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[variety] Nal Ah Ra Shoot - Dori

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Guest 동방신기_짱

i love fc shootdori<333333


wow, oh jiwoo is SO darn lucky .... she gets to be surrounded by all these cute little boys~!

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Gah. Those pictures are just so cute. I love how everyone is totally into the games. I pray they win the next one.

Anyone know if the Shoot Dori kids are still in Germany?! Are they going to be there until the World Cup ends?

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Guest candy012

so dbsg is gonna be on the next episode of shoot dori, that's real cool. too bad they can't have all the kids together to watch the game. it would have been cute. i luved how sung woo and seungkwon hugged each other at the end. it was so cute.

so are they gonna play anymore games or is that it? i know producer said that the show will end after world cup. that would be so sad...

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i watch the Kor v. Fran game today

i'm in Canada

the reporters in the end were all stunned by the inormous cheering and spirit from the Korean crowd/supporters

they said, it's magnificent how the KOreans kept cheering the Korean team for the whole game

they said that it is those continuous cheering that kept the Koean team going

i was shocked 2...i mean...for the whole game, i either heard ...DAE HAN MIN GUK (clapping)...or the miss korea song in the back....the korean crowd went mad with their cheerings

it's very nice to see ...and the reporters also said that, back in Seoul, there's about 30000 ppl gathering in downtown just to watch teh game at freaking 4AM

Hiya...I'm in Canada too. and I totally know what you mean, the sports casters were awed by how much the Koreans in the stands were supporting their team...they were LOUD! But it was so nice because even in the first half when it didn't look so good and all the way trhough they never seemed dejected just kept cheering and supporting the team. It was awesome!

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i've recently started watching the first 4 episodes of the show and i have already become addicted to these kids! they're so cute and funny! i especially like hyun woo! it's also nice to see them present at the world cup games!!!!

thanks to those that have uploaded the previous episodes! i'm still trying to dl the rest. :D

i really enjoy watching these little tikes play!!!!!

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Guest CaLvIn_n_HoBbEs

god the shootdori kids are so young yet they get to meet so much important ppl! i mean...they got to meet the korean socccer team..c'mon..i'd kill to see them! lol! especially our goalie..man he rocks! haha and they get to meet all these singers that i've been dying to meet (well kjk was their head coach so i guess he doesn't really count in a 'meeting a star' situation) god...shinhwa (at least 2 of them) lee soo young....hyori.....dbsk....mc mong...and so much more! lucky punks XP haha

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how come for this episode onli three kids came out??

and by looking at the dbsg pics im guessing the other two are there for shoot dori shoot?? but how come they didint come out??

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Guest Lil.Miss.A

So, i was zippin' thru the Korea .vs. Togo WC game again (before deleting it) and saw something in the crowd shots... can you guys spot anything?! ;) Click on the thumbnails to see the full pictures. Just thought it was pretty funny. They're a little fuzzy, because everybody was celebrating the goal... :P


Kalena.... I couldn't see it? what was it??

:P you made me so curious ^^

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Guest steam.boy

Kalena.... I couldn't see it? what was it??

:P you made me so curious ^^

You can see Shin Jung Hwan in the soccer ball costume on the left of the pictures..haha :lol:

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Guest Lil.Miss.A

^ oh really? XD

I couldn't see it.. it's too small and blurry

I thought KJM was wearing the ball costume... but the more I see it yeah I think it's SJH hahah they're so funny


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can anyone direct me to a CB that has 200++MB sized versions of the episodes? i checked the first page and i was able to dl the first 3 in those quality but some of the other eps are in LQ. please please help. i wanna catch up and watch the development of the kiddies. thanks!

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Guest Jungmin_x3

can anyone direct me to a CB that has 200++MB sized versions of the episodes? i checked the first page and i was able to dl the first 3 in those quality but some of the other eps are in LQ. please please help. i wanna catch up and watch the development of the kiddies. thanks!

^ thats going to be hard to do. y dont u just rip it off of youtube??

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Guest jess89

aw jiwoo & seungjoon got to meet dbsg.. i wish it was taehoon & jiwoo together though bc then it would be junsu & taehoon together and ive always thought they looked alike. it wouldve been cute to see the lookalikes take pics together x( and also cause i like jiwoo & taehoon together >.<

i watched the recent shootdori episode last night and omg seungwoo's cheering is so adorable. he cheers even if no one else is and he doesnt care<3 and he was screaming "daehanmingook!" during ahnjunghwan's goal! thats awesome.

seungkwon mustve been reallly tired bc he only started to perk up after we made the 2nd goal ^^

"yah... lets stop cheering now and just watch the game" haha seungwoo is too cute~

taehoon: "hey look im on tv!!" haha he was so excited but i LOVED when shinjunghwan came out in the lamb hat and people were like "OMG!"

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Guest chimog

they really lucky to have went to a match with dbsk..

shootdori rock..i just found out about them a few days ago.. so i dont know whats going on.. =)

they really lucky to have went to a match with dbsk..

shootdori rock..i just found out about them a few days ago.. so i dont know whats going on.. =)

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