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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Hellooo, it's been a long time no post here and just wanna said Happy JjongAh 1st Anniversary.

Here some my favourite gifs from choding-couple.tumblr

"Caring Jjong"

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"Caring Ahyoung"

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"Choding JjongAh"


And Last but not least, THE EPIC KISS that i'll never forget.......... 


This is me while reminiscing JjongAh WGM memories...



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JJONGAHOLICS HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!Thank you for all your updates and making this wonderful thead alive!Thank you for staying and having fun together!Thank you!:wub:The best shippers love you!JjongAh love you!:wub:

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(even young Keanu Reeves is impressed, wait.. has he ever been old? hehehe )

amazing and colorful cards we have here! Hope you all are sharing cards and messages on Twitter and Instagram. I'm sure Jjong and Ahyoung have seen some of them already! :D

Hope they are moved and feel the love Jjongaholics are giving them. A year has gone by already, but the memories still remain! Keep on posting cards and messages with the tags people!!


Let me make some food for ya!!



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Guest Tinkiebell

Happy Jjongah first year anniversary, my fellow Jjongaholics! :)

This marks a milestone, not only in Jjongah's professional life (and hopefully their personal life as well, one can always hope hehe), but also a milestone in the existence of our Jjongah community here in Soompi. 

It's been a year, guys. It doesn't matter whether you're a veteran in this thread or a latecomer, we've all built this community. And therefore, I would like to express my gratitude. 

Thank you guys, for being a part of this community. Thank you for being so passionate about Jjongah, not only during their WGM run, but also afterwards. We love to see them together, but we also support them individually. Jjongah is our common interest and the reason that we've met (though only virtually, but some have already met each other offline), but most importantly, you guys have always been such nice and awesome people, and each one of you have contributed in building up this amazing community. I'm glad and proud to have known you all, and for that, I'll always have the Jjongah to thank for. 

Unfortunately, I don't have any postcard(s) to share. I simply didn't have the time. I'm truly sorry, real life has really taken over my time and energy. But here's one of their sweetest moments that I'm pretty sure all of you would love to look back to.

Remember this photoshoot? Wasn't this kind of awkward but sweet moments the reason why we fell for them in the first place? :) 

In which we got to witness Mr. Professional Model Hong Jjong being incapacitated at a photoshoot by sweet angel Ahyoung, and was just trying his best to regain his composure and save whatever image he had left as a professional model ^_^ :

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Edited by Tinkiebell
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Heloooow.. where is the party? Why are not so crowded here. I think we are not finish yet and could reach page 300 just for today. Are you coma because of meat? LoL.

Because my schedule not as hectic as i predicted before, I had time to flood my cards every 2 hours (on twitter the most, half in IG). Some simple cards. And I want to share with you the rest. Hope it won't make a heavy bandwidth. I will put in spoiler. 









Just tell me if i make trouble in this pages... today my mood was on fire..kkkkk

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