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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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amandayulita said: Sometimes i feel we are so funny.. cause if ahyoungie have project with handsome guy we are so happy.. but when jjong have project with another girl.. we feel so hurt, jelous, and sad.. haha.. poor uri jjong soebang.. i am sorry jjong.. i am a woman so i feel jelous looking at you and your co star.. it's because i love you and ahyoung so much.. hiks.. i miss you together in same project.. :(( but i wish your film will be big hit.. [-O<

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@karatekid08, really LOLing with your gif. JONG: "Shi-esh-I" Jjong certainly have more charm he is hiding from us.. Calling Ahyoung to continue bulldozing HJH wall..ok but not too much some can be kept secret between the two of you Lol..

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My first time posting in the new thread :D Jjong's movie teaser came out!! Jjong abs :3 hehe~~ it looks really funny too so i hope it'll be a big hit~~

And the press con was also held today! Saw some articles and Soompi's one was most intruiging when they reported this:

“The two looked stunning in a picture wearing a wedding dress and tuxedo,” said Park Eun Hye. “I just want for the two of you to date,” she jokingly added. In response, Hong Jong Hyun lightly said, “That’s between the two of us.”

So I went hunting for the press con vids to see if he really did say it and if he did, how did he say it because if anyone remembers, in his SectionTV interview he also said smthng similar in reponse to the reporter's qn about yura&him. So I was curious as to whether he said the same thing in response to this one. Went thru the videos on yt, looked at korean articles and even a video from dc gall but nothing! It was already hard to find a clip of jjong talking what more him saying that.. the best I found was from dc gall which actually showed the above reported by Soompi about what Park Eunhye said.

This is the brief trans:

Park Eunhye: I was at the poster photoshoot. They look so good tgt when they took the wedding photo. im really hoping you two date"
Actress who plays Jjong's mom in the movie: Looking at the two in an old person's pov, when they're having a convo on set, they seem to have the feeling of a family in the making"
Park Eunhye: Even if you say you're not dating now, who knows in 10 years time maybe you'll get married"

AND THEN Jjong finally says something but its not clear cuz too many ppl are talking at the same time and I really listened over and over again but I did not hear him say "That's between the two of us" AT ALL... if anyone has a clip where he has it, please share. tyvm

Another thing too. Soompi reported wrongly about what Jin Seyeon said. Yes she talked about Jjong not having aegyo but shows care through his actions BUT the part about being dilligent and going to school, that was NOT said by Jin Seyeon. In fact, Jjong was the one who said that Jin Seyeon was dilligent and even attends school while filming. Soompi screwed up their translations and reporting period.

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Guest hjjdai5y

anniepanda said: Your post is just awesome @hjjdai5y and I agree with you. We do NEED to see that video so you wonderful translators can really hear what have been said. I want to see his body language as well when he said that.

Point nr 3 was really insightful. He would have NEVER suggested that his special one can give away free hugs to .. lots.. of.. men...
He is very protective of the people he truly cares for and that kind of idea seems to be out of character. Really good that you reminded us about the "No-hu! back off, she's my woman" scene with Ahyoung :)

"What mine is mine.. " is really his thing ;)
No sharing whatsoever

Who was the first one that shared "Its between the two of us" ? Was it one of our members or was it from an article? It would be nice to see the source though.. a video of him saying that would be great so our translators can double check it :)

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Guest mmj_leong

@delphinite thank you so much for your clarification in the translation gombawang >:D< jinjia soompi please be more careful when writing articles chebal...it was like what? Jjong study? With AYie? haha! Besides I hope Jjong reply is "I'm married once although is a SHOW but for me is real the feeling the love..even over 10 years time I'm still with her my only wife..forever" hahahhah! Meean...my delulu over flow =))

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Guest phichul

@Grimm_Jagg My internet connection BACK!!! uhyeahhh..hahaha :))
My first Post in New Thread!!!OMG I really miss all jjongaholics and my Jjongah!! (eventhough its just 5 days I cant open the thread :)) )
cr : @karatekid08
@AnniepandaI think its from soompi article..  “The two looked stunning in a picture wearing a wedding dress and tuxedo,” said Park Eun Hye. “I just want for the two of you to date,” she jokingly added. In response, Hong Jong Hyun lightly said, “That’s between the two of us.”
here the link 

class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 23px; vertical-align: baseline; text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible;"Jin Se Yeon Was Worried Hong Jong Hyun Would Be Stiffck525 March 31, 201561Jin Se Yeon Was Worried Hong Jong Hyun Would Be Stiff

Actor Jin Se Yeon revealed that Hong Jong Hyun “gives you the flutters when you least expect it.”

On March 1, the production conference for “Clash of the Families 2” was held.

During the event, Jin Se Yeon revealed her impression on Hong Jong Hyun, saying “I was a little worried because he seemed so stiff, but you could tell he was actually very caring through his actions.”

When the MCs asked if she meant that he was a bad boy type, she answered, “He’s sweet and is kind to those around him. He’s also a very diligent worker. I couldn’t help but notice that he continuously went to school, even during filming periods.”

“The two looked stunning in a picture wearing a wedding dress and tuxedo,” said Park Eun Hye. “I just want for the two of you to date,” she jokingly added. In response, Hong Jong Hyun lightly said, “That’s between the two of us.”

“Clash of the Families 2” is the sequel to the original movie, which opened in 2011 and attracted 2.6 million viewers. It tells the comical story of two very different families’ trying to call off a marriage between their daughter and son, and will be released in theaters on April 30.

Source (1)

@hjjdai5y I Love Your Post.. Please keep your CSI investigation hahaha.. maybe along with @Tituyphing unnie? :))
and glad to see our lovely korean translator gather :D @delphinite @hjjdai5y... really miss @sjdh13 @monster @veemerlia @mei8805 (where are you guys? :D
OMG I need to backtrack about 50 pages? :-B our new thread is so fast in just 5 days haha :))

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@hjjdai5y your post covers a lot of interesting points, thank you for sharing your POV with us  :x

I agree with you the family-like feeling that the oldest co-actress spoke about is a nice way to say brother-sister feel without being obvious and killing the romance :P

Also, if jjong had any romantic feelings for his co-star he would have never suggested that she gives free hugs to male strangers.


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Guest mmj_leong

I actually don't expect AYie will go for the movie premier is explainable coz JjongAh wave is still very strong so is a crash if the highlight goes to JjongAh instead. I'm sure both of them want to meet up but what to do this is entertainment industry.. They are celebrity...quenchana! Uri couple will manage them self :) many messages & phone call been made between this two no worry :)

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@pinky_me_stv yup..u right..if that happen jong will feel uneasy with many side..the produser..director n the all the co star. i know ah young is the strongers supporter behind jong..so don't come to the premier is ok with me..but if jong really dont care n want to show off his gf i cannot say anything about that

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Congrats Jjong Seobang for the new movie... hope it will success. :-bd

I am not worried with whatever scene that will be appear in the movie, whether there will be kiss scene or "sexy" scene because like @tresEmmE post that he was filming this movie as married mad and for the lovey-dovey act with his co-star during promotion we should accept that as part of his job.

Yura surely is his number 1 supporter and will be understanding.. If not this is what Jjong will got...


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The older actress (Park Eunhye) had more experiences in promoting the movie. So if this year Hong Jonghyun will be a lead actor in 5 movies, and the older actress will comment like that, so, in next 10 years, HJH would marry 5 woman ? :D Big no no no [-X [-X

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Guest thedauntless

After many hours of sulking about Jjong's line, "That's between the two of us", I remembered what he said in an interview that what he showed in WGM filming were all REAL. I'm clinging onto that. Let's believe in Jjong's words. And all of this? I think this all work for him. This is just for the sake of promotions of his movie. I do hope that it'll come out well since he really worked hard for this. :)
#StillJjongAh ❤

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tresEmmE said: Finally I get a chance to post at the amazing new home of Jjongaholics uwaa~ I know I'm not the only one in love with our incredible looking first post..clap clap clap for the hardworking JJongaholics who worked super hard for it,again feeling so lucky to be part of this fandom ^:)^

Only managed to lurk and read all this time but you guys really ran crazy with the new thread,so amazing how its gets so quickly to 46 pages!!! =D>
this is simply the testimony of Jjongah shippers and fans love for both HJH and YR,the passion is awe-inspiring especially considering we are going to be one month from the finale episode in a few days. :-bd Too many things have passed for me to comment about (besides you guys already said whatever needs to be said) so I'll just write on the latest event, Jjong's movie!

Finally HJH's new movie and all the promotion works surrounding it is here, and may I say I think this will be our first real big test as a Jjongah shipper. Oh yeah.
I've been watching the clips and checking out the pics and I must say I'm glad to see that HJH has great chemistry with JSY, both on and off the screen, for a romcom to sell (and for HJH to get his first big hit movie) you can't ask for more hehehe so it's very important they are believable as a lovable couple. :)>-

Guess some fellow shippers will feel slightly weird or uncomfortable or even slightly jelly watching HJH and JSY, so for those who already do.. let me just say this, prepare your heart and be ready for more to come. They are selling this movie as a star-crossed lovers couple who are so desperately wanting to get married despite both families' objection, so let's have an open heart and an open mind for the "selling". They are desperately in love and that's the message the audience needs to receive, so because this is the important selling point, whatever they do/ say during the promotions will revolve on this point. Not just shooting the movie, but this is also part of HJH's job. Think he's doing a fair job of it so far like @anniepanda said.

We will get co-stars from the movie jokingly saying things like "they should date" and that there's "something special about them" etc etc, and with all the promos and interviews and going around together week in week out HJH and JSY are going to look really chummy and close and sweet together,
 and they'll probably appear on each other's SNS accounts with chummy poses,I'm telling you guys these are all lined up for the next few weeks.
I know this because if you are used to observing how the Korean movie industry promotional process works,this is how it's going to be, especially since this is a romantic comedy.  :D

So, get ready to watch more friendliness, flirtiness and playfulness from HJH & JSY as they sell their brand new movie together because now really is the HUSTLING HARD time. It will probably be easier if we just look at them as Chul Soo and Young Hee rather than HJH & JSY because for the next few weeks they'll just be living as those characters while promoting.
And if it makes it less weird to watch Jjong Oppa with someone else rather than Ah Youngie,just think of it this way...it's not just HJH,it's actually Han Chul Soo and the love of his life Young Hee. :)

I feel somewhat nostalgic now that Police Family is finally going be in theatres. It is such a meaningful project for HJH because it's his first movie lead role rite? But even from a Jjongah POV this movie is so meaningful, don't you guys think so?It's because when HJH was shooting this movie YR was actually there with him in that period of his life every step of the way.

Back in October on the day they did yoga,met the bro-in-laws and YR prepared soy sauce crab for JH, YR asked HJH about when the shooting for the movie was beginning  and he answered her "next week", and they already discussed the potential of a deep kiss scene with JSY,cutesy with the jealousy scenes. Then when HJH was already filming the movie, he went out with his friends and bought YR's Canadian Goose jacket for her birthday gift.
Then in November JH did the surprise birthday event bringing YR to her favourite BBQ restaurant which he planned on his own. On the way to Ulsan in the train,YR noticed how his body had become more muscular,and he told her that he has a body exposure scene in the movie that requires him to bulk up. HJH even used the movie to play a joke on YR and tease her. Of course then JH met the parents-in-law at YR's house and that was a big occasion.

In the middle of busily shooting the movie, HJH was invited to present award at Melon Music Award ( he arrived late and didn't walk the red carpet) where the beautiful Girl's Day also attended, the event at which they may or may have not met,but both definitely know about each other's presence.
Then HJH took  3-4 days off his movie shooting just so that Jjongah can go for their Bali vacation , is that not  quite a huge deal when you're one of the leads in a movie?
 LOL imagine the many staffs and productions crews from Police Family learning the fact that HJH took 3 days off from the movie location, and when they asked or talked about it, the answer was "because he needs to go to Bali vacation with YuRa for WGM" hahaha. Maybe some male staffs even playfully cursed him behind his back out of envy kkke~

In December, during 200th days episode,again they talked abt the movie and JSY, and already JH spoke about how it's different with YR because she's his virtual wife and JSY is his co-star.Kinda glad now as a shipper, that YR straighforwardly asked about this to JH, because now I don't have to wonder about it,I already have my answer LOL

And then when Jjongah shot the episode in January, when they went to eat healthy breakfast, exercised together and did ice skating, the next day was JH's last shooting day for the movie. Basically from the beginning until the end of shooting this movie, HJH always had YR in his life,that's why I said even if we might feel weird watching HJH with JSY now, just remember how the whole time he was doing this film, Jjongah was an important part of JH's life.

I think even YR finds it meaningful now that the movie is finally going to be released,like she has known so much about it (and maybe hear about the movie from JH so much more than what was shown in WGM)
that rather than feeling jealous, maybe YR feels excited and somewhat familiar with the movie already haha. I think that's special. Because we cannot imagine of another hot,up-and-coming actor who's going to release a romcom movie at the end of the month, but Girl's Day YuRa is already so familiar about that movie. Only Hong Jong Hyun, because when he did this movie,she was virtually married to him. Imagining YR watching the trailer "Ahh so this was the scene~" Surely she's proud of her Jjong Oppa and she will love those action scenes by JH,this Spiderman fangirl :D

Very long post to make up for not posting for so long haha. Long story cut short,just don't take the the promotional things too much to heart (I suggest just enjoy the visuals kkke~),and stay positive dear Jjongaholics friends! :)>-

@mslee I think I can also be considered another odd one out. I can see that it's work and somehow it's different from our Jjongah. Miss Jin Se Yeon has always been an actress that has good chemistry and camaraderie/rapport offscreen with all her handsome co-stars ( Lee Jong Suk, Joo Won,many more) so it's all good.

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OMGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! omggeeeeeeeeeeeeee   I  SAW AN INSTAGRAM POST OF A FAN WITH A PICTURE OF JJONGAH EATING IN A RESTAURANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like masgklHFEGLWIYTGWEKJFBKLAbhsalfdgflaygsfcaljhsgdc!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
here's the pictures whaaaaaa

tumblr_n9ocqvZTrT1rrkk9fo4_500.gifHAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY GUYS.... =)) >:) >:) >:) =)) =)) <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P
happy eating hahahahhahahaha... sorrry guys sorry can you forgive me guys?? i was hoping to see jjong and AY eating in a restaurant too hihihi FORGIVE ME [-O< [-O< [-O< [-O<cr; to the ownrhehehehehehe i miss them 

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thedauntless said: After many hours of sulking about Jjong's line, "That's between the two of us", I remembered what he said in an interview that what he showed in WGM filming were all REAL. I'm clinging onto that. Let's believe in Jjong's words. And all of this? I think this all work for him. This is just for the sake of promotions of his movie. I do hope that it'll come out well since he really worked hard for this. :)
#StillJjongAh ❤

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