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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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hi there.. i register using my real name and then can't find a way to change it :sweatingbullets: so i made a new one, and here it is..sorry for the inconvenience. do u berries know how to delete my previous post? thank you.. i like you ! :heart:

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1 hour ago, car15sa said:

hi there.. i register using my real name and then can't find a way to change it :sweatingbullets: so i made a new one, and here it is..sorry for the inconvenience. do u berries know how to delete my previous post? thank you.. i like you ! :heart:



Just go to your own post and find 'edit' below, click it, then delete your contents and just type in the word 'deleted' (the post will remain) but your contents will be deleted.

Cheers to your love for SiSo!! :)

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since no one has posted the links for the livestream, here's my meager list that pales in comparison to seesaw's list.

1st Channel (Main) - ustream.tv/channel/kgp756 
2nd Channel - vaughnlive.tv/kgp700 
3rd Channel - streamup.com/kgnhd-world

4th Channel - streamup.com/kgp720

5th Channel - https://livehouse.in/en/channel/351873

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It's the 1 hr. countdown!  I'm so excited. Every episode seems to top the previous one.  Wae?  It's because we are seeing a couple becoming increasingly more involved with each other, developing very special feelings for each other (why am I all of a sudden dancing around the word 'love'?), and they are progressing so beautifully.  She went from feeling shy about holding his hand, to hand and finger caressing every chance they got, to kissing him on the lips on national TV!  I'm thinking of an old TV commercial - it's tagline, "You've come a long way, baby."

So first off, we see them taking various physical fitness tests with a trainer.  It's funny to see our athlete saying, "Owee!  I can't take it!  I'm happy being average."  I think the part we see where he's in pain is on the foam roller (it's called that in America, at least). Having taken foam roller classes before and seeing him in that position "rolling" the fascia in his thigh area, I can attest that it hurts.  For first timers, especially, it hurts.  You can be the best athlete, it doesn't matter. If your fascia (the connective tissue that "holds us together") hasn't been worked on and smoothed out, it feels like you're one big bruise when you're done.  But wow, it's so good for you.  That was my two cents about that.

So they spend a nice evening at home, finally preparing to sleep in their bed. Good catch, berries, about the papers on the wall.  Makes sense, if it's rules.  And what is that white binder I see around?  And is his hair wet in one pic, dry in the other but still in his PJs? And

@larus used such a good word for the aftereffects of soju, while I only thought of "tipsy."  lol.. So I can see it now.  They are a leeetle tipsy and they do their "Nice to meet you" dance.  And will the end be the same?  Who will be initiating this time?  Or will it be a mutual thing?  And most importantly, will it be longer than a swift smack? And...I await that backhug.

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12 hours ago, larus said:


It is true that Lee Sang Woo will be Soyeon`s new drama partner and they will be the models for All For You brand. Speaking about models, another coincidence. I saw that Si yang will be the model for a similar fashion company.

Is Lee Sang Woo the lead for So Yeon's new drama? Not the husband that is played by another actor?

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4 hours ago, ChuMills DejaVu said:

My dear berrie's may any of you could help me.One of my dear Indonesia berrie's share a link of a blog that the blogger mention about our SiSo was at the next table from hers (including to google translate) 

The blogger didn't mention either their filming for WGM or not but from the emoticon that she use it seem it was off cam. 

So help me... please... 


I didn't share it when the first time I got this because I thought there will be one of you knew about this too and share it here. Just scroll down... she mention it almost at the bottom of her post. 

I hope my Internet connection went well... its windy and a bit rainy here.. that could be a bad sign for my Internet connection...

Hwatiiing ^^v



Can't really see them though - can you please let me know on which picture they are supposed to be?

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Just noticed about today episode outfits



- Couple bracelet, for sure

- Couple shoes

- Couple coat

- Couple sport shirts

- Couple pajamas


Wonder if they also wore couple u_d_rw__r teng teng teng




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I watched live. 

The physical test. Well, I knew So yeon will not get good scores.

The time they spent at home was cute. I love the moment when he arranged her strands of hair at the end (when she was trying to sleep). They had a good time with lot of laughter.

The preview... Si Yang`s bday surprise party. I saw his colleague/ friends from 101 music project there.

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I think Soyeon really release her innerself after drinking soju. She became so daring in her way of words and I love how their role exchange this time (making snacks and asking for payment). I love how Soyeon response (silence means yes!) when he ask how they should sleep. And one more note, this happens before the kiss so I guess the skinship level are increased in the next episode since its year 2016 already.

I was grabbing my head and screaming internally when I saw all the lovey dovey scenes. Now my heart are still racing lol!

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@auroratasya that the problem the blogger doesn't post any picture of our SiSo. She's just mention it on her post. She's just wrote it. I really hope there's a picture... well... if it was true... then... we have hope... Si Yang and So Yeon start to have time together not just when they filming. 

My delusional mind hoping that that was Si Yang move to get more close to So Yeon for real

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Daebak! 101 group surprise at Si Yang's birthday?

I love So Yeon for living up to her words.....doing her part for him when she decided to extend the contract. I'm really glad that she gives it her all.

Why do I get the feeling that they're still not entirely comfortable with very close skin ship? Like sleeping together?   LOL....

And....So Yeon, slow down....let the guy do the skinship...  haha....Si Yang needs to open up and loosen up with real intimacy....:D

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