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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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18 minutes ago, LeeK said:

the bright red coat???

Yup, that's the most memorable one. But I also recall at least 3 other instances where they wore super similar outfits, in the BRIs especially.

21 minutes ago, LeeK said:

really thought that the combination of Byuu, Ohyeah and siso were one of the greatest combination then....

I agree. The previous PD really did a fantastic job with her final pair-ups before she left. I didn't follow every episode of Bbyu or OhYe, but they are/were also very likable.

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I am sad like the rest of u guys about our couple ending their virtual marriage but on the other hand, the sudden and simple farewell eas enough for me. I also tried to understand the pd, i thought that maybe sisso has had a lot of scenes that were too personal for them to show to us on air. I dunno if i was just trying to console myself but i hope i was thinking objectively. I mean, look at how siyang behaved the whole time he met so yeon, how he slowly evolved with a distinction that he is the husband and she is his wife.

And since wgm is not scripted, their actions, i believed, are more acted out based on their own personal preferences. 

What i am ponting out out is that, maybe wgm and their agencies decided to make it this way in consideration of sisso's welfare too. 

So yeon's agency could have felt that wgm is becoming a threat to so yeon's new project and considering the production and her co stars there, they wanted so yeon to invest more of herself there than being a virtual wife to siyang only. She's a very good actress but of course shipping her to siyang could become a disadvantage, i hope u know wht i mean. And mind u berries kept on spreading...

On siyang's part, i think his agency also has decided to consider things for the long run, wgm and so yeon might have had an impact on his career path too.

Wgm is just a part of sisso's life, career, job, acting experience, right?  But unexpectedly, well id like to say that for me, it was somehow obvious that something has been developed while they were acting as husband and wife.

I am just hoping that sisso, especially siyang, to be courageous so that he may be able to show and express his feelings beyond those camera and media around their celebrity lives. I think so yeon is willing to give as much as to take whatever he is willing to give her. Both are matured individuals, smart and talented, i hope things go fine and our ship sail on a steady rhythm. Be it friendship or romance...

Hye sun mentioned (happy together) that she had a doubt about the feelings of her past bf for hiding their relationship, i commend her for that because she knows what she wants.

On this note, i want to wish again and crosses my finger that our magucal genie hears my call...please let sisso be the happiest korean celebrity in their chosen paths, that they may be sorrounded only with good things that they may empowered themselves with their own humility and should they decide to start their own family, be sisso or not, may their other half love them for the longest time ever.


Shout out to all of my kababayan here and thank u for the translations, gifs, pictures, sweet thoughts, matured insights, pabebe comments hehe, and wonderful berries that i have met here.

Berries rooooccckkkk!!!!!

Fighting ksy couple!!!!!


...remember the chin rest at the comic shop....???!




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I have an idea to suggest to you Berries. What if we had a scheduled rewatch of all 30 of SiSo episodes together? We could focus on, say, 3 episodes a week, and for that week our discussion in this thread would be centered around those eps. We could also (re)post screencaps, fanart, videos, pictures, etc based on those eps. I'm suggesting 3 eps a week to give all Berries a chance to catch up on the discussion, but we don't need to strictly follow the schedule of course. It's just for fun! I'm really curious to know how our perceptions have changed from the time we first watched those episodes compared to now that SiSo's stint is over. Berries who have been around in this thread since the early days could also look back on their old posts and share them with us. It'll be fun to rediscover how we fell in love with SiSo in the first place. I've done such a "mass rewatch" on a different forum before, with a group of K-drama fans, and it wasn't only fun but opened up a lot of new discussion! If you Berries are keen, we could start this upcoming weekend, on our first SiSo-less Saturday.

(A SiSo-less Saturday...I can't even recall what were those like anymore. :mellow:)

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Good idea to discuss our SiSo scenes again! Let's re-watch and re-discover new stuff about our lovely couple. I'm happy that many of us feel positive about our lovely couple.

Shall we walk beside each other this period till SiSo sort out their real feelings and till then, when the good news come out, we can rejoice here together! I still have a little lingering sadness because I will not be seeing their lovey dovey moments. It's incredible how this beautiful couple has come to impact our lives for the better. Although I agree that we spent a lot of time sometimes watching, re-watching and discussing in this thread, still, this couple only brings smile to my face with So Yeon's cute antics and Si Yang's laughter. Puppy and Kitty have become so much a part of my life simply because they make me happy; they gave me a break from the realities of life.

The reason why I need to see them or hear of their good news is because I need many recharge from them, not just they recharging each other. 

So I'm missing my recharge badly. Will wait and walk with the lovely berries here.....   :)

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6 hours ago, eyra said:

@khairunni I really love your long post, love how you analyze it, I read it again and again :wub: 

Actually I'm looking forward for your comment,  well I wanna know what's your opinion of the PD after watched the last ep :D 

And about that scene, no, it wasn't aired in Si Yang birthday ep.



Thank you dear. And about recent PDnim, just for SiSo case (It should be SiSo couple is her first termination decision? Since OhYea left at the same time with previous Pd resigned, right?), I think she tried the format as simple as they could. I didn't complaint the way they left, it was really sweet (may be because of SiSo who make every moves became sweet), but their short footage in previous 4 episodes were disappointed. I heard when SiSo got 18 min, Bbyu only got 15 min when new couple (Chao lo and Se Ho) just started. Seems she just tried and error the format but the ratings result were not on her side.


If there are still any Berries who are in dissatisfaction with their departure, what kind of farewell would be the best for SiSo? From my humble opinion, those are in the last ep would be the best ending moment for them. If we wish they have honeymoon trip or cherry blossom date, but if their schedule are not allowed, what we can hope?

I heard being main actor in a drama/movie is harder than preparing an idol comeback. Even their drama only aired for one hour, once in a week, but they have filming for whole weeks, they have so many parties to be matched with their schedule. It would be different with idol who already know when they should perform and when they should be in variety show.  I recall Jjongah won in a contest between three couples and got reward honeymoon overseas. But due to HJH schedule, they just could visit 'Korea Bali', meanwhile at the same time Yura was on GsD comeback, but her schedule allowed her to have a trip. Actor vs Idol schedules.


We never heard the reason of SiSo leaving. It used to the agency give confirmations "due to ....... should focus to her/his new drama, this couple can not continue their virtual married in wgm", but for SiSo, seems both agencies already aware that all SiSo shippers totally understand the reason they should leave the show. Both are actor, moreover Si Yang has another project in 101. Nor even the PD didn't give any statement at all.


My point are:  SiSo have romantic yet sweet ending. When the two hours already over and they kept holding hands, the staff just let them in their own world. Do we have translations on the captions "Thank you for supporting SiSo couple" or something like that? I think we don't see that captions. It is the common words in every last scene of the couple departure. Seems they know that we will keep support SiSo after the show end because their relationship will never end. 


I just wondering, does WGM have a staff who probably being the media insider? so the rumor were always out not on the right time? I remember when Bbyu first meeting, they already knew who would be their partner since the news out in the morning they had filming on the 1st meeting. Such careless staff. It should be surprising right? And for SiSo? The news out one day before they have last scenes. What can the PD do to set the surprise farewell if the cast already know their destiny on that day? If that all strategy, so, new PD has no different with previous PD :D



One side note, the worst ending in wgm history was Hewon couple (Hendri and Kim Yewon). They didn't have farewell scenes at all and only have 3 months. Due to Yewon scandal, they were kicked out from the show, the panelist announced that we can see hewon couple anymore. Henri wrote message to his fans on twitter to say goodbye and keep support wgm. And Yewon wrote a handwriting apologize message to her rival in scandal and to all wgm staff. Even one of them have scandal, thats not the way you should treat your cast. Hendri was not only rising star but he was a big star anyway.

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Before I go to sleep.. I wanted to share the video I made.. Most of the videos were from @seesaw_love.. Thanks I was able to do SiSo vids because of you as my source.. And thank you to @anniepanda I almost forgot your gift for all the berries. I used it as an ending pic in the video, thanks to @alou unnie for reminding me.. :)

I believe the song really fits our SiSo Couple after they ended their WGM... (but as all of us think, hoping they're real and still continue to flutter each others heart.)

The song is an OPM song (I don't know if it's revival or something.) but anyway, enjoy the video and the lyrics (message) of the song..

No Ordinary Love


This could have been just another day
But instead we're standing here
No need for words it's all been said
In the way you hold me near
I was alone on this journey
You came along to comfort me
Everything I want in life is right here

This is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
To fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love

I get so weak when you look at me
I get lost inside your eyes
Sometimes the magic is hard to believe
But you're here before my very eyes
You brought joy to my world
Set me so free
I want you to understand
You're every breath that I breathe

No ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
To fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love

From the very first time that we kissed
I knew that I just couldn't let you go at all
From this day on, remember this
That you're the only one that I adore
Can we make this last forever?
This can't be a dream
'Cause it feels so good to me
So good to me, so good to me

To fall so deep in love
Cause this is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love
Your extraordinary love
I was not prepared enough
To fall so deep in love
Cause this is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love



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7 hours ago, nyzah13 said:

Before I go to sleep.. I wanted to share the video I made.. Most of the videos were from @seesaw_love.. Thanks I was able to do SiSo vids because of you as my source.. And thank you to @anniepanda I almost forgot your gift for all the berries. I used it as an ending pic in the video, thanks to @alou unnie for reminding me.. :)

I believe the song really fits our SiSo Couple after they ended their WGM... (but as all of us think, hoping they're real and still continue to flutter each others heart.)

The song is an OPM song (I don't know if it's revival or something.) but anyway, enjoy the video and the lyrics (message) of the song..

No Ordinary Love


This could have been just another day
But instead we're standing here
No need for words it's all been said
In the way you hold me near
I was alone on this journey
You came along to comfort me
Everything I want in life is right here

This is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
To fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love

I get so weak when you look at me
I get lost inside your eyes
Sometimes the magic is hard to believe
But you're here before my very eyes
You brought joy to my world
Set me so free
I want you to understand
You're every breath that I breathe

No ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
To fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love

From the very first time that we kissed
I knew that I just couldn't let you go at all
From this day on, remember this
That you're the only one that I adore
Can we make this last forever?
This can't be a dream
'Cause it feels so good to me
So good to me, so good to me

To fall so deep in love
Cause this is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love
Your extraordinary love
I was not prepared enough
To fall so deep in love
Cause this is not your ordinary
No ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
And everything's right again with your extraordinary love



thank u,love all their sweet.moment in this video.

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8 hours ago, khairunni said:

My point are:  SiSo have romantic yet sweet ending. When the two hours already over and they kept holding hands, the staff just let them in their own world. Do we have translations on the captions "Thank you for supporting SiSo couple" or something like that? I think we don't see that captions. It is the common words in every last scene of the couple departure. Seems they know that we will keep support SiSo after the show end because their relationship will never end. 

You're right, we never got any "thank you" captions that is usually the case for exiting couples. One of my favourite things about their ending was that it was open. Actually, the English subs didn't fully translate the ending captions. The Korean captions say: "Now, they are no longer the SiSo couple. As Kwak Siyang, and as Kim Soyeon, they still have their hands held tight as always. The real street date with just the two of them starts now...:wub: It was a fitting ending for our sweet couple who always seemed like they stepped out of a drama. My delulu shipper side can't help but read between the lines and wonder if the MBC editors know something we don't. :w00t:

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18 minutes ago, LeeK said:

Another monday....however,  this monday seems different from others....



..couldn't agree more buddy.. it seems the air is different.. the mood is not the same.. i feel worst than when i had broken.. fingernails.. it hurts.. you can't pint point where it starts and when it will stop.. but i know we'll get by.. with a smile.. :)

..spending my time (while at work..) listening to this songs.. sadist i may seem.. self-inflict hurt it may give me.. but i always believe that we have to let go of the hurt, to give happiness a space in our heart.. so it's all but okay to be sad.. to cry.. but never forget the sweet memories SiSo couple gave us.. and anticipating for more in the near future... :wub:


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On 4/9/2016 at 11:31 PM, Alilla said:


Even I don't know Kaistal Couple, we can saw the power of AhnGoo Shipper prayer become real, the AhnGoo couple will be married this end of May this year. 

Yes agree 100% with u " The power of shipper's prayer" after all this thread has " Alladin magic power".

Keep faith, Keep prayer for the best of this two wonderful persons (Siyang and Soyeon).

Fighting Berries.


 i know Kaistal Couple just recently while reading Soompi News, all i know is they're idols, Kai from exo and krystal from snsd (please correct me if i'm wrong). their fans already suspected they were couple since a year ago, that's why i said the power of shipper's prayer is absolutely strong. 


Anyway i watched the raw episode yesterday, what really breaks my heart is seeing Siyang cried, as for me when a man cried so much like that it means they hit rock bottom.There's no way he fake those tears, even in his BRI his eyes looks so puffy, as if he's been crying for days. But at least they didn't say goodbye to each other and the last scene really giving hope to us that they're ready to start a new beginning. 

I was writing this in my office while listening to One O One song You're My Light, woah it just a lethal combination, i might shed some tears again today :(

I've been a fans of Soyeon since I Need Romance 3 and fans of Siyang since Persevere Goo Hae Ra, rest assure i will always support them no matter what. I think this thread will keep continue more than 1000 pages , fighting berries !!!  :heart: :blush::heart:

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57 minutes ago, car15sa said:

 i know Kaistal Couple just recently while reading Soompi News, all i know is they're idols, Kai from exo and krystal from snsd (please correct me if i'm wrong). their fans already suspected they were couple since a year ago, that's why i said the power of shipper's prayer is absolutely strong. 


..krystal is from f(x) ..it is her sister jessica who is from snsd.. and @khairunni love Henry is from Super Junior-M (one of my babies) :)

edit: .. and @nyzah13 dear, "No Ordinary Love" is originally by Jennifer Love Hewitt.. won't forget that song.. hehehe.. song of my youth.. :wub:


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13 minutes ago, car15sa said:


I've been a fans of Soyeon since I Need Romance 3 and fans of Siyang since Persevere Goo Hae Ra, rest assure i will always support them no matter what. I think this thread will keep continue more than 1000 pages , fighting berries !!!  :heart: :blush::heart:


:heart::blush: dear Berry...

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13 hours ago, hannajo said:

I have an idea to suggest to you Berries. What if we had a scheduled rewatch of all 30 of SiSo episodes together? We could focus on, say, 3 episodes a week, and for that week our discussion in this thread would be centered around those eps. We could also (re)post screencaps, fanart, videos, pictures, etc based on those eps. I'm suggesting 3 eps a week to give all Berries a chance to catch up on the discussion, but we don't need to strictly follow the schedule of course. It's just for fun! I'm really curious to know how our perceptions have changed from the time we first watched those episodes compared to now that SiSo's stint is over. Berries who have been around in this thread since the early days could also look back on their old posts and share them with us. It'll be fun to rediscover how we fell in love with SiSo in the first place. I've done such a "mass rewatch" on a different forum before, with a group of K-drama fans, and it wasn't only fun but opened up a lot of new discussion! If you Berries are keen, we could start this upcoming weekend, on our first SiSo-less Saturday.

(A SiSo-less Saturday...I can't even recall what were those like anymore. :mellow:)

Annyeong Berries!!! :heart:

Thank you for the warm welcome... 

A wonderful idea indeed!!! But before I go any further, there is something that I have to declare...

Me and technology...we are NOT friends...so I will not be able to (re)post screecaps, fanarts, videos or pictures.

What I can do however are to pen down my two-cents worth of thought.. :phew:

Ahhhhh...how I do envy u berries who are so good in making all those...

They are not only like a dose of vitamins to me but also my meds when I'm suffering from heart-ache... Hehe..

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@car15sa same here.. I'm KDrama type of girl too.. but because of "The Heirs" I liked Krystal (she is Lee Bo Na in the drama) since then since she was one of the leads in the drama.. I loved Kpop too because of her her group-mate Amber.. ^_^

So much for that but still connected with with Kpop.. @alou Speaking of Henry, ohmygod!~ I just recently shipped HenBer..

But as always SiSo is forever number 1 in my shipper heart.. I love you all berries... xoxo

:blush:KSY :heart: KSY

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