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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Guest my2centsworth

@thegoldbug don't remember which esp, but early in the drama, I think there was a scene at the dinner table where MH's wife got angry about something and blurted out about his involvement with GN years ago. Will have to go back and check some of the early esps and see if I can find it.

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Gush on HK and JE in ep 38 - Pt 2 :P (Pt 1 above)

The grocery shopping scene is such a treat! Love every moment of it! Also shows how considerate and thoughtful they are of each other. And yes, playful too.


HK and JE go grocery-shopping, like a loving couple, so sweet

  • HK holding on to JE's arm, which makes him feel surprised but in a nice way, and he had to do a double-take, prob mentally pinching himself to see if he is 'dreaming it' all
  • HK looks at JE's surprised look and asks if he doesn't like it, should she stop? 
  • Then the surprising declaration of "I too will give you happiness. I will make you happy"
  • Followed by an even more surprising declaration of "I love you, CJE". Swoon-worthy moment. So surprising, I mean, of all places and moments, in a crowded and fishiest-smelling area of a 'supermarket'? But I love it!
  • JE looks at HK as if she just spoke nonsense. Or rather, something that he'd never dreamed she'd say again. Declaration of love(2nd time in over 2 decades!).
  • JE is so moved and warmed, they end up in a sweet emotional embrace. Both clinging to each other, for love, for comfort, lost in that moment, and why not? They both know this is their final day of being together. They both know they both intend to break up with the other, unwillingly. Esp HK is much resolved in breaking up so she can set her 'plan' in motion.
  • It takes a jealous LOL ajumma-shopper, banging on their shopping cart and spitting "who hasn't loved before? watch your PDA!" LOL. 
  • In which JE shouts "I'm sorry. Because my wife is so pretty".LOL
  • That brings on another sweet moment. HK questions JE "who's your wife?"
  • Then, woof woof, JE turns on his please-pity-me-puppy-look again, "Just for today. Be my wife just for today". 
  • And HK's side-way look and nod at that moment, with her trademark 'sexy and teasing' pout, so precious! Love it!
  • JE is over the moon, of course! He then asks HK to hold his arm and they continue with grocery shopping. Both grinning like two cheshire cats on steriods. LOL. Too SWEET!               pibTTRu.pngpibTTRu.png



HK and JE, food grocery taken care of. Now onto overnight stuff. And how cute that is, when JE asks "where he's going to sleep" and HK throws back a response, with a teasing-sort-of-glint "sleep wherever you want". JE's reaction from being stationary to an immediate-let's-go is way better than any red-bull drink could have given him that energy burst.  LOL.




Pt 3...To be cont'd... :) 



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17 hours ago, jadecloud said:

First, the elevator feels... OMG! did you guys feel it too? I can't keep my mouth in a straight line, can't keep it shut either...LOL. But of course, it takes MH's face to change the mood. Not just for them, the lovebirds, but viewers too. Me in particular. LOL. (see what I mean?^_^

yes...yes...yes,,,without MH showing maybe HK mood won't change she was lovey dovey on JE ..she's the one who took JE  hand and she also the one who show some sweetness to JE infront of the 2assistant.( just hoping that writer BAE will let them reconcile at the end)


how if this accident that happen to BS will HK finally realize that BS really love her and  have a change heart and she love him back at end:cry::cry::bawling::dissapointed_relieved:


lastly @LHRCN_   @jyfan88   thanks for the video prev.......and  roughly translating it.

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15 minutes ago, trust71 said:


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how if this accident that happen to BS will HK finally realize that BS really love her and  have a change heart and she love him back at end:cry::cry::bawling::dissapointed_relieved:


NO NO NO NO THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN!:angry: If that happens, then I just wasted 49 hours (thinking this will happen in the last episode) of a great drama and wasting 39 hours wishing HK and JE would get back together.

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Gush on HK and JE in ep 38 - Pt 3 :P (Pt 2 below)


HK and JE during food prep.

  • JE calls HK 'yeobo' and she freezes for a moment. Music to her ears after so long. But yet with a tinge of sadness with what she's about to do -- break up.
  • HK recovers right away and shouts back 'yeobo' as well. 
  • Their playful banter is another treat! 
  • JE says he wishes time would stop at that moment.
  • HK says "What? At this moment? When I'm prepping a fish and you are cleaning sprouts? What about my home-cooked dinner for you? Don't you want to eat it?"
  • JE says "Yes, at this moment. Because I know this is your last home-cooked meal for me".
  • HK looks surprised and sad to hear that spoken out loud. But she knows in her heart, it's true. Except, she has no choice. (In her mind at that moment, she has no option for Plan B.)
  • HK tries to lighten JE's mood and says 'You're wrong. I'm also making breakfast for you tomorrow".
  • On afterthought, HK asks 'Are you leaving (and not staying for the night)?'
  • JE teases "Depends on how you do".
  • At that, HK lifts up the fish she's prepping and asks "Do you want to get hit by this fish?" LOL
  • JE says "I better go. Can't stay being treated this way". JE stands up. LOL. This couple is killing me!


But wait! JE stands up, looks for a cloth to wipe his hands. Where did he do it? Brilliant move!! JE wipes his hands on HK's apron.:rolleyes: Following next, so naturally(but of course;)), with a back hug. BACK HUG in the kitchen, by the kitchen sink! How about that for some domesticated romance?:blink: keke. JE rests sooo snugly on HK's neck. Teasing her with 'sprouts enough for one(only herself)' 'fish more than enough for one, but keep overnight for breakfast soup'... Which of course, makes HK snigger.  Aren't we(those who love this couple and the romance) eating out of their 'loving' hands'? Hehe...I am!:blush:








Pt 4...To be cont'd... :)

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@jadecloud   it seem like were reading here a pocketbook :heart:   the way your putting into the forum...can wait for your PT.4

On 1/23/2016 at 5:36 PM, jadecloud said:

JE says "I better go. Can't stay being treated this way". JE stands up. LOL. This couple is killing me

but this part is the most awesome one; you can see JE expression once he reach outside DHK house....he sighted...showing that he just control himself not to be seduce by DHK...thanks to the young boy who put that poisonous tree. 

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@iamtaken --- I like your idea very much &  thank you for being our Write. And @viktoria, I am fine with putting my Soompi username and where I am from, along with a message ---Even if I know they won't understand my English ---I know they will "feel" intention & appreciation. I'm also "OK" with some people keeping their location private ---Not a problem!@jadecloud --- I like all the additional avenues you are suggesting for sending a letter.  Of course, Youtube, sounds great --- I'm only good at "Copy & Paste" ---But it sounds great!.

And the Coffee Cart, and possible Tri-Party  collaboration sounds really good to me ---You said the magic words, IMO --- "It's been done before."!  :D  



I can "creatively" use some of the money I've saved joining Viki over DF --- My creativity lies more in giving  $$$ for a gift than in drawing, singing, using technology, etc. --- I'm really GOOD at choosing selecting  over picking presents, anyway, these days!  I always coordinate the colors so well!


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Hi chingus. Just dropping by to say I've missed this forum so much and I have a lot of catching up to do with your fantastic posts. Among other things, in rel. to IHAL, I just would like to say that I'm sad that my beloved Seok was (as expected) badly hurt and that I love the growing relationship between the long-lost twinsters. If you may recall their very first phone convo wherein Hae Kang (still an amnaesiac) kept prodding the angry Yong Ki to address her as eonnie to which the latter protested vehemently, but along the end of the call, through parapraxes or Freudian slips, Yong Ki has been repeatedly addressing Hae Kang eonnie. I thought of this as very lovely. In spite of the venom fed into Yong Ki's mind by Seul Ri, her heart struggled for her eonnie. This heart longed for her big sister, it wanted her to trust in her big sister. Anyway, have a lovely day/afternoon/evening to all of you.

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Gush on HK and JE in ep 38 - Pt 4 :P (Pt 3 below)

HK and JE having delicious home-cooked dinner. So moving and what a script! what a performance! Daebak!


  • HK thanks JE for singling her out from all the women out there, and loving her so deeply/overflowingly.
  • JE recalls tough time in courting HK  What a persistent man/lover!  
  • 6 years courtship, numerous rejection and doubts from HK.
  • 2002 World Cup night, they conceived 'the miracle' (ES, I thought...hmm?).

(Their courtship started from 1996, 2 decades ago. But looking at ES' obit card, it reads 2007-8-8 to 2010-6-15. So, what would 'the miracle' be since it doesn't tabulate as ES? Am I missing something or is something amiss here?)

  • JE one step forward, HK 10 steps push back.
  • JE says he declared his love, but skeptic HK said it'll cool down soon.
  • JE 26 months in military, no visit from HK. Zero.
  • Post-divorce, after 4 years, they meet again... amnesiac HK takes JE 1 year 7 months of pursuit before she agrees to date him. 

(I think HK has been badly scarred about love and togetherness by the situation with her parents. And growing up in poverty, in a single parent family has taken its toll on HK's mindset. But the upside is it was her strongest motivation to do well educationally, to achieve her dream to be a lawyer, to be self-sufficient.)





  • HK intercepted with thanking JE for returning to her, and loving her once again when she was an amnesiac. And for allowing her the opportunity to love him once again like she did, like the first time.
  • Then the blow! HK wants to break up with JE! Her reason - "it's not because of you, but me". HK says on, to set her live right, in order for her to forgive herself of her past misdeeds. HK goes on to say, she doesn't hate JE one bit. No bad feelings in her heart for JE. In other words, just love and appreciation. HK tells JE not to blame himself for them parting ways/breaking up. It's her cos it's what HK wants (so that she can carry out her plan). 
  • JE could not mutter a word, just holding back tears, and just continuing to stuff himself with HK's home-cooked delicious food that'll be the last meal for him. 


A very sad scene.:bawling: It was hard for anyone (who loves them or either of them) to hold back tears and not cry as well :tears:.



Superb cry-eat-cry performance from JJH. :w00t:


Pt 5...To be cont'd... :)

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1 hour ago, tambui said:

Still tonight episode

Cre: http://www.sportsworldi.com/

Thanks @tambui

According to the little hangul I can understand, it seems SIS' son denies he was the biker hit man. HK and JE then set out to find the real culprit. In this case, we know who the culprit is for sure - MTS. Now he has another crime, another bloody incident on his dirty hands. No matter what his 'sad story' may have been to cause his evilness, he still needs to go to jail, and pay for his crimes.:angry: BS, please don't be badly hurt, and recover soon. For HK's peace of mind, you have to get well quick!

Btw, phew! ep 39 almost ended up being 'canceled/postponed due to  LIVE Republic of Korea and Jordan Soccer match. Luckily for IHAL, this time around, it will be MBC MDGSW which will be canceled. :sweatingbullets:


HK and JE at the police station. Poor HK. She looks so sad. Good thing she has JE with her. Helping her.

CR: IHAL DC Inside Gallery

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Finally, wandering around on Youtube, I found myself in the middle of so many fan made MVs ---And the first were the hurtful reminders of those sad "Three Months Earlier", when it all went horribly wrong! And then, I started collecting videos I liked. When to stop?



 1)  From Hae Gang's viewpoint:

       Can We Love Again? --- Davichi   




Had way too many --- erased most of them! Too sad!

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Guest my2centsworth

@thegoldbug went back and looked at some earlier esp and found the conversation between MH and his wife. Esp 8 at 53:30 She got angry with him and said he had  many affairs. Then she went on to say he had an "plankton" affair with DN (HK and YK's mother)  Because she is always using the incorrect word when she talks, I think you was talking about a platonic relationship. This would mean although MH loved GN it was never a two sided love and they never were romantically involved.  So now I wonder who else he actually  did have an affair with.....lol

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3 hours ago, jadecloud said:

According to the little hangul I can understand, it seems SIS' son denies he was the biker hit man. HK and JE then set out to find the real culprit.

Yes, indeed. The boy denies he hit BS. Once again, HK needs to let JE fight against MTS with her. She cannot handle everything on her own. 

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Gush on HK and JE in ep 38 - Pt 5 :P (Pt 4 below)

HK and JE, time for bedtime. OMO...HK's "hold hands and sleep, like a dummy" promise. And another playful response from JE "for real!" LOL. 






But one of the most touching moments (for me), perhaps the most, had to be this...where JE tells, rather, begs HK to communicate with him, to let him protect her, to let him share her burdens and fears, even if he can't be her husband. This is a new JE. Let's see if this change will instead help to man him up and be the general for HK's 'war'.





Bedtime is also their mutual apology time. It's often been said of 'couples in healthy relationships', where the rule of thumb is don't ever go to bed with doubt or conflict in your minds.





This is a really good step forward for them. Both are so sincere and deep in their love for each other, it's hard to watch them both wanting to protect the other from hurt and harm, by being 'pretty idiotic', IMO, but understandable under the circumstances - HK opting to break up with JE, despite feeling in the pits at having to do that, while JE breaks down uncontrollably in front of HK, and later in his car, in a full-on cryfest over losing HK once again, because of his dad's involvement in FIL JH's death. 


IMO, there's very lil to nil chance the break-up will happen as intended. In fact, the hit on BS will throw the break-up of HK and JE in flux, while in turn offering the chaos and change that will fit perfectly into 'HK's upcoming war'.


(end of my 5-part gush :P )


An aside look at Sun Tzu's Art Of War pertaining to 'HK's upcoming war'.





Image Above:  Chinese pictogram ( Tún ): CHAOS–  Where Great Dreams Begin

“Before a great vision can become reality, there may be difficulty.  Before a person begins a great endeavor, they may encounter chaos.  As a new plant breaks the ground with great difficulty, foreshadowing the huge tree, so must we sometimes push against difficulty in bringing forth our dreams. "Out of Chaos, Brilliant Stars are Born” SRC: I CHING

k8Mh1Zj.png <==>DM1576n.jpg

The Chinese word for crisis(chaos) carries two elements, danger and opportunity. No matter the difficulty of the circumstances, no matter how dangerous the situation, ... in the midst of each crisis(chaos) there is also opportunity SRC: Sun Tzu Art Of War

PS: I CHING is the world's oldest oracle of chinese wisdom (an ancient Chinese manual of divination based on eight symbolic trigrams and sixty-four hexagrams, interpreted in terms of the principles of yin and yang. It was included as one of the “five classics” of Confucianism. CR: Wiki)



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Hello all! Thanks for all your posts! I'm so entertained. :grin:

I'm looking forward to a full weekend episode! Not just one but two! We've been deprived so many times already! So please SBS have mercy! :frown:

What a way to end if HG chooses BS. I hope she doesn't get confused between with Love & Pity! I cried with JE during the cry-eat-cry scene. I was snacking my favorite Cheetos. I had orange tears!:bawling: 

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28 minutes ago, andy78 said:

i hope they will realize it was not the boy ...i just hope to see Ts looosing another battle...i had enough with him...

I think when they come to the police station & hear SIS' words, they suspect someone else rather than the boy. Given JE was at the gas station with him, he believes so.  That evil shall be brought down. As long as TS hasn't gone to jail, bright days have not come yet.

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