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Lee Seo Jin 이서진 (3MAD Guest)


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Guest ahn_annann

hahha, ya .. anyway thanks for brought here ..

just head of news is so interest " LSJ is a carpenter instead of an actor "

to give cheer him and fans club up.. for this charity ...

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Guest aries379

Hi. Thank you all for LSJ's pictures and news. He's awesome!!! I can't wait to see him in a new drama or movie.

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Guest ahn_annann

Credit: seojin-jungeun.cn

More pixs of LSJ at worksite..... why is he working at site without his helmet. :sweatingbullets:

LSJ & KJE will be leaving for NY at the end of July for their summer vacation.

ya, he needs to take care himself .. it so dangerous if something falls on a head ..

so happy with them, LSJ and sweet heart ..

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Guest betchay

I have seen him in Phoenix & Lovers, both were good.

But i have to say, i love him more in a period drama.

I can't believe, i only finished DAMO last week though it was

already 5 yrs old.

I thought, no one can beat SIG in historical acting.

I was wrong coz LSJ is awesome too. He is such a great

actor coz he can pull both modern & period drama.

After my DAMO which i did watched in 1 day, i started to

watch his YISAN, at first, i hesitated coz it was very

long drama, imagine 77 eps. but i can't help it coz i wanna

see LSJ again. Finally, after 5 days marathon, i was able to finished it.

Love the story plus of course LSJ as Yisan. :wub:

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Guest Zombie

Credit: celine & sheyi /chinese & english transaltion/seojin-jungeun.cn



The love of the 2 star couple LSJ & KJE will draw the attention of the public again.

According to concerned party, KJE had already applied for leave from the production team of 'KJE's Chocoloate' by the end of July for magazine photo shooting in NY .

Aside from the travelling time, it will take 3 days for the photo taking

According to the photo team, the photos will be presented sentimentally with the theme 'Calm and passion', yet no details had been confirmed other than this concept.

While LSJ is considering his next project after 'YiSan', KJE will take a cast in MBC drama series 'General Hospital 2'

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Guest ahn_annann

I have seen him in Phoenix & Lovers, both were good.

But i have to say, i love him more in a period drama.

I can't believe, i only finished DAMO last week though it was

already 5 yrs old.

I thought, no one can beat SIG in historical acting.

I was wrong coz LSJ is awesome too. He is such a great

actor coz he can pull both modern & period drama.

After my DAMO which i did watched in 1 day, i started to

watch his YISAN, at first, i hesitated coz it was very

long drama, imagine 77 eps. but i can't help it coz i wanna

see LSJ again. Finally, after 5 days marathon, i was able to finished it.

Love the story plus of course LSJ as Yisan. :wub:

Yi san 77 eps = 5 days .. OH !! you are so fast

I do not watch it until now . I just only downloaded 40 eps for my collection

so I will watch after download alls finish... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Zombie

Credit: Celine/seojin-jungeun.cn@chinese translation




LSJ will be holding a local fan meeting in Seoul, Konkuk University Museum of the New Millennium auditorium

on 19.7, after their last meeting in 4 yrs .

His gf, KJE is unable to attend due to her "KJE Chocolate" schedule the same day but will appear in VTR instead.

On the 4 .7, prebooking is open for ticketing thru internet, and only confine to selection of 700 fans due to security reasons.

The theme of the fan meet is "Travelling in the sea of dramas with LSJ"

LSJ will be giving impromptu singing accompanied by 5 members band. :lol:

His special guest stars on that day include Lee Han/Lovers, and Lee Jong Su/ Yisan.


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Guest Zombie

betchay830, good that you can finished YS within the short span of 5 days.

I didn't enjoy the drama, YS as the I felt the script could have been better describe the character of King JJ, as I am really used to "King" character being a hero and not in a weepy emotional role in YS.

Infact, I like the "Legend" scriptwriter ways of transforming the "King" character into a glorious hero.

Bet Damo & YS, I prefer LSJ character in Damo.

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Guest kdramafanusa

HIGHEST RATED TV DRAMAS OF FIRST HALF OF 2008 [2008.01.01 ~ 2008.06.30]

[From: AGB Nielsen Media Research]


1. I Hate You But It's Fine <미우나고우나> / Likable Or Not (E) (KBS1) - 39.7%

2. Yi San <이산> / Lee San, Wind Of The Palace (E) (MBC) - 30.4%

3. New Heart <뉴하트> / New Heart (E) (MBC) - 26.1%

4. Angry Mom <엄마가뿔났다> / Mom's Dead Upset (E) (KBS2) - 25.9%

5. First Wives Club <조강지처클럽> / The First Wives Club (E) (SBS) - 25.2%

Likable Or Not (KBS1)


Yi San (MBC) & New Heart (MBC)


Mom's Dead Upset (KBS 2TV) & First Wives Club (SBS)


Source: MyDaily

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Guest ahn_annann

betchay830, good that you can finished YS within the short span of 5 days.

I didn't enjoy the drama, YS as the I felt the script could have been better describe the character of King JJ, as I am really used to "King" character being a hero and not in a weepy emotional role in YS.

Infact, I like the "Legend" scriptwriter ways of transforming the "King" character into a glorious hero.

Bet Damo & YS, I prefer LSJ character in Damo.

For me, Damo is a first korean historical drama I watched ..

that time, I only want to watch more his jobs after Lovers

...I didnt like historical drama .

In Damo LSJ was the lead actor.. in my mind .. hahhaha

his voice, his acting was very impressing ..

Who watched Damo will be come to LSJ's fans ...

in the drama everythings is perfect.as original soundtrack and

the lead actress ...

HJW.. I really like and follow up his jobs after watched Damo also

Yi san... I dont watch it .. cant talk now..

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Guest kdramafanusa

상반기 드라마 최대승자 남녀 스타는?

2008-06-21 09:39:09


[마이데일리 = 배국남 대중문화전문기자] 상반기에도 수많은 드라마가 시청자와 만났다. 시청자의 폭발적인 눈길을 끄는 드라마가 있는가 하면 시청자의 싸늘한 외면을 받은 작품도 있다. 미니시리즈, 일일 드라마, 주말 드라마, 대하사극 중 상반기 가장 사랑을 받은 드라마는 두 개로 압축된다. 시청률로 보면 최고의 시청률을 기록한 드라마는 일일 드라마 ‘미우나 고우나’로 30~40%대 인기고공 비행을 했다. 또한 화제면과 시청률면에서 높은 관심을 받은 작품이 바로 MBC월화사극 ‘이산’이다.

수많은 스타들이 드라마로 시청자와 만났지만 상당수가 스타의 명성에 흠집을 남기며 시청자의 외면을 받았다. 하지만‘이산’과 ‘미우나 고우나’는 올 상반기중 시청자의 사랑을 가장 많이 받는 드라마로 꼽히고 이 드라마를 이끈 스타들이 올 상반기 브라운관에서 드라마 대전의 최대 승자로 기록되는 스타들이다.

특히‘이산’의 이서진과 ‘미우나 고우나’의 한지혜가 상반기 브라운관에서 최대 승자 스타로 꼽힌다.

이서진은 ‘이산’의 타이틀롤을 맡아 방송전 우려를 불식시키며 새로운 정조상을 구축했다. ‘다모’이후 오랜만에 정통사극 ‘이산’으로 사극연기를 한 이서진은 9개월여 동안 시청자의 사랑을 받았다. 가장 어려운 시기와 적대세력 속에서 개혁적 성군으로 부상했던 정조의 파란만장한 일대기를 잘 표출해 20~30%대의 시청률을 기록했다.

이서진은 사극 연기에 어색함도 드러냈으나 일관된 스타일과 분위기로 이산을 연기해 시청자들의 박수를 받았다.

이서진은 “‘이산’은 너무 힘든 작품이었다. 하지만 연기 인생에 하나의 이정표로 남을 사극이기도 하다. 많은 것을 배웠다”고 의미부여했다.

이서진이 상반기 드라마중 최대 승리를 거둔 남자 스타라면 한지혜는 여자 스타중 최대 승리를 거둔 스타다.

“시청률은 만족하지 않을 수 없다. 이것보다 어떻게 더 많이 나오나. 내가 촬영장에서 더욱 성숙해 졌다. 촬영 도중 어떤 사건이 있어도 힘들다는 생각하지 않고 연기하게 됐다. 내 연기도 (드라마)처음 시작할 때 연기와 끝날 때 연기가 많이 달라져 있다는 말을 많이 들었다”상반기 드라마중 최고 시청률을 기록한‘미우나 고우나’종방연에서 한지혜가 한 말이다.

한지혜는 일일 드라마‘미우나 고우나’로 거듭난 스타다. 30~40%대의 엄청난 시청률을 기록한 드라마의 성공뿐만 아니라 연기자 한지혜의 한단계 발전된 모습을 보였기 때문이다.

한지혜는 ‘미우나 고우나’를 통해 연기력면에서 자연스러움을 배가시켰다. 일상성이 배어든 연기가 돋보일 정도로 그녀의 연기력은 ‘미우나 고우나’를 통해 발전했다.

또한 한지혜는 ‘미우나 고우나’출연중 연인이었던 이동건과의 결별이라는 아픔을 겪었지만 이 어려움을 극복하고 연기에 전념하는 모습을 보여 시청자로 박수를 받았다.

[상반기 드라마중 최고의 시청률을 기록하며 사랑받은 스타, 이서진과 한지혜. 사진=마이데일리 사진DB]

배국남 대중문화전문기자 knbae@mydaily.co.kr

기사 제보 및 보도자료 press@mydaily.co.kr

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Guest Zombie

For me, Damo is a first korean historical drama I watched ..

that time, I only want to watch more his jobs after Lovers

...I didnt like historical drama .

In Damo LSJ was the lead actor.. in my mind .. hahhaha

his voice, his acting was very impressing ..

Who watched Damo will be come to LSJ's fans ...

in the drama everythings is perfect.as original soundtrack and

the lead actress ...

HJW.. I really like and follow up his jobs after watched Damo also

Yi san... I dont watch it .. cant talk now..

Personally, I feel it is a lost to miss watching a great piece of classic work like Damo , as for YiSan, I find it a forgettable drama, if you have spare time and noting better to do with yr time, perhaps you can care to watch. :lol:

I doubt it is faring well in Taiwan now as pple tend to compare it with the other masterpiece Jewel of the Palace.

In Damo, the chemistry bet LSJ/HJW/KMJ were awesome & unforgettable... which is really lacking in YS.

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Guest betchay

Yi san 77 eps = 5 days .. OH !! you are so fast

I do not watch it until now . I just only downloaded 40 eps for my collection

so I will watch after download alls finish... :sweatingbullets:

Yes.. i did but i cheated a little bit, i skipped some boring

scenes. :rolleyes::D

betchay830, good that you can finished YS within the short span of 5 days.

I didn't enjoy the drama, YS as the I felt the script could have been better describe the character of King JJ, as I am really used to "King" character being a hero and not in a weepy emotional role in YS.

Infact, I like the "Legend" scriptwriter ways of transforming the "King" character into a glorious hero.

Bet Damo & YS, I prefer LSJ character in Damo.

I know what u mean, the writer made Yisan

emotional & soft-hearted king. :phew:

I also prefer him in DAMO.

The chemistry between him & HJW was amazing.

For some reasons, i can't see the chemistry bet.

him & HJM.. maybe becoz of the height or age gap. :rolleyes::D

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Guest Zombie

Yes.. i did but i cheated a little bit, i skipped some boring

scenes. :rolleyes::D

I know what u mean, the writer made Yisan

emotional & soft-hearted king. :phew:

I also prefer him in DAMO.

The chemistry between him & HJW was amazing.

For some reasons, i can't see the chemistry bet.

him & HJM.. maybe becoz of the height or age gap. :rolleyes::D

There will totally no chemistry bet LSJ & HJM, you know how much agony to finished the epi 77 for me, since I want to support LSJ .

In YS drama, the script didnot make LSJ looked heroic and glorious in his character, and so little development on his achievement which was my greatest disappointment.

How I wished they had written the "King" character in the same way as Legend.

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Guest betchay

For me, Damo is a first korean historical drama I watched ..

that time, I only want to watch more his jobs after Lovers

...I didnt like historical drama .

In Damo LSJ was the lead actor.. in my mind .. hahhaha

his voice, his acting was very impressing ..

Who watched Damo will be come to LSJ's fans ...

in the drama everythings is perfect.as original soundtrack and

the lead actress ...

HJW.. I really like and follow up his jobs after watched Damo also

I think the 3 main characters have equal parts but

same here.. i must say.. LSJ was the lead & perfect for

the role. Love the way he expressed his love to Chae Ok,

you really can feel & see it in his eyes. :wub:

Personally, I feel it is a lost to miss watching a great piece of classic work like Damo , as for YiSan, I find it a forgettable drama, if you have spare time and noting better to do with yr time, perhaps you can care to watch.

Thats how i felt after i finished it. It will be a regretable on my part not be able to see it.

Damo is a MUST watch drama. :)

There will totally no chemistry bet LSJ & HJM, you know how much agony to finished the epi 77 for me, since I want to support LSJ .

In YS drama, the script didnot make LSJ looked heroic and glorious in his character, and so little development on his achievement which was my greatest disappointment.

How I wished they had written the "King" character in the same way as Legend.

I never seen the "Legend" yet, i don't know but after Damo & Yisan, i became

historical drama fanatic.. I only watched SIG in Emperor of the Sea which is a

must-see too.. i was surprised i finished Yisan's 77 eps while i can't in Jumong's 81 eps. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ahn_annann

Personally, I feel it is a lost to miss watching a great piece of classic work like Damo , as for YiSan, I find it a forgettable drama, if you have spare time and noting better to do with yr time, perhaps you can care to watch. :lol:

I doubt it is faring well in Taiwan now as pple tend to compare it with the other masterpiece Jewel of the Palace.

In Damo, the chemistry bet LSJ/HJW/KMJ were awesome & unforgettable... which is really lacking in YS.

oh! zombie .. Yi san , I must to watch.. but waiting a time

hm.. my freind and her husband. really like Yisan . they waited for me to dl and pass them to

they said this drama is very good and better than others ..

Jewel of the Palace.. I dont watch it , but in Thailand was very popular in that time ....

betchay830 , your sig. both of them are so handsome .. wow..

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Guest betchay

betchay830 , your sig. both of them are so handsome .. wow..

Thanks... they are my two kings, right now! :D

I made a gif for my King LSJ :P


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Guest guidefox

For me, Damo is a first korean historical drama I watched ..

that time, I only want to watch more his jobs after Lovers

...I didnt like historical drama .

In Damo LSJ was the lead actor.. in my mind .. hahhaha

his voice, his acting was very impressing ..

Me too , Damo also is a first Kr drama I watched, but I like hisorical drama alot, China, Korea, Mongol, Egyptian, ....

second Kr historical drama i watched was Ladies of the palace. The Queen in this drama same the evil Queen in YS very politically, can't belived KJE act in this drama.

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