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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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A photo from someone with a great sense of humour and skill for photoshop:

This is when Hyun Soo insisted he had to carry Eun Dong by piggyback because she couldn't possibly walk up all those flight of stairs with a sprained ankle.  Ha Ha !

Cr. DCInside

That CGI of the stairs was only in the webdrama, in the actual episode they removed it right?

[photo of stairway to heaven deleted]

@jel_em was that really in the webdrama?  I don't remember seeing it there.  I thought someone made it up!

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Guest meelis

Joining the discussion about the adoptive parents, we forget that all this time they were in possession of Eun Dong's personal belongings, including her diary. We know what she wrote there when she was 13, but actually we don't know if she kept writing in it until she met Hyun Soo for the second time and how much of their story she disclosed in the diary (p.ex. if she wrote about their 2n3d escape. But in any case, they knew very well what he meant to her and what they're taking away from her, so no excuse for their actions. 

As to Ra Il's paternity, whether JH lied to them or they just assumed he was the father, they just believed what they wanted to believe in that particular moment and under those circumstances. 

- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

Interesting you bring her up.  She caught my attention in EP 10 since it's her 2nd appearance and it's in EP 10.  So much was packed into that episode happened and I couldn't think why she got that screen time.  I did wonder if she will become much more important for HB or for the drama though I couldn't think of how.

Maybe HB will start an affair with her and SR will learn (of course) about it, so she'll blackmail him (he's married, right?) to do something against Eun Ho's interests?   

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- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

Interesting you bring her up.  She caught my attention in EP 10 since it's her 2nd appearance and it's in EP 10.  So much was packed into that episode happened and I couldn't think why she got that screen time.  I did wonder if she will become much more important for HB or for the drama though I couldn't think of how.

I believe, she will. The fact he followed her in order to listen to her playing piano. HB has always been sticked to EH and it seems, he never thought about himself... falling in love is what will make HB support EH. So far, he had been supporting SR because she was rich, beautiful, smart aso... but HB needs to realise that if there is no love, then the pedigree as such doesn't matter at all. EH has finally realised how low SR is, but HB hasn't fully yet. Moreover, HB could also get aware of SR's real feelings: she wants to be EH's love, it is her obsession... she is so used to be admired that she can't stand not to be noticed by him.

This plot idea makes sense and fits in with the main theme: vastly different kinds and expressions of 'love.' I am surprised she will add another major plot line but I see how that this might be necessary.  HB was a jerk as a young man and EH only kept him in his life because he is one of the few people who actually knows ED existed other than himself.  But nothing that happened in his life was able to change his ways so far, marrying his first love didn't do it for him.  He calls it hell.   He remainds a 'sok-mul' through and through.  I see how something really major needed to happen for him to change his ways and be able to understand EH's pure love for ED.  I like this turn of events.

SR wants him to love her, but I doubt, she is loving him. She would like to be his longlasting love, just like in the movie that made EH famous. She said, she fell in love with him after watching the movie that had a similar situation with ED. She felt, his emotions were real and she wants to be the recipient of such a love. Ro conclude, I believe, she felt that deep love from EH in the movie and since she is self-centered, she would like to have such a lover. She has no problem with sleeping with men, while she is supposed to be in love with EH therefore it is more about her fascination for EH's deep love than for EH himself. 

Except SR suffers from hearing problems blinded by her obsession.  When she told EH how much she loved his acting in that drama and that's when she fell in love with him, he told her he wasn't acting.  That was 'his situation,' or 'his state of mind at that time.'  (He was in love with ED and she had disappeared and he was missing her like crazy.)  That's what he said in Korean.  This was during their conversation when SR asked him what he would do if he finds ED but she's married with a child.  He told her it wouldn't change how he felt though he might be limited in what he could do.

SR didn't really hear him did she?    I just love the way the writer-nim keeps EH and ED strong, honest and forthright about their love no matter who they are dealing with and under what circumstances.  I trust this will continue on and that's what makes this drama so 'easy' to watch.  It's as smooth as vanilla ice cream, but really good home made ice cream with quality ingredients and with much personal affection.

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@bebebisous33 the father speaking with the reporter is in the preview for the next episode

Thanks @thegoldbug!  @bebebisous here is translation of the EP 11 video preview I posted earlier, many many pages ago, this thread is moving really fast -- and I'm keeping up with every post and love them all ~

Episode 11 Video Preview:


ED:  I am going to go back to 10 years ago, I want to start over again

JH: I would like to have a baby I need something that will bind Jung Eun and me together.  I don’t have that.

EH’s dad:  You don’t like green onions?

Ra il:  I don’t like it because it’s slippery.

EH’s mom: He sounded like Eun Ho when he was young.

SR: I want to shake Ji Eun Ho right down to the roots

ED’s father:  This book is all a lie.

ED:  Oppa, Hyun Soo oppa!

EH:  You waited for a long time huh?

ED:  The one who waited for a long time is you.

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@valsava I agree that adopted mom and dad not only know that Ra ll's father is HS they also know JH ran the red light and the car was hit by the truck, no swerving.  As you said there is no way that there wasn't a police report and that her guardians weren't told the circumstances surrounding the accident.  In my opinion adopted dad blamed ED for not loving JH and loving someones else.  He viewed the her as driving JH to drive so rashly, leading to the accident.  Unless were suppose to suspend belief that the accident was investigated with two people being left disabled and her parents not even curious about the cause of the accident they knew.

@thegoldbug,  BINGO,  Just as I have said she is being blamed because of her not loving him adopted dad feel that it's betrayal of the highest form for her to have been dating him and then wanting to dumping him even with is lucrative career ahead of him she still didn't want him and adopted dad couldn't believe she would want someone like EH with no promising future already in his face not even a goal for that matters Eh goals always was build around him and ED together 


Hi there, I made an account just to comment on this thread. Initially, this drama didn’t interest me at all due to its rather lackluster title and the plot’s focus on the whole ‘first love’ thing. I first thought this drama would be bland, cheesy, and a hot mess full of cringe-worthy moments, but nope. Nah. Oops. My prejudice got the better of me. My unfamiliarity of the main cast made me view the drama more objectively, without any bias. The directing and acting is top-notch, and just like a lot of you, I’d like to see more of the writer’s works in the future. I’d admit that I was turned off by a series of the plot’s clichéd points; orphaned MC, amnesia,

Welcome aboard @gudetamayongg don't you love it when a drama pops up and surprises and entertain you like this?


- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

Interesting you bring her up.  She caught my attention in EP 10 since it's her 2nd appearance and it's in EP 10.  So much was packed into that episode happened and I couldn't think why she got that screen time.  I did wonder if she will become much more important for HB or for the drama though I couldn't think of how.

I believe, she will. The fact he followed her in order to listen to her playing piano. HB has always been sticked to EH and it seems, he never thought about himself... falling in love is what will make HB support EH. So far, he had been supporting SR because she was rich, beautiful, smart aso... but HB needs to realise that if there is no love, then the pedigree as such doesn't matter at all. EH has finally realised how low SR is, but HB hasn't fully yet. Moreover, HB could also get aware of SR's real feelings: she wants to be EH's love, it is her obsession... she is so used to be admired that she can't stand not to be noticed by him.

SR wants him to love her, but I doubt, she is loving him. She would like to be his longlasting love, just like in the movie that made EH famous. She said, she fell in love with him after watching the movie that had a similar situation with ED. She felt, his emotions were real and she wants to be the recipient of such a love. Ro conclude, I believe, she felt that deep love from EH in the movie and since she is self-centered, she would like to have such a lover. She has no problem with sleeping with men, while she is supposed to be in love with EH therefore it is more about her fascination for EH's deep love than for EH himself. 

@bebebisous33,  So spot on about SR she had always thought due to EH career he had been with more then one partner but after reading that book she learned the innocent side to this handsome man who's love is only for one and she's mad it's not her.. So not only do she wants to possess EH but she also wants that love EH have for ED.. What SR fail to realize that the love that EH have for Ed no other woman could never get that out of him anymore that love was pure nothing and no one could replace that.. It's like EH and EH live on and island alone and a strong storm came and carried them into two separate ways but the island is still there waiting for the true occupants to come and reclaim it..


I think as long as HB been knowing EH he don't really know EH.. EH have been around long enough to know how the rich works even though his parents aren't rich that not lacking and always been a laid back family type unit and EH knows if things don't work out between the two he's not going have no one looking down on his parents he knows his background really don't fit with SR..  Why worry his parents with the likes of these people EH parents are the most sweet and down to earth people you would want to know and SR alone is enough to say something out of line to his mom and cross the line because this is how the snob are.. HB isn't thinking about the whole picture it's just not about SR and EH marrying the families are uniting to..              

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@valsava I agree that adopted mom and dad not only know that Ra ll's father is HS they also know JH ran the red light and the car was hit by the truck, no swerving.  As you said there is no way that there wasn't a police report and that her guardians weren't told the circumstances surrounding the accident.  In my opinion adopted dad blamed ED for not loving JH and loving someones else.  He viewed the her as driving JH to drive so rashly, leading to the accident.  Unless were suppose to suspend belief that the accident was investigated with two people being left disabled and her parents not even curious about the cause of the accident they knew.


@valsava @thegoldbug Chingus-yah.... That's a good point. The police report and its content. I agree, barring any detective/police succumbing to bribery and altered the 'truth' in the accident report, the Seos would know Jae Ho ran a red light and caused the accident. There was another car that did stop at the light and so its passengers would be viable witnesses as well. I agree too that the Seos would buy whatever Jae Ho tells them post-accident - that Eun Dong caused it by struggling with him while he was driving, and distracting his attention on the road, and swerving to save her from death, all that jazz! Eun Dong's pregnancy yes would have been discovered then and recorded, but Ra Il's parentage would not be in it, nor would the Seos have done a paternal test back then upon being told of her pregnancy. They are just too happy to dump Eun Dong into Jae Ho's waiting lap.  I believe it is still Jae Ho's lies about having fathered Ra Il, 

I agree with @gudetamayongg ...

My interpretation of Mom's, "We will receive divine punishment," was that the stepparents prevented ED from getting together with her true soulmate and have lied to her for years.

...and would add this, that 'divine punishment' scene, I believe, was referring to how they still withhold from Eun Dong the truth, but have continued to go along and keep the lies alive - about Jae Ho's plan to temporary relocate Eun Dong and son to the US so as to suppress her recovery from amnesia  (or could be on the pretense of seeking medical help for her) and, as well as support their lies about how the accident happened and how Jae Ho and Eun Dong were lovers who got pregnant with Ra Il and later became a married couple.

I'm still in line with @bebebisous33 and some others on this. and in line with her take on that JH/Seo stadium scene. Furthermore, with the upcoming ep 11 showing stepdad Seo talking to reporter Park and claiming Eun Ho's book as all lies, I suspect he could have read some of it with disbelief at what he had read, which are mostly contrary to what he knows to be the truth. Because he and stepmom Seo (who was moved by its content and decided to help Eun Dong, giving her access to her box of memories, for one...) were also largely manipulated by Jae Ho, and stepdad Seo who was in favor of Jae Ho vs Hyeon Soo, also got a deal(career move) out of it as well. I might have given stepdad Seo too much credit for 'goodness' but I really can't see him being THAT evil like Jae Ho was and still is. Not yet.

Now I'm all eager to find out THE TRUTH :phew: and er...more skinship.:P

(PS: TBH, actually I wasn't as observant as @valsava about the 5 pages, which flew past me totally, even though I've watched the ep a no. of times.ipOc4rC.gif )


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I don't understand this post is it about a real fact or MLE? If it's a real fact that writer is daebak, it's the same story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is the strangest thing @salijoo

If I am reading right it's a preview of an episode to air on July 4th SBS called '그것이 알고싶다' (I want to know about that). It's about 'a university woman who was kidnapped as a university student 10 years ago, forced into fake marriage with a paraplegic husband who blames her for the accident.  They have a daughter and story is that the father of the child comes back to claim after 10 years to claim paternal rights. Can this be real?  I don't know this is is too much for before I even finish my first cup of coffee!!!

This Canada's Birthday today! Happy Canada Day @stclaus 1


WOW so Eundong is real (not the name of course but the girl!!!)

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Yeah @gudetamayongg, like a book that you would read over and over again. When you're tired of dramas with twisted plots, or typical revenge plots or comedies, there's My Love Eun Dong, a drama that is oldschool yet new and refreshing in these modern times. I'm not saying MLE's concept is old but, it reminds us of the past dramas like Autumn In My Heart, Stairway To Heaven, those pure love stories. But what sets it apart from those dramas, is that MLE is not depressing and is not overly-dramatic. It is just the right amount of melodrama, and funny moments which is never awkward. If anyone needs his/her melodrama fix, this is the perfect one. Honestly, MLE arrived at the right time, I needed my own melodrama fix and it came to me. Fate, indeed. 

@jei_em BINGO! Concise and spot on! :w00t:

@seungshin @stclaus Happy Canada Day to you two, and all other Canadian-soompiers here.B)

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I don't understand this post is it about a real fact or MLE? If it's a real fact that writer is daebak, it's the same story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is the strangest thing @salijoo

If I am reading right it's a preview of an episode to air on July 4th SBS called '그것이 알고싶다' (I want to know about that). It's about 'a university woman who was kidnapped as a university student 10 years ago, forced into fake marriage with a paraplegic husband who blames her for the accident.  They have a daughter and story is that the father of the child comes back to claim after 10 years to claim paternal rights. Can this be real?  I don't know this is is too much for before I even finish my first cup of coffee!!!

This Canada's Birthday today! Happy Canada Day @stclaus 1

WOW so Eundong is real (not the name of course but the girl!!!)

On no...kdrama and real life, the borders are getting scarily gray:huh: but good for viewer engagement.

Just goes to show how writernim is indeed an erudite! Kudos! Keep writing, writernim. Look forward to your next project.:rolleyes:


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I'd like to add my two cents to the "marriage is sacred" crowd here.

I came to MLED late actually and was casting around after the abysmal ending of School 2015 for a drama that would fit my tragic melodramatic mind.  I had looked at MLED when it first started, intrigued by the interestingly melo poster of the stars (the one of EH leaning his head on ED's shoulder with such a sad expression) and then was repulsed by the premise of extra marital adultery.

I hold very conservative views of marriage and anything that even smacks of cheating is not something I tolerate very well much less imagine wasting my precious viewing time on.  But after School 2015 ended in such a haphazard manner, I confess to feeling a little deranged and needing something dark and tragic.....and instead I picked up this little gem of a drama unknowingly.

The first episode hooked me and then when the writer nim introduced JE who was ED and married with child to boot....I was a fish gasping for its last breath.  The way the writer hooked my sympathy for the star-crossed couple in the beginning is what kept me watching altho I confess to feeling a little yucky that EH was crazy over a married ED but when the plot deepened and I learned of their true tragic history, I found myself not feeling disgusted by EH's pursuit of ED or the fact ED loved EH in spite of her husband.  

Now that is the true hallmark of a good writer - to make a normally unpalatable theme something viewers can rally behind.  I am going to be keeping my eyes peeled for future dramas from this writer.  She deserves kudos.

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A news article about the car accident.
Here is the link: http://www.enewstoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=399693


This article is basically reviewing what happened in EP 10 and speaks about the accident but we should keep in mind this is the writer's interpretation of EP 10:


Eun Dong regains all of her memory since she met Eun Ho after reading his ardent love letter. The ‘handcart’ event is their first meeting.   Seo Jung Eun looked for Park Hyun Soo in theatre districts after seeing him on TV but was not able find him.  She then meets up with him by accident as a university student and falls madly in love with him, ruthlessly pushing away Choi Jae Ho, an ‘yin-yeon’ by his side (interesting the use of words 'yin yeon (fate)' here).

Then she remembers CJH saying ‘I’m sorry…for loving you.’ ‘I got scouted by LA Dodgers’ which triggers a brief scene from the auto accident.  She remembers being forced into a vehicle by a man and begging him to ‘please stop the car. ’  She sees a man pounding the steering wheel in extreme anger, and remembers that it’s young Choi Jae Ho.


Then she realizes each time Choi Jae Ho said ‘I’m sorry Jung Eun, I am sorry for loving you,’ over and over he was asking for forgiveness for this ‘accident.’ (me:  and the big chill down her spine!).


PS:  The 'quote' function do all kinds of strange things the more you try to fix them!

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Joining the discussion about the adoptive parents, we forget that all this time they were in possession of Eun Dong's personal belongings, including her diary. We know what she wrote there when she was 13, but actually we don't know if she kept writing in it until she met Hyun Soo for the second time and how much of their story she disclosed in the diary (p.ex. if she wrote about their 2n3d escape. But in any case, they knew very well what he meant to her and what they're taking away from her, so no excuse for their actions. 

As to Ra Il's paternity, whether JH lied to them or they just assumed he was the father, they just believed what they wanted to believe in that particular moment and under those circumstances. 

- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

Interesting you bring her up.  She caught my attention in EP 10 since it's her 2nd appearance and it's in EP 10.  So much was packed into that episode happened and I couldn't think why she got that screen time.  I did wonder if she will become much more important for HB or for the drama though I couldn't think of how.


Maybe HB will start an affair with her and SR will learn (of course) about it, so she'll blackmail him (he's married, right?) to do something against Eun Ho's interests?   

@meelis,  Come on in the water is fine,   First I have to say I know adopted mom heard about PHs from the young ED and could pick up from the conversation ED had more then just a friendship for the young PHS who was in high school and maybe 4 to 5 yrs older then her but had a very special bond to one another.. As the years passed ED quit talking about PHs and them finding each other again and adopted dad presented her in front of JH knowing a pretty girl like no young man could resist.. (I also think adopted dad didn't like her because she was a girl and had motive to sale her to the highest bidder once she was old enough) Adopted mom learned that PHS and JED had found each other again and the spark that had been put out had lite again and this time becomes a roaring fire that no one could stop they both old enough to do what they like PHS don't have to wait for the little girl to grow up she appears in front of him as the same mature JED but now a mature grown woman that they innocent love couldn't understanding what they was feeling at that time (which I think Ed knew then she would marry him as she wrote in her dairy) but now it's time to put things in order the motion of the love that flow through the two of them was to much for them to resist..


Now coming up on your comment yes the parents knew all about PHs and him and ED was together and nothing was going to stop her from being with him they couldn't keep her lock in the house and as much as the mom liked and cherished her I know she probably read ED dairy daily just to see what was going on in her life.. ED dairy alone had to have a lot of pages that she only talk about him and her dreams with him.  I know she even had to talk about they very first time together as man and woman no girl would never forget that and ED being the person that she is she may have wrote in there hoping that someday in her and PHS old age can share that together again.. To ED PHS was her whole world and the same for PHS.. Which brings me to the point of your post.. The parents knew all about him and saw pictures of her and PHS together I know she wrote in her dairy what her and PHS did that day be it a movie or what PHS took out to eat that day.. This also brought me to the conclusion o them doing something to her to erase her memories of PHS because the adopted mom said they did then it was covered up by then impact of the accident but much as that could be true but for her to recover her memory in a short amount of time after returning to Korea lead me to believe they did something to help her erase those memories.. Also ED adoptive father also at that time told the doctors that she  was adopted from another country hence easily to convience her that she was adopted from the states and JH and dad told the lie to her they moving back to the stated to help her recover her memories but her not knowing leaving Korea will help to erase those memories of her and PHS       


This is what  think they did to ED .. This is research that my good chingu @mdj101 , Research an found 


5.    AMNESIA --- Been looking it up!.   (NOT anterograde type --- no problem with NEW memories)

Retrograde Amnesia - pre-existing memories are lost to conscious recollection. 

(1)      Organic or neurological causes  (damage to brain from physical damage, neurological disease, or  use of certain drugs)/

(2)      Functional or psychogenic  causes (psychological factors, such as mental disorder, post-traumatic stress, or psychological defence mechanisms).

(3)       A third type of amnesia, post-traumatic amnesia,  a state of confusion and memory loss that occurs after a traumatic brain injury.  Amnesia that occurs due to psychological causes is called psychogenic amnesia.

 Note:...While not a usual cause of amnesia, intense stress and electro-convulsive therapy can sometimes cause amnesia.  Older memories usually return first.  But sometimes memory of events immediately before the brain trauma happened  may never be recalled.

Comment: --- I think the Writer studied AMNESIA very carefully before she wrote this drama.  I give up trying to out guess her on this now!      :P

FINAL COMMENT:... Maybe they did use electro-convulsive therapy !  I'm finding discussions and research papers online about the use of this treatment vs drug therapy for severe depression in a pregnant woman.  Instances show up where it is considered OK in all terms of pregnancy!  I can't tell what their final decision has been!  

 But if Eun Dong was diagnosed with a severe mental disorder or serious depression, it may have been approved. Did she deny the story JH gave out?  Or deny having sex with him? Claim she could not be pregnant with him?  Was she not eating?  Etc


So everything I think was done to ED after the accident is criminal and adopted dad ad JH did it out of pure spite even with mom knowing she getting her memories back and showing proof and the way ED rephrase certain question to her and how all adopted mom can tell her is just live they way she's been living because she will be hurt if she finds out all the more for me to believe that all parties are guilty and should be jailed but yet adopted mom would look her in the face knowing ED knows she lying and yet she still choose to lie..   

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I don't understand this post is it about a real fact or MLE? If it's a real fact that writer is daebak, it's the same story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is the strangest thing @salijoo

If I am reading right it's a preview of an episode to air on July 4th SBS called '그것이 알고싶다' (I want to know about that). It's about 'a university woman who was kidnapped as a university student 10 years ago, forced into fake marriage with a paraplegic husband who blames her for the accident.  They have a daughter and story is that the father of the child comes back to claim after 10 years to claim paternal rights. Can this be real?  I don't know this is is too much for before I even finish my first cup of coffee!!!

This Canada's Birthday today! Happy Canada Day @stclaus 

WOW so Eundong is real (not the name of course but the girl!!!)

Honestly, how can this story be real?  My God.  But that Korean article says SBS will air the story on Saturday !  

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It's only Wednesday and Friday feels like sooo far away....

Dear JTBC, it would be nice if we have a BTS video to spazz about. Please not too much KYR this time. Makes my blood boil at this stage of the drama when I look at her and JH.  

Oh, I wonder btw why they didn't share any BTS vids except the Junior's one... Sighss

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I don't understand this post is it about a real fact or MLE? If it's a real fact that writer is daebak, it's the same story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is the strangest thing @salijoo

If I am reading right it's a preview of an episode to air on July 4th SBS called '그것이 알고싶다' (I want to know about that). It's about 'a university woman who was kidnapped as a university student 10 years ago, forced into fake marriage with a paraplegic husband who blames her for the accident.  They have a daughter and story is that the father of the child comes back to claim after 10 years to claim paternal rights. Can this be real?  I don't know this is is too much for before I even finish my first cup of coffee!!!

This Canada's Birthday today! Happy Canada Day @stclaus 1

WOW so Eundong is real (not the name of course but the girl!!!)


On no...kdrama and real life, the borders are getting scarily gray:huh: but good for viewer engagement.

Just goes to show how writernim is indeed an erudite! Kudos! Keep writing, writernim. Look forward to your next project.:rolleyes:


If this is real it's totally mind blowing and @jadecloud,  I will join in that camp to look for this writers projects..  


@valsava I agree that adopted mom and dad not only know that Ra ll's father is HS they also know JH ran the red light and the car was hit by the truck, no swerving.  As you said there is no way that there wasn't a police report and that her guardians weren't told the circumstances surrounding the accident.  In my opinion adopted dad blamed ED for not loving JH and loving someones else.  He viewed the her as driving JH to drive so rashly, leading to the accident.  Unless were suppose to suspend belief that the accident was investigated with two people being left disabled and her parents not even curious about the cause of the accident they knew.


@valsava @thegoldbug Chingus-yah.... That's a good point. The police report and its content. I agree, barring any detective/police succumbing to bribery and altered the 'truth' in the accident report, the Seos would know Jae Ho ran a red light and caused the accident. There was another car that did stop at the light and so its passengers would be viable witnesses as well. I agree too that the Seos would buy whatever Jae Ho tells them post-accident - that Eun Dong caused it by struggling with him while he was driving, and distracting his attention on the road, and swerving to save her from death, all that jazz! Eun Dong's pregnancy yes would have been discovered then and recorded, but Ra Il's parentage would not be in it, nor would the Seos have done a paternal test back then upon being told of her pregnancy. They are just too happy to dump Eun Dong into Jae Ho's waiting lap.  I believe it is still Jae Ho's lies about having fathered Ra Il,



@jadecloud,  Who's to say JH family isn't in regarding the lying to her mom really actually loathed girl for her son ending up in this state because he loved ED.. She wouldn't be screaming about making them pay part of the living expenses if both parties wasn't in on it.. This is why I think she made the remark to ED are these people really your parents sounds to me that if she brings her son home they won't have to fork out all this money for them to live plus cover JH therapy.. JH mom knows he's the cause of all this and wants this mess to be over and trust and believe that the adopted parents got something out of all this beside dad career adopted already treated ED likes she owes him for bring her into his home feeding her and clothing her..       

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@jadecloud,  Who's to say JH family isn't in regarding the lying to her mom really actually loathed girl for her son ending up in this state because he loved ED.. 

Of course no one can @valsava, it's just that most of us feel the evilness of Jae Ho is plenty enough and we don't think and do not want to see layers of people being as evil as JH or worse which they would be since they wouldn't even have twisted love as a motive.  Surely a drama with poster like this can't go that dark is my thinking:



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@jadecloud,  Who's to say JH family isn't in regarding the lying to her mom really actually loathed girl for her son ending up in this state because he loved ED.. 

Of course no one can @valsava, it's just that most of us feel the evilness of Jae Ho is plenty enough and we don't think and do not want to see layers of people being as evil as JH or worse which they would be since they wouldn't even have twisted love as a motive.  Surely a drama with poster like this can't go that dark is my thinking:


@seungshin,   I don't think the the event was called eclipse for nothing all the dark forces surround ED and her having any connection to her past will shed light on just how many people was on this wretched evil scheme.. So yes I strongly believe all parties was in on it  just don't think JH mom knows that RA II isn't his son.. That's going to be the ice breaker between the two families and the evil plot they conjured up.. None of them are innocent in any of this..Even if JH mom don't know about everything I bet his dad do.. I agree the evilness of JH is plenty but the way adopted dad seems to be off on his own doing things without the mastermind of the whole scheme of things not knowing will cause some light to be shed into the situation.. JH never factored in adopted dad running out to prove this book to be a lie if it wasn't or was he would have been better off leaving well enough alone..       

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