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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Methinks if someone with that specific criteria cannot be the partner, would he send his faithful proxy in his stead? Though does anyone even know if that proxy can hold a tune? :sweatingbullets:

@silvergrey When Shi Shi sang the duet with Nicky, it wasn't their onstage chemistry that got me excited though it was really sweet, but their rehearsal interactions here. Hm... sounds similar to another couple we know ;) 

@mywebfoot Just watching the videos made me emotional... and I am not even very aware of the controversy that led to Han Geng's departure. It is wonderful that Siwon continues to maintain that relationship with him... which speaks volumes about their bond and Siwon. doesn't it?

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@liddi  Yes, that girl did know and loved to make the most of his weak spots. :P The BTSs are always the most exciting to me, whether it is LongShi or Shiliu couple. Far more crumbs to snatch up then the usual polished official appearances. 

Ahahahaha ... Seoul Police's promo starts off like some sensual menswear advertisement. Thanks, @Siwonest16.

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Guest mywebfoot

@Siwonest16 That was awesomely, disrepectfully funny. Love it.

@liddi @silvergrey Glad you enjoyed those videos. It does say something about Siwon's loyalty and ability to maintain a friendship across time, distance and a very nasty separation. They were young then, and words were spoken that were not easily taken back, and still Siwon and a few others have overcome those barriers to keep up ties with HanGeng. 

I'll support LiuWen's publicity efforts, but the more I see, the more I think she needs a savvy advisor. I am not convinced these shows she's doing is the best thing for her career or her brand. Some of the things happening around her needs the intervention of someone (an agent, a manager?) more well-versed in proactively dealing with the madness that comes with celeb status. 

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LW has just posted a new video clip on IG. She's so cute and kind of sexy in the same time ;) Wondering who helped her film the video clip :P

BTW someone has arealdy left a few ugly comments on LW's IG and even tagged Jiwon in. I wish a certain policeman could make his appearance and either give this childish person a stern warning or ban her from commenting altogether  :))



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@moonee Love that video of hers! Now if only I look a fraction as good in the morning!

And the nasty hater ironically is not doing herself any favours nor endearing herself to the Chois with her antics. Certainly hope she reaps the consequences of her actions swiftly.

ELLE posted a silent video of Liu Wen singing... she is absolutely adorable! Please don't tell me she is practicing for her upcoming duet :D 

#表姐刘雯发福啦#说好的“彩蛋”来了,你一定没见过这样的表姐@刘雯 ——真实、逗比、唱着唱着就开怀大笑起来… 那么问题来了:你猜猜表姐在唱什么歌?(提示:跟发型有关哦~) 直接在评论里写下你的答案。评论破1万,我们将冒着被表姐追着打的危险放出有声版 [嘘] 
#Older Cousin Liu Wen is giving gifts# The promised "Easter Egg" is here. You definitely have never seen this side of Older Cousin Liu Wen - genuine, funny, bursting out laughing while singing... So the question is: Can you guess what song Older Cousin was singing? (Hint: It has to do with hair style~) Directly post your answers in the comments. If the comments exceed 10,000, we will risk the danger of Older Cousin chasing and hitting us, and post the version with sound.


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Guest mywebfoot
32 minutes ago, liddi said:

ELLE has released Liu Wen's singing video with sound... love her exuberance though I think she needs more one-to-one singing lessons :D :P



Omo. Does anyone recognise the song? It sounds like she's singing in Korean? Saying "Joa, joa"?

ROFL, I know it's hard to recognize.... ;)

Can't blame her. Singing teacher only available once every 2 months.... :D


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@mywebfoot Apparently she is singing the main theme from an old Chinese cartoon series 葫芦娃 Calabash Boys, the original of which can be heard here:

What she yelled at the end was "妖怪哪里跑 Where do you think you can run to, monsters!" :D 

And nope, I can't hear any similarity between the original and her version :sweatingbullets:

Weibo comments are so funny... "One shouldn't have stopped the medication", "Are you sure you really want to sing?", "My baby was frightened [by the singing]. Calling 112 in Seoul for Policeman Choi to arrest Crazy Liu" :lol:

Her singing teacher better intensify his training!

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with the latest guessing of Liu Wen's duet partner, Siwon's desire to be present for CNY and the possible visitation privileges, has lead my imagination to go into overdrive.  i mean it can't be too impossible when we have this rumored Choi helicopter or surely his close friendship to Jackie Chan must include use of his private jet to heal Siwon's lovesick heart?

okay, i admit it...it's highly far fetched, but to quote Siwon "everything is easy" and "love is most important", so c'mon Siwon, i have strong faith in your words ;)

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Guest mywebfoot
36 minutes ago, burgl said:

with the latest guessing of Liu Wen's duet partner, Siwon's desire to be present for CNY and the possible visitation privileges, has lead my imagination to go into overdrive.  i mean it can't be too impossible when we have this rumored Choi helicopter or surely his close friendship to Jackie Chan must include use of his private jet to heal Siwon's lovesick heart?

okay, i admit it...it's highly far fetched, but to quote Siwon "everything is easy" and "love is most important", so c'mon Siwon, i have strong faith in your words ;)

@burgl I swear, if what you just described actually happened, I am not sure there are enough resuscitation kits in the world to revive all the slain shippers. Rational me knows that it can't happen, but shipper me is sold. Sold.

@liddi the comments! >.<  I am laughing and cringing for her. The comment about "Older Cousin's less well known singing abilities" seem wryly humorous now. I think they are also well aware of her erm... under-trained singing voice!

I hope the crazy fans take these comments in the good-natured teasing tone they seem to be in. LiuWen herself seems capable of being teased, as her team's hidden camera activities indicate. 


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On 1/26/2016 at 11:28 PM, mywebfoot said:

@burgl I swear, if what you just described actually happened, I am not sure there are enough resuscitation kits in the world to revive all the slain shippers. Rational me knows that it can't happen, but shipper me is sold. Sold.

@liddi the comments! >.<  I am laughing and cringing for her. The comment about "Older Cousin's less well known singing abilities" seem wryly humorous now. I think they are also well aware of her erm... under-trained singing voice!

I hope the crazy fans take these comments in the good-natured teasing tone they seem to be in. LiuWen herself seems capable of being teased, as her team's hidden camera activities indicate. 


....i agree, but shipper me is so much funner than rational me :D  can i at least hope for a special Siwon instagram entry on Jan 27 (hee hee)?

here's a recent Ryeowook entry, poor SuJu (but exactly which friends are you referring to?)

mwave]Super Junior′s Ryeowook Says Everyone Else Dates in Secret, But He′s Really Single

Super Junior′s Ryeowook revealed that he′s currently single and lonely.

Ryeowook held a showcase to celebrate the release of his first solo album The Little Prince at the Hyundai Card Understage in Seoul′s Hannam-dong on January 25.

On the song ′loneliness′ expressed in his album, Ryeowook said, “There are times when I feel lonely. Even if I did have a girlfriend, I can′t go public with it or walk around holding hands in the open. I think things that don′t seem like anything can be difficult for me.”

He continued, “And since I started working, dating hasn′t been easy. Everyone lies and says they don′t have a girlfriend even though they do, but I really don′t have a girlfriend, so I′m more lonely. My other friends even lie as they date, but there are times I think, ′I only work.′ But I think from another perspective, there are people waiting for me, so I try not to let the loneliness get to me.”

Meanwhile, Ryeowook′s first solo album The Little Prince, which contains six tracks that highlight Ryeowook′s charming voice and delicate sensibility, including title song The Little Prince, will be released at midnight on January 28.

The title song The Little Prince is a ballad inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry′s novella The Little Prince about a man who is suffering because of love and his conversation with the Little Prince, expressed through Ryeowook′s delicate and sweet voice.

credit to mysilentmemory

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