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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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@delphinite waaaah i love you so much!!!!


Gosh uri jjongah is truly alive waaaaaah 

He doesnt complain nor stop the questions about yura. And KCR is like a jjongaholic always pointing his ideal as yura hihihi


Lovely jjongah waaaah 

Jjongah chup chup 1000000 times!!!

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@delphinite THANK YOOOOU! You are like sent from the above! We are not worthy! One can clearly see that you put so much energy and effort into the translation. I am speechless of your dedication and hard work. Thank you, again!



This was a fun interview! Jjong was very cheerful and lovely that day. Where did the iron man go? I see no iron man!

We all shipped JjongAh because we saw the wonderful chemistry they had ON SCREEN (and sometimes off screen too, through pictures of course). But when he said this:

Jjong: Anyhow, during filming, there is this sort of thing- there are many cameras and people right. I tell myself 'Let's just act naturally as how I would, pretend that all these things are not there' but truthfully I still become aware of the camera and people in the end. So, when I'm just with Yura by the side and we're talking and playing, the writer will come over and say 'Yes, that's right! Can't you guys do it like this? If you do it like this then it makes the two of you look better and the relationship looks more lovely. And your conversation looks more interesting like that..'. So when I hear her say that, I think that although I may think that I want to do it perfectly as I wished, I wasn't able to.

I suddenly realize how MUCH more sizzling chemistry there were off screen. The interesting conversations they had, the stuff they did for (and to) each other, the glances that were sent back and forth... Can you all imagine that? Oh boy.. *phew* I'm not even sure if we could have handled it!

and the way he described his ideal type just SCREAMS Yura.. come on now, Jjong, make it a liiiil bit hard for us to guess.

I looove that they started the whole show with something Yura-related and ended it with.... something Yura-related! hahahaha! Love the radio host. Love 'im!!!


I can't WAIT to watch Moon Lovers, cuz , 1) Lee Junki is in it 2) Jjong is in it !!!


Here's the song that Jjong picked btw. Didn't know he was into slow and delicious R&B, but hey! I ain't complaining ;)






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Just drop to say i love u @delphinite ....:wub:..

Thankyou for the subs. We are so lucky have u here. ...

indeed he is jong my way. He just answered all of yura related questions without hesitation. N wanna say thankyou to sbs radio announcer, seem he is jjongaholic like us....:D..

N lets celebrate jongie upcoming birthday here. Lets give our love n wishes through his official acc like ig n fb or weibo...

Let's sail our ship happly...


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Hmmm all the songs played are jjongs selection... So expectation by girlsday is his too.. Hahahaga


Our ship is really sailing !!jjongah is alive yahoooo




Its me bebang always in delulu state of mind hihih




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7 hours ago, delphinite said:

It's a been a long time since I've been here! Hello @anniepanda and everyone hehe Just dropping by with translations for Jjong on Old School :) It was so nice to see Jjong having an interview again after so long! And he looks positively cheerful, I had so much fun listening to it^^ The trans are loooong so beware~ hehe

Video link:  https://youtu.be/LYXrS1K6hT0


Btw his little bopping along to the jingle at the start!!! So cuteeee :3
KCR: The person we have here today is Yura's ex-husband from WGM, and when it comes to acting, he gets praised for having good chemistry with his co-stars. As for variety shows, he fits in well with everyone and plays the role of the youngest so well. From a model to being a husband, actor, variety, youngest - regardless of the name used to describe him, it fits well. He is the trend of the trend,  the person that SBS announcer Jo Junshik (?), who adores Yura, is most wary about! We are here on Old School with Hong Jonghyun!
KCR: This is Kim Chang Ryul's Old School. Today we are joing by model-actor-variety-maknae Hong Jonghyun! How are you?
Jjong: Hello! I'm Hong Jonghyun. It's nice to meet you! *claps and waves*
KCR: Ahh he's handsome, I want that face
Jjong: Aigoo thank you
KCR: It's really nice to meet you. Having seen you on WGM and other shows, you really look so much more handsome in person than when you appeared in tv!
Jjong: Ah, yes
KCR: Please don't be embarrassed
Jjong: I don't know how to react to that
KCR: Don't be embarrased, instead when someone says you're handsome, and since you're trying to express yourself these days, just say, yes I agree that I'm handsome!
Jjong: Since Changryul hyung has acknowledged it, I think I agree that I'm handsome!
KCR: *laughs* First off, please greet the listeners of Old School
Jjong: Hello, it's my first time greeting everyone on Old School. I'm Hong Jonghyun. Let's spend a good time together today.
KCR: *claps* Nice to meet you too. Hong Jonghyun-sshi, these days your name appears often in the search box. How is it? Do you feel your popularity?
Jjong: When my name appears in searches or people around me bring up my name, of course I feel it. Not so much when things like "Oh Hong Jonghyun-sshi please sign for me, please take a photo", are happening but more so when I'm back at home, before sleeping I will think "Ahh today there were so many who like me". I think that's when I realise it the most.
KCR: I see. I also hear that you receive many calls to appear on shows. How is it these days?
Jjong: I don't get that many calls actually, but I do get calls all the time, consistently
KCR: These days, through WGM you are slowly taking on more variety shows, even Law of the Jungle-
Jjong: It's broadcasting now right
KCR: Yes, you returned from the jungle right. Do you think you are well-suited for variety? What are your thoughts?
Jjong: Ummm I think there are some variety that suits me and others that don't. Rather than having to talk a lot or use action or words to bring about laughter, rather than having that sort of skills, I think I suit variety shows like Law of th Jungle more where-
KCR: where you can use your body 
Jjong: yes, I think I'm rather good at that. *laughs*
KCR: ahh, then I think you will do well on Running Man
Jjong: Yes thats why I appeared on Running Man and I won on that episode
KCR: I think you have quite some skills there. These days since we're on the topic of Law of th Jungle, let's talk a bit more about it. You have the role of the youngest on the show right?
Jjong: Yes yes
KCR: How are you able to fit in so well with all the older sunbaes? It doesn't seem like they were things that you had to actually do when you got there.. When you got there, did you see them? The things you had to do?
Jjong: Firstly, before leaving for the jungle, we hear of who else would be going as well right. When I saw them, I realised that I was the youngest. So I thought that although it was important that I look out for myself when I'm there, I also had the midset from the very start that I should take care of the hyungs and nunas there. I don't know if it's because I went with that mindset that I seemed to have my antennas up when I was there.
KCR: Exactly. When I was watching you, even when you were doing other things, your antenna would be up
Jjong: Even for me when I was watching the broadcast, there were times when I was really surprised and thought to myself "Was I really like that??" It's like whenever there is a need for something to be done arises, I seem to appear then
KCR: Rather than it being because you were the youngest, it felt more like superman? Like whenever you need him, superman will appear
Jjong: And that's why Oh Jiho hyung really liked it and said this kind of kid should really become a manager *laughs*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners" "HJH-sshi, you were so cute in LOTJ! So nice and had good sense. Good job maknae!"
Jjong: Aigoo thank you. I did my best.
KCR: After you returned from the jungle, did anything change? LIke when you went to the jungle, it was all very real situations and you had to go through quite a bit of things
Jjong: I think my thinking changed quite a bit after coming back. It's not like it's a really big thing but more like I worried too much over nothing, that sort of thoughts. After coming back, I realised that it was an enjoyable time spent there. I didn't really feel like it was that tiring when I came back.
KCR: For you, I think there were many scenes where we could really see that you were enjoying yourself there
Jjong: Yea, I went there to have an good time and really had an enjoyable time there
KCR: It's like when you say "it's hard, then it will be hard" but if you say "it's fun, then it will be fun"
Jjong: Yes, thats right
KCR: I think in your case, because you knew that you wanted to have a good time there, you were also able to give an enjoyable time to your sunbaes too
Jjong: Yes
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "This ahjumma has totally fallen for you~ You're totally handsome!!"
Jjong: Thank you *peace sign*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners" Best face, best body, best height, an entertainer that has everything. Hong Jonghyun is the best!
Jjong: Ah thank you
KCR: SInce the talk of height came up, you first started as a model before becoming an actor right
Jjong: That's right
KCR: Along with Kim Youngkwang, Woobin, Sungjoon and Lee Soohyuk, you guys are called the Model Avengers?
Jjong: *laughs* Yes
KCR: Are you embarrased?
Jjong: Oh no, It feels nice especially since it has the name avengers in it. And the fans were the ones who came up with the name. But the thing is that it sort of has the meaning of everyone being powerful, and in comparision to me, my friends or seniors have much more so for me it feels more like a nickname than anything, that's why I feel little embarrased by it
KCR: But aren't you close to them?
Jjong: Yes I am. We're very close.
KCR: What did they say after you returned from the jungle?
Jjong: The reactions were a bit different. In Youngkwang hyung's case, he is rather similar to me in the sense that he likes nature and animals so he says it sounds interesting and asks how is it, with that feeling of wishing he could have gone as well.
KCR: LOTJ pdnim, do you hear that? KYK wants to come one the show. How about Kim Woobin?
Jjong: Woobin did mention to me several times that he would like to go but he's naturally busy so that's a shame that he can't but he called me before I left telling me to take care
KCR: And Lee Soohyuk and Sungjoon too? Probably said the same thing?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Ah, but to imagine all 5 of you to be together... I think it'll be really amazing
 Jjong: *laughs* Aigoo thank you
KCR: What do models normally do when they meet?
Jjong: Hmm, we don't really do anything that special. Usually we just do things together? Like maybe exercising together or having a meal or meeting for tea, that sort of thing
KCR: But you guys don't talk much right? Things like having a conversation, you don't have much if that right?
Jjong: Mmmh, not really I think.. not to the point of a conversation
KCR: I get the feeling that you guys just sit there and talk with your eyes *laughs*
Jjong: *laughs* No no, not to that extent. We do talk but not really to the extent of a chatting kind of conversation I think
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "I watched HJH in Police Family and it was so funny! I'm reminded of Ahn Jiyeon(?) who used to host Old School back then"
Jjong: Ahh thank you
KCR: *reads messages from listener* "I was fan since Jungle Fish! Back then I was only in year 1 of middle school, now im a 2nd year in college" Woah thats a really longtime fan! "I really enjoyed watching Boy from Wonderland. You were so charming in it" Wow, you have done quite a few projects, in your 10 or so years of debut
Jjong: Yes it does look like it
KCR: Out of all the projects you've taken up so far, which is the most memorable? Although of course all the projects would have been memorable to you
Jjong: That's right. But often, it will be the project that was the most recently worked on, so it will have to be the movie Boy from Wonderland which was just recently released in theatres 
KCR: And I hear that you're also preparing for a drama these days? They changed the name to Moon Lovers?
Jjong: Yes yes
KCR: What kind of drama is it?
Jjong: I heard that in Korea, there is a fandom of the original chinese drama, and now we are going to be doing somewhat a remake of it. To say it simply, there is a king and he has 20 sons and I play one of the sons. So it's a story about the princes. I play the 3rd son while the others play the 4th son, 8th son and so on.
KCR: There's Kang Haneul, IU, Baekhyun, Lee Junki, Nam Joohyuk. Woah, all these amazing actors are casted. When will the drama be broadcasted? Are you in teh middle of filming now?
Jjong: Oh no, we start filming next week. I think as this production is set in the historic times, it will take longer than the filming for a typical drama so maybe in the mid year? or in the later half.
KCR: I'm looking forward to it. However you see it, it looks like it'll be a really big scale production.
Jjong: That's right.
KCR: Seeing how you'll be apeparing in the drama, I'll make sure to watch it. Right, the song that Hong Jonghyun has chosen is Sure Thing by Miguel. We'll listen to this song and continue our talk in a while.
KCR: That was Sure Thing by Miguel. You must like listening to this genre of music?
Jjong: I do listen to this kind of genre but the reason why I chose this song was because when I used to appear to radio back then, although it wasn't often, and had to recommend songs, I realise that I used to recommend ballads a lot because I like listening to ballads. So I thought maybe I should recommend something different this time. I found out about this song last year and when I was scrolling through my playlist - you know know the songs you use to listen to a long time ago are always at the bottom right, and I saw this song and thought ah i really like this this song and that's what I recommended this song
KCR: You seem like you have interests in certain things, what is your hobby?
Jjong: For me, I like doing activities
KCR: Like exercising?
Jjong: Yea like soccer or sports that involve bikes and stuff. And I don't know if you might consider it as dangerous but I also enjoy ____ (cannot catch..) on cars or motocycles. Even when I'm just riding motorbikes, the people around me keep telling me to stop *laughs*
KCR: Especially your family right? They would worry a lot right?
Jjong: The strange thing is that my mum and dad are not too worried about it?
KCR: Really??
Jjong: *laughs* Yea, Mom and Dad just say sure go ahead and ride
KCR: So it must be your manager who worries
Jjong: Yea, and the friends and people around me. So that's why I can't really ride motorbikes often now and since I like driving, I drive cars instead.
KCR: Although it hasn't been long since he came, he has entered the ____ (some ranking thing I think) at number 20. I'm sure he'll move up to first place right. *reads messages from listeners* "I can see Hong Jonghyun but I can only listen to KCR and not see him. " Yes, I know that too. *laughs*
Jjong: Ah, no right now, the sunlight isn't shining to Changryul hyung thats why
KCR: No no that's not it, it's cuz I'm already dark thats why *laughs* *reads messages from listeners* "You look handsome when you smile, a real man"
Jjong: Thank you
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "Can you please say 'shall we look at the rabbits?' for me?"
Jjong: Ah this is actually.. let me say it first 'Shall we look at the rabbits?' This is actually a line from the movie
KCR: Ahh so the people who watched the movie would have fainted when they hear you say this line
Jjong: Ahh, yes they probably liked it *laughs*
KCR: Somehow the feel woul be different. Let me give it a try 'Shall we look at the rabbits?' That sounds a bit scary when I say it
Jjong: *laughs*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* Do you still meet up with PpaPpa?
Jjong: Ah Ppa Ppa? You mean Junghyun? Lee Junghyun? (she's a co-actress from the movie i think) We can't really meet often, we only met by chance once. Sometime we do contact each other but because she lives in Jeju-do so..
KCR: But even so, she does come to Seoul for activities right?
Jjong: Yes
KCR:  So you guys keep in contact often but can't really meet
Jjong: Yes
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "Is Haerong doing well?" Why do these people have so many things they are curious about? *laugh*
Jjong: Haerong is my pet dog. I brought his once before and previously we were on a pet-related show. I think it might be a listener who watched that before. Haerong is doing well. Mom and Dad took him with them. Sometimes i go to see him but.. he gives off the aged feel when I look at him *laughs*  but he's still actually a young dog
KCR: *laughs* I see. This is Old School with Hong Jonghyun. We have ended part 1 and will be moving on to part 2 where we will share even more exciting stories with him later
-----PART 2---------
KCR: We're starting part 2 of KCR's Old School and we have actor Hong Jonghyun with us today. I knew it would be like this *reads messages from listeners* "Jonghyun says 'Shall we look at the rabbits' while Changryul says 'Shall we bite rabbits?' (the first syllable for look and eat sounds similar) That must feel bad~"
Jjong: Ahh go to bite rabbits *laughs*
KCR: Ah well that's possible too since I have a beard and I look dark and all *laughs* *reads messages from listeners* "I'm so curious about what you guys were talking about so seriously during the advertisement breaks" We were talking about the drama for a bit just now
Jjong: Ahh I was talking a bit about the drama which I'll be filming but before that I was talking about the bugs that bit me when I went to the jungle *laughs* (LOOK AT HIM BOPPING HIS HEAD!?!!)
KCR: You were showing me how your hand had this many bites!! Erghh I hate bugs!!
Jjong: When Changryul hyung was doing this *mimics action* that was when we were talking about bugs hehe
KCR: For the drama, even as we were just talking about it a bit, it really looks like a big production. Will the drama be released at the same time in Korea and China?
Jjong: Yes, that's right. From what I hear, it will be broadcasted at the same time and day and from the same channel.
KCR: Ah then it looks like you'll be known in China now
Jjong: Ah yes if it's a good thing then.. yes.. *laughs*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "I'm player number 27 from the soccer team. Why am I seeing you here instead of as a soccer player. Jonghyun-ah, come and play soccer!!"
Jjong: Oh Jiyoon-ah hi!! He's actually my friend.
KCR: Ahh he's your friend?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Do you guys have a team?
Jjong: I made a soccer team with my friends and they meet up every Sunday but up to recently I was on Inkigayo every Sunday
KCR: Ah that's right
Jjong: Yes, so I definitely was unable to join in because of my schedule so
KCR: but now you can join them right?
Jjong: Yes now I can join them but I start filming for my drama next week so, I'm sorry Jiyoon-ah *laughs and waves cutely*
KCR: What is this~ Ah but you must really like playing soccer.
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Other than soccer, are there any other sports that you like?
Jjong: Hmm.. when I was younger, I had friends who wanted to be soccer players, basketball players and baseball players but I think for me, I had more interest in soccer
KCR: So only soccer? Do you like baseball?
Jjong: Baseball.. I've never done baseball before so thats why..
KCR: Ah.. that's a waste. I wanted to ask you to join my team.. *laughs* Now we'll move on to Hong Jonghyun's one-line talk. I'll ask questions and you'll just answer in a short sentence
Jjong: Okay
KCR: First qn. You and Yura had a fantasy-like chemistry on WGM. If I was married in real-life, what kind of husband do I think I'll be?
Jjong: Umm... A husband who is like a friend
KCR: A husband who is like a friend? Hmm, we'll talk more about that later. In LOTR, Lee Jangwoo and Son Eunseo said that Hong Jonghyun was revealed as the one with the best reversed charms. If you could reveal one of your reversed charms on Old School, what will it be?
Jjong: Rather than being handsome, I'm cheerful
KCR: Ah, you're cheerful instead of handsome. But even so, you smile a lot so you naturally look cheerful all the time. It's not that you want to be cheerful but not handsome right?
Jjong: Ah, no its just that today the atmosphere is really comfortable and you're very easy to get along with that's why I'm smiling very comfortably and naturally but normally I'm quite shy of strangers
KCR: Ah really?
Jjong: Yes, and I get nervous too. I'm that type of person so I would normally sit quietly like this and look around for cues
KCR: Initially you would be in that kind of alert mode so it take a while to get comfortable right?
Jjong: Yea, it takes quite awhile
KCR: That's a relief then that you feel comfortable on Old School. Okay we'll move on to the third question. On LOTJ you're known as the maknae who shows himself through actions more than words, if you could show something for us on Old School, what will it be?
Jjong: Show something? What can I show?
KCR: Maybe like aegyo or something like that?  
Jjong: Ah aegyo
KCR: Do you know any? Back then there was the buing buing thing they do
Jjong: Ah aegyo, how do I
KCR: 1+1=kwiyomi there is also this
Jjong: Then I'll do the buing buing *laughs*
KCR: Ah then please do that for us
Jjong: The camers is here right - *buing buing* Ahhh I'm embarrased
KCR: Even though you're so embarrased you still do it
Jjong: Since I'm here, I have to do it
KCR: Thank you. Next question. Hong Jonghyun usually likes trying out new things. What was the most recent experience of trying something new you had?
Jjong: *thinks* Ah! Drifting!
KCR: Drifting? Like a car?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: You did that?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: You went outside to do it or at a racing area
Jjong: I did it in a circuit where it was safe and - shall I save this for later?
KCR: Ah yes, we'll talk about it later. Next question. You must be busy preparing for the drama Moon Lovers these days. Among the many actors appearing in the show, who do you think is your true rival?
Jjong: Lee Junki hyungnim
KCR: Ah Lee Junki
Jjong: Yes, Shall I talk about this later?
KCR: Yes yes. Let's first go back to the first question. The question was 'If I was married in real-life, what kind of husband do I think I'll be?' and you said a husband who is like a friend
Jjong: Yes
KCR: If it's a husband who is like a friend, then perhaps something like the atmosphere you gave off with Yura when you were on WGM?
Jjong: Ah but the thing is that, even when I was still on teh show, there were actually many things that I felt bad and sorry about. As I mentioned earlier-
KCR: In SBS, we were really affected by it. *laughs* I'm referring to Jo Jungshik announcer..
Jjong: You mean the one whom you mentioned just now?
KCR: Yes, he's a fan of Yura. Because of you, he was going around SBS and throwing a fuss *laughs*
Jjong: Ahhh... where is he? I think I have to explain things to him *laughs*
KCR: But anyhow
Jjong: Anyhow, during filming, there is this sort of thing- there are many cameras and people right. I tell myself 'Let's just act naturally as how I would, pretend that all these things are not there' but truthfully I still become aware of the camera and people in the end. So, when I'm just with Yura by the side and we're talking and playing, the writer will come over and say 'Yes, that's right! Can't you guys do it like this? If you do it like this then it makes the two of you look better and the relationship looks more lovely. And your conversation looks more interesting like that..'. So when I hear her say that, I think that although I may think that I want to do it perfectly as I wished, I wasn't able to.
KCR: Like when the camera turns and such
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Like I feel like I can do it even more comfortably but I can't seem to do that.
Jjong: Yes, and that's why even though it's good that I'm on the receiving end, giving and looking after someone is also a good thing so I think it will be nice if I can meet someone like that
KCR: What's your idel type?
Jjong: Hmmm, someone who is more... like when I'm alone or by myself, I tend to be rather depressed and quiet, there are times when I'm like that. Not so much depressed though but I'm not the type who is always excited and cheerful so I like someone who has that bright and cheerful energy, someone who-
KCR: Smiles and laughs a lot
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: Ahhh
Jjong: So if I meet that kind of person-
KCR: Then in that case, it's almost like Yura?
Jjong: Yes, that's why when I'm with her, I laugh a lot and there were many things we laughed about.. umm..  how should I say this.. like-
KCR: Innocent?
Jjong: Yes, like just laughing innocently over simple things. So when we were together, it/she makes me feel happy
KCR: So you want that sort of person?
Jjong: Yes *nods*
KCR: Something like even when I'm just looking at that person, she makes me feel happy. That sort of person?
Jjong: *nods* yes
KCR: Ah so that's you ideal type. Okay let's move on to the next question. In LOTR, Lee Jangwoo and Son Eunseo said that Hong Jonghyun was revealed as the one with the best reversed charms. Hong Jonghyun's reversed charm is that instead of being handsome, he is cheerful. Aren't you originally someone who smiles a lot normally?
Jjong: Uhhh
KCR: Cuz you're smiling a lot today so you look really bright and cheerful
Jjong: Well, I do smile often but I don't know if it's the characters I take on or because of photoshoots where I have to give a more serious and expressionless face when I film that it ends up like that.. In reality, there was this person who said this to me, I won't say the name. We were almost done with filming (at the jungle). Everyone was close and getting along and chatting with one another while the interviews were talking place. I was sitting with one of the hyungs *laughs* and he asked me, 'Jonghyun-ah, can I say something?' so I said. 'Sure, go ahead. What is it?'. And he replied, 'I really thought you were a jerk or something at the start.' *laughs* and he said 'I'm so glad you didn't turn out to be like that in the end.' and we laughed about it
KCR: I wonder who that person is.. Let's try and identify that person as we watch LOTJ. *laughs* What does Hong Jonghyun find funny? The thing that brings a smile to my face?
Jjong: Something that brings a smile to my face.. hmm
KCR: Firstly I think there would be soccer?
Jjong: Yes, and earlier, you also asked me about it - a new experience like doing something at a certain place. I like things like that - going some place, or doing activities there, trying something new. I think I enjoy doing things like that.
KCR: When you find something that you want to try.
Jjong: Yes yes you are right
KCR: Like 'Oh? This seems like it'll be fun?" When you get that feeling, that's when you feel really happy. When you imagine something like that?
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: I see.. so these kinds of things can bring a smile to Hong Jonghyun's face
Jjong: Yes *nods*
KCR: I see *laughs*
Jjong: *looks at cam and says cutely* Like a kid right? *laughs*
KCR: Nah, I think everyone is like that. Even when I receive such a question, only one answer comes up and that's my daughter *laughs* Is there anyone who brings a smile to your face? Maybe family or something? Like if there is this person, I'm just so happy.
Jjong; There will always be someone like that. Like my family or my very close friends. When I'm with them whether I'm in difficult times or when I'm happy, they also feel the same. Of course I try to make them happy as I am.
KCR: To your family?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: And friends
Jjong: *nods* I understand. Okay we'll listen to another song. It'll be another one of Hong Jonghyun's recommendation. Please introduce it cooly like a DJ. It's Snuper's song.
Jjong: Yes, it is a song by Snuper. We'll listen to Polaroid.
KCR: That was Polaroid by Snuper. It's a fitting song for winter.
Jjong: Yes, it's perfect for the season now
KCR: It's so nice if you listen to it now. *reading messages from listeners* "Because of Jonghyun, I downloaded this song and am listening to it." and also "I wonder if you usually listen to your dongseng's songs..?"
Jjong: Actually, Snuper is a group with dongsengs whom I'm very close with so I listen to their songs and am dilligently supporting them.
KCR: *laughs* I see. *reading messages from listeners*  "Ask Hong Jjong to sing also! He sings well!" 
Jjong: *laughs*
KCR: Ah can you sing well?
Jjong: Nooo
KCR: Are you the kind who usually goes to sing karaoke with your friends? If you do go, what kind of sings do you sing?
Jjong: I sing ballads too but these days..
KCR: Then let's have you sing a couple of lines from a ballad
Jjong: A few lines from a ballad? Uhh *laughs* What ballad will be nice?
KCR: Whatever you like
Jjong: Ah okay I'll just sing something ah ah *coughs* Did you just add some effect now?
KCR: Yes we did
Jjong: *coughs* Suddenly I'm nervous *laughs* Here I go.. *can't seem to start* *laughs* *sings Kim Dongryul's Like A Child* Ahhh I don't think I can do it~ I can feel my voice trembling
KCR: *laughing* You must have been nervous
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Do you like singing?
Jjong: When I was in middle school I used to go to sing at the karaoke alot but due to reasons I didn't go much after that. But I think I do like singing.
KCR: What was your dream before becoming a model?
Jjong: I wanted to be a vet, a soccer player when I was really little. I think maybe those two?
KCR: Just those two? So when did you feel like you wanted to become a model?
Jjong: That was sometime in middle school i think.
KCR: In middle school? You must have been really tall then.
Jjong: No not really. Back then I wasn't even 180cm. Its just that I became more aware of my looks and more interested in clothes and things like that. When I found out about models, I though wow that's cool. But then I found out that you need to be really tall and there were lots of conditions, I thought ah i probably won't do. I'll think about it again when I'm taller. I thought like that but I really grew tall *laughs*
KCR: Then it was just nice
Jjong: Yes, so I thought shall I give it a try? and with that thought I began my job as a model
KCR: But when you thought like that, did you immediately become a model? Because sometimes its like even if you want it to turn out like this, it doesn't happen that way. But then again, it's Hong Jonghyun and he's handsome so..
Jjong: Aigoo.. No that's not it. I had to attend school too, sit for lessons and take exams while preparing, in case I fail
KCR: *reading messages from listeners* "oppa do your exercise nowadays? Your broad shoulders!"
Jjong: Oh I wasn't able to exercise much these days so I shrunk a bit but thank you! I must look healthy!
KCR: *reading messages from listeners* "Happy advanced birthday!"
Jjong: *claps* Ah thank you~
KCR: When is your birthday?
Jjong: 2nd Feb
KCR: That's coming up soon then
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Seems like the fans take care of all these things as well
Jjong: Thank you
KCR: After that buingbuing, let's move on to the next question. Your latest new experience. Drifting?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Did you do it yourself at the circuit?
Jjong: Yes yes
KCR: It must have been really fun
Jjong: It was really fun. I think if you're a guy, you would enjoy it if you gave it a try at least once. For me, a long time ago, about 3 years ago, there was a group of people (can't catch the name) who came to Korea right? Back then, I had the opportunity ride in the passenger's seat so I was all 'woah~'  since I was seeing all that skill in person when I would usually have jsut seen it on tv. I thought it was really interesting. And recently I got th chance to try it.
KCR: So you actually went to do it?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Wah.. You seem like you would do it well
Jjong: Ah no not really, I had to go there and learn
KCR: If that's the case, then if you have interest in racing.. there are many racers out there like *lists out names* There are many of them out there. Don't you want to give it a try? Since you like driving
Jjong: Umm I do want to give it a try but I don't know if I have the skill or not to do it thats why.. But just being there for awhile, as I was learning, I was told that I seem to have the skills for it. For that matter, I think I'll have to think a bit mor about it but for now, I enjoy it.
KCR: There are also drifting teams *reading messages from listeners* "Our company's boss wants to recruit Hong Jonghyun on the team!" Ohh~~ and then "If it's drifting then it's Kim Yuna!"
Jjong: Ah but the thing is, among the people who do drifting, I think they learn a lot and that's why it's like that
KCR: I understand. We'll listen to some commercials and then we'll have Hong Jonghyun give his farewell greetings
Jjong: So fast??
KCR: Yes, one hour is almost up.
*advertisement break*
KCR: It's Kim Changryul's Old School with Hong Jonghyun. *reading messages from listeners* *listener mentions about his loveline in one of his works (sorry i cant catch!)*
Jjong: Ahh thank you. it's cuz of people that say this that I get strength
KCR: *reading messages from listeners* "Don't go don't go!!" So how, do you want to stay while I go off earlier?
Jjong: Oh yes please do! *laughs*
KCR: Ah but Hong Jonghyun's voice is really suited for a DJ role don't you think?
Jjong: really?
KCR: Yes I think it suits well
Jjong: I do have thoughts of being a radio host for a short while
KCR: Don't do it for awhile. Do it longer.
Jjong: Longer is good too, if it matches my schedule
KCR: If there is a position at SBS I'll let you know
Jjong: Otherwise if hyung you need to take some time off?
KCR: Oh yes, if I need to leave for a bit, can I call you?
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: I understand. *reading messages from listeners* "Do you plan to have any fanmeetings?"
Jjong: Originally I was thinking of having one in time for my birthday but due to drama filming I think it will be hard so maybe in the later part of the year, I'll plan it again late
KCR: So it means that you'll like to have a fanmeeting?
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: Now for your rival in the drama. Please say something to Lee Junki
Jjong: Actually the reason why I chose him was because in the drama I play the villian *girl's day expectations play* so everyone is a rival.. Junki hyung! The song is already playing
KCR: But the title is so apt - anticipate it
Jjong: Yes, Junki hyung, the reason why I chose you was because in the drama, our characters clash a lot so I wil ldo my best to play a bad character so look forward  to it
KCR: In future, we'll look forward to HJH will shine even brighter. We'll end off here today. Thank you so much for coming on the show Hong Jonghyun. Really if I have something that comes up or I have to go somewhere and this seats becomes empty, I will definitely give you a call. Promise! Oh we're really promising! Even with a seal! Okay thank you!!
Jjong: Thank you!!
KCR: It's Girl's Day's Expectation!

oh my goodness.. it's long and is this full translation?? did you translate it all by yourself??

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wow thank you for sharing the translation! :D I really like that he kept talking about YURA and did not stop. 

and the choice of the song! I love that song, such a sexy song towards a girl you'd like, I wonder why he chose it (but I have an idea)

hope yura was listening 

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Guest bbblyzu3

:wub: we got another happy news

@delphinite you are so kind :) it's been awhile haven't seen you here. Thank you so much for the translation. Y ou know how much jjongaholic appreciate your hard work .

I really can't wait for this february so many good thing to look foward. We get to see yura MCing a food program and Jjong's birthday is coming up on this 2nd Feb :)


Thank you everyone for keep updating this thread with Jjong and yura activities.

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Guest bbblyzu3
7 hours ago, anniepanda said:

This was a fun interview! Jjong was very cheerful and lovely that day. Where did the iron man go? I see no iron man!

We all shipped JjongAh because we saw the wonderful chemistry they had ON SCREEN (and sometimes off screen too, through pictures of course). But when he said this:

Jjong: Anyhow, during filming, there is this sort of thing- there are many cameras and people right. I tell myself 'Let's just act naturally as how I would, pretend that all these things are not there' but truthfully I still become aware of the camera and people in the end. So, when I'm just with Yura by the side and we're talking and playing, the writer will come over and say 'Yes, that's right! Can't you guys do it like this? If you do it like this then it makes the two of you look better and the relationship looks more lovely. And your conversation looks more interesting like that..'. So when I hear her say that, I think that although I may think that I want to do it perfectly as I wished, I wasn't able to.

I suddenly realize how MUCH more sizzling chemistry there were off screen. The interesting conversations they had, the stuff they did for (and to) each other, the glances that were sent back and forth... Can you all imagine that? Oh boy.. *phew* I'm not even sure if we could have handled it!

and the way he described his ideal type just SCREAMS Yura.. come on now, Jjong, make it a liiiil bit hard for us to guess.

I looove that they started the whole show with something Yura-related and ended it with.... something Yura-related! hahahaha! Love the radio host. Love 'im!!!



I've always trust in them whenever they say they're much closer offcam :wub:

Remember the magical moment after wgm ended  we saw this. Even when we saw this we couldn't handle our self hehehe















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9 hours ago, delphinite said:

It's a been a long time since I've been here! Hello @anniepanda and everyone hehe Just dropping by with translations for Jjong on Old School :) It was so nice to see Jjong having an interview again after so long! And he looks positively cheerful, I had so much fun listening to it^^ The trans are loooong so beware~ hehe

Video link:  https://youtu.be/LYXrS1K6hT0


Btw his little bopping along to the jingle at the start!!! So cuteeee :3
KCR: The person we have here today is Yura's ex-husband from WGM, and when it comes to acting, he gets praised for having good chemistry with his co-stars. As for variety shows, he fits in well with everyone and plays the role of the youngest so well. From a model to being a husband, actor, variety, youngest - regardless of the name used to describe him, it fits well. He is the trend of the trend,  the person that SBS announcer Jo Junshik (?), who adores Yura, is most wary about! We are here on Old School with Hong Jonghyun!
KCR: This is Kim Chang Ryul's Old School. Today we are joing by model-actor-variety-maknae Hong Jonghyun! How are you?
Jjong: Hello! I'm Hong Jonghyun. It's nice to meet you! *claps and waves*
KCR: Ahh he's handsome, I want that face
Jjong: Aigoo thank you
KCR: It's really nice to meet you. Having seen you on WGM and other shows, you really look so much more handsome in person than when you appeared in tv!
Jjong: Ah, yes
KCR: Please don't be embarrassed
Jjong: I don't know how to react to that
KCR: Don't be embarrased, instead when someone says you're handsome, and since you're trying to express yourself these days, just say, yes I agree that I'm handsome!
Jjong: Since Changryul hyung has acknowledged it, I think I agree that I'm handsome!
KCR: *laughs* First off, please greet the listeners of Old School
Jjong: Hello, it's my first time greeting everyone on Old School. I'm Hong Jonghyun. Let's spend a good time together today.
KCR: *claps* Nice to meet you too. Hong Jonghyun-sshi, these days your name appears often in the search box. How is it? Do you feel your popularity?
Jjong: When my name appears in searches or people around me bring up my name, of course I feel it. Not so much when things like "Oh Hong Jonghyun-sshi please sign for me, please take a photo", are happening but more so when I'm back at home, before sleeping I will think "Ahh today there were so many who like me". I think that's when I realise it the most.
KCR: I see. I also hear that you receive many calls to appear on shows. How is it these days?
Jjong: I don't get that many calls actually, but I do get calls all the time, consistently
KCR: These days, through WGM you are slowly taking on more variety shows, even Law of the Jungle-
Jjong: It's broadcasting now right
KCR: Yes, you returned from the jungle right. Do you think you are well-suited for variety? What are your thoughts?
Jjong: Ummm I think there are some variety that suits me and others that don't. Rather than having to talk a lot or use action or words to bring about laughter, rather than having that sort of skills, I think I suit variety shows like Law of th Jungle more where-
KCR: where you can use your body 
Jjong: yes, I think I'm rather good at that. *laughs*
KCR: ahh, then I think you will do well on Running Man
Jjong: Yes thats why I appeared on Running Man and I won on that episode
KCR: I think you have quite some skills there. These days since we're on the topic of Law of th Jungle, let's talk a bit more about it. You have the role of the youngest on the show right?
Jjong: Yes yes
KCR: How are you able to fit in so well with all the older sunbaes? It doesn't seem like they were things that you had to actually do when you got there.. When you got there, did you see them? The things you had to do?
Jjong: Firstly, before leaving for the jungle, we hear of who else would be going as well right. When I saw them, I realised that I was the youngest. So I thought that although it was important that I look out for myself when I'm there, I also had the midset from the very start that I should take care of the hyungs and nunas there. I don't know if it's because I went with that mindset that I seemed to have my antennas up when I was there.
KCR: Exactly. When I was watching you, even when you were doing other things, your antenna would be up
Jjong: Even for me when I was watching the broadcast, there were times when I was really surprised and thought to myself "Was I really like that??" It's like whenever there is a need for something to be done arises, I seem to appear then
KCR: Rather than it being because you were the youngest, it felt more like superman? Like whenever you need him, superman will appear
Jjong: And that's why Oh Jiho hyung really liked it and said this kind of kid should really become a manager *laughs*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners" "HJH-sshi, you were so cute in LOTJ! So nice and had good sense. Good job maknae!"
Jjong: Aigoo thank you. I did my best.
KCR: After you returned from the jungle, did anything change? LIke when you went to the jungle, it was all very real situations and you had to go through quite a bit of things
Jjong: I think my thinking changed quite a bit after coming back. It's not like it's a really big thing but more like I worried too much over nothing, that sort of thoughts. After coming back, I realised that it was an enjoyable time spent there. I didn't really feel like it was that tiring when I came back.
KCR: For you, I think there were many scenes where we could really see that you were enjoying yourself there
Jjong: Yea, I went there to have an good time and really had an enjoyable time there
KCR: It's like when you say "it's hard, then it will be hard" but if you say "it's fun, then it will be fun"
Jjong: Yes, thats right
KCR: I think in your case, because you knew that you wanted to have a good time there, you were also able to give an enjoyable time to your sunbaes too
Jjong: Yes
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "This ahjumma has totally fallen for you~ You're totally handsome!!"
Jjong: Thank you *peace sign*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners" Best face, best body, best height, an entertainer that has everything. Hong Jonghyun is the best!
Jjong: Ah thank you
KCR: SInce the talk of height came up, you first started as a model before becoming an actor right
Jjong: That's right
KCR: Along with Kim Youngkwang, Woobin, Sungjoon and Lee Soohyuk, you guys are called the Model Avengers?
Jjong: *laughs* Yes
KCR: Are you embarrased?
Jjong: Oh no, It feels nice especially since it has the name avengers in it. And the fans were the ones who came up with the name. But the thing is that it sort of has the meaning of everyone being powerful, and in comparision to me, my friends or seniors have much more so for me it feels more like a nickname than anything, that's why I feel little embarrased by it
KCR: But aren't you close to them?
Jjong: Yes I am. We're very close.
KCR: What did they say after you returned from the jungle?
Jjong: The reactions were a bit different. In Youngkwang hyung's case, he is rather similar to me in the sense that he likes nature and animals so he says it sounds interesting and asks how is it, with that feeling of wishing he could have gone as well.
KCR: LOTJ pdnim, do you hear that? KYK wants to come one the show. How about Kim Woobin?
Jjong: Woobin did mention to me several times that he would like to go but he's naturally busy so that's a shame that he can't but he called me before I left telling me to take care
KCR: And Lee Soohyuk and Sungjoon too? Probably said the same thing?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Ah, but to imagine all 5 of you to be together... I think it'll be really amazing
 Jjong: *laughs* Aigoo thank you
KCR: What do models normally do when they meet?
Jjong: Hmm, we don't really do anything that special. Usually we just do things together? Like maybe exercising together or having a meal or meeting for tea, that sort of thing
KCR: But you guys don't talk much right? Things like having a conversation, you don't have much if that right?
Jjong: Mmmh, not really I think.. not to the point of a conversation
KCR: I get the feeling that you guys just sit there and talk with your eyes *laughs*
Jjong: *laughs* No no, not to that extent. We do talk but not really to the extent of a chatting kind of conversation I think
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "I watched HJH in Police Family and it was so funny! I'm reminded of Ahn Jiyeon(?) who used to host Old School back then"
Jjong: Ahh thank you
KCR: *reads messages from listener* "I was fan since Jungle Fish! Back then I was only in year 1 of middle school, now im a 2nd year in college" Woah thats a really longtime fan! "I really enjoyed watching Boy from Wonderland. You were so charming in it" Wow, you have done quite a few projects, in your 10 or so years of debut
Jjong: Yes it does look like it
KCR: Out of all the projects you've taken up so far, which is the most memorable? Although of course all the projects would have been memorable to you
Jjong: That's right. But often, it will be the project that was the most recently worked on, so it will have to be the movie Boy from Wonderland which was just recently released in theatres 
KCR: And I hear that you're also preparing for a drama these days? They changed the name to Moon Lovers?
Jjong: Yes yes
KCR: What kind of drama is it?
Jjong: I heard that in Korea, there is a fandom of the original chinese drama, and now we are going to be doing somewhat a remake of it. To say it simply, there is a king and he has 20 sons and I play one of the sons. So it's a story about the princes. I play the 3rd son while the others play the 4th son, 8th son and so on.
KCR: There's Kang Haneul, IU, Baekhyun, Lee Junki, Nam Joohyuk. Woah, all these amazing actors are casted. When will the drama be broadcasted? Are you in teh middle of filming now?
Jjong: Oh no, we start filming next week. I think as this production is set in the historic times, it will take longer than the filming for a typical drama so maybe in the mid year? or in the later half.
KCR: I'm looking forward to it. However you see it, it looks like it'll be a really big scale production.
Jjong: That's right.
KCR: Seeing how you'll be apeparing in the drama, I'll make sure to watch it. Right, the song that Hong Jonghyun has chosen is Sure Thing by Miguel. We'll listen to this song and continue our talk in a while.
KCR: That was Sure Thing by Miguel. You must like listening to this genre of music?
Jjong: I do listen to this kind of genre but the reason why I chose this song was because when I used to appear to radio back then, although it wasn't often, and had to recommend songs, I realise that I used to recommend ballads a lot because I like listening to ballads. So I thought maybe I should recommend something different this time. I found out about this song last year and when I was scrolling through my playlist - you know know the songs you use to listen to a long time ago are always at the bottom right, and I saw this song and thought ah i really like this this song and that's what I recommended this song
KCR: You seem like you have interests in certain things, what is your hobby?
Jjong: For me, I like doing activities
KCR: Like exercising?
Jjong: Yea like soccer or sports that involve bikes and stuff. And I don't know if you might consider it as dangerous but I also enjoy ____ (cannot catch..) on cars or motocycles. Even when I'm just riding motorbikes, the people around me keep telling me to stop *laughs*
KCR: Especially your family right? They would worry a lot right?
Jjong: The strange thing is that my mum and dad are not too worried about it?
KCR: Really??
Jjong: *laughs* Yea, Mom and Dad just say sure go ahead and ride
KCR: So it must be your manager who worries
Jjong: Yea, and the friends and people around me. So that's why I can't really ride motorbikes often now and since I like driving, I drive cars instead.
KCR: Although it hasn't been long since he came, he has entered the ____ (some ranking thing I think) at number 20. I'm sure he'll move up to first place right. *reads messages from listeners* "I can see Hong Jonghyun but I can only listen to KCR and not see him. " Yes, I know that too. *laughs*
Jjong: Ah, no right now, the sunlight isn't shining to Changryul hyung thats why
KCR: No no that's not it, it's cuz I'm already dark thats why *laughs* *reads messages from listeners* "You look handsome when you smile, a real man"
Jjong: Thank you
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "Can you please say 'shall we look at the rabbits?' for me?"
Jjong: Ah this is actually.. let me say it first 'Shall we look at the rabbits?' This is actually a line from the movie
KCR: Ahh so the people who watched the movie would have fainted when they hear you say this line
Jjong: Ahh, yes they probably liked it *laughs*
KCR: Somehow the feel woul be different. Let me give it a try 'Shall we look at the rabbits?' That sounds a bit scary when I say it
Jjong: *laughs*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* Do you still meet up with PpaPpa?
Jjong: Ah Ppa Ppa? You mean Junghyun? Lee Junghyun? (she's a co-actress from the movie i think) We can't really meet often, we only met by chance once. Sometime we do contact each other but because she lives in Jeju-do so..
KCR: But even so, she does come to Seoul for activities right?
Jjong: Yes
KCR:  So you guys keep in contact often but can't really meet
Jjong: Yes
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "Is Haerong doing well?" Why do these people have so many things they are curious about? *laugh*
Jjong: Haerong is my pet dog. I brought his once before and previously we were on a pet-related show. I think it might be a listener who watched that before. Haerong is doing well. Mom and Dad took him with them. Sometimes i go to see him but.. he gives off the aged feel when I look at him *laughs*  but he's still actually a young dog
KCR: *laughs* I see. This is Old School with Hong Jonghyun. We have ended part 1 and will be moving on to part 2 where we will share even more exciting stories with him later
-----PART 2---------
KCR: We're starting part 2 of KCR's Old School and we have actor Hong Jonghyun with us today. I knew it would be like this *reads messages from listeners* "Jonghyun says 'Shall we look at the rabbits' while Changryul says 'Shall we bite rabbits?' (the first syllable for look and eat sounds similar) That must feel bad~"
Jjong: Ahh go to bite rabbits *laughs*
KCR: Ah well that's possible too since I have a beard and I look dark and all *laughs* *reads messages from listeners* "I'm so curious about what you guys were talking about so seriously during the advertisement breaks" We were talking about the drama for a bit just now
Jjong: Ahh I was talking a bit about the drama which I'll be filming but before that I was talking about the bugs that bit me when I went to the jungle *laughs* (LOOK AT HIM BOPPING HIS HEAD!?!!)
KCR: You were showing me how your hand had this many bites!! Erghh I hate bugs!!
Jjong: When Changryul hyung was doing this *mimics action* that was when we were talking about bugs hehe
KCR: For the drama, even as we were just talking about it a bit, it really looks like a big production. Will the drama be released at the same time in Korea and China?
Jjong: Yes, that's right. From what I hear, it will be broadcasted at the same time and day and from the same channel.
KCR: Ah then it looks like you'll be known in China now
Jjong: Ah yes if it's a good thing then.. yes.. *laughs*
KCR: *reads messages from listeners* "I'm player number 27 from the soccer team. Why am I seeing you here instead of as a soccer player. Jonghyun-ah, come and play soccer!!"
Jjong: Oh Jiyoon-ah hi!! He's actually my friend.
KCR: Ahh he's your friend?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Do you guys have a team?
Jjong: I made a soccer team with my friends and they meet up every Sunday but up to recently I was on Inkigayo every Sunday
KCR: Ah that's right
Jjong: Yes, so I definitely was unable to join in because of my schedule so
KCR: but now you can join them right?
Jjong: Yes now I can join them but I start filming for my drama next week so, I'm sorry Jiyoon-ah *laughs and waves cutely*
KCR: What is this~ Ah but you must really like playing soccer.
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Other than soccer, are there any other sports that you like?
Jjong: Hmm.. when I was younger, I had friends who wanted to be soccer players, basketball players and baseball players but I think for me, I had more interest in soccer
KCR: So only soccer? Do you like baseball?
Jjong: Baseball.. I've never done baseball before so thats why..
KCR: Ah.. that's a waste. I wanted to ask you to join my team.. *laughs* Now we'll move on to Hong Jonghyun's one-line talk. I'll ask questions and you'll just answer in a short sentence
Jjong: Okay
KCR: First qn. You and Yura had a fantasy-like chemistry on WGM. If I was married in real-life, what kind of husband do I think I'll be?
Jjong: Umm... A husband who is like a friend
KCR: A husband who is like a friend? Hmm, we'll talk more about that later. In LOTR, Lee Jangwoo and Son Eunseo said that Hong Jonghyun was revealed as the one with the best reversed charms. If you could reveal one of your reversed charms on Old School, what will it be?
Jjong: Rather than being handsome, I'm cheerful
KCR: Ah, you're cheerful instead of handsome. But even so, you smile a lot so you naturally look cheerful all the time. It's not that you want to be cheerful but not handsome right?
Jjong: Ah, no its just that today the atmosphere is really comfortable and you're very easy to get along with that's why I'm smiling very comfortably and naturally but normally I'm quite shy of strangers
KCR: Ah really?
Jjong: Yes, and I get nervous too. I'm that type of person so I would normally sit quietly like this and look around for cues
KCR: Initially you would be in that kind of alert mode so it take a while to get comfortable right?
Jjong: Yea, it takes quite awhile
KCR: That's a relief then that you feel comfortable on Old School. Okay we'll move on to the third question. On LOTJ you're known as the maknae who shows himself through actions more than words, if you could show something for us on Old School, what will it be?
Jjong: Show something? What can I show?
KCR: Maybe like aegyo or something like that?  
Jjong: Ah aegyo
KCR: Do you know any? Back then there was the buing buing thing they do
Jjong: Ah aegyo, how do I
KCR: 1+1=kwiyomi there is also this
Jjong: Then I'll do the buing buing *laughs*
KCR: Ah then please do that for us
Jjong: The camers is here right - *buing buing* Ahhh I'm embarrased
KCR: Even though you're so embarrased you still do it
Jjong: Since I'm here, I have to do it
KCR: Thank you. Next question. Hong Jonghyun usually likes trying out new things. What was the most recent experience of trying something new you had?
Jjong: *thinks* Ah! Drifting!
KCR: Drifting? Like a car?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: You did that?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: You went outside to do it or at a racing area
Jjong: I did it in a circuit where it was safe and - shall I save this for later?
KCR: Ah yes, we'll talk about it later. Next question. You must be busy preparing for the drama Moon Lovers these days. Among the many actors appearing in the show, who do you think is your true rival?
Jjong: Lee Junki hyungnim
KCR: Ah Lee Junki
Jjong: Yes, Shall I talk about this later?
KCR: Yes yes. Let's first go back to the first question. The question was 'If I was married in real-life, what kind of husband do I think I'll be?' and you said a husband who is like a friend
Jjong: Yes
KCR: If it's a husband who is like a friend, then perhaps something like the atmosphere you gave off with Yura when you were on WGM?
Jjong: Ah but the thing is that, even when I was still on teh show, there were actually many things that I felt bad and sorry about. As I mentioned earlier-
KCR: In SBS, we were really affected by it. *laughs* I'm referring to Jo Jungshik announcer..
Jjong: You mean the one whom you mentioned just now?
KCR: Yes, he's a fan of Yura. Because of you, he was going around SBS and throwing a fuss *laughs*
Jjong: Ahhh... where is he? I think I have to explain things to him *laughs*
KCR: But anyhow
Jjong: Anyhow, during filming, there is this sort of thing- there are many cameras and people right. I tell myself 'Let's just act naturally as how I would, pretend that all these things are not there' but truthfully I still become aware of the camera and people in the end. So, when I'm just with Yura by the side and we're talking and playing, the writer will come over and say 'Yes, that's right! Can't you guys do it like this? If you do it like this then it makes the two of you look better and the relationship looks more lovely. And your conversation looks more interesting like that..'. So when I hear her say that, I think that although I may think that I want to do it perfectly as I wished, I wasn't able to.
KCR: Like when the camera turns and such
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Like I feel like I can do it even more comfortably but I can't seem to do that.
Jjong: Yes, and that's why even though it's good that I'm on the receiving end, giving and looking after someone is also a good thing so I think it will be nice if I can meet someone like that
KCR: What's your idel type?
Jjong: Hmmm, someone who is more... like when I'm alone or by myself, I tend to be rather depressed and quiet, there are times when I'm like that. Not so much depressed though but I'm not the type who is always excited and cheerful so I like someone who has that bright and cheerful energy, someone who-
KCR: Smiles and laughs a lot
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: Ahhh
Jjong: So if I meet that kind of person-
KCR: Then in that case, it's almost like Yura?
Jjong: Yes, that's why when I'm with her, I laugh a lot and there were many things we laughed about.. umm..  how should I say this.. like-
KCR: Innocent?
Jjong: Yes, like just laughing innocently over simple things. So when we were together, it/she makes me feel happy
KCR: So you want that sort of person?
Jjong: Yes *nods*
KCR: Something like even when I'm just looking at that person, she makes me feel happy. That sort of person?
Jjong: *nods* yes
KCR: Ah so that's you ideal type. Okay let's move on to the next question. In LOTR, Lee Jangwoo and Son Eunseo said that Hong Jonghyun was revealed as the one with the best reversed charms. Hong Jonghyun's reversed charm is that instead of being handsome, he is cheerful. Aren't you originally someone who smiles a lot normally?
Jjong: Uhhh
KCR: Cuz you're smiling a lot today so you look really bright and cheerful
Jjong: Well, I do smile often but I don't know if it's the characters I take on or because of photoshoots where I have to give a more serious and expressionless face when I film that it ends up like that.. In reality, there was this person who said this to me, I won't say the name. We were almost done with filming (at the jungle). Everyone was close and getting along and chatting with one another while the interviews were talking place. I was sitting with one of the hyungs *laughs* and he asked me, 'Jonghyun-ah, can I say something?' so I said. 'Sure, go ahead. What is it?'. And he replied, 'I really thought you were a jerk or something at the start.' *laughs* and he said 'I'm so glad you didn't turn out to be like that in the end.' and we laughed about it
KCR: I wonder who that person is.. Let's try and identify that person as we watch LOTJ. *laughs* What does Hong Jonghyun find funny? The thing that brings a smile to my face?
Jjong: Something that brings a smile to my face.. hmm
KCR: Firstly I think there would be soccer?
Jjong: Yes, and earlier, you also asked me about it - a new experience like doing something at a certain place. I like things like that - going some place, or doing activities there, trying something new. I think I enjoy doing things like that.
KCR: When you find something that you want to try.
Jjong: Yes yes you are right
KCR: Like 'Oh? This seems like it'll be fun?" When you get that feeling, that's when you feel really happy. When you imagine something like that?
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: I see.. so these kinds of things can bring a smile to Hong Jonghyun's face
Jjong: Yes *nods*
KCR: I see *laughs*
Jjong: *looks at cam and says cutely* Like a kid right? *laughs*
KCR: Nah, I think everyone is like that. Even when I receive such a question, only one answer comes up and that's my daughter *laughs* Is there anyone who brings a smile to your face? Maybe family or something? Like if there is this person, I'm just so happy.
Jjong; There will always be someone like that. Like my family or my very close friends. When I'm with them whether I'm in difficult times or when I'm happy, they also feel the same. Of course I try to make them happy as I am.
KCR: To your family?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: And friends
Jjong: *nods* I understand. Okay we'll listen to another song. It'll be another one of Hong Jonghyun's recommendation. Please introduce it cooly like a DJ. It's Snuper's song.
Jjong: Yes, it is a song by Snuper. We'll listen to Polaroid.
KCR: That was Polaroid by Snuper. It's a fitting song for winter.
Jjong: Yes, it's perfect for the season now
KCR: It's so nice if you listen to it now. *reading messages from listeners* "Because of Jonghyun, I downloaded this song and am listening to it." and also "I wonder if you usually listen to your dongseng's songs..?"
Jjong: Actually, Snuper is a group with dongsengs whom I'm very close with so I listen to their songs and am dilligently supporting them.
KCR: *laughs* I see. *reading messages from listeners*  "Ask Hong Jjong to sing also! He sings well!" 
Jjong: *laughs*
KCR: Ah can you sing well?
Jjong: Nooo
KCR: Are you the kind who usually goes to sing karaoke with your friends? If you do go, what kind of sings do you sing?
Jjong: I sing ballads too but these days..
KCR: Then let's have you sing a couple of lines from a ballad
Jjong: A few lines from a ballad? Uhh *laughs* What ballad will be nice?
KCR: Whatever you like
Jjong: Ah okay I'll just sing something ah ah *coughs* Did you just add some effect now?
KCR: Yes we did
Jjong: *coughs* Suddenly I'm nervous *laughs* Here I go.. *can't seem to start* *laughs* *sings Kim Dongryul's Like A Child* Ahhh I don't think I can do it~ I can feel my voice trembling
KCR: *laughing* You must have been nervous
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Do you like singing?
Jjong: When I was in middle school I used to go to sing at the karaoke alot but due to reasons I didn't go much after that. But I think I do like singing.
KCR: What was your dream before becoming a model?
Jjong: I wanted to be a vet, a soccer player when I was really little. I think maybe those two?
KCR: Just those two? So when did you feel like you wanted to become a model?
Jjong: That was sometime in middle school i think.
KCR: In middle school? You must have been really tall then.
Jjong: No not really. Back then I wasn't even 180cm. Its just that I became more aware of my looks and more interested in clothes and things like that. When I found out about models, I though wow that's cool. But then I found out that you need to be really tall and there were lots of conditions, I thought ah i probably won't do. I'll think about it again when I'm taller. I thought like that but I really grew tall *laughs*
KCR: Then it was just nice
Jjong: Yes, so I thought shall I give it a try? and with that thought I began my job as a model
KCR: But when you thought like that, did you immediately become a model? Because sometimes its like even if you want it to turn out like this, it doesn't happen that way. But then again, it's Hong Jonghyun and he's handsome so..
Jjong: Aigoo.. No that's not it. I had to attend school too, sit for lessons and take exams while preparing, in case I fail
KCR: *reading messages from listeners* "oppa do your exercise nowadays? Your broad shoulders!"
Jjong: Oh I wasn't able to exercise much these days so I shrunk a bit but thank you! I must look healthy!
KCR: *reading messages from listeners* "Happy advanced birthday!"
Jjong: *claps* Ah thank you~
KCR: When is your birthday?
Jjong: 2nd Feb
KCR: That's coming up soon then
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Seems like the fans take care of all these things as well
Jjong: Thank you
KCR: After that buingbuing, let's move on to the next question. Your latest new experience. Drifting?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Did you do it yourself at the circuit?
Jjong: Yes yes
KCR: It must have been really fun
Jjong: It was really fun. I think if you're a guy, you would enjoy it if you gave it a try at least once. For me, a long time ago, about 3 years ago, there was a group of people (can't catch the name) who came to Korea right? Back then, I had the opportunity ride in the passenger's seat so I was all 'woah~'  since I was seeing all that skill in person when I would usually have jsut seen it on tv. I thought it was really interesting. And recently I got th chance to try it.
KCR: So you actually went to do it?
Jjong: Yes
KCR: Wah.. You seem like you would do it well
Jjong: Ah no not really, I had to go there and learn
KCR: If that's the case, then if you have interest in racing.. there are many racers out there like *lists out names* There are many of them out there. Don't you want to give it a try? Since you like driving
Jjong: Umm I do want to give it a try but I don't know if I have the skill or not to do it thats why.. But just being there for awhile, as I was learning, I was told that I seem to have the skills for it. For that matter, I think I'll have to think a bit mor about it but for now, I enjoy it.
KCR: There are also drifting teams *reading messages from listeners* "Our company's boss wants to recruit Hong Jonghyun on the team!" Ohh~~ and then "If it's drifting then it's Kim Yuna!"
Jjong: Ah but the thing is, among the people who do drifting, I think they learn a lot and that's why it's like that
KCR: I understand. We'll listen to some commercials and then we'll have Hong Jonghyun give his farewell greetings
Jjong: So fast??
KCR: Yes, one hour is almost up.
*advertisement break*
KCR: It's Kim Changryul's Old School with Hong Jonghyun. *reading messages from listeners* *listener mentions about his loveline in one of his works (sorry i cant catch!)*
Jjong: Ahh thank you. it's cuz of people that say this that I get strength
KCR: *reading messages from listeners* "Don't go don't go!!" So how, do you want to stay while I go off earlier?
Jjong: Oh yes please do! *laughs*
KCR: Ah but Hong Jonghyun's voice is really suited for a DJ role don't you think?
Jjong: really?
KCR: Yes I think it suits well
Jjong: I do have thoughts of being a radio host for a short while
KCR: Don't do it for awhile. Do it longer.
Jjong: Longer is good too, if it matches my schedule
KCR: If there is a position at SBS I'll let you know
Jjong: Otherwise if hyung you need to take some time off?
KCR: Oh yes, if I need to leave for a bit, can I call you?
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: I understand. *reading messages from listeners* "Do you plan to have any fanmeetings?"
Jjong: Originally I was thinking of having one in time for my birthday but due to drama filming I think it will be hard so maybe in the later part of the year, I'll plan it again late
KCR: So it means that you'll like to have a fanmeeting?
Jjong: Yes.
KCR: Now for your rival in the drama. Please say something to Lee Junki
Jjong: Actually the reason why I chose him was because in the drama I play the villian *girl's day expectations play* so everyone is a rival.. Junki hyung! The song is already playing
KCR: But the title is so apt - anticipate it
Jjong: Yes, Junki hyung, the reason why I chose you was because in the drama, our characters clash a lot so I wil ldo my best to play a bad character so look forward  to it
KCR: In future, we'll look forward to HJH will shine even brighter. We'll end off here today. Thank you so much for coming on the show Hong Jonghyun. Really if I have something that comes up or I have to go somewhere and this seats becomes empty, I will definitely give you a call. Promise! Oh we're really promising! Even with a seal! Okay thank you!!
Jjong: Thank you!!
KCR: It's Girl's Day's Expectation!

yyaawwww,.,.let's hv this party 4 2nd round.,.and to dearest @delphinite sunbaenim really2 thank you to share the amazing trans i enjoying reading this jjong intrvw:wub::wub: so i need to quote your post for some some back read over and overoverover **sorry i just love this so much my jjogaholics soul craving 4 this since it's been quite sometime last feeding my delulu**chargingmode

jjong and ah young fingtiing and jjongaholics saranghaeeee,.!!!

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37 minutes ago, bbblyzu3 said:

I've always trust in them whenever they say they're much closer offcam :wub:

Remember the magical moment after wgm ended  we saw this. Even when we saw this we couldn't handle our self hehehe


 YES!! yes i do remember!! OMG THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THESE PICS/GIFS UP AGAIN! We were so freaking happy that day, remember? I think I lost my mind! Ugh.. it looked like they were just finished shooting a James Bond movie and had to attend the award show right away. No time to change outfits guys! :P But yeah, I also trust them when they say that they are much closer off cam. The pics you shared just proved that! (and he was following after her when she walked away too hahaha) Don't even forget the JjongAh reunion on Inki! Lost my mind that day too..

Anyways, I just loved that he talked about her with such affection. He didn't have to talk too much about her, but he just went on and on.. *sigh* love it so much :blush:

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Looks like GsD gonna have a comeback soon :)


Credit to @JiWan for finding the pic. :)


Btw!!! Jjong's birthday coming up soon. We should decide on a few tags we can use to celebrate his birthday.

My suggestions:





eeeeeeh... I'm so bad at this. More suggestions? :P

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4 minutes ago, anniepanda said:

Looks like GsD gonna have a comeback soon :)


Btw!!! Jjong's birthday coming up soon. We should decide on a few tags we can use to celebrate his birthday.

My suggestions:





eeeeeeh... I'm so bad at this. More suggestions? :P

Good idea !!

My suggestions 




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14 minutes ago, JiWan said:

Good idea !!

My suggestions 





I like #HappyJjongDay. Didn't we use #HappyYuraDay on Yura's birthday? Such a fine hint that we are Jjongaholics (for those who don't know it already...) but not too much "in your face" to make it aggravating for his fandom ;)

I vote for #HapppyJjongDay !!!

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3 hours ago, anniepanda said:


I like #HappyJjongDay. Didn't we use #HappyYuraDay on Yura's birthday? Such a fine hint that we are Jjongaholics (for those who don't know it already...) but not too much "in your face" to make it aggravating for his fandom ;)

I vote for #HapppyJjongDay !!!

Count me too... i vote for #HappyJjongDay

Let's spread those hastag in his official acc. Here is his official acc. Plis correct me if im wrong.. 


Twitter (his fans official acc, he didn't have personal twitter acc as far i know) 


or his company offcial twiter acc



Im sooo excited to do this simple project again with all of jjongaholics fam. I know most of u just being silent lucker here but i know that u love jjongah as much as us :wub:..

Feb 2nd right????  (I forget the story about his jan 7th born date in his biography :o)

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