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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Thank @liddi for the translation. LW was updated with her new phone...it is iPhone 6s. Oh Wow....Cool! Do you know what is the color of her iPhone 6? Just curious is someone know....Hihi...:) Have a nice day! LW looks gorgeous on her outfit. She is wearing boots (like she had mentioned before in an interview.) Amazing! I love her style...:) 

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@liddi OMG that is hardcore code for me

I feel like there is a moment that LW forget that she supposed  to hide her relationship.  :w00t:

Well announcement on H&M is possibility but i dont think they want to make a grand announcement  since he will still be in the military duty .. 

But im am more convinced  day by day that indeed they are having a great relationship. I hope it will be longlast , end in marriage with beautiful  kids..  :wub:

Being stopped by his girlfriend if he try to give free hugs? Of course!!! Liu Wen even stop him from greetings  fans on  the street... let alone hugs? Hahaahaha ... no wonder we could expect  some conflict between ELF/siwonest  with LW, :w00t:

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@liddi OMG that is hardcore code for me

I feel like there is a moment that LW forget that she supposed  to hide her relationship.  :w00t:

Well announcement on H&M is possibility but i dont think they want to make a grand announcement  since he will still be in the military duty .. 

But im am more convinced  day by day that indeed they are having a great relationship. I hope it will be longlast , end in marriage with beautiful  kids..  :wub:

Being stopped by his girlfriend if he try to give free hugs? Of course!!! Liu Wen even stop him from greetings  fans on  the street... let alone hugs? Hahaahaha ... no wonder we could expect  some conflict between ELF/siwonest  with LW, :w00t:

The Seine picture is beautiful.. locks and sunset.

@liddi - seems like Weibo users interpret Wen Feng's caption as she/he is trying to upload the videos they shot in London and Seoul but they couldn't due to unstable connectivity in Paris... all the users were saying to share the Seoul video first... and the London one can wait... :-)

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@Kculturefun That explanation makes sense. In which case, perhaps we might get to see Mr Choi with her on screen again, sooner than we think :) Can't wait for that installment of Wen Li!

Retracing posts from yesterday...

" I believe that love is unwavering - it is not susceptible to external interference, nor is it influenced by oneself"  - how do you interpret " nor is it influenced/ interfered by onelse... 

I believe she is talking about an immovable love, that is not shaken even by their own willful behaviour or self-serving demands. A mature love, which is nurtured through understanding and consideration for the one they love. This is reminiscent of what he repeated spoke of in interviews before, when he described his ideal woman as 实在 - realistic and reliable. 

Her interviews/articles that we've seen post-LFIL have been consistent throughout, from the STACCATO Q&A in July, her email interview after, and now, the ELLE article she penned post-August - her belief that love is 坚定 - unwavering, steadfast commitment to the relationship. She does not see obstacles as insurmountable, be it distance, nationality, external pressures - as long as the parties involved are invested and committed. 

I am suddenly very much reminded of this scripture from the Bible which describes real love.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, NIV

And from what Liu Wen and Siwon have expressed and done time and again, they are certainly on the right track.

Siwon's Myeongdong date with his girlfriend statement definitely came out of left field, but I think we've come to expect the unexpected from the man. Suffice to say he is continuing to keep everyone on their toes. I do think that it is a possibility he is also gently testing the waters to see what the reaction is if he announced he had a girlfriend, having already seen the kind of reaction that came from his "single" statement. It will be interesting to see what happens on Nov 5th in Myeongdong :P 

As for any announcement before or during the H&M CNY 2016 campaign launch... who knows what will happen. If it does materialise, it's certainly absolutely wonderful for us shippers, but even if it is not, it is fine for me too. My stance remains the same - to trust these two to make the right decisions and choices, at the time that they deem is right. As it is, I am already prepared for the quiet that will surely come after he enlists, perhaps after 28 Jan.

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Kangmin commented on Siwon's eating appetite. Here is the link if you guys are interested in reading.

Oh and apparently according to Siwon's Taiwanese fans,  Siwon will be a spokesperson for RPG LINE GAME 《LINE Corporation》in Taiwan. They also made a fan-made video of Siwon wishing his fans happy Moon festival.



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Hmmm..... Hello all ^^

How are you? :wub:

Apin's here... kkkkk

Nice to know you~~~


hmmmm... ok, that's it XD


Good night ~~~^^



Hello Apin! Why just now?! Lol! Welcome to this thread and thank you for all the eng subbed videos! You made our viewing experience of LFIL possible! Please stay around :-)

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - you have a lot of great points, but I am not sure Jan 28 will be a day of reveal, I think we did talk about that we may have different definition of reveal.. we fully anticipate some sweet, cute moments from them on Jan. 28, but does that indicate a reveal? especially with SW out of the picture...if the evidence is unequivocal, , I think some of SW's fans will skin LW alive... However, with SW's single comments, people will believe what they want to believe, we shippers will see love, sweetness, etc. and believe their couplehood, LW's fans will support her and call SW work partners, the same holds true for SW's fans.. LW will get some hate but it will pass... that is why I am not sure 1/28 will be a big reveal day.. but who knows...I thought they would remain mum the whole time, then "single" happened. 

Basically, if the "single" comment is truth, if they really are telling us they aren't together with that remark, why say it when hours later they'd be getting all lovey-dovey for H&M? I suppose they could be telling us that, hey, don't get the wrong idea with this campaign; we're actually single and are just playing a couple for work. Their H&M posts on IG, in which they make their relationship sound totally professional, would also then make sense.

But that premise is hard to buy when you watch the teaser vid in which they are so obviously together. If that's all acting, why work so hard to promote an image of yourselves as a couple when hours earlier you'd told everyone that, hey, we actually aren't a couple? It just doesn't make sense. Accept any one of the three explanations in my previous post, however, and it all falls into place. :P

And I think we're forgetting why they're doing this for H&M. Most of us here don't believe their primary motivation is money or exposure because they have enough of those things, right? So, ask yourselves, why would they do this campaign? This is why I think that even if 1/28 won't be the date of an OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, the launch will make it clear that they are a couple, or why else would they front this campaign when they're fully aware of the implications of doing so?

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - you have a lot of great points, but I am not sure Jan 28 will be a day of reveal, I think we did talk about that we may have different definition of reveal.. we fully anticipate some sweet, cute moments from them on Jan. 28, but does that indicate a reveal? especially with SW out of the picture...if the evidence is unequivocal, , I think some of SW's fans will skin LW alive... However, with SW's single comments, people will believe what they want to believe, we shippers will see love, sweetness, etc. and believe their couplehood, LW's fans will support her and call SW work partners, the same holds true for SW's fans.. LW will get some hate but it will pass... that is why I am not sure 1/28 will be a big reveal day.. but who knows...I thought they would remain mum the whole time, then "single" happened. 

Basically, if the "single" comment is truth, if they really are telling us they aren't together with that remark, why say it when hours later they'd be getting all lovey-dovey for H&M? I suppose they could be telling us that, hey, don't get the wrong idea with this campaign; we're actually single and are just playing a couple for work. Their H&M posts on IG, in which they make their relationship sound totally professional, would also then make sense.

But that premise is hard to buy when you watch the teaser vid in which they are so obviously together. If that's all acting, why work so hard to promote an image of yourselves as a couple when hours earlier you'd told everyone that, hey, we actually aren't a couple? It just doesn't make sense. Accept any one of the three explanations in my previous post, however, and it all falls into place. :P

And I think we're forgetting why they're doing this for H&M. Most of us here don't believe their primary motivation is money or exposure because they have enough of those things, right? So, ask yourselves, why would they do this campaign? This is why I think that even if 1/28 won't be the date of an OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, the launch will make it clear that they are a couple, or why else would they front this campaign when they're fully aware of the implications of doing so?

Hi there!  I believe they are a couple, that is why I am spending time shipping them, :-)  I am trying to balance my time so I won't spend too much time, :-)  I am just saying that 1/28 probably won't give us a lot more evidence than we already have.. but we will get sweet and cute moments, I am sure... I watched Zhou Xuan's video again the other day, m,  it screams love and sweetness! 

Liu Wen just shared her London WenLi video on her weibo, it is cute... she also put out a teaser for the Seoul episode!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Liu Wen's Weibo and IG updates:

Wen Li's London episode:

伦敦很美,@Burberry 很美,风衣很美,双肩包也很美!!!
London is truly beautiful, Burberry is truly beautiful, trenchcoat is truly beautiful, shoulder bag is also truly beautiful!!!


There are photos of the incident that led to the delay in JFK, followed by her time in London, including her commentary on what caught her eye in the Burberry show. It ends with her departure from London to Seoul on 22 Sep.

Can't wait for the Seoul episode!!!

Two different IG and Weibo updates...





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Hi there!  I believe they are a couple, that is why I am spending time shipping them, :-)  I am trying to balance my time so I won't spend too much time, :-)  I am just saying that 1/28 probably won't give us a lot more evidence than we already have.. but we will get sweet and cute moments, I am sure... I watched Zhou Xuan's video again the other day, m,  it screams love and sweetness! 

Liu Wen just shared her London WenLi video on her weibo, it is cute... she also put out a teaser for the Seoul episode!

Have a great weekend everyone!

As I said, no "WE ARE OFFICIALLY BF & GF!" stamped on their foreheads on 1/28, but we'll get vids like the Kaos', and that they're a couple will be unequivocally accepted by everyone except the hardcore morons. This is classy and really the best way to do it since they want to be direct but indirect about it at the same time (especially Siwon). An official statement from his agency like what Mr. Song did is absolutely out of the question. Unlike you, I disagree that the timing isn't ideal; Siwon won't be around to field any questions and as for Liu Wen being skinned alive? Please. It'll be the height of the fashion season then, and she'll be so busy that she won't be hounded by reporters, and she wouldn't give a shite about what the losers say online.

And yes, it's kind of moot to be still debating whether they're really a couple at this point. That latest ELLE interview with Liu Wen basically confirms the relationship.

Meanwhile, there are more goodies from Liu Wen - the first is an in-depth Q&A conducted for H&M on their official American website:


Like any typical Aquarian girl, she values her freedom above all else, so Siwon, if you're expecting Liu Wen to be a good little Christian girl, a real Eastern type who's subservient to her in-laws, think again! And her model icon is Carmen Dell'Orefice - what excellent taste!

Lastly, here's Liu Wen helping to make hunger stop for Michael Kors:

I'd have appreciated it if they'd booted off Lily Aldridge for a black model (diversity, baby!), but I can't help liking Lily after watching this video. ;) And stereotypical blonde bombshells aren't normally my cup of tea, but ugh, Candice is just sickeningly gorgeous. Liu's still the biggest sweetheart, though. :wub:


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Guest lhetnear

First of all I don't want to offend anyone or  bring up misunderstanding.But I find it absurd why would H&M put LW&SW for the campaign ad where had been done by previous married couple like the KAO'S and why SW for the fact that this ad would not be available in Korea and he couldn't be around to promote it either,and I'm quite sure both LW&SW know that there are more hot and known chinese couple to do the ad if they are not really in a relationship and for sure they know the consequences of their actions.

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Oh, please. They may truly be a couple and all, but I kind of resent it that every time she's pictured by herself in a vaguely moody setting, people automatically assume she must be lonely and sad.

Many girls find plenty of happiness being by themselves, thank you; not all need a precious Oppa by their side at all times to feel good.

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Hi everyone, how was your day? Could anyone please translate for us newest weibo update of LW's team? Thank you so much. Wishing you a good day. Have a lovely weekend! 

Nothing really, Wen Feng just said they are touring around in Paris, it is wonderful that they did not even get lost once... (LW is really bad with directions... she recently got lost in NYC..) they are pulling her leg. 

I think they are doing the Paris WenLi video... the brands of her coat and shoulder bag (Chanel) are mentioned. 

Edited by Kculturefun
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I found out another Weibo user which is also 16 fans have posted a picture about our couple. I don't know how to post a picture in here so here is the link of it. I hope you guys can open it..It's the newest post on the weibo. 

Original post: 


But because I don't know how to paste the picture into this thread so could you find the picture under this post and let us know what's the meaning of it? @Liddi? Thank you so much for your help. 

Have a good day! 

Big hugs and kisses! 

Edited by lil_babykitty_stv
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