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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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8 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

So the one star rating was true....ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa I saw a picture on tumblr and I thought it was just a fan being petty and maniped it but it's true LMFAO. That is just the most petty richard simmons I can't help but laugh. Like for real, why would you do that haha,...what is that going to change? Dang I guess it's true that the best and worst fandom are Korean fandoms (this comes from being into k-idols and that ish can get messy so quick and lords do these kids work together and stay organized to bring you up or down if they really want to).

.I mean I get it because a lot of it for me still feel like WTF (even with all these wonderful explanations and analysis I been reading) but still...my Jungbong...my queen Mi Ran...papa Kim...the first 18 episodes of my cold pit bull marshmallow...Taek who couldn't use chopsticks or a plug or Walkman or button his shirts or....too perfect son and brother Sunwoo...my dancing man who just wants mama's soup Dong Ryeong....ray of sunshine and works for what she wants Deok Sun...seriously 1 star for all of it....

Eeee what do they want? I feel like if writer Lee were to come out and explain everything, it would only anger people more or something. What the majority want to hear her say is "I was wrong for this ending and I should have done this this and that" but the woman does not feel that way. She told the story she wanted and is sticking by it, warts and all.

  BUILD A GODDAMN BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT!! Come join me in the land of 'in my perfect ending'. Now I'm starting to get mad cause people are acting so damn entitled! LOL. She told her story you don't like it tough richard simmons. Lots of things will happen in the world that you don't like. If you really cannot deal with a kdrama not ending the way you wanted and are demanding things that really is just what (what idiot thought up the petition to add an epilogue or something...do ya'll know these actors and actresses have lives? schedules? new works and projects they need to move on to? they been worked to the bone for weeks and months, they finally getting some much needed rest -and for some none at all- and you want them to come back and work tirelessly again and add on to something closed and done just to please you....*hold my earrings ya'll LOL*) No no no no no the world does not cater to your richard simmons. It's over and done with. You got what you got. You don't like it just don't watch it again!


, yes I want to both bow down to and strangle writer Lee, but whoop, there it is! How dare I tell her to change her work just to please me...Would you tell Da Vinci to fix Mona Lisa's smile? Shakespeare to undead Rome & Juliet? Lost writers to just undo wtf was that whole series finale (okay actually I would do that because seriously what the hell...). It's done! It's done! Like it or not they did what they wanted to do and...STOP THE MADNESS...1 star...a petition...really....how do some people function in the real word where "no, you can't have that" is said everyday and you just got to accept it. And I thought the Chilbonged mess of R94 was bad...maybe they should have killed Junghwan...that was joke that was a joke...I still ship him with Deok Sun and while I accept the ending *dramatic voice* tis never be MY ending....forgive me fellow shippers for I have sinned...kdrama gods don't let writer Lee drop an epilogue online where BOOOM "Yes he is dead and what...come at me bruh" LOL it's kind of funny imaging her saying "come at me" all tough as hell... 


great post.

I don't know how you manage to not get the ending you hoped for and still held on to your sanity. You are a miracle.

You might not know this, but there are bastardized versions of Romeo and Juliet where they don't die because their deaths were too sad and idiots wanted to please the audience.

YOu know what you get in that case, a purile love story about hormone crazy juveniles instead of an epic tragedy about pride and ridiculous adults losing the thing most precious to them.

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2 hours ago, greentea3berry said:


The secret Santa game, they said if a couple is the Santa of each other then they will be husband and wife right, they are SW-BR and DS-Taek

The pink gloves, DS chose Taek's one over JH


When I was watching, I'm just like... phew... you're just trying to deceive me, it's JH, it's JH the husband.

Taek is the only one that DS likes without knowing whether he likes her or not. Or to be exact, she thinks he knows nothing about love or he likes another girl, since he said he is going to confess and it's not her who receive the confession. She loves him secretly for so many years. I know that either Taek or JH is the husband it's still be heartbreaking for me to watch the other. But it's DS heart after all, whatever makes her happy makes me happy. I was so frustrated to see JH hesitate to confess. I wish I could have seen more of JH, his life, his love, his family... Geez, this man, he gives up his first love for his friend, his youth for the nation, his career choice for his brother.... 


Actually... (someone already mentioned this) ... but in the Secret Santa, TK has DS, DS has JH, and JH has TK. Towards the end of Secret Santa, DS got gloves from TK anyways bc he initially forgot. JH ALSO gave her gloves as well without the obligation of secret Santa, and it was exactly the pair she swooned over when she watched Lee Mi Yeon's on TV. That was one of the details that confirmed the high likelihood of JH being the future husband for me. Bc that was very sweet of him. 

Quoted from dramabeans:

"She stares at the pink gloves curiously. And upstairs, Jung-hwan paces in front of his window, just dying to get a peek at Deok-sun’s reaction but not daring to go outside. She tries them on in her room and is overjoyed, not that she’d ever let him see it."


this scene showed how excited/happy she is to receive it/possibly starting to fall for him. Since she didn't expect JH out of anyone to like her, but he gave her this, it makes her heart fluttered. On the later scene where she picked TK's gloves over JH's, at that time of the story, it wasn't because she already unknowingly liked TK yet, but she has her own pride that she doesn't want to show signs to JH that she liked him yet/make things awkward so she picked TK's.

1 hour ago, hushhh said:

I hope not.

I don't think you should reward bad behavior.

The writer told the story she wanted to tell. If they don't like it she shouldn't legitimize it by pandering to their specific vision.

Let them soothe themselves with fanfic.

I can't image how PBG might feel with segments of the fandom throwing tantrums like spoilt willful disobedient children.

THis next comment isn't nice.

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I'm beginning to think the ungratefu,l belligerent fans are too stupid to appreciate the drama the writer wrote.

It's like some one screaming that there is no 'tea" while there is a 'latte' at their elbow. I get it. I don't drink coffee. But I know that coffee is great with some people.  Instead of kicking up a fuss, I'd go to a tea shop and get my damn tea, or hang out with friends and be quiet while they drink their latte.

THE JH_DS fans are just nasty and vindictive.

If you don't make a move for the girl you don't get the girl because telepathy IS NOT THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE, unless you ar reading fantasy or science fiction. No action gets no reaction. That's how life works.  Maybe the fannuts are mad because they never DO anything towards love themselves and want someone to confirm their delusion that they will get their beloved despite in ineffectual inertia. 

Next ReplyXXXX the writer should make sure no one finds love. That they all die young separately, alone, lonely in different parts of the globe and before they separate they have an epic falling out that they never reconcile before, during, or after their deaths.

And I watch it and laugh, and laugh, and laugh until I'm in danger of dying from shortness of breath.

Damn ingratitude.


About your hidden comment.. I hope you don't generalize JH-DS supporters to be like nasty and vindictive just bc the viewers/knetizens voted for their own opinion as so. There are two sides of everything. There are those crazy JH-DS supporters that said rude things about the show; and there are ALSO those rude TK-DS supporters that bashed on JH-DS supporters' POV just bc they disagree with the ending of the love triangle. It's a drama production put out there for audience to watch. There are people loving everything about it, there would also be people loving some parts/most parts, and there would also be people NOT loving it AT ALL. Plus a lot of the voted comments posted on those sites voiced mature comments/comments of their own POV of how they have watched the flow of dramas and of how they felt like it would be a better ending for them without calling the production team trash/disastrous/[insert any other rude terms of endearment]. Heck, I saw many of JH-DS supporters or non-love-triangle supporters to voice their POV that JH as a husband is more natural with the story flow in a mature manner as well. Why are you calling them 'spoilt willful disobedient children' or 'let them go sooth themselves with fanfic'? 

They have their own reasons to disagree with the love triangle ending that they think JH is a better candidate. I, too, feel the same way. But that doesn't mean I hate TK character. To me, DS-TK have their cute moments too, but not enough to convince me that DS had loved him for a long time. If they had ended JH's love story a bit earlier, like ep 14-15 or so, and focused the last 5-6 eps to slowly develop the progress of DS-TK, I'd be more convinced. But oh well, that's how the writer told her story then that's what it is. I can only disagree as an audience.


"Just because things don't go your way doesn't mean you should be immature about it" - this saying goes both way to DS-JH and DS-TK supporters.

I hope both sides, or even the neutral sides, when you voice your opinion, whether to agree/disagree with one another, please voice it in mature way, in a way that you stand up for the production team, their hard work, the actors/actresses' effort put into fulfilling their characters' roles. and NOT in a way to satisfy your own opinion/feelings (whether biased or not) that you'd put down others.

Heck, even though I disagree with the love triangle ending, if there is another Reply series, I'm still gonna watch it and devote myself to the husband/wife hunt again. It's so emotionally investing yet soo addicting. :w00t::lol: Plus it's the reason I get to know/fall in love with lesser known actors/actresses (Jung Eun Ji/JungWoo-Go Ara-YooYeonSeok/RUYJUNYEOL :wub:-RaMiRan-and ParkBoGum's smile :wub:

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keep in mind knetz only represent a small number of the viewers. I bet it's a younger age range. This drama was fulfilling for all age and genders. The older viewers could not care about all this hoopla about a love triangle.

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I wish I could like this comment more than once, especially the spoiler part.

I am seriously thankful the writer didn't have Deok-Sun hold on to a high school crush for years, especially one that didn't go anywhere and with a guy showed no real sign he liked her.  He also didn't treat her well.  Too many times writers have female characters be the character that holds on to the love of a man for no real reason.  I loved that she had moved on, and he was the one still clinging to a childhood crush.  




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@hushhh *slow claps* 

@sillyvivian_yo89 i know that there are also many JHxDS fans who isnt immature and sulked over the ending, we only direct our comments here toward those who are so butthurted that JH is not the husband to the point of dissing everyone and everything about the drama, which is, unfortunately, the majority of JHxDS fans (i wont repeat all the stuff they do)

I, too, think that the ending was a bit rushed and unsatisfactory in a way (JH didnt get a full ending, DR didnt have enough screen time, DSxTk reveal their relationship to everybody,..etc..). But there is absolutaly no use to keep whinning about something that has already over.

Is not our story, we dont have the right to manipulate it in anyway. We are simply VIEWERS.

And furthermore i suggest you to rewatch the drama 1 more time and this time focus on other characters POV as well (i have done that myself and it opens my eyes so much)

DSxTk is very subtle, but they both notice that subtleness progress together, meanwhile JH's feeling is very very strong and intense, but only to him and the viewers, which is us. Its a typical kdrama things when the male character show the viewers his heart and suddenly we counted that as a "moment" between the 2 characters even if the female is completely oblivious or doesnt even care about that.

Once again,  i dont mean to prove you are wrong or anything, but only to give you,too, my view on the matter as a reply1988 fan and TkxDS supporter 


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6 hours ago, luluponyazn said:

It took 13 episodes for Taek to finally enter into a relationship with Deoksun, from the end of 6th when he was officially introduced as husband contender until the 19th episode. And at the end of the series, Taek, though tired and worn out, won an insane 13-hour long baduk game. 

Here is their conversation.


The writer is really unreal! How could she think something like this? It's like every single conversation is just another meta to something baduk. I salute her

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2 hours ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

JH's love story a bit earlier, like ep 14-15

They did actually...on DS side. She stop wanting JH to notice her. Her thoughts were all about her future. She did not even make an effort to know JH side in the pink shirt fiasco. She just let it go and forgot all about it. But JH love story is all about the angst of one sided love. So maximum pain were felt by the viewers when he made his own realization by episode 18. 

2 hours ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

and focused the last 5-6 eps to slowly develop the progress of DS-TK

Don't read if not interested :lol:.


They did show us the progress.

1. She slowly gravitate towards Taek's world: Episode 1(DS): She knew nothing about baduk. Ep 6: Did not care. Ep 12: They have their own inside joke. Ep 13 (Dramabeans recap): when he warns Deok-sun to leave Taek alone, she says she knows better than Dad. Yeah, isn’t she practically his manager by now? Ep 17: She introduced her friend to someone from Taek's circle. One way or another it showed how their world still collide even if they have busy adult lives. Ep 19: The manager praised her knowledge about Baduk 

2. Taek is her number 1: Ep 7(Dramabeans): She asks if he picked her name for the manitto game, which he denies. She says it’s either Taek or Jung-hwan (you don’t say), and says offhandedly that she’d like it if it were Taek. Ep 8: She chose Taek's present. Ep 9: We are shown that DS knew what to bring Taek (clothes, heater) Ep 11: The start of DS knowing JH likes her. But instead of hurrying back to her crush she stayed with TK and waited for him to finish eating. Ep 12: Teaching Taek to curse in order to stop him from lending out money. Ep 14: She told DR that she likes Taekie the best. The beach scene: She did not gravitate towards Junghwan but instead chose to sit with TK & accompany him. The pills: She worries about Taek taking them. She took care of Taek more than she cared for her siblings. 

3. Ep 12: She stuttered when he got too close on her personal space. Ep 15: When Taek asked her to the concert she visited him in the middle of the night bringing food just to reconfirm their date. Ep 15: She did not burped in front of him Ep. 16: Her reaction to Taek's cancellation. Ep 16: The bridal carry where it kept her awake. Ep 16: The dream kiss. Ep 19: She tried to hide the dream kiss because she did not want to have awkwardness with him.

4. Ep 18: The confession: Before JH confessed - looked at the door, looked at her pager as if waiting for someone; When JH confessed - reminisced with him but did not cry; After JH confessed - she looked at the door again. For me, it was a brutal rejection. She did not care. She did not even try to rectify anything. She listened. She let it go as a joke and went back waiting for someone.

5. She cares about TK...too much. I cannot even fathom her ever rejecting him even in the heat of the husband game (It was after episode 14 where everybody wanted TK to confess in order for DS to reject him and so JH and her would have their happy ending.).   

In my own honest opinion: BFF(ep 1-9); special friendship outside the squad (ep 10-14); getting there (ep 15); notice her feelings (ep 16); keep true to her feelings (ep 17-18); took the chance and cross the line (ep 19); sweet moments as bf-gf (ep 19-20)

That is how I interpret DS love story anyway. 



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on naver PBG airport clip got 40 k views 

HR and PBG are also leading in ADs. 

PBG fan site crashed and had two fan meets

DC is filled with TK and DS

Celebs have voiced love for PBG and TK

TVN youtube video of kiss is at 113 k views and 2,369 likes and 347 dislikes...

also @hushhh taek's room is here for you <3 you have been so brave these months on this thread, *HUG*



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From someone who understands korean, can anyone confirm if it is true that most koreans are not happy with R1988? Or are the netizens translation websites just biased? I feel like it would be such a waste and if i was the writer, i would be pretty pissed that people would just one star a drama just because they didnt get the ending that they wanted (even if it made the most sense, after thinking everything i might have missed)

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I haven't been terribly active in this thread - mainly because I don't know more than a few words in Korean and thus don't like watching the raws - so I would wait for subs (and try not to spoil myself) and then come back here and read through the live recaps and commentary to see what I may have missed or get some general clarification on the finer details of Korea during this time frame and such (so first, thank you all live cappers, commentators, ect. ect. ect.) and then by the time I had caught up in reading, the conversation has moved on past the things I had questions/would be talking about. . .

Anyway, since the show ended there's been a lot of discussion back and forth and I do understand the story that was told and can see some of the nuances that I didn't really see the first time through, but still there's something - I can only describe as a "feeling - that I can't quite shake. . . and it is something that has gone back and forth in discussion already. It's not a criticism, because I still adore this series,  just a "thing" that I can't quite fully place/explain. But I'm going to try and just throw it out there.

I haven't watched a lot of K-Drama, the Answer Me series being the exception (with honorable mention to Sassy Go Go) so that could be part of it. But I'm beginning to notice a bit of a trend - at least in the way I feel about this series.

These aren't really spoilers, but I may get wordy in trying to explain, so for space:

About 97:


97 will always hold a special place in my heart - perhaps because it was the first, perhaps because it was my era and thus I relate to it better - but I don't remember ever feeling as if it was rushed (likely not the best word, but it's the one I'm using). It's been awhile since I've watched it, but I remember thinking that the overall framework, of telling the story in flashback or backstory was rather neat and remember that (at least in my perception) they did a pretty good job of "filling in the remaining holes" after the reveal (despite the red car thing that I will always be hung up on lol). . . There were obvious time skips and things they left out - in service of keeping the mystery going, but they went back to them after the reveal and fleshed the story out a bit. And I remember being "happy/satisfied" (and actually quite impressed) with it overall. Now, it's possible that it was just the whole "new" thing going on, or my previously mentioned affection for the era. But that was how I left it.


About 94:


In 94, we're tackling a slightly different story - we still have a husband hunt, but we're also focusing on how this group of strangers come together to form a kind of second family during their college years. And thus, our scope expands a bit to bring them all into the story. And I really liked this approach; however, as we got closer and closer to the end, I did begin to feel rushed. For example - Binggeure and Die-Die. Trash warns Binggeure about Die-Die, we met her, they wait at the bus stop. . cryptic call about a study group (next episode) study group, they kiss and we see that they're married in 2015. Yeah, we got a little of that story, but not a lot (more that I remember actually now that I went back and looked it up), but I remember when I watched it for the first time thinking - what, we just met this character like 5 minutes ago and *snap* they're married? Yes, I know, there are only so many hours in a series (even in this series) but it felt really quick. But not only that bothered me, but even at the end of the series, after the reveal of the main triangle, I still felt like there was a lot of development there that I didn't see. I didn't feel as "filled in" as 97 did. This could be because by the end of 94 I was exhausted and totally burned out with the triangle (even though, I was pretty sure Trash would be endgame, I was still torn up, spent, and yeah, just emotionally tired). And I kind of left it with the impression that a lot of ensemble and some of that potential of the group focus was pushed a bit to the side to focus on the triangle, and then even the development of the triangle kind of left me with questions. Keep in mind, that I've still only watched 94 that one time (I couldn't bring myself to go through it all again back then. .and I've been busy) so these are mere memories and impressions at this point, but that's how I remember it. I still like it, but not as well as 97 and feel that a little something was missing. *shrug*


97 and 94 comparison:


Now, it's totally possible that 97 just felt more filled in because the focus there was always the triangle and not the gang - even though we had the cute developments between Yoo-Jung and Hak Chan and the great side story of Joon-Hee even if I do still question that red car! - and filling in gaps skipped was much easier when that is the main focus in 97 instead of in 94 when there's much more to fill in when we have all of these other characters running around. But I remember feeling that 94 started off with an ensemble approach, and about half way through started to focus much more on the triangle, but still do the ensemble. . .and then about 3/4ths of the way through decided it couldn't do both so it went totally with the triangle - but still left a lot out of Trash and Na-Jung's story. I can't pinpoint what my questions were, or what I thought was left out at this point because it's been too long - but that's the feeling I had. And while I still really liked the show, I wasn't 100% there at the end.


And then we have 88:


We have a story about family and youth and how all of these families come together over the years. Yay! I can watch the story, see the relationships develop, and maybe not get so exhausted over who the husband will be. And overall, I was fairly successful there and honestly didn't get invested in endgame. To be totally serious, yes my heart did totally bleed for Jung-Hwan (because I swear there's a lot of my personality in that boy) but I also totally adored Taek - so on that score, I was OK either way (even if a small part of me did kind of secretly root for JH). I was much more absorbed into the overall story and dynamic and seeing how all of these characters change and grow together over the next 30 years - not just the OT5, but the families as well. I felt that overall, they did a superb job of letting everyone shine and become "full people/characters" instead of being focused on one aspect (the "triangle") and having a few other people around "the mains." Much more of the "it's an ensemble, there are no mains" kind of thing.

After reading all the "after show" discussion, I understand all the views that have been expressed here, that it's not about tying up everything in a pretty bow and explicitly showing us everything and I understand why that is a valid narrative choice, and that life itself doesn't give us "closure". 

And yeah, I see and agree as to why we absolutely needed to see the renewing of the "Kim vows" and JH take up his "daughterly duties" and why we absolutely needed to see the Sun-Bora wedding and that amazing letter scene to show us those relationships and carry that family theme through, but (you knew there was a but), I still kind of find myself feeling a bit like I did at the end of 94. Yes there are seeds of where everyone is in 2015, but just seeds - and some have more "seeds" than others. And I still kind of feel like the development of DS and Taek left a lot out. Yes, I see the foundation and how it stretches back as far as it did. . .but I still kind of have questions (and that might not be the best word. . .maybe it's just that I want more - even though we've got 20 episodes pushing almost 2 hours each). But in keeping so much of DS thoughts hidden in service of keeping the mystery until the last episodes, and then after the reveal not really filling that in too well, I kind of feel as if DS-Taek (as in the development of their actual relationship and the transition to them having an actual "relationship" relationship) was kind of dumped on me at the last minute and I was playing catch up. Maybe I'm just being really sappy in wanting to see them develop as a couple instead of just getting "we dated for 2 years, mostly in alleys before we got married" and the quick flashes we got - but there it is - that feeling again, but on all fronts this time - not just the "triangle" but the whole OT5 to an extent and the rest of the families as well.


Yeah, I can largely fill in the gaps - and a lot of the conversation here has helped me do that - but *turns into a 5-year-old as he stamps his feet* I don't wanna! lol, I want to see it. *shrug* maybe I'm just being selfish, or I'm just so tied up in this world that I don't want it to be over yet. . .  lol.

I can totally see how this was all planned from the beginning (and how meticulously planned it was) and logically I get it, but emotionally, I still feel as if it's kind of incomplete in a way, and I can't really explain why. Now none of this takes away from my absolute love of this show and it will forever remain one of my favorites. But that feeling. . . . 


PS: I'd also like to in a totally sarcastic way thank you all for getting Elsa's song stuck in my head again - and yes, I realize that that it exactly what I need to do. . .perhaps in time. . .in time.

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Exactly. From DS side it was over after the pink shirt mess. You can see her conversation with her friends telling them she was wrong again, he didn't like her. That's what she's upset again, that she was wrong again. There was also a very telling scene about her feelings when she saw JB wear the pink shirt of doom again.  She didn't care and didn't make the connection to JH at all.  She was worried about other things.  The PD didn't have JB wear the shirt and DS see it for no reason.  It was to reiterate that the shirt, something that had hurt her so badly before, didn't bother her anymore.  JH not liking her didn't bother her anymore. The kiss of death for them is when she wasn't mad at him anymore.  She was indifferent, and that's where it ended for good. 

And I'm gonna save the timeline and pass around to anyone who questions TK/DS development. 

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hahaha!! guys please take a chill pill, lets all move on, its going to be a great year for all the actors we've all rooted from this series so lets just hope for everyone's wellness and success!! like what my oppa said let's all LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Spread L.O>V>E  everyone! <3 <3 <3


On a side note, have you guys heard my oppa, uri RJY is taking up his next project, its "The King" with Jo In sung, can't wait for this, this is gonna be sooooooo DAEBAK!!!!!!!!



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19 minutes ago, hushhh said:


The adjectives I used describe the fans I'm speaking of.

The behavior I mentioned identify the fans I'm speaking of.

For the record I'm not a "fan" of anything or anyone. I don't follow, actors, writers, directors, or flower arrangers because of 1, 2, 3, or 10 creative products they have made. I might like a particular actor, i.e. Kim Sun-Ah, Hyun Bin, Lee Dong Wook, etc. and I will check in to see their work but I'm not a fan. I don't care who they date, who they kiss. As long as they treat their fellow human being with respect, no matter that person's status, I'll check in on their creative product.

I don't see actors working on a drama and "ship" them in real life. I find that kind juvenile when people are just doing their work. I don't want to imagine dating them either. I watch them to see their work not to know them. Every now and then a bit of gossip suggest that one is nice a nice person and that's great. I would prefer for them not to rape or abuse people and if they do that I'm less likely to want to spend my time with them.

What I detest about fandoms is the sense they seem to exude that they 'own' creatives, their lives and  their creative products. I know the relationship between fan and creatives are very different than it is in the west, hence the food trucks from fans.  It's a culture I don't get. In the US we have craft services and the food is usually quite good without a dime being spent by fans. Actually few if any American actors would eat something sent directly from fans they don't know.

Yet even recognizing the cultural differences I still detest the ownership fans seem to exude. And the pettiness of their petulant rage and the enormous damage it can do to artists of all types.

I don't feel that actors or writers owe me or the public more that their creative product.  When I go to a crafts market and I see a painting, I either buy it if I like it or leave it alone. I don't tell the painter that the blue is not blue enough or the red should have been purple. It is is vision. It is her creative effort. If I don't like it I look elsewhere.

If someone is in the midst of working on something and ask my opinion and I have one, I'll share it as constructively as I can. But again, when I do it, it is in an effort to help that creative do a better job at creating what THEY want to create. 

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I am and going to let the richard simmons it the fan. I've put it under the spoiler because I don't want anyone stumbling across this and having their feeling hurt.

the JH supporters are so busy looking for the familiar cliche all the k-drama romance dazzle that they can't the gold that is before their eyes.

They are mad because they didn't get their cliche.

YOu know what, that cliche is playing on at least two or three k-drama now.

What you got was a poetic version of reality.

You got an atypical k-drama hero. Someone who (I perceive perhaps incorrectly) to be a little on the spectrum, who was not treated as an object of pity. Someone treated will dignity despite his differences.  We got a person who functions a little atypically in this world shown to be worthy of love and sex and a full complex life. THe writer gently cracked a mould and everyone is so frustrated because their cliche wasn't subverted. 

Addiitonally, JH DID NOT DO ANYTHING EXCEPT FEEL. That and  $3.69 will get you Starbuck coffee. 

Who care how JH feels in the world of R88--no one! why? because no one knew!


FEELINGS DON'T MEAN ANYTHING BECAUSE THEY ARE MASTURBATORY. It is doing that count. Doing something with them like, idk, expressing those feelings. 

Feelings are about the lover not the beloved.   

That is why JH didn't get anywhere.  

The fandom are enraged by the unexpected touch of reality the writer dropped into their fantasy. 

If DS was still interested JH after high school she should have been in therapy.

Loving someone who gives no indication of loving you is neurotic. It is a stupid idea and not something an intelligent writer should be foisting on the public. It is as bad a fairytales that tell women to be pretty, put up with richard simmons and abuse and a prince will ride along see your worth even though you are covered with soot and marry you.

If you have a daughter would you be happy if she were pining for six years over a guy she grew up with who never asked her out directly.

Who fights with her constantly.

Who consistently calls her ugly.

Who suggests her she is not bright.

Who when she is cold as ask for his jacket tell her no with not explanation.

Who she never spent time with alone and nor does have an easy commaradie with.

This is what you think is romantic for you daughter.

It strike me as having the makings of an throughly unsatisfying and discontented, unfulfilling relationship.  

The only saving grace is that DS would only put up with so much crap for long.

Here is the difference between JH and Taek. JH often says DS is unattractive.

Teak (I'm going to paraphrase) asks DS to see him on Saturday when he returns from his upteenth Baduk match. DS says, yes, but I don't know if I will have a lot of time. I have to study. You know what Taek did not do. Laugh. Or remind DS she is stupid. Or remind her she has never studied before. Instead Taek said (I'm trusting the subs on this) That's okay.  YOu can study. I'll just be by your side and I'll keep myself amused. And you know what? I believe him.  He would let her study without trying to be the focus of her attention. He might not even disturb her if she fell asleep over her book. He would just be by her side. And that has often been their relationship, Taek is often the one studying and DS is just amusing herself by his side.  

That's the difference. JH was busy feeling by himself. Taek and DS was busy doing together. 

Everyone who wants to can continue enjoying their outrage over not getting their way. But the writer is busy running her stationery shop and folks keep showing up insisting she sells them flowers or they vote the stationery shop down on YELP.  Well they can go ahead because their ain't no flowers there.


I wholeheartedly agree with you and your comments on those 'crazy fans' of anything, and I also relate to how you feel about fandom as well. I, too, am not really a fan of any public figures. I like people, I like things, I like concepts. I also have thoughts like 'oh they look cute together'; and that's about it. But I don't call myself an official fan of anyone either, nor would I care about their life off-screen. But there all sort of people of everything. That's life. That's..people. Things that you detest about fandom make sense. But those are the kinds of crazy/unreasonable/delusional fandoms. There are many many proper/mature fandoms as well. Passionate fans that love their celebrities send them presents, fan letters, or even food/drinks, wait in line for meet-and-greet, fanmeetings, etc.. I can't ever relate to that kind of passion but I respect it. And I also respect that part of K-fandoms culture though I can't relate to it. In US, there are crazy fandoms too. Justin Bieber's or One Direction's fandoms are hella crazy and they do/say crazy/bad/delusional things as well. That's their own 'culture'. Like I said, everything has two sides. 

Anytime there is an art production, whether a painting, a movie, a drama, theatre musical, etc., there will be criticism about that product, whether good or bad. It is up to the creator to take it or leave it as well. They can take in the 'good kind of criticism' to better themselves or their product and ignore the ridiculous/rude comments. And Of course if they don't want to take in anything and to share their own vision about their own piece of art, that's up to them too. They can do whatever they want as well. But when it's in public, people will talk, good and bad. In this particular forum thread about R88 production, we are free to discuss and share what/how we feel about any part of R88, because we ARE the audience. We watch the R88 and R88 inflicts all sorts of feelings in us, so we voiced it. Lots of you support/agree; many will also disagree. Not just about R88, I have my own love/not-so-loves about R97 and R94 too. Mature fans will appreciate/agree to disagree with POVs of one another doesn't matter which side they're on. Immature fans will always do their.. immature things. My general point of quoting you is that I feel like you generalize all the JH-DS supporters as delusional/spoiled brats just because they feel like JH is a better fit. If I'm wrong, then I apologize. :)

Back to your new hidden comment and JH :lol: [I guess i'll put it hidden too to save space]



That's your own POV and own opinion about JH and JH supporters. But that's not why all JH supporters really see.

A lot of JH-supporters watch this show and perceived it differently, from how the story was laid out for JH-DS.

Yes JH bickered with DS at all times because they're in their circle of friends. You have friends like TK, and you also have friends like JH or SW or DR, or even DS. Because they grew up as friends, things like romantic feelings, if not handled well, would change/harm the friendships, no matter how close they are. Even in real life, many friendships are jeopardized because of romance as well. It was shown that both TK and JH had always liked DS, from way back when.

Yes his words are hard sometimes. But his actions are more than just 'feel'. When there are no other complication involved, JH, in his own way, showed his feelings to DS as well. He was very active in showing her his feelings up until he found out about TK's feelings. 

When he used shoe-tying excuse to wait for DS that she came out wearing a short dress, he did show his concern for her saying that she shouldn't wear something like that in the cold, perhaps in a unconventional way. He protected her on the crowded bus. He waited and brought her an umbrella in the rain. He ran to her to McDonald right after she called, even tho he didn't say it as nicely x[[. He even paid for her and her friends. He gave her the gloves bc he saw how much she wanted them without using Secret Santa as an excuse (nor he really had it anyways since he had TK), many times he noticed her troubled expression and asked 'what's wrong' right away and other things that I may have forgot. These are his own ways of showing his feelings for her, and from DS' expressions, it seemed to sway her heart as well.

Things that he said/did to/for DS AFTER finding out about TK's feelings may be cruel. But that is his way/personality of sacrificing/respecting his friend. [When it was SW that DS had a crush on, he was even gonna give her up to SW as well because he knew DS liked him so he respected her feelings] But since TK is precious to everyone and also to him, he hesitated and held his feelings/actions back. 

Indeed, TK is the atypical 'winner'. I don't mind that. But I don't think JH as a husband is a typical/cliche ending either. I just felt that as how the show progressed up to ep 16, JH being the husband seems more natural. And don't think what was shown for the progress of TK-DS was enough to convince me, or many other JH-supporters, so while things that JH did for her could highly potentially swayed her heart as well. Similarly with R94, I supported Oppaya but didn't feel right for the ending with Oppaya-NaJeong and ChilBong at all. I felt like they did rush the ending for both R94 and R88 (in regards of romance). But that's the way it is, then that's the way it is. You have your convictions and I have mine. I didn't like the ending not because I think TK is not a good husband contender, nor I blindly love JH. The way that DS 'fell for TK' was the same as how she 'fell for JH' as well, for all the nice/manly things that they do, she realized that (to both each time) 'oh he is a man too'. and TK had it easier/luckier than JH in winning heart (drugged up kiss).

In short (ironically -__-''), viewers that support JH have their mature way/reason why they think/predict that JH was the husband. So when the twist happened, they were surprised/mad/not happy. They feel that way because they were passionate about the show. You only voiced your opinion loudly because you're passionate enough about it. Yes I was mad at first too. But reading many posts in this thread and think twice or three times about this drama, I do think it made sense to end it that way, for the storyline reason or for the strong impact/impression that the writer wants to leave for her audience. Whatever the reason may be, the ending is understandable. But I just have my own disagreements and would leave it as just that.



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12 minutes ago, mangachickava said:

 also @hushhh taek's room is here for you <3 you have been so brave these months on this thread, *HUG*

THank you,:D I think.:blink:

I don't think I've been brave. I've never assumed that the forum required bravery to post, just honesty.

I've been honest with my impression. I have been clear about my bias (Taek for the win), and I rarely try to back up my preference with analysis --because that's just justification and rationalization. I ain't trying to win over anyone.  I just love that boy/character. When someone does a convincing peice of analysis, I've acknowledge it, even if it is not in my favor and leaves me in the doldrums.

I have not been deliberately rude, though I might have been accidentally rude.

I don't attack people, I don't even intend to attack idea--although people might experience my post differently than I intend them.

I have a sense of humour that can sometimes cause confusion, but again I don't mean any harm.

I will and have pushed back when I feel that someone is directly attacking me. I don't think I have to put up with that even for the love of drama. 

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10 minutes ago, GreenTeandSASHIMI said:

From someone who understands korean, can anyone confirm if it is true that most koreans are not happy with R1988? Or are the netizens translation websites just biased? I feel like it would be such a waste and if i was the writer, i would be pretty pissed that people would just one star a drama just because they didnt get the ending that they wanted (even if it made the most sense, after thinking everything i might have missed)

You can't really take netizen comments too seriously...either positive or negative.  This drama spanned generations of people watching it.  They aren't all talking online about it, and definitely not crying about it online lol.  Obviously there is a group that is very loud and very unhappy, and very downvote happy, but that doesn't mean everyone is unhappy or even the majority is unhappy.  There is a lot of positive stuff out there about the drama, with a lot of upvotes, but it's not as interesting to talk about. And sites like NB are biased against anything positive.  



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25 minutes ago, monsterlife said:

They did actually...on DS side. She stop wanting JH to notice her. Her thoughts were all about her future. She did not even make an effort to know JH side in the pink shirt fiasco. She just let it go and forgot all about it. But JH love story is all about the angst of one sided love. So maximum pain were felt by the viewers when he made his own realization by episode 18. 

Don't read if not interested :lol:.

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They did show us the progress.

1. She slowly gravitate towards Taek's world: Episode 1(DS): She knew nothing about baduk. Ep 6: Did not care. Ep 12: They have their own inside joke. Ep 13 (Dramabeans recap): when he warns Deok-sun to leave Taek alone, she says she knows better than Dad. Yeah, isn’t she practically his manager by now? Ep 17: She introduced her friend to someone from Taek's circle. One way or another it showed how their world still collide even if they have busy adult lives. Ep 19: The manager praised her knowledge about Baduk 

2. Taek is her number 1: Ep 7(Dramabeans): She asks if he picked her name for the manitto game, which he denies. She says it’s either Taek or Jung-hwan (you don’t say), and says offhandedly that she’d like it if it were Taek. Ep 8: She chose Taek's present. Ep 9: We are shown that DS knew what to bring Taek (clothes, heater) Ep 11: The start of DS knowing JH likes her. But instead of hurrying back to her crush she stayed with TK and waited for him to finish eating. Ep 12: Teaching Taek to curse in order to stop him from lending out money. Ep 14: She told DR that she likes Taekie the best. The beach scene: She did not gravitate towards Junghwan but instead chose to sit with TK & accompany him. The pills: She worries about Taek taking them. She took care of Taek more than she cared for her siblings. 

3. Ep 12: She stuttered when he got too close on her personal space. Ep 15: When Taek asked her to the concert she visited him in the middle of the night bringing food just to reconfirm their date. Ep 15: She did not burped in front of him Ep. 16: Her reaction to Taek's cancellation. Ep 16: The bridal carry where it kept her awake. Ep 16: The dream kiss. Ep 19: She tried to hide the dream kiss because she did not want to have awkwardness with him.

4. Ep 18: The confession: Before JH confessed - looked at the door, looked at her pager as if waiting for someone; When JH confessed - reminisced with him but did not cry; After JH confessed - she looked at the door again. For me, it was a brutal rejection. She did not care. She did not even try to rectify anything. She listened. She let it go as a joke and went back waiting for someone.

5. She cares about TK...too much. I cannot even fathom her ever rejecting him even in the heat of the husband game (It was after episode 14 where everybody wanted TK to confess in order for DS to reject him and so JH and her would have their happy ending.).   

In my own honest opinion: BFF(ep 1-9); special friendship outside the squad (ep 10-14); getting there (ep 15); notice her feelings (ep 16); keep true to her feelings (ep 17-18); took the chance and cross the line (ep 19); sweet moments as bf-gf (ep 19-20)

That is how I interpret DS love story anyway. 



Lol. I read. and yeah sure I appreciated your interpretation though I already said my own interpretations about those JH-DS-TK scenes you mentioned several posts ago, especially about the gloves, her waiting for TK to finish eating, etc. so Thank you! :lol:


Yes it could be interpreted as her romantic feelings for TK had started awhile ago, but it could be interpreted as from ep1-15,16, things she did for him were because she cared for him, yes, but just as really good friends worrying about each other. She had taken care of him since little, so China scenes, with TK's bear dad asking her to take care of him as a favor, she just did her job. She's good at taking care of people, hence becoming the stewardess. I felt like she's only seen his as a precious friend until she sees his 'manly side' (the bridal style carry) and that's where it struck her heart, and that's when she started being more 'girly' in front of him. Similarly she only sees JH as a friend that always annoys her until he did those 'manly' things [umbrella scene, bus scene, McDonald scene] It struck her heart when he told her to not go to the blind date, and that's when she started being more 'girly' in front of him [more softspoken, dolling herself up]. It sucked for JH that he had to show his cold side after admitting his feelings to her. If TK had refused her feelings as well after she started liking him, their love story outcome would have been the same. I guess that's why some JH supporters were frustrated. :)


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39 minutes ago, GreenTeandSASHIMI said:

From someone who understands korean, can anyone confirm if it is true that most koreans are not happy with R1988? Or are the netizens translation websites just biased? I feel like it would be such a waste and if i was the writer, i would be pretty pissed that people would just one star a drama just because they didnt get the ending that they wanted (even if it made the most sense, after thinking everything i might have missed)



Oh My News - Naver: Suzy + Hyeri + Sulli? Reply 1993 actors!

1. [+6,153, -293] Bogumbokjibu (tn: Ministry of Health and Welfare, also the name of Park Bogum's fanclub) ㅋㅋㅋㅋThat's his next nickname after 'baby deer'

2. [+4,138, -343] 2016 is Park Bogum's year. And no words needed for Yoo Seung Ho-ssi, he's the top *^^*

Credit : @bluesteyes


 "Eonamtaek! Hyeri's husband is Park Bo Gum. The deep kiss that confirms each other's hearts" 

[+21.808/-3.380] Aside from who is the husband, this kiss scene makes me crazy.. the best scene throughout reply 1988

[+14.732/-3.269] Give a shout for SunTaek!!!!!!! Kekekekekekekeke

[+14.186/-2.512] I really screamed when I watched this scene.

[+13.443/-3.726] I know it would be 'eonamtaek'.... ❤

[+12.452/-3.054] I know it would be eonamtaek!!! The winner Taek!! I'm so proud of you ❤

[+11.896/-2.614] Taek~ah you're awesome

[+10.151/-2.231] Taek~ah please don't make my heart stops beating

credit @rynn_peace

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I just want stop to leave post !

the writer doesnt changes the story at near the end of ep.






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