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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@liddi  Can you imagine if it was 160 or 610??!!

Well, you know about those autumn photos, I'm sure it's common to have such shots taken from behind right? Current trend? B)

She seems to receive oversized everything ... bunnies, teddies, flowers ... heart? :D  Such a beautiful woman to shower (one's) love and attention on.

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Guest mywebfoot

Gasp @liddi the thought of counting up to 61! *giddy*

Look, 16 is fine, because between @silvergrey and me, we can rustle up 20 fingers. If you start asking for 61, even our including toes will not be enough. Ottoke? I'll need to recruit more people into the Counting Committee. Volunteering is open! I need one more complete person, followed by one person who has just one finger and no toes. 


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Here is the translation from GRAZIA China's exclusive article on Liu Wen. As usual, my apologies for the clumsy translation, in particular of the fashion terms. :P Am intrigued about the bracelet she embroidered... wonder whose name is on it. See how she sidesteps that question altogether :rolleyes: 

Liu Wen's Celebrity Show-watching Diary [GRAZIA TV]
2015-10-05 Breaky GRAZIA

Paris Fashion Week is coming to an end, and over its last few days, the heavyweights [of the industry] are exploding on the scene one after another. In addition, highly popular supermodel "Cousin" Liu Wen was invited by Chanel as a celebrity to attend their show. Today GRAZIA China presents this exclusive "Liu Wen's Celebrity Show-watching Diary"

It records Liu Wen's entire journey, from how she packs prior to her departure, to her arrival in Paris, heading for Chanel Paris headquarters for fittings, then to Chanel's embroidery school, and a visit to Coco Chanel's apartment after that. Some of what Liu Wen has to say is only available here!

1. Liu Wen's travel tips
As a supermodel who often travels abroad, many are extremely curious as to the contents of her luggage. What exactly is in the luggage of fashionable women who often travel overseas? We invited Liu Wen to share this with everyone.

G: As a model, going aboard is commonplace. Please share with us what the essential fashion items during your travels are? What skincare and cosmetics would you bring?
L: Bags. A practical, beautiful bag - Chanel's is really good. Also white tees, white shirts, jeans, leather clothing. These are definitely must-haves for travel.

2. Liu Wen's street shot secrets
As a supermodel who appears in many street shots, Liu Wen often gives many fashion-conscious girls a lot of fashion dress inspiration. Be it simple black tights, or a must-have (not sure if this is correct) leather jacket, or an iconic classic tote... it has to be said that Liu Wen has made waves in fashion trends. To this regard, we also especially invited Liu Wen to share her street shooting secrets.

G: As one of the most photographed supermodels in street shots, please recommend some street shot styling accessories to GRAZIA China's readers.
L: An eye-catching bag (try not to clash with the colour of the clothes), jewellery that would light up the eyes (earrings, rings) are street shot props. 

3. Liu Wen's initial experience in embroidery
During Liu Wen's trip to Paris this time, she went to Chanel's embroidery school, and had her first experience in embroidery.

Embroidery studio Maison Lesage has a seamless collaboration with the Chanel brand, covering six collections yearly, and joined the Chanel family in 2002. Both sides are committed to a common belief: eternally, tirelessly preserving this remarkable craftsmanship.

Liu Wen also shared her feelings about her very first embroidery experience with GRAZIA China's readers.

G: We heard that you went to Chanel's embroidery workshop and embroidered a bracelet. Did you embroider anything special on the bracelet? For example, a name.
L: Actually this time at the embroidery workshop, what I learnt was not the skill, nor was it just making a bracelet under the instructor's guidance. Rather, what I really came to understand is: to do something well, the most important is to do it seriously, diligently work on it, stitch by stitch. It is true in terms of work, and also in life.

4. Liu Wen chooses her outfit for the show
This is the first time Liu Wen is the celebrity guest attending Chanel's fashion show, and she tried a total of two outfits for the show. The first is a blue-green top and leather pants from Chanel 2016's early spring vacation series, matched with fine jewellery Coco Crush ring and Boy.Friend watch.

G: This time, the celebrity show attendees who worked with GRAZIA all have a mystery guest accompanying them. You are our third exclusively interviewed celebrity attendee. Do you feel that this is a kind of fate?
L: I have always had a special relationship [fate] with GRAZIA. GRAZIA has photographed my friends and family, and even the public welfare groups I've helped in the past.

The second outfit is a black wool coat from Chanel 2015's Fall/Winter collection, matched with fine jewellery Coco Crush ring and Boy.Friend watch.

G: In your opinion, which part of you do your fans like the most? What kind of woman power [do you have] that your fans would love you so much.
L: Each time this is brought up, I am a little embarrassed. I sincerely thank everyone for your love. I feel that you are not my fans, but my brothers and sisters. Our sharing of life and feelings, allows us to experience a variety of flavours in our personal growth.

5. Liu Wen visits Coco Chanel's apartment
During her trip to Paris fashion week this time, Liu Wen also visited Miss Coco Chanel's apartment. In the romantic city of Paris, we also invited Liu Wen to share more personal topics with our viewers.

G: What is your criteria for a spouse?
L: I will definitely choose someone I love and loves me. My requirements for beautiful fingers have not changed. Needless to say, [someone who is] warm, considerate and genuine [affable?] is very important.

G: Would you deliberately change your character for the person you love?
L: I feel that the most important for two people in love, is to love each other's individuality, and not to change yourself to fit the person who loves you.

G: I'm sure that after your transformation, there is also a slight change your style of dressing. What do you think is the greatest change?
L: I feel that my career is still that of a model. I really love this career, and also the fashion industry, because this occupation and industry allows me to experience a lot of roles in life that I never dared to try. This allows me to feel that I have accumulated a lot of experience, haha.

[the rest is the description of Coco Chanel's apartment]

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@silvergrey @mywebfoot When you put it that way, I am really grateful that our couple is represented by a number that could be counted by using just one person's fingers and toes. Oh, and count (no pun intended!) me in for the Counting Committee too! As for the elusive person with 1 finger and 1 toe... dunno any candidate, but can I recommend the famous giant white bunny?


cr. ESPRIT 中国 Weibo

@VIETtrue LOL I don't think counting berries, cookies, flowers, powerpoint presentations and whatnots would actually help us with sleepless nights. If anything, the moment we hit that magic number 16, we would be so hyped up that it would be almost impossible to sleep... leading to panda eyes :P 

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@mywebfoot 4 limbs and 2 ears? Perfect! All we need is 10 fingers and we're set for WonWen counting spree, oh Count Webby :D 

Liu Wen's latest IG update from her embroidery lesson at Lesage. What beautiful fingers she has :) Now the $16 question is, does he have beautiful fingers? I never really paid attention :huh:


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Guest mywebfoot

@liddi MUAHAHA! I had the same thought, so I looked up Choi Siwon's hands. I have to say he has a decent pair. Nothing like our lovely Mr. So's long-fingered beauty, but still a nice set. Methinks the beauty and the beholder are all that matters in this case :)

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@mywebfoot It's a relief that his hands are visually acceptable! Yes... as long as his hands meet her standard of beauty, that's all that matters :D 

There is a dedicated Wen Li series "Wen Li Tour of Chanel" that is just released. Here is Ep1 "Liu Wen visits Chanel Paris' embroidery workshop":


which I have problems viewing, probably due to geographical location.

I hope that despite the release of the Chanel tour series, we will still get to see more of her trip to Seoul. I'm sure there is so much more to the city than just her introduction of the streets near the hotel :P 

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do they know his home from wen li's seoul video ? i hope they're not

@siwonie407 There is absolutely nothing in the released Wen Li Seoul episode that shows Siwon's home - it only features streets near her hotel where she walked up and down, and a last scene at an undisclosed café. I'm sure these "fans" are resourceful enough to find out the information they want through various means. Certainly hope that the message gets through to the fans, and they cease such behaviour.

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liddi,you are right,but on the other hand,if the number is not 16,sleeplessness will get more serious:lol:and we doubt about eye sight, as well as ability to learn maths.We wonder if we miscount or leave out anything.All that lead to the next-morning getting up with our hair like getting power shock:w00t::w00t::w00t:

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@VIETtrue Sounds like our counting adventures will lead to sleeplessness either way... not to mention bad hair days and poor eyesight suspicions :D  

@dearme85 It's fine if you can't commit your complete fingers and toes, though I definitely expect support when the need for green reinforcement arises, right @mywebfoot? :P :phew: As for flying low... there is always hope as long as you're still circling the vicinity :D 

Vogue Taiwan's IG post of Liu Wen and Ouyang Nana at the Chanel show, with the caption:

歐陽娜娜 說:見到超模好開心
Ouyang Nana said: So happy to meet supermodel

And one of my favourite photos from Liu Wen's stylist He Lei's Weibo of the same event... absolutely vibrant!


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@mywebfoot It's a relief that his hands are visually acceptable! Yes... as long as his hands meet her standard of beauty, that's all that matters :D 

There is a dedicated Wen Li series "Wen Li Tour of Chanel" that is just released. Here is Ep1 "Liu Wen visits Chanel Paris' embroidery workshop":


which I have problems viewing, probably due to geographical location.

I hope that despite the release of the Chanel tour series, we will still get to see more of her trip to Seoul. I'm sure there is so much more to the city than just her introduction of the streets near the hotel :P 

I hope you'll get to see the latest log, liddi, because it's one of her most adorable. :wub: She's just such a happy virus, and unfortunately no, that embroidered bracelet has no one's name on it. :lol:

And I hope she isn't too picky, because Siwon's fingers aren't his strong point (no bashing here). I noticed on the show that they're kind of short and stubby; Liu Wen's look longer, just like everything about her seems longer even though they're roughly the same height. No matter; the man has plenty to make up for it.

Lastly, what's this about sunflowers and how it means "I am and will be ONLY looking at you" in Korean? Got it off of Liu Wen's IG...

ETA: Ooh, looking sleek at Chanel! If that's the underage cellist Siwon was supposed to have been infatuated with, I think his heart won't be able to take it once he has a gander at that picture. :lol:

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv I really hope I get to watch it too, name or no name on the bracelet. Perhaps she did the embroidery in 16 stitches :w00t:

I read about the sunflower meaning on siwonliuwen's IG comments too... apparently someone said that the sunflower emoticon means "Only you" or "I am only looking at you". I am guessing it is a play on the actual word for sunflower 해바라기, which means "only looking at the sun" (ref here) Not sure how the word "sun" got substituted for "you" since I can't read or speak Korean. But anyway... that's my guess as to how the whole interpretation came about. Really sweet if he meant it as what they interpreted :) 

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I can't help but keep thinking they're doing lovestagram, the theme and the crystal ball (as a secret language?!) and the watch she uses often recently was from him... This is dangerous (for me, cause if they didn't, I will be super sad for being delusional haha) but they might just have kinda similar instagram posts coincidentally or the watch is just merely her favorite at the moment. D:

I love how 16 fans counted the "powerpoint" picture because I really didn't think much when I saw it LOL Whether he meant it or not, this guy is really random lol

Today is October 6th, I wonder if they did something :wub:

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I can't help but keep thinking they're doing lovestagram, the theme and the crystal ball (as a secret language?!) and the watch she uses often recently was from him... This is dangerous because they might just have kinda similar instagram posts coincidentally or the watch is just merely her favorite at the moment. 

I love how 16 fans counted the "powerpoint" picture because I really didn't think much when I saw it LOL Whether he meant it or not, this guy is really random lol

Today is October 6th, I wonder if they did something :wub:

I don't think the IG posts are random... LW's Autumn picture instantly reminded us of the photo SW took of her in the church and meaning behind it... SW's echos LW's in style and caption... except he quoted someone again like he usually does.  Crystal ball and green color happen to be something SW likes, we can call it coincidences, but there are so many "coincidences" between these two and one can't help but wonder if they mean something. :) 

Looks like  LW liked one of Mun+Won's updates today (a number of photos from today's Chanel show).  

Edited by Kculturefun
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Guest mywebfoot

@dearme85 you can be in charge of under-the-radar activities, you naughty girl. How long have you been lurking here?!

@liddi Sunflowers. Have. Green. Parts. *running away now*

BTW, anyone in the mood for some research? I have a question - In her interviews, has LW's replies to the love question changed before and after LFIL? I suspect it's gotten more detailed, but it would be nice to have a list of her responses over time, to see it evolve. 

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@dearme85 you can be in charge of under-the-radar activities, you naughty girl. How long have you been lurking here?!

@liddi Sunflowers. Have. Green. Parts. *running away now*

BTW, anyone in the mood for some research? I have a question - In her interviews, has LW's replies to the love question changed before and after LFIL? I suspect it's gotten more detailed, but it would be nice to have a list of her responses over time, to see it evolve. 

That will be fun.  I think her answers have gotten a bit more specific but still consistent with what she said before.  I think I read it  in Vogue China a while ago, the things that have not changed - she wants to find someone she loves and loves her (the way I read this is that there is mutual attraction at the very fundamental levels, love with no strings attached), just the way you are kind of thing)... nice hands, a good sense of humor will be great as it will be easier to communicate with him...   things that are new in the latest interview - warm, considerate and genuine (Weibo users interpret that she actually meant someone who knows his bounds when making jokes...)...   The recent Ellen article reiterated her need to have someone who appreciates her as who she is.

I don't think she would go more specific than this.. to her the interactions between her and her man is of utmost importance... i.e. she is a sensing person.  I think Siwon fits the bill pretty well.. he might need to pay attention to the way he jokes... but other than that.. he sounds spot-on  :-)    Another thing came to my mind is if she is willing to adopt Christian faith for SW... SW has not mentioned in recent interviews that his bride has to be Christian.. but in the past, it seems very important. 

Sorry I won't have the bandwidth to do a detailed research ... 

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