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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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Guest iluvugudbye

jeunn said: It's nice to see him doing different role rather than just getting stuck on the love struck boyfriend lol ( not that there's anything wrong with that
  :x ) . If I recall after rewatching TWSSG soooooo many times ( lol ) there wasn't even a single kiss in there ( Jumuchi and Dalbi doesn't count ).

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Guest iluvugudbye

i saw this news on BYJVN Forum posted by tanpopo. much thanks for sharing.. :)>-

Top 5 best Korean drama couples who remained in the memories of the audience after the drama has ended:

5 - Jo Won and Uee of Ojakgyo Brothers
4 - Park Shi Hoo and Mon Chae won of Princess's Man
3 - So Ji Sub and Im Su jeong of Sorry I love you
2 - Rain and Song Hye Gyo of Full house

and finally the number 1!
1 - Bae Yong Joon and Choi Ji woo of Winter Sonata
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Guest Moments1430291949

Hi Dam-Su, I agree with you totally. Love wuri man's personality, humanity, multi-talents, his values & principle. Indeed, he has many many things to love about. 

Yes, pray that he will find his partner whom he loves, and who loves him, to share his life together. His happiness will be our happiness. 

Thank you sharing the latest news.  :\">

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Guest iluvugudbye

Moments said: Hi Dam-Su, I agree with you totally. Love wuri man's personality, humanity, multi-talents, his values & principle. Indeed, he has many many things to love about. 

Yes, pray that he will find his partner whom he loves, and who loves him, to share his life together. His happiness will be our happiness. 

Thank you sharing the latest news.  :\">

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Hello to Bae-sisters, I've read this article "Do not blame other countries when political outcome is bad" at the Liberty web global. One of the topics in that article is about "Japanese people are flexible and accept Korean dramas" and also "Abandon the past resentment and openly recognized what is good, as good", for which he mentioned about Bae Yong Joon being the lead role in "Winter Sonata" which was been been broad-casted in the recent years on NHK which had great influence among Japanese women, either young and old with regards to the "Innocent love" as the basic concept of the drama. It also mentioned about "The Legend" which is presently aired in NHK.You can surf it on BYJ spacenet.com

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Dam-Su said:   hey jeunn. :-h he he yeah, i agree we haven't seen a single kissing scene (a kiss on the lips) between Damdeok and Sujini in the drama. not even a single "i love you" was uttered. and yet, suprisingly, we felt the love between them. you could see and feel it through their eyes. that's the reason why im so hooked to this onscreen couple. :x

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Guest iluvugudbye

loujaie said: Hello to Bae-sisters, I've read this article "Do not blame other countries when political outcome is bad" at the Liberty web global. One of the topics in that article is about "Japanese people are flexible and accept Korean dramas" and also "Abandon the past resentment and openly recognized what is good, as good", for which he mentioned about Bae Yong Joon being the lead role in "Winter Sonata" which was been been broad-casted in the recent years on NHK which had great influence among Japanese women, either young and old with regards to the "Innocent love" as the basic concept of the drama. It also mentioned about "The Legend" which is presently aired in NHK.You can surf it on BYJ spacenet.com

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Guest iluvugudbye

jeunn said:

I really do hope that he'll find his Sujini soon to take good care of him. I read somewhere that Japanese news said they wrote that his upcoming marriage to Lee Na Young was on the process and that he immediately clarified that it's not certainly not true. Like I said wherever he's happy we'll be happy as well.

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What happened to my blog. It was erase when I upload the link regarding the article about the manager of KEE @ enews. The said manager was really a culprit which evidence were found on the DNA test conducted by the police. I do hope that this kind of incident will never happen to any Entertainment Industry not only KEE. I hope that our BYJnim will be more strict on employing managers to handle their artists. This Mr.Lee was one of the managers who handled Kim Soo Hyun, for KSH were not only handled by one manager.

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Guest iluvugudbye

loujaie said: What happened to my blog. It was erase when I upload the link regarding the article about the manager of KEE @ enews. The said manager was really a culprit which evidence were found on the DNA test conducted by the police. I do hope that this kind of incident will never happen to any Entertainment Industry not only KEE. I hope that our BYJnim will be more strict on employing managers to handle their artists. This Mr.Lee was one of the managers who handled Kim Soo Hyun, for KSH were not only handled by one manager.

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Guest iluvugudbye

saw these set of pics on BYJ Gallery posted by Sun-soo. muych thanks for sharing.. :)>-

wuri Yong Joon sent flowers to idol boy group infinite's concert.



and it seems 3 of the members of infinite also took photos with wuri Yong Joon's wax figure at Busan Centrum City Madame Tussauds.



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Dam-Su said:   he he... im not really sure where they shot those photos but i heard our Man was seen shooting something at a coffee shop in Korea months ago. that was before he secretly slipped to the US.

he he... camp out just to get a glimpse of him? ahhh... for the love of Bae Yong Joon. :D:D he he... would also do that if he were to shoot something in my country. :D:D

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Guest iluvugudbye

jeunn said:

Damsu, I don't normally do that ( make a big deal ) when seeing some big stars since I have seen a lot of Hollywood stars here when I used to work at the airport. But if it's wuri Yong Joon....forget it , I may not be able to contain myself lol :))

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Guest Moments1430291949

Read this in Baidu and reposting the link here to share with all to enjoy. Love and missed wuri man laughters, and it's contagious. Pls enjoy.



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OH how contagious when he laughed, it made us viewers join him laughing too. He is so handsome in those video clips and the handsomest was when his hair was long and he also look much younger compared to his blond hair in Winter Sonata drama. In my deepest and heartfelt opinion, he was rather most handsome and manly in portrayal in "The Legend" drama and also in the movie "Untold Scandal".
He also look amazing in uniform, it seemed that it was an aviation uniform, please correct me if not.
How I wish that he will have another small screen project before the year ends or maybe early part of 2013. My greatest desire is that he will act as the president of S.K. 

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Guest Moments1430291949

Hi loujaie, Yes, me too! He looked the most handsomest when he was having his long hair! Yea, hope he is returning onscreen real soon. :x

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