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@homura, I'm echoing @liddi's thanks! Jo Mal Saeng was one of my favorite 'baddies' in TWDR, and looking forward to getting to know how he was in his younger years. I'm sure there's a backstory to his strong allegiance to King Taejong... well, besides probably wanting to be allied with the strongest and most powerful in the land for his own survival. Hehe. 

And ack! there's going to be a....


tragic ending to YH and LBJ? I guess YH dies? Because LBJ was still alive in TWDR, albeit forever carrying his burden of guilt for the death of JDJ (and YH I would assume). OMG I know something sad was going to come... I just didn't want to think about it. But we're down to the last 18 episodes now and on the cusp of JMJ's death and the birth of Joseon. LBW has officially become the LBW. I am most fearful about what will happen to BY. But yes... my poor DangSae too, and his YH. I hope the writers give them some happy times before the end at least.


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What the Heck ??? How come the usually meticulous writers missed the incident were Bang Won selflessly goes to Ming in place of his father even at the expense of danger to his life... this was supposed to happen during King Chang's rule.....

SFD completely missed that ... how come ..???

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I just finished the marathon 32 eps of SFD, can only say WOW! The drama always kept me at the edge of my seat. Bravo the writers, pds, and all the casts. I feel like i am part of the drama and I sympathize each one of the character, all of them, even the bad guys. Yes, even the bad guys. Especially when Gil Tae Mi dies, i feel sorry for him, i dunno why... And all the fighting scenes make me hold my breath. They are beautifully filmed. Btw, Bang Won looks so much better with his new hairstyle :D  Moo Hyul brings all the funny element in this drama, even in an intense scene he can be so funny, always asking his opponent's name before attacking, LOL. And I love the BGM of Bang Ji, it's so fierce but full of sadness, it fits him so well. One thing tho, not impressed by Nameless, yet. Look forward for the next episode! 

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Was watching Jung Do Jeon drama... subconciousliy couldnt help but compare it with SFD.... the main difference i felt between two was that SFD made us care about the characters whether its Bang Won or Jung Do Jeon or Yi Song Ye.... whereas i felt very hard to sympathize with any of them in Jung Do Jeon drama.... they are just shown as characters ... we dont feel like they are real people as i have felt in SFD.... with their dilemmas their romances their dreams their tragedies their successes their achievements .... SFD made us connect with the characters .... relate with their feelings... so much so that we can predict their reaction to any circumstance.... this does not happen in Jung Do Jeon.... the characters actions lack continuity .... Yi Song Ye starts as decisive man then is shown as a weak person totally dependent on Jeong Do Jeon then again reverts back to decisive man then he is shown as unreasonable man.... Jung Do Jeon drama made me successfully hate the character and lose respect for it. In SFD we know the backgrounds of each characters .. in Jung Do Jeon not much was explained despite both being 50 episode long.Though there were some highlights especially craziness og Wang Gongmin and Wang Chang.. the respectable Queen Dowager Jeong Bi...  these characters were depicted in detail. Anyways I have 15 more episodes to finish Jung Do Jeon, will complete that now.

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Donno why Jung Mong Ju is regarded as saint when he had clearly given order for execution of Jung DoJeon , Nam Eun , Jo Joon and other scholars, not to mention planning to kill Yi Seong Gye when he was injured.... 

Jung Do Jeon was blinded by his friendship and Yi Seong Gye was blinded by his Heroworship of Poeun... they couldnt see how many of their supporters were being executed, exiled and others were on the cusp of death.....

All they could see was their hero Poeun... not the common people suffering on streets , not their supporters  being persecuted and killed.... all they could see was whether Poeun was alright with their mission, whether his feelings were hurt.... and all the other richard simmons.... they made Bang Won into a murderer when Bang Won refused to just wait for his death and instead eliminated his future Executor.... the same people killed Choi Young .... not to mention a small child King Chang...at that time were they not murderers...???

The Truth is when it comes to making hard decisions especially related to sacrificing personal sentiments for Common Good no one had the Guts... except Yi Bang Won.... 

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11 hours ago, SukBin said:

What the Heck ??? How come the usually meticulous writers missed the incident were Bang Won selflessly goes to Ming in place of his father even at the expense of danger to his life... this was supposed to happen during King Chang's rule.....

SFD completely missed that ... how come ..???

i think the writers have a different agenda than just the history this time 

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3 hours ago, SukBin said:

Donno why Jung Mong Ju is regarded as saint when he had clearly given order for execution of Jung DoJeon , Nam Eun , Jo Joon and other scholars, not to mention planning to kill Yi Seong Gye when he was injured....

are you talking about SFD? or JDJ drama or from your own knowledge?

in SFD they make it a point to portray all characters as if they have justifiable reasons the writers constantly try to show that they wanted or started as idealist and had best intentions but something along the way changed it is true even to HIB and GTM and of course JMJ  

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Six Flying Dragons Episode 33 new trailer

Jung Do-Jeon : Your Majesty, we should abolish the Wangsa system which has no benefit.
Master Yooksan : Isn't this guy really trying to change the entire world?

With Goryeo‘s fate in their hands

Granny Jeong-Ya : (to Yeon-Hayng) Shouldn't we consider Poeun again?
Master Yooksan : Master Poeun, we will help you.

The final battle between Jung Do-Jeon and Jung Mong-Joo.

Jung Mong-Joo : Sambong is giving us a good chance. We can stop Sambong.
Yi Bang-Won : (seeing Sambong sent to exile) If teacher Sambong lose his power, Poeun will swallow up my father.

And the beginning of Yi Bang-Won.

Yi Bang-Won : (alone in the cave) Jung Mong-Joo....


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1 hour ago, nevill said:

are you talking about SFD? or JDJ drama or from your own knowledge?

in SFD they make it a point to portray all characters as if they have justifiable reasons the writers constantly try to show that they wanted or started as idealist and had best intentions but something along the way changed it is true even to HIB and GTM and of course JMJ  

I spoke about History in General. JMJ is revered as a saint and Bang Won as a murderer... but the truth was JMJ ordered many deaths himself. So just pointing out the Hypocricy.


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25 minutes ago, SukBin said:

I spoke about History in General. JMJ is revered as a saint and Bang Won as a murderer... but the truth was JMJ ordered many deaths himself. So just pointing out the Hypocricy.


i think in history they look at the long term "greatness"  if it was useful for the advancement of humanity in general

i think only in later years studies also included the personality and profile of the person itself 

40 minutes ago, homura said:


Six Flying Dragons Episode 33 new trailer

Jung Do-Jeon : Your Majesty, we should abolish the Wangsa system which has no benefit.
Master Yooksan : Isn't this guy really trying to change the entire world?

With Goryeo‘s fate in their hands

Granny Jeong-Ya : (to Yeon-Hayng) Shouldn't we consider Poeun again?
Master Yooksan : Master Poeun, we will help you.

The final battle between Jung Do-Jeon and Jung Mong-Joo.

Jung Mong-Joo : Sambong is giving us a good chance. We can stop Sambong.
Yi Bang-Won : (seeing Sambong sent to exile) If teacher Sambong lose his power, Poeun will swallow up my father.

And the beginning of Yi Bang-Won.

Yi Bang-Won : (alone in the cave) Jung Mong-Joo....


does this mean its the lst of the present king that we willsee? 

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10 hours ago, nevill said:

are you talking about SFD? or JDJ drama or from your own knowledge?

in SFD they make it a point to portray all characters as if they have justifiable reasons the writers constantly try to show that they wanted or started as idealist and had best intentions but something along the way changed it is true even to HIB and GTM and of course JMJ  


I think this is why i can sympathize all of the characters, the writers are doing a great job in portraying their inner thoughts, dilemma, i can really feel them. So when they meet their end i still care about them, like HIB, GTM, or General Choi Young. 

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Actually with the exception of Yooksan, who looks like he is from the noble class, the rest of the Nameless members seems to belong to lower classes of society. And it was also mentioned that both Yeon Hyang and Cho Young were raised as war orphans. So why on earth do these members choose to join a Nameless group that seems more intent on maintaining the status quo and protecting the interests of the rich, the powerful and the high ranking officials, in particular in the way they oppose the land reforms? By sabotaging the land reforms, Yeon Hyang and co. are actually going against a policy that benefits people who are much closer to their own social status - the commoners. It's kind of contradictory, isn't it?

And Bang Won undeniably is a fire craze. Previously when he followed Boonyi and saw that she burned the grains stolen from her people, he thought to himself, "Man, I love this woman!" Now he saw JDJ do the same thing to the land registrars and declared his underlying love for him too. Haha maybe Bang Woo he himself also has a tendency to play with fire all this while.

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