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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest deepblue_1

Cr: @mun+won/weibo

munwonnie made some short translations for the MBC entertainment news (for full translation let's wait for the Chinese video web iQiyi.)


SW introduced that all the desks at MOST were decorated by the actors themselves (WHAT DID I SAY!!!:phew:); his beard will be shaved by 19th Nov irregardless; imagined what his future would be like 10 years from now, with his lifelong partner by his side, and becoming a good parent like his dad; received too many fortune cookies to the point that he's able to set up a store...

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Hi all my happy-shipper friends, just want to add one more cookie here, Liu wen's latest weibo update was posted at 10:16 today (16 Oct). What does this mean ;)

to add on this, i think siwon posted his 1616th weibo post at exactly 10:16 timestamp 


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Cr: @mun+won/weibo

munwonnie made some short translations for the MBC entertainment news (for full translation let's wait for the Chinese video web iQiyi.)


SW introduced that all the desks at MOST were decorated by the actors themselves (WHAT DID I SAY!!!:phew:); his beard will be shaved by 19th Nov irregardless; imagined what his future would be like 10 years from now, with his lifelong partner by his side, and becoming a good parent like his dad; received too many fortune cookies to the point that he's able to set up a store...

lol so the pictures all decorated by choi siwon :P 

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Guest deepblue_1

Cr: @JY同学/weibo 

Looks like SW already started decorating his desk with LW's covers since Ep 2. Where the 3 covers are now, it used to be a Grazia cover of LW.


Cr: @ALLStan/weibo  

Translation of the scene showing the magazine covers

女:(拿起杂志)信赫xi看来是很喜欢这类的女性啊~ 画外音:诶呦,天啊,始源xi,被逮着了哦~ 崔:啊,这是道具,根本就没在意(一把扔了出去) 女:女性还挺多啊(指表姐的cover) 崔:嗯,这是认识的熟人。

Interviewer: (holds up the magazine) Looks like Shin Hyuk-ssi likes this type of women very much~ 

Voice over: Aiyo, omg, Siwon-ssi, you've been caught~

SW: Ah, it's a prop, I didn't even notice it (chucks the magazine aside)

Interviewer: There's quite a number of women (referring to LW's covers) [me: geesus, they're the same person lady, can't you tell?!]

SW: Yea, she's someone I know well.

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@deepblue_1 Thank you for sharing all the tidbits! It's amazing how JY同学 managed to decipher that it was Liu Wen's Grazia cover, despite it being blurred out :D So she has been accompanying him at work since the very beginning... :rolleyes: Now I get the feeling that it's an open secret among the cast and crew in She Was Pretty as well. Suddenly I can't help but believe that she would have visited them on set... ackk... where is the additional footage of Wen Li in Seoul??

Here is the link for Siwon's Section TV interview. Unfortunately it does not show him introducing the MOST workplace... argh! As for the complete program, I can't view iqiyi due to geographical location... were you able to see what magazine he threw aside?

Edited by liddi
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Guest deepblue_1

@liddi I went to search the korean websites for the full raw torrent file http://www.tosarang2.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=torrent_kortv_ent&wr_id=51207 This is 720p. Munwonnie is still in the midst of uploading a miaopai version but it's gonna take some time.

The magazine which he chucked aside is a cover of a western model, can't tell who she is. It's a prop that wasn't planned by him, but LW's covers were all his idea.

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@deepblue_1 You're a lifesaver... thank you! Can't wait for a fully translated version :) Thanks to Mr Choi, now I will have to pause and zoom in every workdesk scene of his in upcoming SWP episodes. Dare we hope that we will see her cameo in it perhaps in the last episode? :w00t:

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Sadly, that's no confirmation of the relationship - what's revelatory about magazine covers on his character's desk? I suppose there's no way he could talk about being in a relationship since he's already publicly stated that he's single. And if anyone thought the nods to Liu Wen were the staff's idea rather than Siwon's, I'd be at a loss for words.

If we don't get Kao-like videos on Jan. the 28th, we'll be in for such an interminably long fallow period that many of us might fall off the shipper train. As it is, it'll be a particularly dry autumn if there are no whispers of a meet-up from now until the enlistment. Thanks to the idiotic fans and media, we probably shouldn't expect any hints on our couple's SNSs.

Now, we need to find a way to tie Liu Wen down in the East Asian region until Nov. the 19th...


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When I saw Siwon's "He's cute..."IG post, I thought he was implying Liu Wen since everything fits her to a T... if you just change he to she... and we know he likes to play with words like LW does... then I saw #Iloveyouelf...

:).  Never mind, he seems to be in a good mood.   The Donghae "I miss you" farewell photo is a bit delayed, isn't it?

Looks like the military service is 21 months with the exception of air force, which is 24 mos. So Siwon should be done with his service in July 2017, right? 

Edited by Kculturefun
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Meh, I never for a second thought he was referring to anyone but himself. I'm trying to picture Liu Wen making that sort of post after receiving such fulsome compliments from fans, and I can't because I know she regards herself as an insignificant person who just happened to fall into the world of fashion. She's not full of herself, to put it bluntly.

I'm reminded of the first episode when the band members asked SW & LW about their first impressions of one another, and SW responded by praising LW's beauty; she looked genuinely embarrassed when he did so. On the other hand, SW looked a bit miffed when LW began by praising his Chinese; he appeared a tad more pleased when she mentioned his looks, though! :lol: And no, I didn't need the captions to clue me in as to how he was feeling! :P

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We will wait for the English translation of the Section TV interview... but someone on Weibo did a rough Chinese translation... so this is a rough capture of the rough translation of the key points.

1) Drama set - The actors decorated their workspace themselves, i.e. Siwon put Liu Wen's pictures on the wall.  He referred to her as "someone I know well" when asked by the interviewer

2) Comparison to his role in the drama - both have sunny demeanor and positive energy.  He is envious of his character in the show because he can do whatever he wants...

3) On romance / dating - he does not think he knows the ins and outs of dating (which is contrary to his reputation as a guy who knows how to woo a woman).  Entertainers such as himself are judged on the outcome of their efforts, so they have to manage/discipline themselves, develop themselves, not many women can understand their work/life.  A woman is probably ok with it for 1-2 months, but after that, it is tough... women are all the same.  (I really don't know what he is talking about here, I am not sure if he is talking about not having enough time for his GF, or an idol's on-going appeasing to female fan base... maybe both). 

4) Next 10 years - SJ has been the most amazing experience for the past 10 years, in the next 10 years (he will be trying something different) because being SJ in one's 30s is a bit scary. Also,it would be too sad to start the next 10 years alone, he would like to be an awesome Dad like his father (in this part, he seems happy, relaxed, he was smiling... if I am not mistaken)

5) Enlistment - in the next 2 years, he will be only doing one thing (his army service) but he will also be using the two years to plan for his future. 

5) The female reporter joked about wanting to meet his father, which took Siwon by surprise. They bantered back and forth, basically Siwon only introduces someone special to his Dad, so what we saw on the show was true.  (He was asking jokingly that if the female reporter was applying to date him by meeting his father...  she replied no awkwardly) 

So my takeaway from this - SW and LW are dating (the interview is 4-5 days ago), they are serious. However, they also have their challenges (.if I have to link this with LW's recent comments, I would say some of this might be due to an idol's life, i.e. appease to fans, have to hide, not spending enough time together, etc.).. he is hopeful for a future with LW (as men usually don't talk about future unless there is something concrete they can wrap their brains around, Siwon is the kind that likes to talk about future, we saw it on the show a number of times). I did not get the impression he is sweating over the 2 year enlistment... but let's wait for the actual translation. 

Edited by Kculturefun
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Thanks for the rough translation. The reporter must've done her homework and would've wanted to ask about the realness of the relationship with Liu Wen, but of course we know why she didn't. "Ok with it for 1-2 months, but after that, it is tough... women are all the same" - he's likely referring to Liu Wen here, IMO. Yes, darling, women are all the same in that we want to spend more time with a person in order for that relationship to grow instead of just going on a few TV dates and being satisfied that we're now in a "relationship". We're a strange breed, aren't we?

Liu Wen is probably thinking, you have more than enough wealth, fame...what's the need to still continually devote yourself to your professional life for? If you have no time for your girlfriend and spend most if not all of it on your career and appeasing your fans, then you've clearly made your choice as to what is most important. It totally isn't wrong if he has made that choice, but don't expect the lonely and insecure girlfriend to take absolutely no issue with it.

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 I am actually glad that Siwon realizes that women are all the same deep down when it comes to love, whether she is supermodel or just a girl waiting on tables, they want the same thing, be the center of their men's attention.  Not sure if Siwon has underestimated the attention LW might need. 

LW works extremely hard so it is safe to assume that she understands and supports Siwon's busy work schedule, e.g. she was very supportive of him during his movie premiere in the show.  If anything I think she might have issues with him appeasing his fans all the time,  it does not make a girlfriend (any girlfriend) feel good (some of the fans think they are their idols' GFs probably), let alone a girl who dates for the first time in her life.  Just my 2 cents.

So I think the 2 year enlistment comes at the right time, as difficult as it will be, it does take them away from the spotlight so they can focus on each other.  Both of them might need to make some compromises to make things work.  

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Guest mywebfoot

This recent set of answers definitely point to dating or at the very least, as the Koreans say, a "something" relationship. Its a term that's come into recent popularity, indicating interest from both parties and a semi-official status.
As we've discussed earlier, it's one possible explanation for their ongoing positive relationship while each claims to be single. It also helps to lower these painful expectations that might put undue pressure on their LDR. SiWon is well-versed in the difficulties of being Super Juinor AND being in a committed realtionship, so this is very consistent with him during LFIL.
Overall, ignoring the specific words, but just going for the gist of things, I'd say we have blue skies and sunny weather. :)

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