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Nam Joo Hyuk 남주혁


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Ok, I have been visiting Joo Hyuk's IG since yesterday and alas, I can't believe there is so much senseless hating that can converge in one comment section. Sadly, majority of those clueless "fans" are from my home country and it's quite embarrassing reading their comments! So much face palm worthy comments :crazy: I get that some fans got hurt, got disappointed, got disillusioned coz let's face it I think a lot of Namlee supporters have projected themselves in the person of Kim book Joo and extended to LSK so, they are mad right now at NJH for breaking up their fantasy romance, yup, as if NJH broke up with them when you read their comments :huh: . But why hate so much? Why put all the blame on NJH as if he murdered their pets? Why call him offensive names and curse him without knowing the reason for the break up.  Why hate on SSK when she is just being a professional actor doing her job. Why hate on the drama Bride of Habaek? That's why I never get into shipping mentality, stalking/shipping celebrity couples & extend it to real life is not a healthy activity. Shipping makes one forget logic, reasoning and civility in case of break ups and some shippers always end up sounding like someone who just got dumped for a prettier girl and would hit on anyone just to get revenge. 

Joo Hyuk must be scratching his head right now and wondered why he got into this public dating thing. It's tough as it is and now he has to deal with the consequences of  a break up. Anyway, lesson learned for him and I hope he will be more careful next time and he should focus more in his career. End of rant. :)

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People need to grow up and stop acting like they are their drama characters  I'm not saying I didn't find them cute, but he's 23 years old and just starting his career. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Shippers aren't at fault for them breaking up, but I could see how they contributed to it. The two were constantly hounded on IG and fans just went overboard hating on costars and anyone they were around. Maybe if people chilled out things would be different, but we really don't know why it happened.  These are two young actors who want to make a career.  Just focus on that instead of shipping. I really can't stand fans who just become fans because of shipping and then turn on the person after.  Sigh. 

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Wait, there's more rant...:lol:

As I've mentioned earlier, majority of the fans hating on NJH now in his IG are from the Philippines. There I said it! My home country and I'm very embarrassed with what they are saying in his IG. These so called fans are not actually  fans of NJH the actor, but they came aboard when the Namlee picked up and they "liked" NJH coz of the romantic relationship he had w/ LSK, they  really don't care that much about his acting career, they consider him more of an accessory to LSK to sustain their fantasies. They want him to be a doormat, to do whatever they wish or dream of in their Namlee world.

They even hoped for BOTWG to fail big time coz he has a new lead lady and they even started harassing SSK even before BOTWG started showing. Anyway, just to give you an idea..Philippines is a "loveteam" country, oh how they love them there thus it is a Namlee country. So I understand where these fans are coming from, they are really kind of fanatical when it comes to loveteams. Scary but true. They are already showing it in JH's IG and some Namlee fans from other countries are starting to imitate them, bandwagon effect. Hopefully these diehard Namlee fans would get over this anger they have with NJH once LSK is paired with another actor or she will have a new bf. These fans are actually more of LSK fans and they would support her next team up and would probably start fantasizing about the new romance and hopefully....forget about Joo Hyuk and leave him alone, once and for all, crossing my toes and fingers :tongue:

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Long time no post! I've been lurking everyday. My take on this breakup.

whether they broke up or not, we really don't know what happened. we are just fans. They are entitled to their personal lives. i'm here to support NJH as an actor and not just a part of a love team. 

Things I hope for though:

- i hope that YG isn't using him and LSK for whatever publicity. 

- i hope that joo hyuk is wise enough not to let YG use  him

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