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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Hi everyone!  I have been lurking, but I decided to join because this drama is like CRACK.  I have fallen in love for the first time deep with a drama this year.  I love the family aspects.  I know many of you are into the husband thing but I just love the storyline.  I love the parents and how they interact.  I love the siblings.  I love the crushes; swoon factor.  Its the bomb.  

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Part 5: Last part for today

Cut to 2015.DS begs BR to stop smoking next to her. BR says I can't even smoke at home so let me. DS insists she smokes on the veranda. BR's husband calls and she puts her cigarette out on DS's food (damn) so her husband won't see her smoke (it's a video call). She's all lovey dovey. It's snowing outside and DS calls her husband. The interviewer asks DS what comes to her mind first when thinking about the first snow. DS thinks and her husband asks Maybe the time when you got rejected by SW? In a cold winter night on 1988? She was a freaking mess then. DS: How do you know that? Did I tell you? H: What's there that I don't know? Be nice to me. I'm so understanding of you. Where could you get another husband like me? DS: You're funny. Should I tell you how many women you've met before marriage? It would take the whole night. They continue to ask each other what they did then (didn't understand that part). When DS starts dancing the husband escapes.


BR: What happened today is a secret between us, OK? (To SW after the confession)

SW nods.

JH: I have something to tell you

SW: Me? 

JH: What? Sheeesh.

JB: From now on we will play the manitto game. (Everybody gets a card with a name on it and they have to buy a present for the other one secretly)

T: I got JB's card!

DS: looks at her card and sighs. To JH: You're my manitto, right?

DS: I don't even have a manitto. I am a girl that can't even recieve love.

T: cries. Let's just see each other at christmas. Be there.


Poor JH. Just got over his hate for SW, now Taek disturbs his peace. LOL. Just confess!

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So there you have it guys, Taek likes DS, not SW or JH. lol. I personally think that Taek will end up with JJ and JH's the husband of DS because the reactions at the end of the episode when DS was dancing and the husband escaped... JH always escapes such situations lol. But the comment that he was with many women before kinda makes me think it's gonna end like 1997 when they grow seperate without confessing and then get together at the end. Me not likey ㅠㅠ JH, just kiss her now! ...Not that I don't ship Taek but I think it's JH. But then won't Taek be like a second Chilbong? All alone, famous and rejected. ㅠㅠ  Maybe they will go out for a while and later on JH confesses?

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Next Friday please come quickly!

This Reply series is the best of all in my opinion, it's more realistic and is not too focused on love alone.

It really makes you appreciate your family and just the little things in life:)

P.S. Junghwan/ actor is really good looking lol, I love the banter he has with DS.

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Guest CaRoLiNaaa

we still have 14 episodes

my prediction is that JH try to confess in his own way, then he discovers taek's feelings
he goes all noble idiot since taek have only two things in life: baduk and DS
he start to date other girls, and DS start to get jealous but she can't understand why
she starts to date take, because she thinks she cares about him and also because SW looks only at bora and she and JH are growing apart

they go to college and we have a time skip

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we still have 14 episodes

my prediction is that JH try to confess in his own way, then he discovers taek's feelings
he goes all noble idiot since taek have only two things in life: baduk and DS
he start to date other girls, and DS start to get jealous but she can't understand why
she starts to date take, because she thinks she cares about him and also because SW looks only at bora and she and JH are growing apart

they go to college and we have a time skip

It might be a realistic if some of them grow apart a period as they enter college and maybe go on exchange or study abroad. I notice in Deoksun´s room there´s a picture of Australia map, though I´m not sure if it´s her or Bora´s:p But I wonder how long of timespan we will follow our leads in this drama, and if we see them in college and struggle with adults life too.

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Thank you @lelee for all of your efforts!!  Would the writer really have DS date two of her childhood friend though?  In a couple of weeks it will be 1989 so we might see a time jump of some sort since I can see some of the boys going off to their mandatory army duty.

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Thank you @lelee for all of your efforts!!  Would the writer really have DS date two of her childhood friend though?  In a couple of weeks it will be 1989 so we might see a time jump of some sort since I can see some of the boys going off to their mandatory army duty.

You're all welcome!! And good point. I think everybody will go serve in the army soon after graduation high school except Taek. I bet he's not gonna need to go because he's a world champion in baduk. I think the model of his character (Lee Chang-Ho?) didn't go either. Maybe T&DS are gonna date then and JH's gotta distance himself because he kinda pitties T and wants him to ...meet people? Like @CaRoLiNaaa said. But since their parents are all so close I think they gotta meet up more frequently than SW and YJ in AM 1997 after graduation. I hope there isn't a too big time skip though. I want more JH-DS moments! Lol They're so cute :D 

Oh, and also, I read  this on dc: Since in the preview DS said that she had no manitto, I bet she picked herself. But when she asked JH if she is his manitto she's just joking because he's so nice to her now. And then maybe she will begin to question why he is so nice to her now.

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Future Deok-Sun couldn't remember who she gave away the chocolate or what she had written about her feelings but she does remember how she got rejected means it must hurt a lot. Though I felt sorry for her and SW is such a good guy, I loved how they executed since it will effect some of her future decisions. Sigh...JH thinks he is safe but now it will be harder to convince that he loves her. 

Hmm but there something identical again future husband read her diary and JH read her postcard and both are bold about it ^^ 

As for Taek he is actually outspoken and aggressive type and just because he is clumsy about certain things doesn't mean he needs others to take pity on him or someone to take after him. So I'm not sad about him being one of the candidates even if I know he will be heartbroken. As I said before I'm eager to see his performance more than anything how he will handle this kind of hard task.

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Hmmm. . . . so, I wasn't going to read all of this because I don't watch the raws (too frustrating!) and was going to wait for the subs so I can watch it all without being spoiled. . .but alas. . .here I am. . . lol

Even though, I know this is not what's going to happen, I'm going to throw it out there just for conversations sake (and because I always like to be contrary and argumentative in nature, it's why my students "love" me ;)).

So we have JH rejoicing because SW confesses to Bora, but then quiet Taek calls Duksun to go to a movie after hugging her so enthusiastically. . .so it seems as if Taek is the other part of our triangle. . .but what if there's no triangle. . . I'm going back to 97 again when YoonJe was so upset because of the time that JoonHee was spending with ShiWon because why else would JoonHee be spending so much time with ShiWon unless he liked her. . he couldn't just like the same things that ShiWon does. . . . . but, of course, JoonHee wasn't spending time with and got close to ShiWon because he liked her. . . . . .  

From reading here (again, I haven't watched, I'm only going by spot reading here) all we saw was Taek call DS to go to a movie during the first snow. . . with these writers, that could mean anything. . . 

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So there you have it guys, Taek likes DS, not SW or JH. lol. I personally think that Taek will end up with JJ and JH's the husband of DS because the reactions at the end of the episode when DS was dancing and the husband escaped... JH always escapes such situations lol.


Not that I don't ship Taek but I think it's JH. But then won't Taek be like a second Chilbong? All alone, famous and rejected. ㅠㅠ  Maybe they will go out for a while and later on JH confesses?


Odds have been in strong favour of Jung Hwan as the husband since Ep 2. I believed Jung Hwan is too (not having OTPs at the moment since you liked both guys means you're in it for some heart breaks too :tears::tears::tears: Heartbreaks for the guy Duk Seon won't choose).

Anyways Jung Hwan was the only one who knew about what happened when the first snow fell in winter 1988. Unless whatever happened between Duk Seon and and Sun Woo got around the entire group, there's no way Taek could have known since he was on his way to give Duk Seon a phone call through a payphone. It's just sad that Taek is in it for a big heartbreak. But I`m sure whatever happens in the future will just going to make him grow. For now, let these kids have their first tastes of love and heartbreak. ^^

I can't believe Sun Woo is already eliminated by ep 6. hahah. I mean the husband already named Sun Woo as the guy who rejected Duk Seon (I thought that he might come back as a husband contender later on since Bora didn't name her husband when they facetimed, but nope, he's done). Then again this series had always been clear on who the top 2 contenders were for the husband. There had been not a doubt in the rest of the guys in the group except the first and second male leads. It's just that in Reply 1988's case, we were tricked into thinking Sun Woo and Jung Hwan were going head to head, when it was clearly Jung Hwan VS. the guy who hasn't had scenes that lasted 2 minutes all this time.



And thank you for all you guys' hardwork in sharing all these Reply 1988's goodies/translations/video-OST clips. Your effors are appreciated :wub:

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Color & doll theory (updated)

So I´m gonna update on the previous color theory from DC, cause we got new info on the colors.

From EP6:

  • Yellow = Deoksun
  • Green = JungHwan
  • Red = SunWoo
  • Blue = Taek
  • Purple = Bora
  • Pink = DongRyong

And I just notice that the PD has trolled us since episodes ago...

When Sunwoo went to Deoksun house with a broken leg to borrow dictionary, the background showed this: 
Purple (Bora) and Red (Sunwoo) clothes hanger... 

Then it also showed this: 
It´s Blue (Taek) and Yellow (Deoksun) clothes hanger. 

I think at that moment they tried to hint us Sunwoo has a crush on Bora, and Taek has a crush on Deoksun....

Then in EP5 at Bora´s room I saw this after I rewatched. I know it´s difficult to see the colors, but I will explain:
The dolls are Blue (Taek), Green (Junghwan) & Yellow (Deoksun

After Deoksun found out Sunwoo wanted to confess to Bora, this showed in the background:
From left to right: Purple alone (Bora)
then -->   Purple (Bora)-Red (Sunwoo)-Yellow (Deoksun)
then -->  Green (Junghwan)-Yellow (Deoksun
then -->  Red (Sunwoo)-Blue (Taek)-Green (Junghwan)-Yellow (Deoksun)

I wonder if it´s a coincident, but the main colors on our poster is Yellow (Deoksun), Blue (Taek), red (Sunwoo), Green (Taek):

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From EP6:
After Deoksun found out Sunwoo wanted to confess to Bora, this showed in the background:
From left to right: Purple alone (Bora)
then -->  Green (Junghwan)-Yellow (Deoksun
then -->  Red (Sunwoo)-Blue (Taek)-Green (Junghwan)-Yellow (Deoksun)


I really don't see that one... I mean I see some colors but I don't see green at all. I see purple alone, then purple, red and yellow, then blue and yellow then a bunch of colors... Seems a bit oo random and cut to be meaningful, no?

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Guest beastrbae

Part 5: Last part for today

Cut to 2015.DS begs BR to stop smoking next to her. BR says I can't even smoke at home so let me. DS insists she smokes on the veranda. BR's husband calls and she puts her cigarette out on DS's food (damn) so her husband won't see her smoke (it's a video call). She's all lovey dovey. It's snowing outside and DS calls her husband. The interviewer asks DS what comes to her mind first when thinking about the first snow. DS thinks and her husband asks Maybe the time when you got rejected by SW? In a cold winter night on 1988? She was a freaking mess then. DS: How do you know that? Did I tell you? H: What's there that I don't know? Be nice to me. I'm so understanding of you. Where could you get another husband like me? DS: You're funny. Should I tell you how many women you've met before marriage? It would take the whole night. They continue to ask each other what they did then (didn't understand that part). When DS starts dancing the husband escapes.

Thank you lovely for the translations! :wub: If the husband were Taek, Adult DS could have said her husband asked her out for a movie during the first snow, unless the faulty memory reasoning comes into play again.. But whenever she's got a bone to pick with her husband, her memory becomes excellent. She also mentioned that her husband used to be quite smart then, back when they both were arguing about who she have the chocolates to but she always calls Taek an idiot for not being able to do the simplest things, not in front of his face though but during the introduction in ep1 and ep6 when she was talking to her friends.

I feel really sad for DS when she said in the preview that she's a child who can't receive love, it must have been really devastating for her first love to like her sister. Little that DS knows though that she's got 2 other boys wrapped around her finger. If TK is really modelled after a real baduk player and Jinjoo comes into play, that'd be interesting. But it's kinda weird to see most people in the neighbourhood get tangled with each other.

@carolinedl I think I see the green, it's just in between the blue and yellow. Maybe because green and blue colour looks similar in that picture.

@blue_angel_1004 Ohhh that makes sense now! Taek's birthday was after Sunwoo's and Deoksun's which they celebrated right after his tournament in China in ep2. No wonder they baby Taek so much.

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From EP6:
After Deoksun found out Sunwoo wanted to confess to Bora, this showed in the background:
From left to right: Purple alone (Bora)
then -->  Green (Junghwan)-Yellow (Deoksun
then -->  Red (Sunwoo)-Blue (Taek)-Green (Junghwan)-Yellow (Deoksun)


I really don't see that one... I mean I see some colors but I don't see green at all. I see purple alone, then purple, red and yellow, then blue and yellow then a bunch of colors... Seems a bit oo random and cut to be meaningful, no?

I definitely see a clothes hanger between the blue and yellow ones, and it doesn´t looks like blue or either of the other colors (red, yellow, purple etc). And it´s shade looks green to me. I don´t know but I feel the Reply PD and writers are very keen on details, thus I don´t think certain shoots and props are just random placed there. But it´s still just a theory, for whoever wants to read about.

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Part 5: Last part for today

Cut to 2015.DS begs BR to stop smoking next to her. BR says I can't even smoke at home so let me. DS insists she smokes on the veranda. BR's husband calls and she puts her cigarette out on DS's food (damn) so her husband won't see her smoke (it's a video call). She's all lovey dovey. It's snowing outside and DS calls her husband. The interviewer asks DS what comes to her mind first when thinking about the first snow. DS thinks and her husband asks Maybe the time when you got rejected by SW? In a cold winter night on 1988? She was a freaking mess then. DS: How do you know that? Did I tell you? H: What's there that I don't know? Be nice to me. I'm so understanding of you. Where could you get another husband like me? DS: You're funny. Should I tell you how many women you've met before marriage? It would take the whole night. They continue to ask each other what they did then (didn't understand that part). When DS starts dancing the husband escapes.

he knows because he was listening in behind a door, duh!! it HAS to be JH.



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