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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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Guest iluvugudbye

@damsu, yes it is indeed so handsome! the japanese pic is so funny, the obasan looks admire him a lot! hehehe

days are moving fast PYH death been 2yrs already, lots of K actor been close to him

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Guest iluvugudbye

[Twipic] BYJ @ SSG food market. when was this photo taken?

source: koo's blog/ http://yfrog.com/nyd3pxgj

much thanks for sharing.




○kimsangin @elenic1 2h

○同文土室が@koroh78 6時間
新しくオープンしたSSG foodmarketメナジュリのマンゴー氷水.
ワインショップでペ・ヨンジュンも春! lockerz.com/s/222947934

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Guest iluvugudbye

‘연소득 100억’ 배용준, 부동산 투자 절대 안하는 이유가…

source: nate


1년에 100억을 번다는 ‘한류스타’ 배용준. 그는 왜 빌딩 재벌이 아닐까.

배용준은 지난해 세무서를 상대로 낸 소송에서 한 해 평균 100억 원 이상을 벌고 있다고 알려졌다. 같은 해에는 121억 3,000만원의 평가액으로 연예인 주식 부자 3위(재벌닷컴)에 올랐다.

그 가 대주주(36%)로 있는 문화 콘텐츠 기업 키이스트는 매해 사업 대박을 터뜨리고 있다. 이쯤 되면 여타 톱스타들처럼 강남 일대에 빌딩을 매입하거나 부동산 부자로 등극할 만하다. 그런데 그가 부동산 투자에 관심을 갖고 있다는 소식은 들리지 않는다. 공식적으로 알려진 배용준 소유 부동산은 서울 성북동에 위치한 50억 상당의 2층짜리 주택이 전부다.

배용준의 이같은 행보는 그가 한류 스타로 자리매김하며 보여 온 발자취를 추적해 보면 이해가 되는 부분이다. 지난 2003년 일본에 드라마 ‘겨울연가’가 방영된 뒤 일본 내 국빈급 스타로 떠오른 배용준은 이후 한국의 문화 콘텐츠 제작이나 홍보와 관련된 사업을 다수 벌이며 문화 사절의 면모를 보이고 있다.


배용준은 지난 2008년 10월 한류 열풍을 주도해 한국 문화를 세계에 알린 공로를 인정 받아 화관문화훈장을 받은 바 있다. 이에 배용준은 향후 전 세계에 한국을 알리는 역할에 최선을 다하겠다고 밝혔으며 이듬해 한국음식전문점 ‘고시레’ 점포를 확장하며 그의 다짐을 실천하기 시작했다.

‘고시레’는 배용준이 직접 프로듀서로 참여한 한국음식 전문점으로 무공해 유기농 소재와 천연 조미료 등으로 음식을 만든다. 배용준은 2006년 일본 도쿄에 ‘고시레’ 1호점을 냈고, 2008년 9월 나고야에 한국 전통 술집 ‘고시레 화’를 내기도 했다. 이듬해에는 도쿄 이케부쿠로에 한국 반찬가게 ‘고시레 건’을 열어 사업을 확장했다. 또한 같은 해 일본에서 홍삼 사업에도 도전, 높은 매출을 올리고 있다. 상장기업 ‘고제’와 손잡고 홍삼제품의 일본 내 독점 판매권을 얻어낸 것.


배용준은 또 한국을 알리는 책을 발간해 한국 홍보와 높은 수익이라는 두 마리 토끼를 잡기도 했다. 2009년 9월 그가 쓴 ‘한국의 아름다움을 찾아 떠나는 여행’은 한국출간과 동시에 베스트셀러에 오르고 1달여 만에 13쇄를 찍는 등 인기를 모았고 일본판, 대만판, 중국판, 영어판으로도 출간됐다. 세계 각국에 한국의 문화를 알리는 데 톡톡한 역할을 했다는 평이다.

배 용준은 2010년 대한민국 홍보대사로도 활약을 펼쳤다. ‘2010-2012 한국 방문의 해’를 맞아 홍보대사로 위촉된 그는 활발한 홍보활동을 해냈다. 배용준의 이같은 활약은 그가 낸 책의 인기와 더불어 우리나라 관광수입에 큰 기여를 했다는 평이다. 2009년 한해 780만을 상회하는 관광객이 한국을 방문했고, 관광수지도 지난 2000년 이후 9년 만에 흑자로 돌아서 2009년 9월 3억2000만 달러의 흑자를 기록했다.


배용준은 또한 키이스트의 대주주로서도 큰 활약을 보이고 있다. 배용준의 한류 열풍으로 시작된 키이스트는 최근 종합 문화 콘텐츠 기업으로 발돋움하고 있다. 이는 배용준을 비롯한 많은 톱스타들을 소속 연기자로 두고 있는 키이스트의 고공 성장에 기인한 바가 크다.

키이스트에는 배용준을 비롯해 김수현, 임수정, 김현중, 홍수현, 박지빈, 주지훈, 최강희 등 스타들의 매니지먼트를 맡고 있고, 이들을 통한 콘텐츠 사업 등으로 높은 수익을 올리고 있다. 키이스트는 지난 1분기 매출액 76억원, 영업이익 11억원, 당기순이익 10억원을 달성했다. 매출액은 전년 동기 대비 비슷한 수준이지만 영업이익과 당기순이익은 각각 44%와 270% 증가했다.

이는 키이스트의 소속 연기자 김현중의 해외 활동으로 인한 수익과 드라마 ‘드림하이’ ‘해를 품은 달’과 관련된 부가 수익 덕분인 것으로 알려졌다.

키 이스트의 고속 성장으로 사업적 수완을 뽐내고 있는 배용준은 기세를 몰아 최근 커피 사업에도 진출했다. 배용준이 95%의 지분을 가진 (주)고릴라라이프웨이는 최근 키이스트와 손을 잡고 미국 하와이에 ‘고릴라 인 더 카페’ 매장을 오픈했다.


배용준은 이처럼 다양한 분야의 사업에 도전하고 각종 콘텐츠들을 생산해내며 ‘한국 홍보대사’에 걸맞은 활약을 이어가고 있다. 한류 스타로 큰 돈을 번 그가 빌딩을 건설하거나 매입해 임대료를 받으며 ‘손 쉽게’ 수익을 늘려갈 수 있었음에도 성공 가능성이 불투명하고 위험 부담은 높은 한류 사업을 이어간다는 것은 분명 눈길이 가는 부분이다. 대표 한류스타로 꾸준한 수익과 인기를 유지하고 있는 배용준이 향후 또 어떤 활동으로 한국을 알리는 데에 앞장서게 될 지 귀추가 주목된다.

[매일경제 스타투데이 김은설 인턴기자]

google translate:

"10 billion annual earnings' Bae, real estate investment ... why not you ever

Jul 08, 2012 11:44

He Bae Yong-Joon. 'Hallyu' making money is not a conglomerate or why building a 100 billion a year.

Bae Yong Joon is a lawsuit against the tax office began last year, and was informed that more than 10 billion won profit a year average. In the same year at the valuation of 12.1 billion won to 30 million, went up to the (dot-com zaibatsu) # 3 stock rich entertainer.

His key cultural content company East is a major shareholder (36%) has been a big hit every year business. From the other top stars like this should come about, in the rich deserve to go up real estate to buy a building in the area or take Gangnam.
News that have an interest in real estate investments that he can not hear however.
Real estate owned by Bae Yong Joon was informed officially, the second floor of a house located in the equivalent to 50 billion (Sonbukuton) Seoul says it all, Seongbuk-dong.

History of Bae Yong Joon is like this, but part be understood by looking to track the footprints have been seen positioned in the Hallyu star he is. After 'Winter Sonata' drama was aired in Japan in 2003 leave, Bae Yong Joon has emerged a star-class state guest Japan, the appearance of cultural ambassador performed a number of projects associated with public relations and content creation culture of South Korea after the is showing.

Bae Yong Joon will have received the Order of Culture Merit corolla certified leave in October 2008, made known to the world of Korean culture to lead the Korean Wave. Bae Yong Joon has made it clear and I will do my best to inform the Korean role in this future world, he began to practice a commitment to expand the stores 'Goshire' specialty store food in Korea next year.

'Goshire' is a food specialty store Bae Yong Joon Korea was attended by a producer directly, such as natural seasonings make the food material and pollution-free organic agriculture. Bae Yong Joon in Japan, in Tokyo, 'I began to shop in Goshire '1, Korea's traditional tavern in Nagoya in September 2008' year 2006, which also give the 'Goshire Tues. The following year, an extension of the business by opening the 'right Goshire' Korean side dish shop in Tokyo, Ikebukuro. The same year, also challenging red ginseng business in Japan, is also high up the sales. Won the exclusive right to sell products in Japan holding hands and red ginseng 'made' high-listed companies.

Then published the book inform the Republic of Korea, was also to catch two rabbits that profit public relations and high Bae Yong Joon is also South Korea. 'Journey in Search of Beauty of Korea' he September 2009 with the Japanese version, version Taiwan, China, the English version it was popular, such as take a print 13 in more than one month up to the Weight at the same time as Korea Publishing was published in the demo. Evaluation of the role that I was a little thick to inform the Korean culture around the world.

Bae Yong Joon was also active as a goodwill ambassador for Korea expanded in 2010.
Welcomed the 'Visit Korea Year 2012 - '2010, he was appointed ambassador has done an active public relations activities. This kind of activity is Bae Yong Joon, but that evaluation was a big contribution to revenue from tourism in our country along with the popularity of the book he began. I visited Korea more than 7.8 million tourists a year, 2009, recorded a surplus of $ 320 million in September 2009 back to surplus for the first time in nine years after the year 2000 also leave tourism balance of payments.

Has shown greater activity in the East also a major shareholder of Bae Yong Joon is key.
Key East began in the Korean Wave of Bae Yong Joon has been growing in recent content companies of Arts and Sciences. This growth was attributed to the high altitude of that key person acting in the East are putting affiliation, and they and many other top star Bae Yong Joon is large.

To key East have charge of the management of these star Kim Soo-hyun, Lim Soo Jung, Kim Hyun Joong, Hong Soo-hyun, Park Bin, Joo Ji Hoon and Choi Gang Hyee as including Bae Yong Joon, these have high revenue through content such as business. Key East has achieved a 1.1 billion won won won 1000000000 7600000000 leave a quarterly sales figures, operating income and net income. Operating income and net income increased 44% and 270% sales amount for each level but similar compared to the same period last year.

Was informed of this is thanks to additional revenues and related income from overseas activities of Kim Hyun Joong affiliation of key performers East, 'and holding a sun Mon Dream High''' drama.

Bae Yong Joon boasts a stroke of business in the fast growth of key East bought a spirit, was also expanding into coffee business recently. Bae Yong Joon was with a stake of 95 percent gorilla life Way Co., Ltd., the United States, Hawaii has opened a store of 'Gorillas In The Cafe' holding hands with the key East recently.

Bae Yong Joon are continuing to challenge the business activity of a variety of fields in this way, became a 'goodwill ambassador' Korea to produce from the various contents. But he had earned money can be a big Hallyu star, under the rent or buy to take to build a building 'easily' spread the revenue, the risk is high likelihood of success Han are opaque that to continue the business flow is clearly part attention goes.

Bae Yong Joon has maintained popularity in revenue and tenacious representative Hallyu, the course will be noted whether heading to South Korea in any activity where also inform the future. Kim Eun Sol intern reporter

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Guest iluvugudbye

[screencaps] some more BYJ poster being shown in a Japanese drama

sources: koo's blog/ makishi @ byj gallery

much thanks for sharing.





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Guest liezle

Bae Yong Joon attended the Five Million Dollar Man VIP Premiere today  which stars Park Jin-young at CGV in Haengdang, Seongdong-gu, Seoul.  Here are few of the media photos form Daum and Naver.






Other stars who attended the premiere are Se7en, 2PM, Kim Soo Hyun, JJ Project and many more. 

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OMG!!!!!  BYJ looks so damn good!  His body is to die for!  One of the things I love most about BYJ and Bi is that they have the strong, sexy body of a MAN.  They are not skinny, fragile Flower Boys.
Thank you! It's so exciting to see new pics of him!  

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Bae Yong Jun Went to See Park Jin Young’s Screen Debut Piece

Bae Yong Jun kept his promise with Park Jin Young.

Bae Yong Jun made an appearance at the VIP preview held on July 11 for the film Five Million Dollar Man. The film was Park Jin Young’s big screen debut piece.

In previous interviews, Park Jin Young has often revealed that Bae Yong Jun helps him with his acting. The two appeared together in the drama Dream High, and even produced the drama together in a foundation put together by Park Jin Young’s JYP Entertainment and Bae Yong Jun’s Key East. The two are thus colleagues and business partners.


In a recent interview with enews, Park Jin Young had said, “Bae Yong Jun monitored my appearance on tvN’s Saturday Night Live Korea also. He especially gave high points to the sketch We Got Married Again.” When asked whether he had invited Bae Yong Jun to the VIP preview, Park Jin Young had answered, “I did invite him, and he will definitely come.”

Bae Yong Jun did live up to his word. He appeared in a comfortable shirt and sunglasses, and stood at the photo wall, waving to his fans.

Japanese fans flooded the theater in which the preview was to be held due to Bae Yong Jun’s appearance. JYP Entertainment’s miss A, idols such as 2PM and YG Entertainment’s head CEO Yang Hyun Suk also attended the preview.

Five Million Dollar Man is about how the smart Choi Young In (Park Jin Young) learns of a plot Han Sang Moo (Jo Sung Ha) put together to kill him while Young In delivers 5 million dollars of lobbyist money. Young In then tries with all his might to escape from his fate. Min Hyo Rin, Oh Jung Se and Jo Hui Bong also star in the film. It is set to premiere on July 19.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan, Key East / enewsworld

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Guest iluvugudbye

OMO! :-O the curls are back! :D;))  but still, our man is very good-looking and youthful looking. totally love his overall outfit. so glad to see him reappearing again and seeing how much support he is giving to JYP's movie. :D i hope the next time he would go for a VIP movie premier, it would be for his movie. missing seeing him onscreen.

still waiting for your return onscreen my dear KING. Please come back as an actor soon..... [-O<

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Guest iluvugudbye

artworks made by baesisters sumassyu, nagajun, koshuka. :)>-

source: BYJ Gallery
posted by: style

much thanks for sharing. :)>-













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Guest iluvugudbye

[Photos/GIF] Yong Joon entering the venue of 5 million dollar man premiere event

source: Koo's blog/BYJintoronto






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Guest iluvugudbye

[screencaps] DATV History of Bae Yong Joon Season 3: KGC Making/Beauty of Korea

source: sayaka's blog/Yasai's blog

much thanks for sharing. :)>-










































Missing the long hair......


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