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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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Seems like forever since I commented here but it's only been a day or two?  Sorry if my responses are like "old news."  Still wish to say them.  Sorry so long!

 @ssullipop - Welcome!  There was a time I was worried about So Yeon's heart more so than Si Yang's because I'm a woman, but Si Yang has a heart of glass, too, as can be seen in his actions, his tenderheartedness, and crying.  Both are guarded to some extent which is to be expected.  But as many have said, it's turning out wonderfully, this storybook romance as I like to call it, they've extended, and for as long as it lasts (which we are hoping is a looooooonnnnnng time), let's enjoy it.  (And keep a full oxygen tank close by)  I've tried my hand at fanfic once, but since this is pretty real to me, my feeling is to let it play out.  I'm not opposed to it, of course, and I would read others' fanfics, I just still see this as an open book where real life is the best story and is a continuing "saga" ... 

  @auroratasya - Thanks for the info on how things usually go in WGM.  I was curious about that.  Makes sense, and I agree with @larus that is must be a collaborative effort.  ---  Si Yang is mature and does know how to answer well in interviews, except when we were ready to bite his head off when he paused for just a moment in responding that So Yeon was his ideal type.  Just kidding, Si Yang!  I have repented of that!  ---- Yes, at MBC awards night, the clincher and important thing is that THEY KISSED. (But I still want to over analyze!  I can't help it!)

 @thesuitelife547 - Thanks for the info about Radio Star.  As someone(s) said, if Hani is guesting, no doubt they'll want to compare photoshoots with her and So Yeon.  I can see it now ... Interviewer:  So, Si Yang, how do they compare, Hani and So Yeon?  Si Yang: They're both beautiful and very professional and made my job easy.  (Si Yang's real answer: Hani who?  Oh!  Well...they don't.)

  @yuar19ingrid - Your comics are so funny and well done!  Keep them coming...

 @KalyanaV - Agree with your thoughts on our Siso couple meeting at the right time, despite the fact they're at different points in their careers.  They will help each other.  They got each other's back.  Love can conquer all!

 @alou - For some reason, I'm not afraid of a scandal with these two.  Call it trust?  I dunno.  I know scandals are ugly and can be devastating.  Whether or not they actually become a real couple beyond WGM (what am I saying?  of course they will...wish wish wish), I don't see a scandal thwarting their progress.  Call it a feeling. 

 @seesaw_love - Didn't notice the car had stopped and stayed while we saw Si Yang was crying.  Makes me even more teary.  So heartfelt!  Really gets to me, these tenderhearted guys.

  @chloe24 - Yes, our couple is growing together.  I like your term "sparkle."  And so cute, seeing hearts, flowers, pink and red when you see them.

 @tippytoes - Liked Si Yang's response, "Don't you trust me?" too. Yes, okay, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.  It will make legions very sad, though. 

 @jl08 - Neat how flaws can be flaws, yet not.  They can be endearing, too, even strengths? 

  @Addictedtokeverything - I like your thought process on So Yeon being in the weekend drama.  I can see that way, too.

  @theang23 - Welcome, and thanks for the Noblesse translation!  It's fab.

 @larus - Thanks for the new stills and everything else you bless us with.

 @khairunni - Kinda surprised me when the photographer said, "Isn't it too much?"  I'm used to them saying, "Closer!  Yes, that's right.  More.."  lol!  So glad Si Yang likes to exercise because his heart is taking a strain whenever he's in close proximity to So Yeon.  If I were a man, I would totally be the same way.

  @Alilla - I think we all need to strengthen our cardiovascular systems because we all are getting heart attacks along with Si Yang.

 @wdwd - Yup, So Yeon is definitely taking the proactive and not reactive route, now.  You go, girl!

 @ChuMills DejaVu - Manjittnam nampyeon will be needing his own oxygen mask.  No sharing!  Not enough to go around!  And your "She's branded him" .... I love it!

 @SamaraP - Yes, husbands don't like to be compared.  Like Si Yang says, "Don't compliment another guy in front of me."  haha.  But there are plusses to this situation. Nuff said.

@catgoh92 - Now that is what Minnie Mouse is supposed to look like.  It was cute when So Yeon thought that even her Minnie Mouse looked old.  Back at the house, I suspect their Mickey and Minnie mouses and facing each other with lips touching.  !!!





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"A good person will appear before me someday, right?"

She's right beside you, Si Yang.  

It's not going to  be  easy to find a good package that comes with inner and outer beauty plus a bonus of sexiness. So Yeon has shown herself to be an awesome sunbaenim, a quiet wife who provides emotional support (wiping his tears and holding his hand), a friend who plays yutnori, baseball and basketball not to mention cycling and camping, as well as a wife who has a good sense of humor in making her husband laugh many times. Her quiet strength and  a good listening ear are qualities that will pave the way for a good marriage. Did I say that she's down-to-earth too? Si Yang can look to her as a role model in progressing with his achievements and not lose focus in the ugly entertainment industry.

Si Yang, please just hold on to her and don't let go even while you're climbing your career ladder. Because sometimes missed opportunities may never come again in life.

Guess So Yeon is right in saying that her husband has honest eyes. Seems he's straightforward like he admitted when she asked him to practise his reaction upon seeing her wedding gown. He either like it or don't.

Thanks, @thesuitelife547, for all your information.

p/s: Just how many relationship has he had?   Lol... hope his WGM wife will work out for him this time  :)



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4 hours ago, thesuitelife547 said:
4 hours ago, jl08 said:


Thanks, @thesuitelife547

p/s: Just how many relationship has he had?   Lol... hope his WGM wife will work out for him this time 

Kwak Si Yang: When breaking up, I'm the type to ask what the reason for breaking up is first. But they don't tell me. I also haven't thought of marriage. It seems like something I should do when I think of my parents, though. A good person will appear before me someday, right?

The word of " They dont tell me the reason for breaking up? " Omo omo omo seem manjittnam nampyeon is loyal type man. Soyeon too is loyal type of woman if she in relationship. Soyeon ah.....u should grab him so tight. :wub:

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1 hour ago, Alilla said:

The word of " They dont tell me the reason for breaking up? " Omo omo omo seem manjittnam nampyeon is loyal type man. Soyeon too is loyal type of woman if she in relationship. Soyeon ah.....u should grab him so tight. :wub:


I totally agree that SoYeon is loyal: "Chung Sung!!!" hehehe

SoYeon and SiYang: Please grab on tight to each other and don't let go!!!

I think read or saw somewhere from an interview with SiYang shared in this forum that he has not yet bought a house for this parents. Last night I was in delulu mode and imagined SiYang's dad would tell him: "Son, your mom and I are getting old. House is not important to us. Use your hard earned money to buy the house for your yeoshin annae so we can see you settled down. Grandchildren are also bonus we'd love to receive."


Can anyone confirm if this is uri manjjitnampyeon SiYang?


I am totally so delulu with this sight right now - the last one with the towel ehehehehe

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@thesuitelife547 tank you so much for the interview cuts... I think I have read a few of his interview too (the translation of course) I get it when lurking at Kwak Si Yang thread and from surfing around the Internet.  It seem that he is a consistent and loyal person. 

And I think God have send him that good person. @jl08 have said it all. And I think So Yeon is more and more closer to his ideal type. The same with So Yeon, that Si Yang getting more look like her ideal type. She's even mention it. 

I think you are right @kappy Si Yang will need much more better oxygen tank, since he have to deal with his yeosin anae smexy ness... :lol:

7 more hours to go... I'm so excited!:w00t:

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1 hour ago, yuar19ingrid said:



Can anyone confirm if this is uri manjjitnampyeon SiYang?


I am totally so delulu with this sight right now - the last one with the towel ehehehehe

Yep, that's Si Yang. It's an old news from dramabeans and the girls over there love Si Yang too and acknowledge his acting talent, which is great because you can always trust dramabeans' taste ;) 

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@yuar19ingrid  - :wub:... love both your comic strip...  hah hah hah siyang must see this.  And I am happy you join us berries..

I  repeatedly watch the part siyang saying that "she is a goddess isn't just  a figure of speech. She was really beautiful. At that moment, i felt like i was the luckiest man alive. Because i am the man who can call her my wife."  in Ep 302.

In Ep 287 (Ep1 for siso)  when they met for the first time -  siyang was already awestruck by her beauty and her status as a celebrity.

"Why is she so pretty?. Oh! It's a celebrity. I was confused at first. Could it be Kim So Yeon??... The happiness just shining and lighting up his whole face. It's like he just can't believe his luck because he, like most Koreans, know Kim So Yeon because she is an established celebrity

"She is so pretty. She looks fragile yet cute. When she is flustered and doesn't know what to do. I just like it" 

That declaration that adoration has been followed through by him consistently through all the following episodes that we have been following through all his actions and treatment of Soyeon. Ever ready with soyeon's favourite coffee every time when they meet outside of the house. Prepare the coffee if they are in the house. The way he would look and stared at Soyeon. 

Then he discovered so yeon's inner beauty during his 2nd meeting.  In Ep 291 on the way to the karoeke

"Not only she is pretty but herself so charming" the clincher is when he discovered her considerate nature during their search for couple item and the purchase of thei bracelet

"there is something that surprised me about my wife. She checks prices of everything. .....She would be like 'this is too expensive. Let's look at other thing. I like the other better.  When she did this. I was very thankful and felt she is considerate.  I was very surprised"

And he discovered her charm at the karaoke when she sang the song "proposed." -

"aren't you so cute.?? " My wife has a charm. She can make people get infatuated with her"

Then he discovered her sense of humor in their 3rd meeting  Ep 292. (Here is where I wish i know how to make the giv / cut the vid and show the part where he removed the hair that was stuck on her face) and her reaction after he removed the hair was to say "More..." 

he had a hearty laugh and said "You are shy but want many things right?" and just stared at his wife. And when soyeon mentioned that her friends were coming to the house he agreed for them to  come to the house and did not show his shock with the news because he understand her kind nature would have canceled their visit. 

Sorry for the long chat  it's just that I feel like revisiting all the episodes to understand Siyang's feeling for soyeon. Is it real? is it just playing the "role" as a good husband.  And I still conclude that it's real. As to whether he wants to make it  a long life companionship i.e. marriage only he can decide. And when Siyang make up his mind on anything he will persevere. He and organised meticulous person. In fact his strength is his  flaw and that would have been he is a perfectionist...

With that  just want to share this video from "showbiz Korea".  Hope I am not doing anything against rule od scoompi





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14 hours ago, ChuMills DejaVu said:

Well... I know... the kiss supposed to be just an act part of the performance

Well.. what the actual happen is. Still... to me that kiss can be included as branding. :lol::lol::lol:


When siyang said in bri after wedding episode " the forehead kiss have a different meaning now..kind of she has branded."  

I dont think at that moment siyang have a dream that soyeon will be branding him too cause siyang know that his yosin ane shy personality.

And now.....soyeon have changed  her mind...

U have to keep u heart from heart attack siyang ah...because your yosin ane will keep her promise to show him her affection.

Wkkkkkkkkk good job soyeon ah...:heart:

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LIVE streaming links :

Time : Korea time 17:00
- http://vodmall.imbc.com/player/onair.aspx (login with MBC account)
(delay telecast with chinese sub / 中字直播韩国时间:17:20)
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just in case you guys want to add more livestream links to your list, here are a few more. the last one is lower quality and could be a good option for ppl that have a slower internet connection.

1st Channel (Main) - ustream.tv/channel/kgp756 
2nd Channel - vaughnlive.tv/kgp700 
3rd Channel - streamup.com/kgnhd-world

4th Channel - streamup.com/kgp720

5th Channel - https://livehouse.in/en/channel/351873

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That video (why did you come now) was so beautifully made @seesaw_love You are super talented and we berries are extremely lucky and blessed to have you here. If you don't mind me asking, can u tell us how long it took for you to put this video together? Big thanks for sharing it with all of us :)  Also its Saturday, a new ep, olayyyyyyyyy Im super excited! Have to go out now but Ill spazz together with all you berries later tonight. Im expecting a lot of hottt hott sizzling hot this episode with the cosmo shoot and a lot of shyy shyy cute shy for the dance practice! Best of both the worlds. I am ready, lets go mbc! 

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@addictedtokeverything all along i have been accumulating my favorite moments in every EP. So just putting it together is not so difficult. 

The most difficult part was the 16 BRI photos appeared in less than 15 seconds.  That 15seconds took me almost 3 hours.    It will be easier if it is just picture college.  But as it  is in video, every second it appears need to be adjusted.     Afterall i am still learning to make video 

I remember it was @larus' request (isn't it).  During EP12 to put together Soyeon requesting Siyang to sing for her & the part Siyang sang for her on the merry go round.  Sorry it took me so long to do it.  But somehow it was a good wait as this song meant alot to them and putting it my favourite moments, it is even more meaningful.

Glad that you guys like it.  


29 minutes ago, Addictedtokeverything said:

That video (why did you come now) was so beautifully made @seesaw_love You are super talented and we berries are extremely lucky and blessed to have you here. If you don't mind me asking, can u tell us how long it took for you to put this video together? Big thanks for sharing it with all of us :)  Also its Saturday, a new ep, olayyyyyyyyy Im super excited! Have to go out now but Ill spazz together with all you berries later tonight. Im expecting a lot of hottt hott sizzling hot this episode with the cosmo shoot and a lot of shyy shyy cute shy for the dance practice! Best of both the worlds. I am ready, lets go mbc! 


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My heart skiped beating so many times... Maaaaiiiigggaaaattt.... daebak.. and the last picture when they show their new couple bracelet... that just perfect... I feel like they shot their pre-wedding photoshoot....

I feel like to scream also feel like to cry... eotokeo.... 

It is love... for sure... I need to collect my self... I need go to ER... 

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