way to ending. 



Still, the songs hinted so much a future together............

gimme a special episode of them in the future SBS like NOW


i wouldnt have complained just one glimpse of modern wang so is all i wanted and i would have gone to sleep with good thoughts.

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