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[OFFICIAL] Oh Yeah Couple || Oh Min Suk && Kang Ye Won ||

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On 12/25/2015 at 8:23 PM, mcleen said:

@dinaz I agree with everythng that you said ... he's such a national we got married husband .... i think i've never met any thoughtful husband like this on wgm ... i visited ohye_addict's IG as well and she posted about some fans sighted ohyeah filming wgm yesterday ..that means , they had just only met yesterday for the shooting and yet, today minsuk went to visit his wife again on this special day ... he really can't be separated  that long from his wife .... huhuhuhuh ...where can i fins such husband like minsuk ??? is there any minsuk clone out there ? huhuhuhu 

@afrinaalwi oomoooo!!!! I am sooooo delighted to know that minsuk also shared about this on his instagram ... and his smile in that pic ... huhuhuhuhuh ... i love it soooo much that he admits himself  that he went to cheer her..look at the smiley that he put in his caption ...how can i not have delulu mind  thinking that both of them are really in real relationship with each other ???  ..huhuhuhuhuh ..... i just can't stop being delulu now ...thanks for sharing the post and the translation....


remember during the photoshoot mission when yewon suddenly back to herself again. "im ohye ya" is ok if im doing it alone but it will hurt m pride because OMS's is citizen husband? i kinda wonder about that. did she hear somewhere or did korean gave him that title since they love put a title to someone such as national mc national first love etc

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Fellow ohyeah shippers, no sweat about MS latest IG post. I didn't really think it's a big deal given that it's merely screen caps from his drama. After all, he was also nominated for best couple with his costar. And I read the translation and even the caption mentioned his character name only. For all we know, maybe MS alr preempt YW on his post. 

The other shippers are jumping for joy. I'm sure they would. I'm at peace with that however the only annoying thing is I read this post from a lady of his other shippers grp and it says "someone says this is only for work but didn't that someone also forget the other program is also for work?" 

Now I have no idea where this remark came from but it definitely pissed me off...  I guess they didn't see / notice / choose to remain oblivious to our couple off cam interaction ya... 

Back to our couple, I found MS to be pretty amorous at the hotel room, looking at how he wanted to piggyback her all the way, backhug her and led her to sit on his thigh. Both the backhug and sitting on his laps are pretty intimate behaviours. Backhug sitting down is just a tad more intimate compared to when standing. Just look at his arms, they are literally below YW bust and you can tell it made her kinda uncomfortable. Same with sitting on his laps. Am sure MS has close female friends (by his own account) and I can't imagine he will do the same. There had to be a certain level of closeness for MS to do this hence it made me think they have started a real relationship but YW is still not comfy with these gestures on cam. 

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Ok.... I know I'm going to get so much hatred because of this, but in the below clip I wonder why yewon kinda rolls her eyes...

Everyone knows how much she loves minsuk, but I'm having a small doubt about why she acted that way. 

Everyone here knows how much I love these tow, being the official byeontae leader and everything but....

Wait, does she think he'd had too much to drink and all this lovey dove is not really suitable to the camera and the PG rated audience? And that these kinda things should be done in private? I wonder how much of a hard time the two must've had after getting drunk and having to act not much date-y in front of the camera.

Or maybe she's had enough of his clingyness which is so adorable by the way....

I'm just having thoughts about that eye roll...

Or maybe I've had too much Bacardi....


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@Msleemete. yup .. they are still following each other till now and once in a while , Jinwoon would "like" some Junhee's posts on IG ...huhuhuh . I stll remember I cried a river the day they got "divorced"... btw , I really love the MV that u made ... are u planning to do mv's on Ohyeah couple as well ?? I don't kno why ... I really have positivie vibe and instinct regarding Ohyeah ... yes , we might cry again when we watch their last episode , but then I am positive that they would still update ohyeah shippers about their "friendship" on their IG .... and who knows that couple would actually make the WGM's PD nim wish comes true ... remember the PD said that her objective is to make the reel couple on WGM turn to real couple one day ... ehehehe ... 

@Mianhe97 didyewon really mention that OMS is nation's husband?? huhuhuh ...thanks for telling me because I didn't notice when she said so .. need to go and watch that part again ... I really think some Koreans or ohyeah's korean fans really call Minsuk with that name as well ... or who knows that maybe Minsuk is also reading this thread since he can read English ...ekekeke ... the thing is , when I watch the preview for next , we can see Ohyeah are doing pottery together ..Yewon is teaching minsuk on how to do it and somehow I remember one of us in this thread mentioned that she would love to see Ohyeah re enacting the famous romantic scene in The Ghost ...eheheh so in a way , her wish comes true ... huhuhu ... 

btw I just can't help wanting to share this picture shared by @susantie09_stv on her IG ...huhuhuhuh ..I bet she's all smile right now coz Minsuk had just liked two posts of hers on IG ...huhuhuuhh ... did he somehow know that ohye_addict was  not that happy with what he had just posted ??? noww .... I'm beginning to think that Minsuk is really spying on our thread .... huhuhuhuhu ..... 

credits : @susantie09_stv a.k.a ohye_addict

yeayyyyyy!!! I love the posts that he liked .... it's yewon's picture alone and also their screencaps on WGM .... eheheheh ... there ... that's his way showing how he really cares for Ohyeah and Ohyeah shippers ..seriously , we're really lucky that we're in this ship because Minsuk is definitely a very sporting husband.... huhuhuhu ... 


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23 minutes ago, oohlala15 said:

Fellow ohyeah shippers, no sweat about MS latest IG post. I didn't really think it's a big deal given that it's merely screen caps from his drama. After all, he was also nominated for best couple with his costar. And I read the translation and even the caption mentioned his character name only. For all we know, maybe MS alr preempt YW on his post. 

The other shippers are jumping for joy. I'm sure they would. I'm at peace with that however the only annoying thing is I read this post from a lady of his other shippers grp and it says "someone says this is only for work but didn't that someone also forget the other program is also for work?" 

Now I have no idea where this remark came from but it definitely pissed me off...  I guess they didn't see / notice / choose to remain oblivious to our couple off cam interaction ya... 

Back to our couple, I found MS to be pretty amorous at the hotel room, looking at how he wanted to piggyback her all the way, backhug her and led her to sit on his thigh. Both the backhug and sitting on his laps are pretty intimate behaviours. Backhug sitting down is just a tad more intimate compared to when standing. Just look at his arms, they are literally below YW bust and you can tell it made her kinda uncomfortable. Same with sitting on his laps. Am sure MS has close female friends (by his own account) and I can't imagine he will do the same. There had to be a certain level of closeness for MS to do this hence it made me think they have started a real relationship but YW is still not comfy with these gestures on cam. 

it's okay...just ignore them....ignore them....don't go to their room just stay here with us....

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@heartoppaya I really think she was actually pretty shocked with his amorous actions , hence that led to how she reacted ... but I don't think that she doesn't like his touch ...it's just that I think she was trying to be careful not to be carried away with the romantic feelings ... and if you still remember , yewon is someone who loves initiating skinship but then if the guy initiated it first , she would become very shy or not that comfortable sometimes..  ..she mentioned about this too when she guested on Happy Together before , right ? for example , we can see how daring she was when she just went to kiss her hubby during the bathtub photoshoot.. but then she was really shy and blushing when her husband suddenly asked for a kiss when they were having breakfast in this ep .. ...so yerp , I do think she was shy , not comfortable and maybe a bit shocked at first  in that gif you posted ..eheheh ...  however , in my eyes she likes her husband and really appreciates of everything that he did for her ...  you can see how she seemed very sweet , indulging and all smiles when she was getting on his back again right after they had finished playing the piano .... 

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1 hour ago, mcleen said:

@heartoppaya I really think she was actually pretty shocked with his amorous actions , hence that led to how she reacted ... but I don't think that she doesn't like his touch ...it's just that I think she was trying to be careful not to be carried away with the romantic feelings ... and if you still remember , yewon is someone who loves initiating skinship but then if the guy initiated it first , she would become very shy or not that comfortable sometimes..  ..she mentioned about this too when she guested on Happy Together before , right ? for example , we can see how daring she was when she just went to kiss her hubby during the bathtub photoshoot.. but then she was really shy and blushing when her husband suddenly asked for a kiss when they were having breakfast in this ep .. ...so yerp , I do think she was shy , not comfortable and maybe a bit shocked at first  in that gif you posted ..eheheh ...  however , in my eyes she likes her husband and really appreciates of everything that he did for her ...  you can see how she seemed very sweet , indulging and all smiles when she was getting on his back again right after they had finished playing the piano .... 

Oh thank God... There's still hope... Haha... And here I was stupidly worrying about nothing.. Haha..

I didn't watch the episode yet, but I wanna see that "climb him like a baby monkey" thing. Where can I find it? It looked too cute for words and quite sexy.. I mean just imagine, her legs were wrapped around his waist... Maybe near his.. junk... Haha... I would trade my life to be in her position right now...

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@heartoppaya I noticed that too. I think that Yewon was really uncomfortable and minsuk was feeling immersed with feelings and he probably forgot that they were filming. Plus, I have  a strange feeling minsuk was a tad bit tipsy just a little. Idk but when Yewon got off her husband it seems like he was laughing. Maybe Minsuk was just thinking about naughty thoughts or something. Yeah when Minsuk gave her the hug after he messed up it seems like he was holding her waist way too tight and she just looked uncomfortable and was slapping his hand to get off of her.  I think like someone else suggested Yewon likes have power and the ability to contrrol skinship and she could do it whenever she wants but when Minsuk initates it maybe she feels frightened . Also, I felt that Yewon was well aware of the camera while Minsuk not so much and in Korea couples really do not show that much skinship because they think they should be done in private. Also, maybe Yewon is also aware of her image she does not want to be perceive as an aggressive or  easy girl. I honestly think that Minsuk should ease up on skinship like not do too much on camera. Also, it was not the first time in the episode that Yewon rolled her eyes after the CPR she rolled her eyes again after Minsuk said something but I honsetly feel that she also might be tired. I have a feeling that Minsuk and Yewon are really comfortable with each other  and Yewon likes skinship when it is done privately or when she is initating it most of the time. When Minsuk does it, I think she likes the cute skinship like holding hands , shoulder grabbing, and backhugs. While Minsuk seems to like more intimate gestures.kissing and holding the waist, laying on the lap. Hahhahah i think their dynamic is really cute. Also, I really wonder what happened in the bed scene. When Minsuk was closing the light he said something. Howver, before Yewon back was facing Minsuk and than Yewon moved closer practically on top of him and in my mind I thought Yewon was asking for a kiss or soemthing Idk. The pillow was covering her face so I am not sure. In that instance, I really do believe that they have done this before because it seems so intimate and MInsuk was practically falling off the bed because of how close Yewon was to him on the bed. 

Hahhahah I can imagine if they were to have a baby Yewon would be such a great mother and Minsuk would be an awesome dad!!! 


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1 hour ago, oohlala15 said:

Fellow ohyeah shippers, no sweat about MS latest IG post. I didn't really think it's a big deal given that it's merely screen caps from his drama. After all, he was also nominated for best couple with his costar. And I read the translation and even the caption mentioned his character name only. For all we know, maybe MS alr preempt YW on his post. 

The other shippers are jumping for joy. I'm sure they would. I'm at peace with that however the only annoying thing is I read this post from a lady of his other shippers grp and it says "someone says this is only for work but didn't that someone also forget the other program is also for work?" 

Now I have no idea where this remark came from but it definitely pissed me off...  I guess they didn't see / notice / choose to remain oblivious to our couple off cam interaction ya... 

Back to our couple, I found MS to be pretty amorous at the hotel room, looking at how he wanted to piggyback her all the way, backhug her and led her to sit on his thigh. Both the backhug and sitting on his laps are pretty intimate behaviours. Backhug sitting down is just a tad more intimate compared to when standing. Just look at his arms, they are literally below YW bust and you can tell it made her kinda uncomfortable. Same with sitting on his laps. Am sure MS has close female friends (by his own account) and I can't imagine he will do the same. There had to be a certain level of closeness for MS to do this hence it made me think they have started a real relationship but YW is still not comfy with these gestures on cam. 


Hi fellow shippers,

Finally I could stotp by to make a short comment here...I've been busy at work + because it's the end of the year I had business dinner almost everyday since mid-December.....like a closing party and it's Japanese culture...

Anyway, regarding the topics @oohlalamentioned above, I really agree with you! including the annoying comment by the lady of other shippers grp. I also read it. :sweatingbullets:   Well , let's ignore what the other shippers say since they can ship only for one more month... and they will face the end of their shippment anyway....haha.


Then this is what I wanted to say.....   @oohlala do you also think that something's going on between them, right?? well I'm usually logical and don't want to write things I cannot be sure without any evidence. Yet, I have felt something since late Nov, actually Nov 23. That's why I said that I felt something and I would write about it next time when I commented last time....I don't remember when it was....in the beginning of this month I think.

I'm not sure that they are in a relationship now.....well....could be ...but I just think that their relationship has changed from just co-star (of WGM) to one level higher in mid Nov, I would say around the opening party of YW's studio.

I'll write about my assumption with more details next time.  Thanks for your patience@misskoala @Mianhe97 and others! 


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7 hours ago, dinaz said:

8mm8 please don't make me this, how many time i have to wait for you. It's no fair...please, please don't go and tell us whatever you know.:sweatingbullets::blink:

why so suddennly? you make me nervous....:(

Don´t worry about, I can understand he need to promote his drama. Remember that everything within the media is related to business. I don´t like looking him with another girl but there is nothing we can do.  If you see his eyes well his gaze is different when he look at ye won eyes,  is deeply  (my english is a mess) .  


 Tambien triste.



Merry Christmas :heart:

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@Msleemete. Wow I have read the lyrics to the song before however, people translated differently. I liked how Minsuk said that he is being cautious because he does not want to fall so deeply and that he gets frustrated that Yewon thinks he is a coward. Hahahha to me it kind of explains how is Minsuk is doing more bolder skinship but why is Yewon retreating. Hahahah the ohyeah song makes it seems that real feelings develop but Yewon was waiting for Minsuk because she may not feel sure that he knows her feelings. Hmm..Idk what to think anyway I am just going to enjoy the show.

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Oh Min Suk and Kang Ye Won talk about their hot calendar shoot on 'We Got Married'

December 26, 2015 @ 4:32 pm



After wrapping up their hot calendar photoshoot, Oh Min Suk and Kang Ye Won talked about it on the December 26 installment of 'We Got Married.'


SEE ALSO: Things heat up between Oh Min Suk and Kang Ye Won on 'We Got Married'



The couple spent time cooking dinner at home when Oh Min Suk brought up the subject of their hot photoshoot. He stated that when they were shooting it didn't seem too risque but he was shocked when he saw the pictures. Kang Ye Won agreed and jokingly stated that her mother would disown her if she saw the pictures.


They also talked about when they both happened to attend the same concert with friends. Oh Min Suk stated that it was very awkward for him because they sat apart instead of sitting together. Kang Ye Won said she felt the same way while displaying her lack of cutting skills with the knife.


Did you think their photoshoot was too sexy?

credit: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/12/oh-min-suk-and-kang-ye-won-talk-about-their-hot-calendar-shoot-on-we-got-married

my answer: yeah its too sexy but i like it lol! 



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Oh Min Seok and Kang Ye Won Surprised at How Sexual Their Bubble Bath Photo Shoot Looks


Oh Min Seok and Kang Ye Won Surprised at How Sexual Their Bubble Bath Photo Shoot Looks

On the December 26 broadcast of MBC’s “We Got Married,” Oh Min Seok andKang Ye Won talk about their bubble bath pictorial for the calendar photo shoot they did.

Oh Min Seok comments, “Did you see it? It looks pretty risqué. We weren’t that racy at the shoot. But it looks more so in the pictures…”

kang ye won-oh min seok

Kang Ye Won responds with concern, “It looks so racy. What would your mother think?” Oh Min Seok says, “We weren’t trying to make it look sexy.”

Kang Ye Won adds, “I think we looked so racy especially since you [Oh Min Seok] were topless. It’s because we were sitting in a bubble bath.” Oh Min Seok consoles Kang Ye Won, “We have no regrets, right?” Kang Ye Won then asserts that she is sure they will be voted first place in the calendar cover competition.



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57 minutes ago, Tapikoo said:

the link is not working for me... any other link??


this is the direct link: https://openload.co/f/NWVnQETVQWI/OhyeahEp301Eng.wmv

@heartoppaya after watching it again, i don't think yewon was rolling her eyes, i think she had a habit of looking up whenever she thinks, looked like her eyes always darts around whenever they tried to think or remember something,

wonder how much minsuk got to sleep after romi pee on the bed. his face looked so puffed when yewon called him. but it makes them looked more lovely like a real couple in the morning :wub:

and i think yewon is right, minsuk changed a bit, i think he's in a casual love state where he's been so comfortable with yewon and his gesture just naturally became lovely towards yewon.

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ok done watching thanks @t4ol33 for the head up! 

@heartoppaya maybe this is my delusional way of thinking lol!  but when i re watch that scene,I think the video cut is stop at the wrong time,  and when people just see the cut would get a wrong idea (again this is base on my view) like she rolling eyes to him. The way I see it, is just she seem flustered by oms advance on her and trying to find a words to hide her embarrassment by that sudden atack from OMS :w00t:   U know when ur lost of words so ur eyes kinda look up above to gather your thought things like that.. @phoniexcv I know she just roll on him and to make a worst the pillow is blocking the view. but i agree there is moment i think oms would fall of the bed if she keep on pushing lol! 

i love when they feeling comfy at home and the talk about the bublebath photoshoot. something strike me when they said "i thought it was ok but it was pretty risque". I cannot keep my straight face no matter how many time i repeat that scene so I cant help to think they are at the stage whey they feeling too comfy with each other acting (like they gonna eat each other face) is normal thing? (or maybe the wine kind add up the fuel) and yewon question "what ur mother thinking of me?" she wouldn't thinking that far right? if its just for a show? or am i just fall to deep? and cant find my way out to differentiate between reel and real? 

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