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[Drama 2015-2016] Glamorous Temptation 화려한 유혹


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2 hours ago, Melchai said:

Ahhhhh ... they should kissed a little bit longer .... let KSH witnessed this and come to his senses that he should back off for good ... :lol::phew:

They would have kissed way longer if DOM did not open that door.  I mean if you're not going to confront them why make yourself seen ... wouldn't it be better for you to just go away and pretend nothing happened (since you still want to hold on to her).  Or maybe he was waiting for ES to apologise and blame HW for forcing her to kiss, and then go home together .... unfortunately not, so it was awkward for him to stay ... especially seeing both of their hateful stares at him, and ES's hand still fixed on HW's waist.  After DOM left they turned to face each other and it's like telling each other that I'm fine and I will go thru this with you.  Or they could be angry at DOM for breaking their kissing mood (well they waiting for so long).  :P

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Guest my2centsworth
3 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I watched favorite scenes with sub titles and I have to say, KSH is a daring man. He was able to receives his wife without hating an eye but when she call him on it, all he can say is "Sorry". KSH ACTS LIKE NONE OFMKIDS WOULD EVER DARE TO BETRAY BUT THE ONE HE FAVORS THE MOST TURNS ON HIM WHEN SHE DEEMS IT NECESSARY.

I enjoyed ES telling him how can he dare make a murderer a President. How can he possibly do that to the country?? She said what will happen to country when you do something like that???? I see why everyone said ES was being cruel but WHAT SHE SAID WAS THE TRUTH. The truth is always cruel. II Joo didn't say she will murder the child again but KSH is pathetic for ignoring all the tell tales that his daughter is more than capable of killing that girl again. Look at how many times she has burned him and he has taken her back. 





The differences in the love between these two men for ES. HW ACCEPTED AND LOVES MI RAE AS HIS OWN. HE WOULD DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT THIS CHILD. Take care of her and her mother. He would give his life for ES. 

I want to say KSH loves ES but truthfully I don't think so. He is just a desperate and lonely man. He found a kind woman who is willing to care for a stranger with no judgement. Someone who is willing to help anyone in need even if that person was horrible to person. SHE HAS NO GREED FOR WEALTH AND POWER.  Even when she hated II Joo she couldn't let her fall down the stairs but if it was II Joo she would have killed her. We all saw how she pushed her down the stairs anyway when ES saved her life.  

The problem with KSH is he is selfish.... He had the nerve to tell ES that II Joo appologized for the accident . Even ES was shocked to he's him say that when they bothe knew II JOO WAS NOT SINCERE WITH THAT APPOLOGY.  SHE DID NOT MEAN IT. 

Even now knowing HIS CHILD DID PUSH MI RAE WHAT SOES HE DO. HE DOES NOTHING TO PROTECT THAT CHILD. He doesn't prohibit II Joo from going to the hospital after hearing she went to the doctor and told him to stop the treatment.  

I wonder the reason the doctor did not listen to II Joo was because he was an American Doctor or does the Korean doctors follow the same protocol. 



I really ally love this drama because of all the layers of each character. But for some reason I can't seem to find it in my heart to say KSH isn't a terrible man.  II Joo is the worst but I blame her father for turning her into the monster she is. All his advice has been wrong and he should have accepted her as his child. 



You go girl.....lol ! ! ! Love every word you said ! ! !

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I love this part .. and it was so emotional for HW .... teary eyes watching this scene .. ... :tears::mellow::tears:




A letter from YA to Hyeong Woo ....

Hyeong Woo... to protect you and ES , I have made my final decision, this is the only way to stop KSH from suspecting ES .. and to make sure that the money goes to neither KSH nor KSM , I will make it look like ES sue me, so i would be arrested as long as ES stick to the plan, it will work out , what i worry about is the feeling that you have for her.. You don't have to tell me how much you love her but that have almost got you killed, people blinded by love cannot make clear decisions .. Never forget the revenge should come first, what I'm about to do should make up for what i did to ES .. You must stay cool headed, don't ever forget that ...


** A mother's loves have no boundaries, she will protect her son despite many obstacles that came and so did YA to her son HW ... and I am  so glad at the end she realized that how much ES meant to her son ....


Flawless acting by these two - JSW n CKH

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18 hours ago, jwand said:

As you know, I am a big fan of CKH. I also became a fan of JSW because of his excellent work in Good Doctor. Their characters here started showing ugly behavior about ten episodes ago and I blame the writers. I hope the character development becomes more consistent with the way they behaved as teenagers.

i agree with you on the fact that their characters started to change and show different and unseen sides of their personality... BUT a character can not be developed consistently as a part of their youth...you are what you experience/see tyhrought your childhood/youth.. youth symbolises (among other things) the act-by-feelings-being-naive part of your character.. as you grow up you come to realise things that were not seen by you (or were kept from you) when you werre younger.. you see and understand things differently than you did in your youth, your distinctions between 'good' and 'evil' begin to change than how you perceived it in your youth..

you can not stay/be the same way as you were in your youth in adulthood...

growing up means loosing that naive part of you, and that is why parents try to keep that naiveness in their children as much as they can, because the world is a cruel and dark place (granted, not everything is bad about the world) and they wish to protect them as much as they can from that reality that all adults know..

HW & ES were changed by that selfish action IJ did by stealing the documents that started a chain reactions that changed for ever/destroyed two families.. their lives went up side down  and were further changed when they realised all of the back story to that action..i remember someone talked about a ripple effect.. when you throw a stone to a lake, the lake is changed forever because that stone cause ripples all throughout the lake and changed (forever) the peacefulness that existed there.. that ripple effect changed our OTP's lives and character for ever.. and that is why they cannot return or be more consistent of their behaviour as teens.

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4 hours ago, Melchai said:

Hello my beloved chingus !! ... miss you all chingus and our OTP couple HW n ES  so much and  i'm back and ready to be with you guys ...:lol::wub: but need to watch the episodes which i missed for the past two weeks ... :heart:


hey chingu, welcome back!!!

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@UnniSarah...chingu...don't angst over not liking KSH...there is no need for you to like him.  He is indeed a selfish person who has many personal goals and personal failures that he is living inside them.   I do not like him based on his selfish ways....I only can understand why he behaved in certain ways because he constantly feel the need to make up to CM for abandoning her by showering the wrong type of love on IJ until she became a monster.  This is called overcompensation parenting style.   but he has come to his realization now that IJ has gone way beyond his imagination to the world of darkness.  So to me...as a chess player...his steps are always behind his opponent...he read many situations wrongly due to his hidden emotions and the only reason is because he still has some humanity in him to allow himself to be cornered and cheated.  A truly ruthless person leaves no room for anyone to attack them.  If you watch NGM in "remember" you will understand what is a truly evil person...such people totally have no boundaries and can never be reformed...bad genes some people call it.

i also do not fault the relationship of his and ES because it is a mutually consented one.  i do not like to wear tainted glasses to look at KSH as a DOM just because he is old.  Old people do not deserve a chance at love if they really found it?  The same about young people do not deserve to love an old man and should always be construed to have a motive?  in this case...ES truly only has a motive so I am not impressed by her.  I have a very pretty relative who married a 60 plus old man(older than her parents) when she was in late 20s. She was badly gossiped about as a gold digger but I take my hat off her because her husband now at 90 plus and herself about 50 plus..their marriage still going strong with 3 kids.  Can ES even do that?  no...in fact she committed extra marital affair right in front of KSH.   Where does that place her?  KSH deserves it just because he has also a father's role to play?

As far as ES is concerned KSH has been good to her except the one incident in not sending IJ to jail as a father....do you think KSH can ever send ES to jail if she has committed a crime?  In this aspect, I would say KSH is perhaps too emo a person...his emo can cause him to make non objective decisions.

I do not like KSH's character but I can empathize with what he is going through given his complex life experiences.

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i just wondering can we justify to have any emotion linking and body contact with any man if we have trouble relationship with our  current husband and wife? in my country   if you get any photo while kissing with any man while married ,you will lose a chance to win the case in court battle.you will get sentence  conduct of  adultery by having extra marital while still married to your current husband.you will lose child  custody and self support and inheritance money .

the husband is still a responsible  husband as long there is  no adultery,cheating,abusive.in my country law of marriage is a big sin of any extra marital while still married or  in divorce process ,any body contact ,kissing and hugging consider bad woman/bad husband.

so the woman will make sure they behave while still married because fear of loosing child custody , self support and inheritance.most of the time very rare the woman loosing child custody in court battle. if the woman lose in court battle most of the time because of adultery and extra marital.just using  a photo hugging and kissing is enough to make the woman lose everything.

in my country divorce rate is very high.every 2 new marriage registration , within 5 years the marriage will fail.most of the time is the man having extra marital.our culture can have more one wife.so many women not happy when the husband getting another wife.the wife will behave while in marriage because fear of loosing child custody and child support.so it is common the woman marry more than one time.it is very common the children have different sir name in one family because the mother marry 2-3 times in their life.   

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On 12/2/2559 at 10:35 AM, my2centsworth said:
4 hours ago, jetsu said:

They would have kissed way longer if DOM did not open that door.  I mean if you're not going to confront them why make yourself seen ... wouldn't it be better for you to just go away and pretend nothing happened (since you still want to hold on to her).  Or maybe he was waiting for ES to apologise and blame HW for forcing her to kiss, and then go home together .... unfortunately not, so it was awkward for him to stay ... especially seeing both of their hateful stares at him, and ES's hand still fixed on HW's waist.  After DOM left they turned to face each other and it's like telling each other that I'm fine and I will go thru this with you.  Or they could be angry at DOM for breaking their kissing mood (well they waiting for so long).  :P

They both looked irritated.  Me too.


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The writer like to put Karma in GT.  KSH had an affair with CM and now he's experiencing what CM and his late wife went through. Becos his greed he did not want to divorce his late wife (which I dealt he treated her nicely).  He destroyed 3 women's life (CM, his late wife and IJ).  I believed he married his first wife with intentions (not love) but she loved him and had 2 kids with him.  This is what you called a 'Cheater'  who had an 'Affair'.  He couldn't love his late wife .... then same goes to ES that she couldn't love him.  

I know some chingus will say, he's trying to make up his past mistakes through ES ... but his repeating history.  He knew well that ES loves HW, but because of his limited time in living he did not want to let go of her and he took MR's incident as an opportunity to make ES stay with him.  Yes ES had intentions but KSH doesn't?  Remember he told ES that 'You've done a lot for him, but HW is not worth it' and ES answered him 'Don't know what you meant, but you are wrong becos HW and my heart/mind are the same'.  With that how could he asked her to marry him and expect she will forget about HW and love him??    

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19 hours ago, Melchai said:

Never forget the revenge should come first, what I'm about to do should make up for what i did to ES .. You must stay cool headed, don't ever forget that ...


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i just hope korea doesnt have strict law regarding adultery.what happen if the pm and ij  just using one photo hugging and kissing, with cctv prove she will lose child custody and child support like in my country?it is nightmare.i cannot imagine if this happen because. her mistake she will lose her child custody while fighting in court. the husband will use  kissing and hugging photo while the daughter lying  on hospital bed . the judge will think you are something still got time kissing with other man ..she should behave and control her emotion.meet hw ,kiss him  after the divorce is settle.i just worry ij will use the photo to fight in court when the pm leaving his money to her  when he is dead or sick. ij will over right  her because conduct of adultery and using whatever mean to rule the whole inheritance when the pm is dead.

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3 hours ago, jetsu said:

The writer like to put Karma in GT.  KSH had an affair with CM and now he's experiencing what CM and his late wife went through. Becos his greed he did not want to divorce his late wife (which I dealt he treated her nicely).  He destroyed 3 women's life (CM, his late wife and IJ).  I believed he married his first wife with intentions (not love) but she loved him and had 2 kids with him.  This is what you called a 'Cheater'  who had an 'Affair'.  He couldn't love his late wife .... then same goes to ES that she couldn't love him.  

I know some chingus will say, he's trying to make up his past mistakes through ES ... but his repeating history.  He knew well that ES loves HW, but because of his limited time in living he did not want to let go of her and he took MR's incident as an opportunity to make ES stay with him.  Yes ES had intentions but KSH doesn't?  Remember he told ES that 'You've done a lot for him, but HW is not worth it' and ES answered him 'Don't know what you meant, but you are wrong becos HW and my heart/mind are the same'.  With that how could he asked her to marry him and expect she will forget about HW and love him??    

@jetsu  Chingu *BRAVO*  So very true, he ruined these woman's lives. The sad part , he doesn't feel bad for hurting his wife. The first person he should fee as for is his wife. He hurt her badly when she loved him and stayed with him when he had an affair. I feel bad for CM but not as badly as his wife. CM had an affair with a married man. She said she loved him more than he loved her. That is so sad, she sacrificed so much for him. Their child and his other children was badly affected by his greed.  Well said Chingu .


5 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

@UnniSarah...chingu...don't angst over not liking KSH...there is no need for you to like him.  He is indeed a selfish person who has many personal goals and personal failures that he is living inside them.   I do not like him based on his selfish ways....I only can understand why he behaved in certain ways because he constantly feel the need to make up to CM for abandoning her by showering the wrong type of love on IJ until she became a monster.  This is called overcompensation parenting style.   but he has come to his realization now that IJ has gone way beyond his imagination to the world of darkness.  So to me...as a chess player...his steps are always behind his opponent...he read many situations wrongly due to his hidden emotions and the only reason is because he still has some humanity in him to allow himself to be cornered and cheated.  A truly ruthless person leaves no room for anyone to attack them.  If you watch NGM in "remember" you will understand what is a truly evil person...such people totally have no boundaries and can never be reformed...bad genes some people call it.

i also do not fault the relationship of his and ES because it is a mutually consented one.  i do not like to wear tainted glasses to look at KSH as a DOM just because he is old.  Old people do not deserve a chance at love if they really found it?  The same about young people do not deserve to love an old man and should always be construed to have a motive?  in this case...ES truly only has a motive so I am not impressed by her.  I have a very pretty relative who married a 60 plus old man(older than her parents) when she was in late 20s. She was badly gossiped about as a gold digger but I take my hat off her because her husband now at 90 plus and herself about 50 plus..their marriage still going strong with 3 kids.  Can ES even do that?  no...in fact she committed extra marital affair right in front of KSH.   Where does that place her?  KSH deserves it just because he has also a father's role to play?

As far as ES is concerned KSH has been good to her except the one incident in not sending IJ to jail as a father....do you think KSH can ever send ES to jail if she has committed a crime?  In this aspect, I would say KSH is perhaps too emo a person...his emo can cause him to make non objective decisions.

I do not like KSH's character but I can empathize with what he is going through given his complex life experiences.

@lovehbhjw2013 Well said Chingu, I totally understand where you are coming from. I love the part where you said he was emo, I will agree with you.  LOL I LAUGHED AT THAT PART. THANKS FOR YOIR POV :) 

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in real life a person like hw consider bad person  seducing married woman and get divorce from  the husband to get revenge.he is also bad man trying to interfere another married woman's life by taking in charge trying to move mirae to another hospital while she still got legal guardian the legal step father.  ean soo's not legally divorce yet so any man not qualified to in charge the girlfriend's daughter affair.we consider it is interfere of another married man's family affair.

just imagine if in real life if this thing happen, our marriage institution suppose to be sacred  and pure will get dirty if any man/woman  can enter anytime in the family's affair in the name of love .it is wrong too if  he want to  represent  himself as a her attorney because he himself have conflict of interest in the client's affair.our circumstances doesn't justify on  our action in certain case especially in a married institution.most of the time any culture,any believe, any race ,any faith any country putting the marriage institution is the most important institution because it is the most sacred institution . the marriage institution is the most  sacred institution because it is the first institution will produce  the  nation good or bad people. i assumed ij 's is a product of damaging institution.adultery will produce bad nation in certain circumstances and destroy the country in the long run.

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KSH and ES couple had more romantic scenes than the OTP.

HW kiss with IJ was a hotter kiss than OTP.

KSH has had the most romantic lines, Psycho husband comes in second.

Both KSH and Psycho are the more interesting characters in the entire series.

At least we have an idea of how ES is getting back into the house. With KSH confused, Es will not want to leave such a powerful opening for IJ to take over.

I'm seeing this as KSH redemption arc, he finally gets it. That all his evil doings for the greater good are coming back for payment. IJ is a complete evil creature that lives without remorse.

I still haven't seen any growth in HW. There was a chance when he was on the revenge war path, for clarity, but, he lost it as soon as ES came back. Dumb HW is back and equally dumb ES.

I would've rather she played it boldly smart and kept her mask on.How easy would it have been for her to say, 'you pushed me into HW arms with all your accusations and lies'?She could've been back at the house scheming to get HW's mom released.

If I were YA, I'd be soooooooo pissed at both those idiots.

Maybe Boss Ma or the calm niece will end up as president.

Some of you are showing sympathy for the deceased mothers, Cheong Mi and the unamed Prime Minister's deceased wife. Cheong Mi was a mistress that help set up the illegal slush fund and Wifey was married on a power alliance and then kidnapped and had Cheong Mi tortured. So end then end they're both criminals too.

None of the characters are good with the exception of Boss Ma, the 3rd's, and MR. ES is only somewhat redeemable but, she's going to have to super glue those angel wings for now on.

I'm also ready for a body count, starting with Kwon and IJ. And maybe HW also. Of course, KSH is already kneecap deep.

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'Brilliant seduction' Joo Sang-wook, the romantic-thriller crosses favorite 'reversal charm' brings



'Brilliant seduction' Choi Kang-hee-Joo Sang-wook / May Queen Pictures


[Hansuah = Top Star News reporter]

'Brilliant seduction' Joo Sang-wook has a home theater with charm and shooter geukgang.

Wolhwa MBC drama 'Gorgeous Temptation' (a play sonyoungmok difference between the spirit / director gimsanghyeop gimhuiwon) are proud of the chest seems complete harmony jeoljeolhan romance and gruesome thriller seeing the movies.

What more can he claim to Joo Sang-wook shadows behind the drama, Choi Kang-hee (sineunsu station) and take the station jinhyeongwoo jumped into multiple pull off a big role in tow ratings. If he is spreading Choi Kang-hee and aeteuthan romance jeonhaneunga be Assorted a lifetime one-of-a-kind love with distinctive honey voice, and it turns into cold eyes suddenly overpowered Cha Ye-Ryun (river one shares station) and topped Jung Jin Young (gangseokhyeon station) and the Front .

Gatchumyeo the brightest brains from here to the visual perfection he that bucket of M 'brilliant seduction' has demonstrated the exact opposite of attraction whenever the scene changes. Joo Sang-wook and from the warmth of this bloody freely and also looked at the 'brilliant seduction' in myeongdaesa.

# Jinhyeongwoo 'beanpole love law compelling romantic full myeongdaesa

"Beanpole love law of jinhyeongwoo towards sineunsu were enough to yeosim a sniper. Sineunsu had been together since childhood, and kiwowat a beautiful love he's giving back the power to keep silent side of sineunsu fell into the swirling fate.

Then his heart was broadcast 31 times during the "hottest midday sun is not visible shadows. But as darkness was coming'm a law which has long shadow. Even walking alone in the dark in hell I'm always well evident in the back of your metabolism'll protect you. " I think the sineunsu and romantic ambassador of jinhyeongwoo that he would keep the promise in mind, she added impressed with much the same aspects of the 'sunjeongpa.

Then, in the 38th jinhyeongwoo it was learned that love for sineunsu at the expense of the mother hanyoungae (Na Young-hee minutes) that this weakness. In particular, he went to the front of the house to look within sineunsu look and turned back to find it difficult to visit sineunsu "gave me this necklace future use. Can we merged back like this? "He said painfully against his chest is made tragically in love even those watching are flat.

Also, let's demand for a divorce to be gangseokhyeon in the 39th and returned to sineunsu "hermit, start again. Let's not everything went back to the beginning frustration. You jinhyeongwoo I came back a long way still to confess that we're should be one "are showing an unwavering mind has further highlighted his love.


# Sometimes be bloody, thrilling the condenser jinhyeongwoo

In front of romantic love, but also it has multiple front immerse the viewer appeal of bloody cold to be jinhyeongwoo. Drove into the river tours the end of the first successful desperate to send to jail the gangseokhyeon and has charisma and he is responsible for cider relaxation and fun for the young brains lawyers tension poles with multiple spreading toward the two women.

The 34th was drawn to the figure of jinhyeongwoo gangseokhyeon murder charge against the teacher. Let gangseokhyeon jinhyeongwoo excuses for his father's death, "Mr. gangseokhyeon you're not going to accomplish anything you dream. So far, you have not sown casual reader of the Ambassador jinhyeongwoo naebaeteun that others should turn you shed blood "had the utmost heightened tension on the pole.

Gangil price jinhyeongwoo learned that the culprit that led to his unhappiness with sineunsu to lure the river for one weeks is a more complete and revenge were to lose everything she had. To the river one shares at 36 times, "How are you? I drama saw well-made? I saw good ones you directed. Stolen the original documents of his father squatting put the copy in the hermit bag?" Said jinhyeongwoo is pushing the river one shares the predicament reveals his true colors angyeotda tongkwaeham to put the viewer in appearance.

Also, watching the apples hanging river and one shares things in the past, he fought 37 times, "You're not a good count? Compared geoe painfully lived for 15 years it's nothing. Out of my sight! Value by simply looking at thee tremble rinikka "he said jinhyeongwoo has also brings the two battered her humiliation.

As the crew side repeated "times top of each other are piled up in top of each other myeongdaesa also Joo Sang-wook. Joo Sang-wook of the eyes from time to time vary according to the situation and can look adds light to the ambassador. Ambassador word in the activities of Joo Sang-wook Kerala to incline the cardiovascular thrilled the audience dont expect the future, "he said.

Meanwhile, the 'brilliant seduction' is broadcast every Monday and Tuesday at 10 pm.



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