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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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haishhhhhhh roller coaster ride again........... whether in real life or cyber world hahahaha.......... I'll be lying if I say I dont care or reading about the rumour but I try not to think it cuz my mind only think about JjongAh....  its K-Entertainment what we are talking about...a place where rumour never stop regardless how they try to explain it.... and so far to stop all the rumour is getting married.... all I want to say is I believe in both Jjong and AhYoung regardless what their relationship status now...... and as for Jjong he is free to be friend with any1 and the same goes with AhYoung...... cuz we can never knew what will happen in the future.... lets us be patient...... and in the meantime I'm going to watch back the ep16-19 to keep my happy as this epi is the turning point in JjongAh relationship...... peace....:w00t:

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Guest mmj_leong

@mgy_megu thanks for the gif chinggu! This is what I saw during the beginning of the show! His eyes can't get off her! This is what I sense from start that he will fall deeply to her. I'm so curious why people said he have no affection to AhYong? Don't anyone saw this reaction from him in the beginning? Is obvious right? Is even obvious when he rubbed his knee smiling shyly during the meeting! This is when you really like someone & you lost your mind doing silly action. This is why he said 1st meeting is the best moment for him!

Same to us, 1st impression you meet someone the feeling is very important. You like or dislike that person you can tell straight away from the 1st eye contact.

Frankly speaking, at 1st I really don't know them.... I just randomly watched some of the couple and I'm not a fans at all but when I watched This! This! This 1st ever moment they met I can sense & feel this guy straight away show his interest into her during the 1st meeting. Then I continue watched them until the last episode. That's what I believe & have faith to him towards AhYong no doubt at all. I'm worried about AhYong feeling instead. Luckily from the show I can also see AhYong like him too. I love this moment my favourite! I'm so glad that both of them appreciate each other and have best chemistry together♡♡ this will be forever♡♡

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Guest minaret

How to begin....let me 1st greet this wonderful thread and beautiful people that i called friends. Hello and hope all of you are doing well. Let's not get anything any news or rumors in our way-to enjoy and fill each and every moment with beautiful and happy thoughts. Fighting!

I heard about the whole hoo-haa from IG to Tweets since yesterday. Part of me questioning and part of me answering. I believe everything that had been said by Jjong, about Ahyoungie especially, about WGM, about the experiences, pre and post, his experiences filming his 1st movie, his thoughts and appreciation towards fans, producers, directors, co-stars especially to Ahyoungie to the time he addressed the rumors thrice, i am believing in him 101 percent. Though i have some 'shaky' moments during that time but i calm down and accepted everything with open heart and mind.

For this time around, the rumor was been speculated by fans themselves. And for this time around let the party involve to clear it out- i will wait for the press and pictures to come out follow by statements from each agency. If the rumor turns out to be true, as a shipper in a shipper thread i conclude that whatever been said by Jjong about his relationship with the other as a hoax, a lie (i am sorry if i sound too direct but i can only think of that word) thus making him a liar which sadly he did not lived it off according to his principles and being true to what he says. He is an honest man and  he does not like people who tell lie ( he endorsed it himself) so it is funny if he is acting the complete opposite of it. I took account of all the been said by those saw him at Thailand, the time, the place and the person who is there at this point of time which make it possible to 'make' them caught in another. Relationship needs to develop with time, so i can say that it is developing while he is caught during the 1st rumor.

But if i am talking generally, not as a shipper or not on this thread- it should not be a problem if they go for a vacation or secret dates or whatever. For one, Jjong and Ahyoungie are no longer involved in WGM, they are friends and colleagues who supporting each other, calling and text each other whenever they want. We cannot control their life, we cannot control who they want to be with, where they go what they eat and who are we to mess with fate and destiny? BUT in this situation i think its time for Jjong to spare a thought or two for himself and the person he is with. And also remember however whatever the name that he will bring together is Ahyoungie which other people always link her name with 'sad' 'pity' (i really don't like). Who and what he wishes to hide from? Who and what he wants to spare a thought for? fans? fans knew him that he is Hong my way, he will definitely find his way around. He is a celebrity, he is a public figure living under the public eyes. However these celebrities want to hide their relationships it will be discovered. For how long they want to talk or ask about your relationship? It will only take a while till a new trend or new celebrity emerges and your story will be just a passing notion. So this time around lets spare Jjong from getting misunderstood or bashing again and again and spare the person that contributes in helping you to rediscover the other side of you which is fun, mischievous, its-ok-to LOL, waving, pouting, do a heart sign or dance for your fans or the public. 

I am apologized in advance to those taking offend to what i mentioned above. i am talking to myself of a reality that can hit me anytime if the opposite happens. I'm not at all looking down or angry at Jjong nor Ahyoungie but this is just my thoughts for now.

I am recollecting the images, the words from their time in the show, BRI and interviews, Read again and again of all your comments which i believe the man that name Hong Jong Hyun is a smart and street savvy not silly to put himself in a situation that can trap himself (Once bitten, twice shy). Especially bringing together the name that i love so much that i respect and i learnt a thing or two about love, about life and about looking brighter on the other side. I love them, i love Ahyoung i love Jjong and i hope this situation right now wont disturb them that much in looking forward for tomorrow. "We keep this love in a photograph, we made these memories for ourselves, where our eyes were never closing, hearts are never broken and time is forever frozen still"

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Haha i never believe rumors..trust me. I read rumors then i just wait..see what next..i will believe if got statement or somebody admit it..chill guys..from early of this year when they in wgm also got rumors and i still don't believe..to make ur heart relieve just say this


Use arrogant tone or u can read it then dancing hello bubble kekeke :phew:

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Sorry guys, first time i think i just want to stay away from these matters. Myself, i really want that this couple end up together in real life (may be they were when in wgm and after). But i think we have to prepare that they won't. I 've just search from jong's instagram and his shipper (because they put jong pictures with nana and ahyoung too). And there's a lot a couple item that jong and nana wore. So i think maybe yes jong is closed friend with ahyoung but with nana not only a friend. 

But just keep in faith with them, me too. Cause i like ahyoung very much. She's not just a pretty girl, but she has a pretty heart. 

Good night guys.

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uughh the feels#jumpalitan .,.,.they just too sweet to ignore,.,my TB time mian repost cant help but smile watch this,.,JJongah whatever happen am with u,.:wub:#today first fasting let's do it with pretty heart and mind,.


Edited by MaryH
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Guest phichul


Sorry guys, first time i think i just want to stay away from these matters. Myself, i really want that this couple end up together in real life (may be they were when in wgm and after). But i think we have to prepare that they won't. I 've just search from jong's instagram and his shipper (because they put jong pictures with nana and ahyoung too). And there's a lot a couple item that jong and nana wore. So i think maybe yes jong is closed friend with ahyoung but with nana not only a friend. 

But just keep in faith with them, me too. Cause i like ahyoung very much. She's not just a pretty girl, but she has a pretty heart. 

Good night guys.

just for another perspective ..

when someone has same item that doesnt always mean they're a couple! it can be because they're paid for sponsor. :) (these day actress n actor who is in relationship avoid wear couple items because many couple get caught after doing this. and nowdays fans and reporter start to keep an eye for them and their item.)



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Guest bbblyzu3

Ohhh we got another rumor . For now I choose to stay calm and rational.



I think its okay if theres something about jjongah that make you uncomfortable and want to discuss it here with fellow jjongaholics. since we're family, isnt great if we can share our feeling and concern together and strengthen each other? we already together more than a year or less for some people. and because i follow this thread since first time, I know that we have an awesome family who will always give a rasional POV yet still spazz when there's something to spazz :P . So, if you have something to discuss its better to disscuss here... :) . when you feel your heart weak, just come here to relieve your stress.. hehe..


I agree with jjongaholics here that FATE is not something we decided. so let them flow and find their way... if there are rumors outthere, it can be true or not. we never know the real truth because so many reason. BUT something we have to know is, jjongah always stay true to themself while they're in WGM and even become friend after their stint end (it shows that they honest with each other. if they find their partner as someone who just FAKE/LIAR i dont think they bother to keep in touch :) ). its something we have to cherish (really, NOT all wgm participant did this). and I hope even if someday they're not together, no one from jjongaholics here hate them/their partner. its them who will spend their life with not us. 


This rumour is again baseless. its just one person who claim to see hjh-nana together in thailand and without any proof.I (remember DO and sojin rumour? fans said they seen dating somewhere but turn out it just someone who looks like them) i use this as example bcs not every rumour is true. even if its from media (yewon scandal at first its dispatch and her agency who lied to public, then there's video leaked) BUT one thing for sure the TRUTH never got burried it will reveal someday! so let it flow~let it flow~

SO now, excuse me to prepare myslef to spazz in 6 JULY :w00t: . 

I agree with you. :) Let me hug u too and everyone here


and I can't wait for GsD comeback!!!!!! 

Edited by bbblyzu3
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Yay! I'm back! Before I start, I want to say Happy 1 yr. Anniversary Jjongah and to my fellow Jjongaholics! One year of friendship and happiness in our thread and I missed all of you and my beloved Jjongah! So blessed that I found new friends in this thread and discover the perfect and adorable couple in my entire life… our Jjongah! Why I choose Jjongah and to be a shipper because I fell in love with them… The sincerity and dedication in their work and as a person. There’s an ups and down to ship this couple but here we are…. We still protect them and love them as always. I will support Jjongah all the way and also their individual activities. If someone will try to hurt this two beautiful human being, I will hunt u down! Kekeke…


Anyways, thank you Jjongaholics for info, pictures, gifs and video of Jjong and Ahyoung! Love all of them! Awesome posts of @Tinkiebell and @prism2103!! Sorry if I didn't participate in tweeting galore and post card making. But I sincerely thank you   @anniepanda, @daloula and the rest of Jjongaholics to make the Jjongah 1st Anniversay a very successful event! I also thank you @leehyo77 for donation support event for GsD MV comeback (I will donate before the deadline) hehehe…


It’s a month or two, only today I open our thread to see what’s going on… and of course a wrong timing I guess?? R??? What is that? Hahaha… Every time that word pops up it give me chills! I don’t want to say anything unless if there’s a proof or whatsoever! Hopefully some fans will not attack Jjong’s IG and tag Ahyoung… Aigoo… Another nonsense news to start with… So I don’t care eh eh eh eh~~~


So, GsD is set this July 6? I’m so excited!!! Can’t wait to see Ahyoung dance again and of course the interaction of J & A on Ingikayo! LSG comeback is awesome too! Ey! I have to support Ahyoung role model too right? hahaha..


I found this article and this guy adore GsD! 

cr: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/new_yk/html/read.php?newsid=201506160536381119&ext=na


Okay, I better back to work! Welcome Newbies and Lurkers! Congrats to one of our awesome Jjongaholics @prism2103 for a new badge- Legend! Oh! I forgot to say thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes! Blessed you all! Have a great day Jjongaholics! Stay happy and healthy heart! 


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Sorry guys, first time i think i just want to stay away from these matters. Myself, i really want that this couple end up together in real life (may be they were when in wgm and after). But i think we have to prepare that they won't. I 've just search from jong's instagram and his shipper (because they put jong pictures with nana and ahyoung too). And there's a lot a couple item that jong and nana wore. So i think maybe yes jong is closed friend with ahyoung but with nana not only a friend. 

But just keep in faith with them, me too. Cause i like ahyoung very much. She's not just a pretty girl, but she has a pretty heart. 

Good night guys.

just for another perspective ..

when someone has same item that doesnt always mean they're a couple! it can be because they're paid for sponsor. :) (these day actress n actor who is in relationship avoid wear couple items because many couple get caught after doing this. and nowdays fans and reporter start to keep an eye for them and their item.)



I did the same thing, checking IG taggs, The "Chanana" (EXO Chanyeol & Nana) couple's items evidences are no joke. Its easy to connect celebrities through their items especially when they have a lot of sponsors.... Anyway we just have to be careful with groundless rumours.

But like some of the shippers said, if this rumour  is somehow true, it Will be some disappointment towards HJH because of the clarification during WGM and the "honest" image that he built.

Anyway, i dont take "rumours" seriously :)

ps : sorry for my english and i hope my post doesnt sound harsh :)


Edited by parisianjjongah
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Morniiiiing...!!!!!  :wub:

This day is the very 1st day of Ramadhan to all moslem. Sooo happy ^RAMADHAN^ to all of moslem jjongaholics, n lets spread the happy virus in our sweet home of jjongaholics in this very blessed mouth...:)..n this is the gud morning greeting from owndaddy N marissa jurilla to cheers us up n remains us how sweet they were n hope they are now too :lol:..

Edited by dee_230208
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Guest pmmpi

Hi, guys!! I'm a jongah Thai fan, always a silent lurker and first time posting here cause I feel really frustrated so I decided to say goodbye for this couple.

From the situation I followed on Thai's Twitter, first 2 days ago, the rumor come from one account stated that she see Hong Jonghyun name  in the list of flight going to Samui. She said that this is very surprising cause Nana also film her movie at Samui at that time. Then she tweet another message stated that HJH will go back to Korea on 19, while Nana will be back on 20, she also state the detail of Nana flight exactly. (I'm not sure why she know this info, but from what I observed her account, it seems like she is a flight attendant so she know the information of the passenger. Yeah, and I think reveal some information of the passenger break the rule right?).  At that time, no one believe her and ignore this rumor. Some Thai's fan asked her for the detail and called her a liar, then to prove herself, she reveal the flight number of HJH. Some Jonghah Thai fan checked it and yeah we were shocking cause there's really Hong Jonghyun names on the list of passenger coming to Samui on that day but we still stay optimistic cause in Korea there are many people that name Hong Jonghyun, right? 

Then, a day later another account stated that her friend saw HJH at Chaweng Beach in Samui but don't have a chance to take his picture (if you follow Nana's ig, she also upload the pic of pancake banana and check in that she is in Chaweng beach!! sighhh). This time I begin to suspicious that may be this rumor is true cause from what I observe her account, she's a Kpop fan but neither a fan of HJH, Yura or Nana nor any shippers of these couple so why she need to lie about this? But I still believe in HJH and from what I see, againb continue to keep faith in our couple.

The last evidence is when Korea's fan comments on Nana' ig account that he also met HJH at Samui. This guys just married and going to Samui for their honeymoon, some international asked him that did he see Nana and Jong together? He replied that he only saw HJH at the airport. From different people, different time and even from Korea's fan, this time I must admit that I believe 90% that HJH going to Samui for sure (just my opinion though). Even though maybe he going to Samui to take some vacation alone, but why this period? the same time when Nana also in Samui. To be honest, I feel really disappointed and decided to stop being shippers (is really hurt, isn't it?). Anyway, I will continue to support them as individual's activities. Uri Yura will comeback soon so I will keep support her no matter what. For Jong, although it's hard to admit his decision but come to think of it, I realize that this is his private matter so I'm as a fan cannot control his life. I will support him as a fan and stay focus only his activities only. 

Hope you guys continue to support both of them as a shippers or as a fan who support both of them. Actually I want to express my feeling right now but I can't really explain it in English: confuse, disappoint, frustrated, many things come to my mind and I can't sleep last night because of this. For me, I don't want to hurt anymore so this is a way to resolve my own problem. At least, both of them makes we feel happy for a long period of time, hope them has a bright future and really find someone that they truly love. Bye for now, Shinguu!!

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Guest mmj_leong

Good morning chingguduel ♡♡♡♡ I have a good sleep last night and l'm all happy watching awesome videos of uri JjongAh that post by you all! You guys are jang!! Po Po from me ♡♡♡♡ this is sooooo cute! See how happy they are laughing like a kid♡♡♡♡

cr: to owner insta

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Guest hihi_hehe

@pmmpi Thanks for coming by.  It's good that you have your closure on this couple and still continues to support them individually.  Whether your info is a closure to Jjongah or not, thanks for the info and discoveries :)

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Guest minaret

@pmmpi Thank You for dropping by and the info given. It's ok to disappoint, frustrate, sad, confuse and many more. This is normal as human being to feel this just to know that we are alive. Someday all of us will find that closure too-one way or the other. For now let's support them. GsD is coming back soon i cant wait. They put their heart and soul, blood and sweat so lets give our best support to them.Fighting Ahyoungie Fighting GsD! "i'll remember all the laughter as we go our separate ways, but there's so much we're still earning and we cannot be afraid. There's a world outside our door and nothing's in our way, but if it's now what we're looking for, we'll meet again someday."

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I think I will also have to stop shipping them, Its just too much of a coincidence that HJH was also in Thailand and at the same place. Sorry guys, I probably will just support them individually, but more so towards Yura. 

Although i I hope that I am wrong and hope that there is still hope or Jjoongah

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