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The Official Chae Yeon (채연) Thread


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CY on the show two cops(?) w/ JHR talking about her sexy poses, anti-fans, & heechul

Thanks for the link...curious about the Heechul part..:)

Today she also performed in SBS as a guest star. There were also Kim Gun Mo, DJ Koo Jun Yup. The video available at SBS Net.. but sadly i cannot open it. :(

Thanks! bulgogi88

Yeonie so cute when she poses her sexy with cherry lol SEXY!!!

Who know what she said about the anti fans & Kim Hee Chul , pls tell us ^^

i dont know what they are saying... but the show is pretty funny just based on her reactions. it's an hr long show and thats the interview that prompted all the articles on the net cuz they nabbed & interrogated her on 6.2. and thats the ETN station..

and magnolia... i'm completely guessing as to why u cant open it, cuz it might be some other reason but if u havent tried it, u can view those SBS NeTV flash videos if u use IE and not firefox. u need to install sbswebplayer then install the 'active X' file they ask u to when u open the link w/ IE.

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Yeah...I'm desperate too see more Chae Yeon, :D

haha!! i've noticed that too. you made a pic of them together! haha ^^

i like junjin, he's hot and a dork. yeonie is hot, cute and funny. yeah, that sounds good to me ^^

I like this couple... :) Sorry if these had been posted before...

i like that couple too!!! as nebs said, that couple has many fans here :)

I seen a lot of Banjun Drama with lots of male and female artists, but I haven't seen any of Chae Yeon in Banjun Drama. Does anyone know if Chae Yeon has Banjun Drama or did a special guest appearance?

she acted a of times before. can't find he links now... be back with the links later

her management company needs to sign a better deal w/ the telecom company so that she gets a percentage of the total sales as opposed to just getting paid up front...yeonie deserves the 2 million :P

nebs uploaded that artistes512 clip of CY in Hong Kong on [YEON!] credit: in the pics

so, she had the same problems as the first time? i mean, not 'problems', but, the company makes millions with the pics, but yeonie doesn't receive a percentage. that's a bad deal

thanks for the pics *runs to YEON!*

the webpage u linked... is actually the show's webpage. called 'wonderful day' - that's ep 8. she only appeared in that part 3 of 8 (i think) cuz i see ss501 in the majority of the ep. (i'm sure NP wouldnt mind watching the whole ep tho)

thank u for that link, i didnt know mnet have their current shows up for onstream viewing.

um.. sharing pic per post.... eye candy

can't watch the video! stupid internet...

wanna watch the rest of the episode too...

hehe SS501 fighting!

about xman,what episode was chae yeon the xman?

i really want to watch it.

Xman 47 I think ...

really? she was the xman once? i didn't know that! have to watch that episode ^^

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Guest damifino

Thanks for the link...curious about the Heechul part..:)

They were saying among the scandals which of them are true. JHR asked Chae Yeon, how many months did you see Heechul? Chae Yeon responded, "I still see him consistently." Of course, by "see" JHR meant dating and Chae Yeon meant meeting/hanging out with :) JHR asked if Chae Yeon and Heechul eat breakfast together. She said no. They JHR asked if he comes over for breakfast then :lol: She again replied no. JHR asked how she "consistently" sees him. Chae Yeon said that they consistently maintain their noona-dongsaeng relationship. JHR asked her so "you are saying that you are consistently going to move that noona-dongsaeng relationship towards calling him 'honey'?" :lol: Chae Yeon said, the thought never entered my mind. JHR said that she did a broadcast with both Chae Yeon and Heechul ("Hi-Five") and neither of them would look each other in the eye :) Chae Yeon said that that was because they are so close it was just awkward talking about things like scandal during a broadcast. JHR asked if they truly never dated and never kissed. Chae Yeon said no and that if she could describe her relationship with Heechul, they constantly bicker A LOT. JHR said that that's how love starts with love quarrels :lol: Chae Yeon said that Heechul doesn't seem to view her as a woman, but rather just a noona. JHR asked if Chae Yeon tries to act like she is younger when she is dating a younger man by acting cutesy. Chae Yeon said that it's the opposite. She behaves more like a noona by taking care of them and trying to teach them.

DO NOT take out of this thread or Soompi.

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^^thanks so much for the summary... hahaha, that explains all her facial expressions & reactions^^


this is more caps from that 'wonderful day' show. they stylist HI5 ep paid off... as she is the invited 'stylist' ... then did the walk & pose along w/ a kiddie size wave







her biological clock is ticking away - she'd be a cool mom tho

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13damifino: thanks for the translations ^^

now that i think about it, i can't imagine chae yeon and heechul together. i believe all yeonie says about their relantionship ^^

thanks for the caps, nebs! i like yeonie's hair. it makes her look cute and pretty. yeah, i know, she IS cute and pretty

haha! i think she's still young. she can have babies later. she'll be a cool, fun and gorgeous mom ^^

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caps of the ETN TwoCops show... sorry for overdoing it.. .but... she had too many cute expressions...

this is when the 2 hosts 'bust' CY and read her her rights (she asked JHR for her badge.. but of course it was a ploy to escape. unfortunately, cant run too fast w/ heels)



i think this is in the clip in which bulgogi provided


bsides heechul.. she also had to discuss about KJK (still embarrassed... hehe)


i really want to know what questions were asked.. during the lie detector... then on the true/false segment.... (if u answer incorrectly, u get drawn on - hence the mustache)


goes behind bars ........... only to escape while doing a wave


this ep definitely should be subbed.....

hhmmm... just 1 more....


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^ thanks for the caps! i watched a part of the clip bulgogi posted. my internet dies every 5 minutes <_< and i've always thought yoku is kinda slow.

i saw the part of the cherry haha! sexy!! she was nervous in the beginning ^^

she looks gorgeous, as always ;) i like the dress she's wearing.

chae yeon looks pretty even with the mustache!

this ep definitely should be subbed.....

we should have a 'subbing team' ^^ i'll be happy to help, but i don't understand korean <_< still having problems with my english :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Lis_424

thanks for all the pics! she looks gorgeous!

although heechul is much younger than Chae Yeon. i think they look like a cute couple XD i dun mind them being together XD

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I think those are new pictures..i saw them with the news. The fashion show was held yesterday.

Today she also performed in SBS as a guest star. There were also Kim Gun Mo, DJ Koo Jun Yup. The video available at SBS Net.. but sadly i cannot open it. :(

thanks for the info re: the pics...yeah i want to see that SBS special as well, seems like kim Gun Mo & Cy sing a duet together...

^ thanks for the caps! i watched a part of the clip bulgogi posted. my internet dies every 5 minutes <_< and i've always thought yoku is kinda slow.

we should have a 'subbing team' ^^ i'll be happy to help, but i don't understand korean <_<still having problems with my english :sweatingbullets:

yeah that youku clip was just a cut of the show, if you want to watch the show in its entirety steaming online, go to:


btw, your english is fine, the only language I speak & understand is English & still have problems with it, so the fact you have command of two languages means you are already far ahead of me! ;)

this is more caps from that 'wonderful day' show. they stylist HI5 ep paid off... as she is the invited 'stylist' ... then did the walk & pose along w/ a kiddie size wave

her biological clock is ticking away - she'd be a cool mom tho

haha, just looking at those caps with jeong jun-ha & his big toothy grin is hilarious! :lol:

re: her biological clock, yeah it is tick, tick , tick...


sana000: watch this click me!

bulgogi and nebs might have more links, really can't find more now... but you can watch some video on chae yeon's cyworld

thanks naughty_popular

(bringing back an old name ~keke)

for finding that clip...ah, i remember watching that a long time ago & forgot how funny that was! MC Yoo & his 'pongu' had me ~lmao...

yeah i recall we were discussing this topic a while back, like a 100 pages ago or something haha...but I can't recall any banjun drama she was in, except that one where she is playing the nosy younger sister who disapproves of her brother dating that nuna, anyone recall that episode? I know she acted in NonStop5 episodes w/ Lee Jung & she played a 'vampire' sucking the life out of the men she meets to keep her youthful appearance...but lost the links a long time ago, todou i think? but yeah, they are available on the variety show subsection on her cyworld video page.

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Guest magnolia

13damifino: Thanks for the translation...:)

nebula_81 : Thanks for the info, but my internet runs so slow while opening certain streaming site like veoh and sbs net. I installed both of them but they didn't work. The only one that works well for me is Youtube. :( I think the problem is on my internet, i don't know but i will figure out.

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^ yeah the geniuses at veoh decided to block their service to many countries, often without advance notice :tongue2: apparently they claim 'low user usage' as the reason <_<

if you go to the veoh forum, there are many threads dedicated to this problem, so perhaps you live in one of the countries affected by this?

of course, I don't have to tell you that on this forum

they discuss ways to work around this situation...some very creative, some software related like masking your proxy settings & disguising your IP address, so you appear to be from one of the countries allowed free access to veoh, etc...


Thanks! bulgogi88

Yeonie so cute when she poses her sexy with cherry lol SEXY!!!

Who know what she said about the anti fans & Kim Hee Chul , pls tell us ^^

Ps. JHR make fun as always ^^ miss her in Hi5

haha, yeah after watching JHR eat that cherry in that 'sexy' way, let me just say I was glad when CY showed how it is really done! :P

I also want to know what she was saying about the anti-fans, perhaps 13damifino or mishybear will translate? *begging* :lol:

I can only make out the part where she says she has had antis since her debut & when she would perform, the girls would just glare at her & make her feel uncomfortable & at first she kept her distance from it, but as the antis kept piling on, it would make her upset & she would cry & she worried that her father who would get on the internet early in the morning would read all the hateful comments...this is my rough translation haha :unsure:

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Guest magnolia

Did it say she has 8000's antifans? I thought i saw that number in the board JHR showed. Those antifans are really mean like i found in Popseoul comments today. They called the people who defend CY as fanatics...my God!! :angry:

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^ yeah 8,630 to be exact haha...

I recall a show, but can't remember the name, sorry bad memory :( ... but anyways CY & two other female artists are told the results of an internet poll disclosing how many anti-fans they have, of course CY has the most with that figure listed & the MC asks her how she feels about it & she replies by saying she is thankful because the number of antis has actually gone down! :blink: ...it made me laugh out loud, cuz of her sense of humor & humility about it...

ah, popseoul...yeah i've had plenty of profanity laced tirades & flame wars on that blog w/ CY haters hehe...brings back memories, but of course all the stories written about CY on that blog are so biased & slanted in a negative light against her to begin with, no wonder the majority of the comments are negative as well <_<

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Guest baqinardo

This thread move fast again.

n i lost again :sweatingbullets:

about xman,what episode was chae yeon the xman?

i really want to watch it.

i think she was 2 times being X-man.

but i cant remember which episodes :sweatingbullets:

^ yeah 8,630 to be exact haha...

Thats alot :tears:

They were saying among the scandals which of them are true. JHR asked Chae Yeon, how many months did you see Heechul? Chae Yeon responded, "I still see him consistently." Of course, by "see" JHR meant dating and Chae Yeon meant meeting/hanging out with :) JHR asked if Chae Yeon and Heechul eat breakfast together. She said no. They JHR asked if he comes over for breakfast then :lol: She again replied no. JHR asked how she "consistently" sees him. Chae Yeon said that they consistently maintain their noona-dongsaeng relationship. JHR asked her so "you are saying that you are consistently going to move that noona-dongsaeng relationship towards calling him 'honey'?" :lol: Chae Yeon said, the thought never entered my mind. JHR said that she did a broadcast with both Chae Yeon and Heechul ("Hi-Five") and neither of them would look each other in the eye :) Chae Yeon said that that was because they are so close it was just awkward talking about things like scandal during a broadcast. JHR asked if they truly never dated and never kissed. Chae Yeon said no and that if she could describe her relationship with Heechul, they constantly bicker A LOT. JHR said that that's how love starts with love quarrels :lol: Chae Yeon said that Heechul doesn't seem to view her as a woman, but rather just a noona. JHR asked if Chae Yeon tries to act like she is younger when she is dating a younger man by acting cutesy. Chae Yeon said that it's the opposite. She behaves more like a noona by taking care of them and trying to teach them.

DO NOT take out of this thread or Soompi.

In what program is this?

is it a variety show? :unsure:

usually i never miss variety show :sweatingbullets:

i watched n watching alot variety :rolleyes:

^ yeah the geniuses at veoh decided to block their service to many countries, often without advance notice :tongue2: apparently they claim 'low user usage' as the reason <_<

They blocked most counties from Asia. especially Southern asia :fury:

But, Veoh TV search button still can be used though.. haha.. :lol:

But we cant know whose the uploader.

just can search by title <_<

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^ yeah 8,630 to be exact haha...

I recall a show, but can't remember the name, sorry bad memory :( ... but anyways CY & two other female artists are told the results of an internet poll disclosing how many anti-fans they have, of course CY has the most with that figure listed & the MC asks her how she feels about it & she replies by saying she is thankful because the number of antis has actually gone down! :blink: ...it made me laugh out loud, cuz of her sense of humor & humility about it...

i think she was 2 times being X-man.

but i cant remember which episodes :sweatingbullets:

In what program is this?

is it a variety show? :unsure:

usually i never miss variety show :sweatingbullets:

i watched n watching alot variety :rolleyes:

it was Gipigizi (or some sort of spelling along those lines) ep 10. but there were 3 ladies: seo inyoung, park jungah and her buddy youngrun. and i'm pretty sure she was an xman just once....

ok.. not that sure.. cuz there is one ep of xman that i cant find HQ of... and i refuse to watch LQ, so... there's a chance she might be the xman in that.

more caps of that sbs performance: i will upload cuts on YEON

did a club version of duriseo... w/ DJ KOO's help...






she's a bit confused... w/ his dance moves...


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Guest magnolia

I just get this from chinese blog..i think this is in China or Hongkong? :unsure:


baginardo: Now i cannot access Veoh from anywhere, i deleted the whole contents from my computer.. :sweatingbullets:

I don't know that variety show too... :phew: Maybe it's new? I can't wait to watch CY in a show!! Please any PD contract her in your programs! I'm starting to watch the HighFive episodes..i know i'm too late to get started..but now i know why this show is so funny... :lol:

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