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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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45 minutes ago, jl08 said:


p/s : Did I say that while I support both Si Yang and So Yeon for exiting one day due to their busy schedules, I hate MBC and WGM for bringing 2 beautiful people together only to break them up in this cruel manner as and when it suits them? It is one of the worst variety show ever from Korea. No wonder their rating is low. Not many can take the breaking up after all the sweet moments.


@jl08 what you say makes alot of sense...

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Oh boy - scoompi crashed. I had to wait for 3.5 hours to get into this thread.

I am not surprised because I believe there are many lurkers and/ or fans of Siso who come into this thread because they want to be comforted by all the spazzing we berries are doing over the termination of Siso couple from WGM. (but - there may also be sadistic anti fan who want to gloat with victory over our misery :angry:)

Yeah - this ahjuma with specialisation on Human Resource Management is looking at WGM treatment of Siso exiting WGM as terminations process.  

They are doing it coldly too from our perspective. But they have a business to run. So they have to give that "sudden" "shocking" news to the WGM couple. 

Why??  simple arithmetic - when the news officially break out --> they are on standby prepared for any repercussion from angry fans.  The IT specialist, the security, the medical team - name it they have these people on stand-by.

(But - What a cold way of doing it to a public figure like Siso couple or whoever WGM couple that they terminate? :bawling:

But - they are the one in control and they know what they are doing since they are doing it all the times to all the WGM couples. They have a business to run. The main objective is to make money. It is not the previous PD or the new PD. Their objective is the same.  So berries - don't put too much blame on the new one. The decision may have been made during the previous PD except the execution is being done by the new one.

AS to our Siso couple!!! - Siyang said it in WGM Ep 302

"We are so happy we don't want this to end. So instead of risking a more painful farewell further down the line, it might be better to endure a shorter and less painful break up? What would be the best decision for us both?"

Frankly speaking - that is a good question for both of them to consider now.  

It is for their own good that their stint in WGM ends after 7 months.

Why?? - so that they truly evaluate what each means to the other quickly. Otherwise, they are dependent on WGM to provide them the avenue to enjoy each other's company without having to seriously have look at  their true feeling to each other. How much each one mean to the other? is this feeling for a close friend / lover/ potential live partner?  All these critical questions about their relationship are being swept under the carpet. 

NOW - they truly have to think.  

And we berries - must give them space to think independently without pressure from anyone least from us sincere fans. 

Pray that they get the right guidance to make the right decision about their relation - friendship or marriage?

My apology for the lengthy explanation. My 5 cents worth of opinion - from an aging ahjuma.  I rest my case.

I wish all the best of luck to both of them. More for Siyang whose career is just taking -off.

Siso couple fighting!

PS - I prefer the song "Why did you come now as their signature song" as I think it describe their relationship better.


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Whole day, unable concentrate doing my work, kept looking at IG for Siso news & comments. Is it due to Siso couple departures, even the soompi unable operations smoothly too.

Just read through all berries comments, really felt sadness everywhere. Siso couple must have already prepared they may anytime leave wgm but never they knew their outing in Hongdae is their last day filming wgm. From what i watch the past wgm, most of the couples will cry. Morever, for the past 7 mths, Siso couple have spent time together more than what we watch in wgm. 

It really sad to let Siso couple go but think of how wgm treated them, i rather they left the show & continue to see each others outside the camera. This time, i think WGM will lost most of Siso fans included me. I have been regular viewers for wgm & this is the worse situation WGM have handled Siso & Ohye couple departure..but at lest, Ohye couple gets a pair air tickets & i don't think WGM will treat Siso so well in their last wgm. I won't be surprise if they cut short Siso couple parts since they have a new couple replacing Siso...the rating of wgm getting lower is understandable:angry:

Dear Berries, tomorrow is the last day of SISO couple in wgm, but that doesn't mean its a full-stop of this forum. Please continue to visit here if you available. Siso couple love story still carry on here waiting one day, LOVE ANGELS will tell us : "All Berries, Yours Wishes came true ") 

Once again, existing & silents berries..appreciate if you could drop your more of yours comments / Video & Pics here tomorrow ...A Special Place where SISO Couple berries gathering together & Walk Beside each others. :)

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@Hajar Ahmad i totally agree what you said. They need time to 'cool off' to really think what their heart really wants. N it's about time that the 'honeymoon period' is over and they need to iron out differences if they need want to continue in a healthy relationship with one another.  

We just have to make do with our 'expired' vitamins for the time. :dissapointed_relieved: n create additional supplements from other means. We Berries will be strong! 

Did Soompi crashed to avert an avanlache of comments! What a meltdown i had earlier today. See we didn't realise how important and precious this thread is to us until it's 'taken away' from us... How close have we become!?! Thanks to our beautiful SiSo couple!!

personally i think they know their time in WGM was ending soon after the Dangjin trip, cos' they can't hide their sadness in the episodes thereafter, though they were smiling. Well, it's a reality entertainment pgm after all, producer has to focus on its objective.. Participants to show feelings and elicit responses from audience and fans to boost their popularity. How entertainment has evolved. (Remember how So Yeon said it's such a 'different world' in the 1st ep.)

For me, i'd like to focus on taking precious lessons from the beautiful couple for any marriage to keep its magic - 

1) date each other

2) say endearing words to one another

3) do things together, even if it's the simplest chore like gardening, cooking, setting up a cosy corner in the house

4) do something special for each other's birthday

5) try to please each other even though it means doing something silly or doesn't look good/cool.

Berries will stay united until our ship sail to its final destination. Berries :heart:  KSY :heart: KSY

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@Hajar Ahmad really nice said, a very wise one about uri SiSo :blush: 

But for the new PD, well I still can't accept her cruelness to SiSo couple, it's true that it's business and it's all about money. But as a PD, she should does her job profesionally. Okay, if she think that more people is prefer to idol and younger couple, so she thinks they deserve more airtime so she cut uri SiSo airtime.

She also just shared a few of uri SiSo preview pics in their IG/imbc sites, while other couple got so many preview pics, and while others had preview video, uri SiSo didn't include in that preview. Just like today, imbc released 10 pics of bbyu couple, 6 pics of uri Siso, even the new couple who will replace SiSo already had 7 pics :angry:

Come on, I understand for the broadcast, there's time limit so she should cut uri SiSo airtime for the sake of more popular couple, but why she didn't give a fair treatment of uri SiSo about the preview pics. IT WON'T GIVE ANY HARMS TO HER/WGM/MBC.

And for shorter eps of SiSo, at least she can gave us a good editing, but again NO, SHE DIDN'T DO THAT, SUCH A CRAPPY EDITING. Some pics from the preview were get cut in the broadcast. At least, the previous PD was pretty good in editing imho.

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Ooohh how i can miss this out - it's really a different world  now - we berries and other fans seem to have a real- 'virtual' relationship with our SiSo couple over IGs! How cool is that!?! Hints and clues, they seem to be 'teasing' us at times too! Have we become like MC Park and the rest of the panelists :P

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3 hours ago, studentkkk said:


No, @kappy, i am thinking of Do You Know... 

mm. the baseball one was Why Did You Come Now but the Radio song on her bday was Do You Know... can't believe I remembered incorrectly..

@studentkkk - You're right.  The phone tune on her birthday was Do You Know.and on the radio.

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SiSo couple is my every reason why I always looking forward for saturday. I even emptied all my schedules for that hour so I can streamed them. That's how I love this couple a lot

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Despite how well I prepared, my heart is still too weak to think about tomorrow...

Hope Si Yang and So Yeon will go further for a beautiful relationship. I believe that they will surely be successful on their career.

Thank you so much, Siso. You have been bringing me a great feeling for love.

Thank you so much, Berries. Because of you, I had a lot of joys.

Saranghae. Nomu. 


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May all berries de-lurk and spam SiSo couple with our unity and love tomorrow! We had a lot of berries posting last time. I hope we can show our support for Si Yang's and So Yeon's last WGM episode together and yes, let's stay positive and we can always re-watch their sweetness and cuteness to recharge ourselves while SiSo find ways to recharge themselves, hopefully by getting together!          :D

SiSo = Happiness & Love

We'll wait patiently for Si Yang and So Yeon to find out where their true love is. 

Cheers & Fighting, berries!     :)

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photo photomania-b73bd95c9bc1664f0efc7ac2fa7ff220_zpsuyoit4eq.jpgHello, nice to meet you    
You're prettier than I thought you would be
I heard a lot about you
I hear you've been looking for a good person lately

It's a pleasure, nice to meet you
You're more handsome than I thought you would be
I also heard about you
that you're lonely

I think this will be an okay fate
Do you feel what I feel too
I feel like you know me already
This thrilling joy
Let's meet tomorrow and the day after that
I want to get to know you more
I'm curious and excited

It looks like I'll come to like you

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Hope you caught my play of word here...frankly speaking, the second wish is more impt as it will mean that they are staying in frequent contact and opens avenues of opportunity for them.

@Hajar Ahmad

Wisely said.


IMO, this is still the entertainment industry, things have to change and be renewed no matter what. I believe that i said it before. MBC is a company and companies top most concern is only one thing, profits.  

I will still continue watching WGM. However, it will be different now as there is no longer any urge to stay up till 2 am to catch the episode....it can wait now.

Besides, whether i watch or not will have no effect on this shows rating. I believe that MBC does not care. In fact, they may prefer us not to watch as they are not paid for the online watching. Hee.

on a side note: anyone have a credible source for dailymotion WGM with Chinese sub?


All couples end, from what i guess, WGM and cast agency will decide on it. Usually the couple may be the last to know.  Some before the last filming. Some maybe during the last filming.  I believe that only the pianist and actress couple is initiated by themselves. (all from personal feeling and guess.)

I remember KwangHee and Sunhwa should have knew before last filming. so they had time to prepare letters and drawing.  JinWoon and Go Joon-hee knew before. so they had time to prepare items for each other.  Same for Lee Jong-hyun and Gong Seung-yeon.

I believe Jaerim and So Eun knew only at filming, Wooyong and Seyong too.  

T-ara's Eunjung knew only during filming while her "hubby" knew before.


I knew at the start of all this that the end is coming, but when it does, it still affects me in a way....haha...this shipping business is weird. 

Personally, they may or may not be an actual couple in the future. But no matter what, i think it is a great stint that they had and have provided us with a lot of fluttering feelings and memories.  this period have introduced me to  2 great people in WGM. Not as a character portrayed as per their usual job, but a glimpse of the actual person behind all the drama character.

Hope that this stint also meant a lot to them, whether as a future potential couple or just a new close friend that shared a special experience, i believe they came out better.


And for all of us here, i believe that all of us came out better too.  I have not even thought possible that i am posting something like this here. I am NEVER a fan of anyone \ anything to this extent.  This fandom is one of the top with the positive views and feels and the maturity portrayed.  It is an honor to be here.


trying hard to put my thoughts down but i seems to be jumping around and babbling...haha.




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:wub: ..to berries who decided not to watch tomorrows last episode.. I hope you'll change your mind.. I know how you feel, and how much hurt it will be for us berries.. But.. Isn't it comforting enough to know that you will not cry alone.. That together, us berries, will witness not only the end of the "their make-believe" relationship, but also we will witness the start of something special..  I don't know why.. I'm really anticipating tomorrows episode.. If this will be the last time i will see them together in a long run.. So be it.. at least i can say to myself, im not the only one who cried during this moment.. I know somewhere, somebody cried too because we both love this couple.. So please berries join us tomorrow.. Lets be together on this very special moment.. fighting berries~!! Aja~!!

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On the song topic, guess the song i am listening to.....



Ramyeon King



Just because there is a slight hope that they will be able to sing the lyrics to each other. of simple happiness because of the presence of each other



Boil the water well, insert the soup mix
Insert the noodles and boil it even more
When I make it bubbling like this, I wish you will eat it deliciously
Crack an egg, chop up some scallions, melt some cheese and cut up some ham
When I make it bubbling like this, you will like it a lot

This is the only thing I’m good at
Though I wish I could do more
I’m not jealous of the high-end restaurants
If only we’re together, if only we’re together

* I will cook only for you, I cook cook cook
I hear our laughter kekeke
I’m happy when we eat together
Even just looking at you makes me smile
I will listen to your each word 
Tell me anything and I will laugh 
Love me like you do now
The only person who will make me warm is you

Su-sugar sugar sugar 
Su-sugar sugar sugar

Even if it’s not expensive, I really like it- because it’s a gift from you
Even if they have luxury cars, I’m not jealous
If only we get to walk together


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7 minutes ago, alou said:

:wub: ..to berries who decided not to watch tomorrows last episode.. I hope you'll change your mind.. I know how you feel, and how much hurt it will be for us berries.. But.. Isn't it comforting enough to know that you will not cry alone.. That together, us berries, will witness not only the end of the "their make-believe" relationship, but also we will witness the start of something special..  I don't know why.. I'm really anticipating tomorrows episode.. If this will be the last time i will see them together in a long run.. So be it.. at least i can say to myself, im not the only one who cried during this moment.. I know somewhere, somebody cried too because we both love this couple.. So please berries join us tomorrow.. Lets be together on this very special moment.. fighting berries~!! Aja~!!

surely I will watch for tomorrow, cause it would be the last time that I watching streaming... oh well, if only my internet connection stable at that time :sweatingbullets:

Let's cry together and let do bear hugs

I hope we can see their hugs and kisses in their last time in WGM


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We're glad that you have decided to join this thread and show support for SiSo couple. It's good to have an alternative voice cos women tend to be emotional and dictated by moods.   Lol...

Let's enjoy tomorrow's last ep together, shall we? Send them off with a smile......   :)

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16 minutes ago, LeeK said:

On the song topic, guess the song i am listening to.....

  Reveal hidden contents


Ramyeon King



Just because there is a slight hope that they will be able to sing the lyrics to each other. of simple happiness because of the presence of each other


  Reveal hidden contents

Boil the water well, insert the soup mix
Insert the noodles and boil it even more
When I make it bubbling like this, I wish you will eat it deliciously
Crack an egg, chop up some scallions, melt some cheese and cut up some ham
When I make it bubbling like this, you will like it a lot


This is the only thing I’m good at
Though I wish I could do more
I’m not jealous of the high-end restaurants
If only we’re together, if only we’re together


* I will cook only for you, I cook cook cook
I hear our laughter kekeke
I’m happy when we eat together
Even just looking at you makes me smile
I will listen to your each word 
Tell me anything and I will laugh 
Love me like you do now
The only person who will make me warm is you


Su-sugar sugar sugar 
Su-sugar sugar sugar


Even if it’s not expensive, I really like it- because it’s a gift from you
Even if they have luxury cars, I’m not jealous
If only we get to walk together



it's so you, hahaha....but I've never knew that song has such a beautiful lyric and also fit to SiSo, thanks for putting the lyric :D

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