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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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@Teryn15, regarding what ED adoptive dad gained from Choi, he gained career advancement seeing as Choi mother said without them, he would have still been a high school coach, am guessing he was Choi high school baseball coach and when a Major League Baseball club was trying to recruit Choi, they must have offered ED adoptive dad a job on a condition that he brought Choi along as teams recruit people close to a player to make the player more interested in signing with a particular club.

That is the reason why ED would have been easy to manipulate after the accident as not only was she told that he get paralyzed as he drove the car to prevent her from sustaining further damage but also the guilt that because of her, Choi was robbed of a promising career, am also guessing this is what adoptive dad was hinting at as the sin ED committed against Choi as he denied that she cheated on Choi when ED asked him.


​@oyeleyeolusina.  I also don't like how they lay the guilt on her even with her memory coming back next is to use the baby to try and hold her into that marriage I just hope she can calculate the math and do a DNA test to find out that the boy is not his and place that guilt right where it belongs from the beginning of this whole ordeal the adopted father greed is way to much he rob three people of being happy for his on happiness none of this was done for ED it was all about him.. My curiosity lays with what events took place before the accident happened and why was the husband driving through a red light with a car stop in front of him how is the accident ED fault..    


Ok, thank you. I know Choi's mom said that Choi helped adoptive dad advance his career, I was just confused because dad still looks like he has no money.As he doesn't appear to be helping ED or Choi I was just wondering what happened.Did he lose his coaching position after Choi got hurt? Or is my American perspective clouding my vision lol because here Major Legue Baseball coaches are well paid, is this not the case in Korea? I guess I'm wondering why there's no money? To the point that mom in law is "struggling" to pay therapy bills and ED is running around like a chicken without a head. Or is this just another ploy to keep our girl chained to the family fence?


@teryn15,  I also wonder about the financial situation with all these people I think his parents must have money because ED works 3 days a week part time how is it she can afford that kind of apartment with all the other living cost to be added something isn't adding up.. So yes this poor life they are living could be a ploy to cover up what it really is..    

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I tell you if EH finds out CEO  Cho been paying visit to ED making her snide comments things isn't going to be pretty for her which she would have it coming because this is none of her business nor is he her man..  He's not going to let her try and treat ED like a charity case this is where he's going to draw the line with her..       

Things aren't going to be pretty for anyone who has done ill by ED in this drama when EH gets the wind of it.  That's been one of many many satisfying things about the character development in this drama.  EH is not just handsome and famous actor and rich.  He has a HOT temper!  And he reacts protono.  He hits first and ask questions later when anything is involved with ED especially.  He did this as a 17 year old when he beat up the gang for looking at ED in the wrong way (which put him in hospital and got separated from ED the first time).  He basically ripped the ring off ED's finger and threw it in the lake when he thought it was from her 'boyfriend.'.  Then he had to fish it out when she told him it was not from him but from her mother.  We saw how he reacted to his friend/president of his company for not telling him he saw ED.  No one and nothing else is more precious than his Eun Dong.  

EH gave plenty of notice to the CEO about what ED and their love means to him in the nicest way possible over and over again.  If she does anything more she will be in for it.  What she has done already will be enough for him to go off.  

But.  Can ya all imagine what he will do to Jae Ho and ED's father when he finds out what they've done to ED for the last 10 years?  And when he finds out they stole his son?  What about when he sees what all this does to ED once she finds out what they've all done to her (when her memory gets back of course).  There will be fire and blood everywhere.

The drama has done such a clear characterization of EH and ED and I just hope they will continue to stay that way.  No compromises.  If we just go by how quickly and decisively EH has reacted to every single issue about ED, I hope my expectations for actions from EH do not go unanswered.  Please.  

PS:  On the other hand, if EH really does go all out I don't know if I can handle it either.  He will be too perfect, even for the K-Drama standard.

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I tell you if EH finds out CEO  Cho been paying visit to ED making her snide comments things isn't going to be pretty for her which she would have it coming because this is none of her business nor is he her man..  He's not going to let her try and treat ED like a charity case this is where he's going to draw the line with her..       

Things aren't going to be pretty for anyone who has don ill by ED in this drama when EH gets the wind of it.  That's been one of many many satisfying things about the character development in this drama.  EH is not just handsome and famous actor and rich.  He has a HOT temper!  And he reacts and he hits first and ask questions later whenever anything is involved with ED especially.  He did this as a 17 year old when he beat up the gang for looking at ED in the wrong way.  He basically ripped the ring off ED's finger and threw it on the lake when he thought it was from her 'boyfriend.'.  Then he had to fish it out when she told him it was not from him but his mother.  We saw how he reacted to his friend/president of his company for not telling him he saw ED.

EH gave plenty of notice to the CEO about what ED and their love means to him in the nicest way possible over and over again.  If she does anything more she will be in for it.  What she has done already will be enough for him to go off.  

Can ya imagine what he will do to Jae Ho and ED's father when he finds out what they've done to ED for the last 10 years?  And when he finds out they stole his son?  And what all this will do to ED when she finds out what they've all done to her when her memory gets backs.

The drama has done such a clear characterization of EH and ED and I just hope they will continue to stay that way.  No compromises.  If we just go by who quick and forcefully EH has reacted to every single discovery about ED, I hope my expectations for actions for EH do not go unanswered.  Please.  

​@seungshinl,  This has also worried me about EH temper know one will be able to stop him CEO has no clue to who EH really is none of them far as that matters goes and yes if he finds out the boy is his he's not going to sit quite about it not only did they take his family next generation from them but rob his own patents of knowing the boy was even alive.. I think Eh mom may call on all he gods to wreck havoc on all of them..

I wonder if ED husband ever thought about his recovery is coming along slowly because of the lie he help to live  

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Guest Teryn15

I can't wait to see what Choi and Double Dirty Dad come up with. My guess is repatriation to the States, with RI maladjustment to the KoreaN school system as the excuse or some miracle therapy for paraplegics...

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​@seungshinl,  This has also worried me about EH temper know one will be able to stop him CEO has no clue to who EH really is none of them far as that matters goes and yes if he finds out the boy is his he's not going to sit quite about it not only did they take his family next generation from them but rob his own patents of knowing the boy was even alive.. I think Eh mom may call on all he gods to wreck havoc on all of them..

I wonder if ED husband ever thought about his recovery is coming along slowly because of the lie he help to live  

​@valsava, I know !!!!!!!!!!  I have been wondering about his HOT temper and possibly something going wrong.

The first example I mentioned, he ended up in the hospital and got separated from Eun Dong at 17.  Second example at 27, he got separated from ED again when he came out of the lake and she went to get something from him and got in the accident.  So is there a third time something bad's going to happen.  I hope not but look at what I found when I was re-watching.  

I am too obsessive about looking for foreshadowing.  Why did the writer put this part in?


Ostensibly this scene was to show how Eun Ho learned to feel and emote about a story in a book being read by a teacher.  One thing he learned to do by meeting Eun Dong not to mention not skipping classes and having better manners with his family.

But why this bit did the teacher have to read?  Does it mean anything?  Does it have to?  Would the third meeting for them end badly if it were, what is the point of the drama I say to you writer-nim. I don't think so.  Please argue against it friends.

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@oyeleyeolusina, @Teryn15, @valsava, @b2stsb2uty, and others:                                                June 14,2015 ---Sunday

I'm making a list of my thoughts r/t the drama, so far:

1.      Eun Dong's biological parents & Grandmother ---  Did we learn their story?   Will it matter who/what were they?   Which "Mother" gave/left the ring to Eun Dong?

2.      Eun Dong was 13 yo when our OTP first met?  Then how old when "Coach" and his wife "adopted" her?  And was she adopted after Coach observed Choi admiring or asking to be introduced to Eun Dong?  

         Husband Choi said he was 3rd year and she was 2nd year students in high school ? or college? when they "fell in love" --- MBL career would start after high school/ college?   (MY facts are mixed up here  --- 13 yo when Gran died, 23 yo? at marriage? (I think) --- which would make Coach a calculating, long-range planner, indeed!

         Basically, did Coach adopt her at some age (?) specifically to dangle her as bait before Choi?  Why adopt such and old child (beauty that she was)?      I had thought he was molesting her before all the other clues were dropped by our clever Writer-nim!

3.       When  exactly and  how long  were these people living in America?   And is that why the child  doesn't get along with regular kids in the Korean school system?  And would be better suited to an International school?  

4.       Husband Choi ---  Notices that his child is "melancholy" lately and worries about any problems he may be having st school.

5.      Husband Choi ---  Very emotional about his "wife" (?) and "child"(?), tearful, loving, concerned, thoughtful, etc. ---  I believe this Writer is SO DARN GOOD that she may be setting Choi up to be our "bad guy" . But her master-plan may be to yank that rug out from under us and turn the spotlight dramatically on someone we LEAST expect to be the main villain!

6.      SR and the Administrator/"old buddy" of Eun Ho --- What does she have to hold over his head?  I saw it in passing, but failed to follow it up back then.  Some bit of business help she gave  the company.   Also, she wants to be a major investor/ controlling / backer of Eun Ho's career.  

7.      SR and Eun Dong in the clothing store --- two visits now?  Eun Ho's manager friend has been keeping an eye on the shop!   Look out SR !!!   :angry:



The Writer reveals the "back-story" so cleverly via the characters'  memories and "flashbacks", some memories more reliable than others, therefore making us dig deeper to figure out what is true and what is a lie.  I feel that I have enjoyed this technique in some other dramas/films.  And not only in Korean works.    Loving the way it draws me into the story!

My most unforgettable enjoyment of such a "let's start from the ending and work forward from there" drama was the Korean 24 episode drama "LA DOLCE VITA" BY mbc IN 2008. Lee Dong Wook ( at 28 yo) and Oh Yeon Soo (at 38 yo) as the lovers whose characters had exactly the same 10 years age spread in the story.  The opening scene is of a man's dead body lying on the sidewalk of a tall apartment building.  A police investigation starts and leads to the solution 24 episodes later!   :wub:  What a  hot  couple they were onscreen!  Great drama!


PS:... This drama has me digressing much more than I usually do!   I'll have to start using "Spoilers" to spare you all!

PPS:...@seungshinl, I forgot about his hot temper at age 17. That's why he went to the hospital, right: 13 against 1 odds in that fight, too!     :phew:



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I can't wait to see what Choi and Double Dirty Dad come up with. My guess is repatriation to the States, with RI maladjustment to the KoreaN school system as the excuse or some miracle therapy for paraplegics...

​@teryn15,  I'm guessing this to it's either the states or Canada but EH isn't going to have it and mat start to think on the lines of keeping the child there until he's able to get a DNA test done.. Some how I just think the boy will play a big part of this because from the very beginning ED husband was not a man that seem happy about the kid he barley talks to him..  

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So does JE find out she is really ED in the next episode !!! I really hope so  I like that EH hasnt mentioned to JE who she really is, he isnt going to force her to come to him, thats what love is compared to Husbanc Choi. I also cant wait for the next episode where ED does some investigating on her past. I like how she was questioning her husband choi, so when she finds out the truth she can compare it with what hes telling her { a baseball field ..yeah right}, He is not helping himself with the constant lie, for his sake he should tell the truth and hope that ED atleast wants to remain friends for the sake of her son.. I also like how EH said he wouldnt believe what others said about ED until he heard from her directly.

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@seungshinl and Everyone:

About that classroom scene (p.117),  did anyone know what book that piece came from? " Asaco?,  In Chuncheon?,  And a Soyang River? , Jin Joo?"    Couldn't connect them at all. But really curious, as you are, also!  :huh:

I couldn't find anything online when I tried.  I did find that the story she read Grandmaom was "The Dog of Flanders" and they said so in the drama, too, I think.

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@seungshinl and Everyone:

About that classroom scene (p.117),  did anyone know what book that piece came from? " Asaco?,  In Chuncheon?,  And a Soyang River? , Jin Joo?"    Couldn't connect them at all. But really curious, as you are, also!  :huh:

I couldn't find anything online when I tried.  I did find that the story she read Grandmaom was "The Dog of Flanders" and they said so in the drama, too, I think.

​I don't know anything about the book the teacher was reading with the 'third meeting' I quoted above but I googled 'patra and nero' when I re-watched EP 1 and lo and behold this soompi discussion popped up:

This is the story ED read to her granny and when she thought it was so sad that both of them died in the church ED changed the end to say they were saved.  EH was listening to all that outside under the window sill.  So sweet.


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Guest emanuello_stv


​i don't think ED really had a relationship with her husband when she was in her 20s, i personally get the feeling that when she didn't answer the question of HS about having one, it was really just her plan to make sure about his feelings for her as we saw in the conversation with her friend as well maybe as the concern about the fact that her husband was in love with her at that time, and the adoptive father tried to force them together to get benefits about his career but she refused it, i still think about him like a "stalker" when i recall the scene of the lake when he spies on them, then i think he took her away by force and then the accident happened.

i also get the feeling that the kid is son of HS, but i dont get how her husband can be so "comfortable" knowing that its the son of the man his wife really loved and not his.

anyway this drama its really rockin', such a great story and so many good actors! really i great job, i'm loving it.

I'm interpreting your "comfortable" comment as why his not guilty being the father of of another child who he knows it's not his. I feel there is some sense of guilt for taking over a role that wasn't suppose to be his but what can we do. ​I think it's the same principle as adoption. How can individuals love a child who isn't their blood nor even look like them? How can they be able to love them more then their biological kids? I think thats the same thing with Husband Choi. Even if IR isn't his kid, he seems to love IR a lot and we can see that they have a fantastic relationship. Even if he is an antagonist in peoples eyes for keeping quiet about ED past. I think we can't just disregard his relationship with IR. Yes, he wouldn't be IR dad now if the accident didn't happen, however it did happen.For 10 years IR has known Husband Choi as his dad and loves him, looks up for him, cares for him as his dad. One of my major interest in the plotline is to see if the relationship between Husband Choi and IR would change and also how IR would react to finding out that HS is his father and how Hs would react to this revelation.


​yes that's true but what strikes me are his reaction when ED talks about HS, its visible from his expressions how much he's concerned but in the scenes with IR it never shows any concern thinking about him being the son of HS and what it could happens if that gets out. we see him being very stressed out about that possibility when with ED but never when its with IR.

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This is a very interesting and dynamic drama. It is well written and shows the  characters with depth. We can all see that everyone around ED is using her. Her adoptive dad is a piece of you know what and only thinks about himself. I feel bad for her mom because she wants to tell her the truth but cannot. Her husband is afraid he is going t o lose her if he gets his memory back.

I cannot wait until  EJ  finds out the truth and start doing some investigation himself. He will start to put two and two together and realize certain things don't  make any sense.

Director Chio you need to know when to be a friend  and  when to push your luck. Do you really expect EJ to give up just because he found out his love his married with a child. A love like his is very hard to give up on. Until ED gets her memory back he will continue to support her behind the scenes 

is Director Chi a piimp or  cougar? Did she call her boy toy every time she is upset or need a fix. Who ask someone after sleeping with them if they need bonus, money or cash really. How can she feel that been rude and obnoxious  to ED will win against EJ.There will be hell to pay once he finds out.

I am so happy that they got to meet eat and have a good  conversation  at the end  .Looking  forward to next week's episodes 





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Guest emanuello_stv

Here is another possibility!  Which just popped into my head as I read the clips @emanuello_stv put into the reply here on page 114.  Suppose the "stalker" whose head we saw when Eun Dong ran to get some towels was her Stepfather?   After all, he was the guy who had something to gain from hooking her up with a young athlete who had a good career ahead of him in pro baseball!   I think young Choi liked Eun Dong and hoped she felt the same.  And her Step-Dad may have encouraged Choi, saying Eun Dong liked him, too, but was "shy". 

I am trying to keep an opening for husband Choi here, since he may be a decent guy who was tricked in some way by that HS coach-wanna-be!    :(    Maybe Choi's mother knows nothing of the schemes, as  @oyeleyeolusina has suggested. She may have believed her son, for example, who could have "covered" for Eun Dong's pregnancy by telling everyone involved that he and Eun Dong had one instance of pre-marital sex.   Since she had amnesia, the wedding would proceed quickly of course.

EDIT:....To consider Choi as any sort of "good guy", I must still consider that his own post-accident period was difficult & he may have been in a "drug-induced" medical coma for a while. Also, the Step-Dad  may have even  "engineered"  the whole accident  business.   The writer seems to have many, many clever literary devices working in this story!     Really good at keeping us on our toes!        B)  

PS:... Poor SR.   :huh:    She had been deluding herself that her secretary/"enforcer"/etc. might  have "feelings" for her.  (41:00 min.)  So sad.  And how embarrassing it was when he practically shouted, "Money!  Give me money!"    WOW... Was it that terrible?  Was he surprised by the "extra  duty"? or simply stupid?   I would have fired his dumb self!   Needs to go to a higher class employment agency for her next secretary!

​i dont think that the "stalker" would be ED step-father, it wouldnt make sense when the incident has involved only husband Choi and ED, and from what we can see in husband Choi scenes, he's very concerned and stressed out everytime HS comes up with ED, that means he knows exactly that ED never had any sort of feelings for him but only for HS, actually i can't even emphatize with him, i would with someone upfront battling for the love of ED, but sneakily taking advantage of her amnesia just shows how he's a total a**hole. and i think exactly the same about SR, actually i kinda exulted in that scene of her, i simply cant stand her and her schemes with HS friend.

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Sorry@ SPOILERS abound for those who've not seen episode 6! Just a Warning :)


Accident- I think Choi caused the accident on purpose. I think that's why he feels "guilty" when his mother nags ED, but not guilty enough to stop it...he's far too selfish for that. Either he purposefully sped into traffic to be hit by a car or was involved in something shady that made him a target.

​Thank you for coming out of the lurkdom and joining us.  Welcome.

I just wanted to tell you I agree with all the points you made.  

About the accident in particular, I took the screen caps and most definitely JH ran the red light.  For many episodes JH's family, ED's parents and even EH's assistant DG keeps repeating JH 'turned the 'handle' (wheel) so that the impact of the crash will be on him more than ED to save her but that seems like a lie they cooked up to make ED believe JH is disabled because of her and to justify their actions.

We see here he ran the red light and the vehicle was going pretty much straight forward:





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@emanuello_stv,@ seungshil - I agree with you guys I cannot empathize  with the husband. I just have a sick feeling  that something is really a miss and they are all taking advantage of ED. I believe her good for nothing adoptive dad has something to do with the accident. Karma is a bit****** .What ever happens in the dark most come to light. The more ED  feelings start coming in to play the more  mistakes they will all make. I guarantee you EJ will start I investigating more once he has more interaction with his love ED.

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Sorry@ SPOILERS abound for those who've not seen episode 6! Just a Warning :)


Accident- I think Choi caused the accident on purpose. I think that's why he feels "guilty" when his mother nags ED, but not guilty enough to stop it...he's far too selfish for that. Either he purposefully sped into traffic to be hit by a car or was involved in something shady that made him a target.

​Thank you for coming out of the lurkdom and joining us.  Welcome.

I just wanted to tell you I agree with all the points you made.  

About the accident in particular, I took the screen caps and most definitely JH ran the red light.  For many episodes JH's family, ED's parents and even EH's assistant DG keeps repeating JH 'turned the 'handle' (wheel) so that the impact of the crash will be on him more than ED to save her but that seems like a lie they cooked up to make ED believe JH is disabled because of her and to justify their actions.

We see here he ran the red light and the vehicle was going pretty much straight forward:


@seungshinl,  This is what I was saying something is off about this accident.. I think ED may have gotten her memory back before the accident and planned to leave to find PHS maybe she discovered who she was pregnant by I think her husband may have caused this accident purposely it's very clear he went speeding on the opposite side of the street and caused the accident.. Somebody really needs to look at the police report because it may tell two different sides of the story of what ED and EH believe..  


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to be honest .lol I think I am getting abit stressed out by mutli quote thing ..pardon me if I should mess up the post --;; ....let me have some time more to get use to the new forum



To be honest I hoping ED son needs some kind of blood that only EH can give at this point it hasn't cross EH mind that the child could be his because he's to overwhelmed with his emotion and what really happen to her back then but at some point I hope they do show what happen on they trip together or if the two was ever intimate at all..    

 ​lol I just need one strand of the kid hair to go test the DNA to get this agony out of the mind . ....I cant take it if it is not his . because then this story will become even crazier .....

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I have watched the subbed episode of 6, 5 times now coz of JJM.  His eyes are talking even without any dialogues.  The elevator scene, he is just penetrating into ED with his laser eyes.  KSR is no less in action.  She was superb when she was angry/confused emotions (when CJH questioned her) that EH did not meet her when he came near the apt.  and the restaurant scene when she was trying to tell EH what she was thinking?  She told him that she was happy when she wrote the book for him and interrupted by the waiter.  At that time, when both met their eyes, omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! both of them were beautiful in that scene.

@oyeleyeolusina mentioned before, i think CJH is going to hide his improved conditions from the therapy.  In ep.6, he particularly told the rehabilitation nurse, he want to tell the doctor personally about his improvement.  So, he may hide it, to take advantage from ED.  

I liked how DG- EH asst is fangirling when EH was having the hangover soup and whenever these two meet, they are hilarious.    DG has become the cupid helping these two meet and encouraging him not to avoid her.  

Have to wait for more 5 days for the ep.7.  MLE fighting!!!!!  

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I tell you if EH finds out CEO  Cho been paying visit to ED making her snide comments things isn't going to be pretty for her which she would have it coming because this is none of her business nor is he her man..  He's not going to let her try and treat ED like a charity case this is where he's going to draw the line with her..       

Things aren't going to be pretty for anyone who has done ill by ED in this drama when EH gets the wind of it.  That's been one of many many satisfying things about the character development in this drama.  EH is not just handsome and famous actor and rich.  He has a HOT temper!  And he reacts protono.  He hits first and ask questions later when anything is involved with ED especially.  He did this as a 17 year old when he beat up the gang for looking at ED in the wrong way (which put him in hospital and got separated from ED the first time).  He basically ripped the ring off ED's finger and threw it in the lake when he thought it was from her 'boyfriend.'.  Then he had to fish it out when she told him it was not from him but from her mother.  We saw how he reacted to his friend/president of his company for not telling him he saw ED.  No one and nothing else is more precious than his Eun Dong.  

EH gave plenty of notice to the CEO about what ED and their love means to him in the nicest way possible over and over again.  If she does anything more she will be in for it.  What she has done already will be enough for him to go off.  

But.  Can ya all imagine what he will do to Jae Ho and ED's father when he finds out what they've done to ED for the last 10 years?  And when he finds out they stole his son?  What about when he sees what all this does to ED once she finds out what they've all done to her (when her memory gets back of course).  There will be fire and blood everywhere.

The drama has done such a clear characterization of EH and ED and I just hope they will continue to stay that way.  No compromises.  If we just go by how quickly and decisively EH has reacted to every single issue about ED, I hope my expectations for actions from EH do not go unanswered.  Please.  

PS:  On the other hand, if EH really does go all out I don't know if I can handle it either.  He will be too perfect, even for the K-Drama standard.

yes ~~  his hot temper ..~~~..that craziness and complete devotion to his love make it too exciting for the heart ~.i..love it  that fierce temper of his and how much Eun Dong mean the world to him

 but somehow fear it too because of the consequences it can create .(imagine as top star scandal with married woman and mother of kid  though I doubt he care much about what will happen to his career .) 

.but for now ..ohh I am so in it for him to go and bash up those who have done her wrong in such cruel way ..how can they call themselves her family when they hide her past from her ...or even worse .recreate a new past ..making her live a fake life . didn't they feel guilt whenever they see her trying to remember ?~~~!!! ..gosh ....

yes that accident ....the husband might have been send to drag her back ..they should have know she has someone else .


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