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Oh Sang Jin and Emma Watson Give Animated Poses for Selcas

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Broadcaster Oh Sang Jin revealed photos he took with Hollywood actress Emma Watson.

On March 13, Oh Sang Jin was in Berlin, Germany, and he held an interview session with Darren Aronofsky, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and Jennifer Connelly, the director and actors in the new biblical film, “Noah.”

After the interview session, Emma Watson approached Oh Sang Jin and praised his ability to conduct smooth interviews and suggested they take a photo together. The two quickly became friends, and they spent a good few minutes taking selcas together.

Oh Sang Jin’s interview with the director and stars of “Noah” will be revealed exclusively on Naver.

Starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and Anthony Hopkins, “Noah,” the film depicting the life of Noah, who tried to protect the world from the great flood, will release worldwide on March 20 in theaters. 


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