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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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On 12/5/2015, 3:15:48, MyStars said:

Oh, I have missed being here so much!  Somehow, the gods and lords of fate, and overseers of inanimate objects, have invaded my personal space and decreed that almost everything I own will break down.  Just in the last three weeks my car battery went dead (after 7 years, so I can't complain too much), my driver's side window went CLANK and would not roll up, and numerous plumbing problems In my house decided to spring leaks.  I have been busy putting out one "fire" after another.  It is a relief to sit and relax and do something I really enjoy. 

I have been able, at least, to vote for BYJ in 2 or 3 polls.  A quick and dirty review of many online blogs reveal not much is happening right now.  Everything and anything that would lead to any new action or sighting is blank, with not much to report.  Is this the calm before the storm?  (she asked, wistfully.) 

Thankfully, Yurara has produced a wonderful MV entitled "Not a Bad Thing"  with current themes relating to Bae and Mrs. Bae.  Thank you, Yurara.  I hope you all enjoy it because I certainly did.  The videos of BYJ are from a filming while he was producing material for his book, "Beauty of Korea."  I have a similar DVD set, but it doesn't have these video sequences, so I am Soooo jealous, but at least Yura has provided this material for posterity.  The shots of PSJ working with pottery are from her scenes in "Boys Over Flowers". The intercutting of the two scenarios is very well-done.  I wish I had done it.



Hi MyStars, wahhh..........your car battery lasted for that long, huh? The average car battery lasts somewhere between two and five years, but there are ways to extend its lifespan, though. Mine, it usually lasts for 2-3 years. The lifespan of our car battery depends on where we live, how frequently we drive short distances and how often we keep our gadgets plugged in. This is my Maintenance supervisor told me.....Well, when it rains, it pours.....Thanks for sharing the video, dear. :P

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On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2015‎ ‎2‎:‎36‎:‎13‎, RamonaMona said:

?taken-by=ramona.onaHappy Holidays !!! 

I'm sorry, I can not attach photos and video 


Oooops!!! Did some of my bad luck rub off onto you?  Sorry.  What was it that you were going to post?


Yes, all the repair people who worked on my car were also surprised at the battery life!  Most of them didn't believe it, but it is true and I have the papers to prove it........


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Stock rich Korean celebrities


Musician Yang Hyun-suk retained his title as wealthiest celebrity (in terms of equity assets), according to data compiled by Chaebol.com, which tracks the country’s family-run conglomerates, on Monday.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Other celebrities in the top 10 include chief of FNC Entertainment housing F.T. Island and CNBLUE Han Seong-ho (third), actor and businessman Bae Yong-joon (fourth), musical actress Ham Yeonji (fifth), JYP (sixth), actress Kyeon Mi-ri (seventh) and Jang Dong-gun (tenth).



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Hello All.  It's been a while since I've been able to relax here in my Happy Place.  Because of other life events, I know I am behind in posting mobile voice greetings, but I am working on translating them.

Meanwhile Sayaka's blog featured some pictures that seem new to me, but may be old to others.  Thank you Sayaka.  She was doing a whole series on BYJ wearing this type of hunting cap, below.   Then there is the second one ~ all bundled up against the cold.9fb88708-5272-41f6-ad07-79fb5852c450_zps9b75fc7a-95b7-429e-8e02-c6a0cdd3d463_zps

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Well, believe it or not (NOT) Soompi is being cranky again.  After posting the two pictures above, I could not get the cursor to the bottom to add to the post in an edit.  So here are more pictures, this time from Onpu.  Thank you so much.  They make wonderful wallpaper to add to the collection. 


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Thank you so much for the wonderful photos and the video (thank you, Yurara, it's great!).

I haven't seen the first two photos. Obviously, they were taken long time ago. Gosh, this man was born to smile, to laugh, to be happy and to show his happiness to everyone. Smiles become him perfectly.

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On 12/13/2015 at 10:13 AM, RamonaMona said:



Hi RamonaMona, thanks for sharing this group picture. Wow, everyone is here except Kim Hyun Joong.........Well, it's not the time of his VL I guess during this get-together. Everyone's smiles are so bright in the picture. So NICE to see this group picture. I'm delighted to see BYJ together with his talents under KE Label. It's a precious get-together. :P

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OK, I managed somehow to copy and translate through Google and here is the result:

Yong, only 75 billion shares KeyEast "now a businessman than an actor" (pumpkin seeds)

Creative EDAILY kei News] actor and entertainment agency that represents the value of the assets of Bae Yong was mentioned in the 'pumpkin seed'.


15 days a comprehensive channel broadcast TV Chosun 'Frank Talk Entertainment - Pumpkin Seeds (hereinafter referred to as' pumpkin seed ') in the semi-forced retirement Star, voluntarily retired star, star, etc. talked back "Star Comeback report' to the subject.

In this day broadcast in 2007 drama "The Sun sasingi 'story of Bae Yong resting after eight years acting career has got the radio. Bae Yong Joon, except that surprise appeared in 2011, he produced the drama "Dream High 'and is without any broadcasting activities.

In one panel, "Bae Yong Joon is KeyEast alone is 75 billion shares to the majority shareholder," he said, "Apart from that its a lot of work," he explained.


He added, "In fact, now I want to learn, rather than not it correct evaluation of business," he added.


[Creative Photo EDAILY kei reporters news@tvdaily.co.kr/ = TV broadcast shipbuilding screenshots]


If someone gets it more clearly, please post it.

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Thank you very much for the sensible translation, though the last sentence made me sad: "He seems more fit for business than acting."

Now - another article - just for fun. A comedian imitating Bae Yong Joon: 

Again a rough translation:

Comedian Park Myeong-su (45) Following the kinds of Bae Yong Joon has challenged the dragon.

The Park Myeong-su 17 days " bath Sama in his Instagram . Have a pleasant afternoon ^^ ♡ " neundeyo posted that article and a picture.

I 've reminiscent of the ' Yonsama ' Bae Yong Joon . Since long hair glasses , it was similar to the pose.

I received the help of bangs wig made through the 'Infinite Challenge' . Bae Yong Joon, who has once enjoyed the back end , follow the tail head .

Also pose was perfect . I reproduce the appearance of a unique collection of Bae Yong hands .


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Just a quick little story to tell about SOOMPI!  After "liking" @mstamatoff's last entry, I went web-surfing for news items about BYJ.  When I tried to come back to Soompi to start posting, I was unable to log on.  I would click "sign in" and then Soompi would take me to my Profile page, which said in the upper right hand corner, that I was logged in.  So then I went to the BYJ page, but it was obvious I wasn't signed in.  So I would click "sign in" and it would take me to my Profile page which said I was logged in.  Over and over again I was stuck in this stupid loop.  Tried to communicate with Soompi admins, but never got a response.  Read all of the information on Soompi Rules and found that some big changes were made Dec. 1, and many problems were noted, but nothing about what I was experiencing.  Much of the fixes Soompi offered involved clearing the cache.

I hesitated to do that because it causes other problems with banking sites, bill-paying sites; those secure sites never recognize your computer because their cookies are gone, and you have to endure getting a code via phone or a different email site, which just slows your life down considerably and is crazy-making.  

Just wanted anyone out there to know in case you may be having similar problems.  But I sincerely hope you are not.

I'll be back to post when I get some more free time. 

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Hello again.  Soompi is behaving today ~ will wonders never cease? (I better not press my luck.) 

Anyway, I did so enjoy reading the previous articles about BYJ continuing to be monetarily solvent through his KeyEast stock holdings, and that KeyEast itself is continuing to be successful.  Before @mstamatoff and @SarahSama posted those articles above, I had seen this really neat graphic in Café Daum ~ thanks to Yume3.  I can't translate the individual signposts (because you can't right click and swipe to let your translator work), but I think the graphics say it well.  When things go well and the actors and actresses are successful in their movies and dramas, KeyEast thrives.  See for yourselves:


And like @mstamatoff, I, too, was sad to see and hear that BYJ is considered to be more of a businessman than an actor, though more power to him if he can fulfill all of his talents.  And I saw a very hopeful blog that said BYJ was still in the "Actors" section of the KeyEast yearly calendar! So there is that.  Here is a sample screen shot of the larger calendar:


See the complete calendar here:  http://www.keyeast.co.kr/index/artist/index.asp.  And here: https://www.facebook.com/keyeastofficial  I know, it's not much to hang ones hopes on, but it is something.

Besides, I always felt that once current KeyEast superstar Kim Soo Hyun has to go into the military for his mandatory service, that BYJ will surface again.  The current crop of young artists are certainly pulling their weight in some fine and interesting dramas, but none of them approach the mystique, charm, and magnetism of the ORIGINAL Bae Yong Joon.  (Sorry guys.  Nothing personal. You are great for the newest generation, but some of us are still stuck in the golden age past.)

And I keep remembering how the Chinese lured him out of semi-retirement when they did their special about him and KSH a couple of years ago, and about a year after his appearance on Chinese TV, he started his Hokkaido special.  I remember having a similar discussion before, and many disagreed with me, but I like my interpretation best.  :blush:

Café Daum recently posted a new birthday voice greeting for Sagittarius (?), and mercifully provided somewhat of a translation:  "Please done mild seems meek, a driving force - you always have patience and tenacity and effort and hope."  As usual corrections or other interpretations are welcome.  I love the picture that goes with it, the one with the cap backwards.



Speaking of pictures, have we seen this one yet?  It looks familiar. (Yup.  Back on page 1740 @RamonaMona posted one, but in that one he was looking off to the left side.)


Whoa!  I almost forgot the best part.  The Japanese Tour Company http://www.taiousisinki.com/top/bbs/board.php?bo_table=b01 posted two recent sightings.  These always give me so much comfort knowing they are out and around and enjoying life.

On 12-17-15:


Then on 12-18-15:


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11 hours ago, RamonaMona said:


haa  haaaa ..... differs slightly these photos .

at first sight you say ,, are identical ,,but , are not

Sorry, old girl, but I never said they were identical.:vicx:  Nope.  Never said that.

I said the one I posted looked "familiar" because at the time I wasn't entirely sure about what I had seen in the past.   And it did.  It looked familiar, meaning it looked similar to the one you posted back on page 1740. At least I went back to confirm that they were NOT identical.  Then I went on to say "but in that one (the one you posted) he was looking off to the left side," which acknowledges (but does not come right out and say specifically about the one YOU posted) that they are different. 

At first I was confused because I did not want to post one identical to the one you had already posted, so I tried to do my homework.  And yes, they do differ slightly, on that we now both agree.  Thank you for posting both pictures side-by-side. 

Sorry if sometimes my English may be too idiomatic, but in the spirit of good communications, of having a conversation or dialogue, please feel free to ask questions.  Sometimes there are typing errors or misspelling errors, or weird or confused punctuation.  Sometimes I even confuse myself, so you are not alone. 

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To @RamonaMona  Wait!  What?  It was a joke?  No, I didn't see it as a joke because you were so positive.....but now I think I understand. I guess I should have followed my own advice and asked a question.  "Hey, Ramona, is this a joke?" 

Now that I know you better, I can get your jokes. Now I am one of those people who will forever be known as Someone Who Can't Take a Joke. Just to make sure we are all still on the same page, I have made another morph out of the two images.  I swear, it will be my last one.  But we can kiss and make up, OK?


P.S. I hate the way these pictures show him walking away!  Is that a bad omen?  No, no, no......can't give in to negativity. 

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