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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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4 hours ago, KalyanaV said:

Yeay! I've posted it on the contest's entry thread already. Now we need all help from Berry to go there and LIKE the entry. This is the link. Please ask other to press "LIKE' too, to increase viewership and help in boosting voting for Siso couple later on, when the voting day comes. Thank you! :) 



Thank you KalyanaV for taking the lead and also all the other berries who contributed your time and efforts.

Have alreaydy put in my like!

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12 minutes ago, studentkkk said:

I totally agree with your (yuar19ingrid) assessment about So Yeon's lack of experience even at this age due to her early debut.  I remember vaguely one interview on Lee Seung Gi who also said that because he debuted at a young age he has never taken the public bus... Berries pls correct me if I am wrong.  So i think that WGM did an excellent job matching the two of them.  Looking at Si Yang, I felt that he is matured when compared to idols who are his age.  Eg. When I watched several episodes of Lee Teuk and Kang So Ra, I thought he was rather immature and was shocked to find out he was already 28yo (born 1983) when he filmed WGM in 2011/2.   (No offense to Lee Teuk's fans!). I only quote Lee Teuk because he is the only example I know of so far but in general, across cultures, men mature emotionally at a later age when compared to women.  Hence Si Yang also left a big impression on me. I believe it came with family upbringing and life experiences at early age. I would even infer further that his father is a big role model, being a doctor (i read that somewhere - pls correct me if I am wrong) with a talent for painting landscapes - his dad is both intelligent in both right and left brain.

And I think So Yeon needs someone who can appreciate her naivety, innocence and goodness - not sure if older men (30s and more) can accept her for the way she is.

Thank you Berries for reading my attempt at psychological rambling - thank you, i like you. :blush:



I'm so interested in seeing the coming episodes specially that SoYeon will open up about her feelings on how people have impressions or stereotypes of her but are not the real her.

I'm rather curious of how she perceives herself and want to hear it coming from her. 

I mean I think because of her goddess facial features and figure that gives her a mature aura initially, most would probably attach "sexy image" to her readily.

I think back to that spicy restaurant episode when SiYang asked her how she normally is when she eats too spicy food and commented she would probably look sexy. And then contrast that to what she actually wants as a complement that will make her beam: being called prettier than flowers - a.k.a. Joy's age level.

I don't think she minds much that SiYang points out her sexyness because the man has shown over and over again how he finds her cute and endearing like a little girl. But to be stereotyped almost always into a sex symbol must be grueling some times.

Poor SoYeon-ssi. Praying you will soon have someone to commit and stay by your side forever to appreciate who you really accepting the beautiful face and figure, and going beyond that to your heart which is even more beautiful :) 

Ahem ahem ahem to SiYang..???. LOL

Anyway, whoever is writing that fanfic (I don't have any talents sorry :( ) I had this weird thought that SiYang was finally able to buy a house for his parents but that his dad won't accept it and told him to keep it for himself so that he can already get married and have a home for the lady - which is for us berries, none other than Kim So Yeon. kekekekekeke

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@yuar19ingrid @studentkkk 

I do agree with what is said. The age where u enter the industry does play a large part...

The industry is actually werid. Some of the idols and actors are so mature when it come to their field of expertise that you do not realise that they are only early 20s...but they are may also be so poorly equipped outside the industry....

Soyeon at the cameo and photoshoot is so different from normal wgm. 

One have to comment on the matchmaking skills of wgm...(For this at least) things seems to fall together correctly..haha.

We are the first entry in round 1? 

Ps. I have not eaten chicken feet too.....ha.

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Maybe the sterotyping and her awareness of her "enclosed" view and experience is the reason for her to join real men and wgm. Think she mentioned it before....."to discover sides of her that she does not know about" guess she is trying to break her own stereotyping of herself. 

Real men is really not an easy show to go to....

Hope she will not try "law of the jungle" (did i get the name correct? Never watched it)

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@SamaraP Yes, Si Yang and So Yeon a lot more lucky. back then it is hard for Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo even for just a simple holding hand. nd to tell the truth, one of the reason i'm back into this shipping thing is that because SiSo short of reminds me of my times when I'm shipping JoongBo or they better know as Ssangchu Couple ^^.

@yuar19ingrid I'm agree with you. that why sometimes i felt uneasy and worried over So Yeon, because She's has been missing a lot of things. She is living a life that not easy at all since the young age. well... the joke about age it is cruel but at some point it can not help it, in one or many ways either Si Yang or anyone will bring that up. Just like when they have their house warming party. and about Si Yang comment, i think that his instant reaction because he himself felt surprise and felt sorry for So Yeon.

and i think it is not has to be a celebrity or actress or model with packed schedule to be lack in experience in having what the others thought as a normal date. because me myself have the same experience as So Yeon. due to my bubbly and impulsive personality, and lack of self confidence because i used to being bullied due to my appearance (am tan, boyish, and quite tall among my friends, and chubby) my case and So Yeon might be different but we experience almost the same. i never know how it felt holding hand on a date with my boyfriends (at the times) because i'm so shy and anxious. i really do understand how So Yeon feelings. and I really thankful to WGM because it help her to experience things that being missed when she's at her teenager and at her early twenty.

about antis, i choose not to bother. i choose to believe in So Yeon. I think that she is smart and mature. and awesome in her own way.

thats my opinion ^^

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..some might have a feeling that Siyang slightly changed on the last episode.. but for me, he didn’t.. it is Soyeon who changed.. she became an active participant in their “relationship” .. she started to express her feelings, opened up her thoughts, became talkative and demanding in her cute ways.. this time she is showing everyone that it is her turn to give back what Siyang has given to her.. and we tend to look at Soyeon’s effort more, that is why we thought that Siyang had “changed”..


he is not as expressive as before?? Andwaeee~~!!!.. he still is, in his simple and subtle way.. isn’t it sweet telling your wife to step back to avoid the coming bus because she is so excited to board on bus??.. isn’t it sweet to be reminded how close they have become since the first day they met?? .. isn’t it sweet having to be asked to crossed arms to be closer while sitting on a bus ride.. what about being asked if you’re ok or not every once in a while?? Is there any sweeter than that?? And having to wear his scarf when he is cold as well.. coz men are like that.. after they’ve showered you with all the grand gestures and attention, the next step is to be subtle.. so us girls will not take them for granted.. this time we have to make note of his little gestures.. which in reality, girls in a relationship oftentimes ignore..


it’s not the battle between the chaser and the chased.. we must realize that in every relationship, give and take is always the best.. well, in our Blueberry couple's principles.. the giver takes the most.. that is why they are fond of giving what one can make him/her happy.. coz it makes them happier.. :wub:


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Well done with round 1!! It's fun, isn't it? Hehe keep up the good work!! I hope I can see your entries in the artworks round, my favorite round ;) fighting!!!

Edit: lol @alou I can see that you haven't lost your analysis skills :P 

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3 hours ago, yuar19ingrid said:


Poor SoYeon-ssi. Praying you will soon have someone to commit and stay by your side forever to appreciate who you really accepting the beautiful face and figure, and going beyond that to your heart which is even more beautiful :) 

Ahem ahem ahem to SiYang..???. LOL

Anyway, whoever is writing that fanfic (I don't have any talents sorry :( ) I had this weird thought that SiYang was finally able to buy a house for his parents but that his dad won't accept it and told him to keep it for himself so that he can already get married and have a home for the lady - which is for us berries, none other than Kim So Yeon. kekekekekeke


@yuar19ingrid :lol: That my wish too...Siyang..Have you buy a house ? Don't keep us waitiing:D




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The article about Si Yang' appearance in MBC Radio FM4U from Newsen:


The DJ asked Si Yang about So Yeon, about they look so close as virtual couple, and the DJ was curious abut whether they are real?

I hope I got it right and we will have translations about this. I worry if I did google translate, lil confusing for this one :D 

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1 hour ago, anniepanda said:


Edit: lol @alou I can see that you haven't lost your analysis skill :P 


.. thanks annie.. Hahaha.. if you have an interesting and lovable couple in front of your eyes.. it feels so good watching them that you want to study their character coz it might help others and myself as well.. (whisper mode: just like before with JjongAh.. how they taught us that skinship is not a basis in loving someone, everything will come in its proper time).. and now, the blueberry couple is teaching me to look on the namja's perpective even more.. that had i knew it much earlier, my love story would have been different. Hahaha!! :blush:

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think the URL to Round 1 is

(the site auto create this. see if it works.

If not, 

h t t p://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/383270-round-1-soompiers-in-paradise-shippers-contest/

(just remove the space in between http.)

Manually, go to the bottom of this page, click on "Shipper's Paradise", then go to " ROUND 1: Soompiers in Paradise: Shippers' Contest "

@KalyanaV 's post is the first entry there. (only 2 entries there now)


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@khairunni Hope we can translations what Siyang answer to that DJ..i'm quite curious to know:D

I read through the earlier threads which berries mentioned Soyeon did not enjoy her freedom during her younger age . Actually i'm quite surprised at first, Soyeon did not have a chance to travel by bus to tour around korea even Dangjin. After that, i'm quite pity her, all her youth day was surrounding with all lime lights, carefully watching by surrounding camera & public ! Even dating, they have to secretly hide it in dark. Now seem worse, some company even prevent their Singers eating their favourite foods. 

For Soyeon, i'm glad she have gone through it & overcame it after so many years in this industries. Hope Siyang will bring alots of nice and unforgettable moments to Soyeon as she is such a innocent & Super Kind Hearted lady:) 

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My dearest @seesaw_love

Do u have slow mo video of soyeon after she sang a old song at the bus. I really mesmerized by whole hearted siyang laugh.

He must be thought…his yeosin ane super duper cute...:blush::blush:

everytime siyang laughed whole heart because his cutie ane…make a huge grin smile on me too.


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12 minutes ago, LeeK said:

think the URL to Round 1 is

(the site auto create this. see if it works.

If not, 

h t t p://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/383270-round-1-soompiers-in-paradise-shippers-contest/

(just remove the space in between http.)

Manually, go to the bottom of this page, click on "Shipper's Paradise", then go to " ROUND 1: Soompiers in Paradise: Shippers' Contest "

@KalyanaV 's post is the first entry there. (only 2 entries there now)


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