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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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10 hours ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

Of course. the hints. of future husband. yes people can change. but personality do not change that easily. Every little detail (except for smoking, and i guess lefthandedness) screams JH more than CT: little cute bickerings, little tantrums that her first love wasn't him, teased her when she called herself pretty, dull expression when she started dancing, read weird mangas/novels etc. Young CT would not bicker with her, would always say she's pretty, would just laugh along with her dancing, basically the opposite of the future husband's personality. Why do this if the storyline/husband was already chosen from beginning? If CT is truly a strong contender, why not just show ambiguity in the future husband's personality as well? Instead having majority of hints pointed to JH for first 16 eps then otherwise in the last 4?

don't forget selective memory, color theory and banmal to noeul. Young CT is scared and go away when seeing her dancing, and prefer playing baduk (it's shown in the earlier episode). The tantrums is normal between couple, CT hits Sunwoo too after finding out DS liked him before. Thin layer of clothes and the size of the photo also show that. About bickering, you can see that taek bicker with ds too here. Taek says Deoksun is pretty in the photo though, but only at that time hehe. that way of joking is shown below too, in one of the comments in taek ds thread. :)..


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2 hours ago, tomanderson said:

I have to DISAGREE wholeheartedly.  Regardless of what you may think in terms of the storyline, remember that this drama was billed with two co-stars: Hyeri (Deoksun) and Ryu Joonyeol (Junghwan), which, in the previous 99% of Kdramas (and the two previous 응답하라), they are supposed to either hook up, die, disappear, or a combination thereof.  How the story unraveled is irrelevant.

In this case, because of the spoilers released by some trigger-happy elected official fanatic (Assemblyman Kim Kwangjin), the writers and PD decided to change the ending.  It's obvious that for 18 or 19 episodes, Junghwan and Deoksun were the center of the plot.  Taek was just a side show; so were Bora and Sunwoo.  All of those "hints" (left-handed, smoking, etc.) that may have led viewers to believe that Taek was the husband were just ploys to misdirect people, like in the previous 응답하라's and 10,000 kdramas.  Then, all of a sudden, episode 20 is all about Bora and Sunwoo, and Junghwan is nowhere to be found?  What?  Junghwan is the lead male actor, and he only gets 30 seconds in the finale?  Are you serious?  Did he get hurt during filming?  Was he fired?  That doesn't even make sense.  Imagine if Lee Byunghun was completely absent in the final episode of IRIS.  Or Hyunbin not marrying Ha Jiwon in Secret Garden?  Is that even conceivable?  Even the worst Kdramas have never changed the storyline at the very end.  I have seen over a hundred Kdramas, including the previous 응답하라 series, and none of them ended in this disconnected and pathetic fashion.  In terms of production, it was clear that episode 20 was nothing more than a very poor attempt to completely undo the 19 episode-storyline in roughly two hours.

Want to know how it was supposed to end?  This is how: After six long years, the air force pilot finally gets the stewardess.  That's how it was originally conceived.  It's very cliche and predictable but works all the time.

 What a disaster.


Well about the casting, Park Bogum is considered way before RJY though, and even attached with another actress name for this series. CMIIW,but usually the husband and the female lead are casted first.. This drama has an assembled cast,, there's no such thing as male lead or female lead, since everyone were the lead. The clues that Taek were the husband is already there since episode 1.. You can't rely on your interpretation of a character personality to conclude what the writer want, when the facts are already there. I think the real ploys that misdirect people is the way Junghwan gets to do all this romantic gestures and an earlier husband's personality that we compare too much to junghwan, since unlike Taek's character that have many layers, junghwan's character is shown a lot in the earlier episode.

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It's just because the way it is written, if you're not viewing critically, it's easy to miss things. So we come here and share our ideas and things others may have missed.  Mostly people here are just bothered by people putting down the writer especially when they say the script was changed. Comments about script changes trigger a lot of people. I  know it does for me. But, still it's fine to have different tastes in writing, and pretty normal and common to say something is "bad" like its a fact instead of an opinion. Pretty  sure everyone does that almost.

Personally, I don't care for husband hunting much because it is stressful.  A lot of the show's message is about love and how people change growing up. It  looks like people are a little too distracted with the husband-hunting stuff and either don't see or forget this. Secondly, I  notice a lot of immaturity and hatefulness after the show ended which was ironic. Don't  be confused because I  said I  don't like "husband hunting". For  me, I DO  like NOT knowing who the husband is but I  also don't like feeling paranoid the writer is screwing with my head because important scenes lose meaning UNLESS you do watch the show more than once. 

But why do we always have know the ending up of a kdrama? I mean why do we need to know who's 1st lead and 2nd lead? I  prefer not to use those terms for this show. But there is comfort in predictability. Maybe  we don't like it when things veer of from the predictable path and away from things have been before? I  think that's why I enjoy the series more watching it a second time.  Also, I noticed a lot important details I missed before. Just one example of many but, when Taek said he forgot to get DS a gift, I never noticed he put that paper in his pocket without looking at it. He forgot about the secret santa game, not the gift, which was understandable.

I never watched much television growing up but when I was a teenager I read a lot of novels, and some of these are classics.  So I'd read these long novels, sometimes over 1000 pages. In some of those books, often the love interest was away most of the time. I remember getting excited whenever the love interest would show up after being gone for 200  pages or more lol. So this drama reminded me a lot of some novels I read as a kid.  And I really liked the novels too. And like I  said they, were classics so they were considered to be good books by others too. So as for Taek not showing up much, I don't see why this approach is wrong in a Kdrama but not in the books I read when I was kid. I think it's nice to see change but maybe a reply series isn't the best place since it comes off as just as a ploy to confuse people.

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2 hours ago, sillyvivian_yo89 said:

Why not? If that was really the reason why JH exist in the first place and if he was deemed unfit, a lot of people would not have thought he was the husband. Even the actor himself thought so until told otherwise. People wouldn't think a certain way if the drama didn't lead them a certain way.

Of course this series would lead people to think that this and that guy were the husband, the husband-hunting was one success formula from all Reply. And I think this season do it much better than 1994 one, because the teams were split equally. I also things that all the character compliments each other very well.

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Hey guys, posting here on  behalf of @packmule3.This would help discern the characteristics of the baduk genius and his actions in a much better way I guess.Anyway,without delaying any further here it goes:


Questions and Answers,


I ship the script.


From the beginning, I made full disclosure where my loyalties lay so people wouldn’t misinterpret what I wrote. My shipping/fangirling heart is never involved in my assessment. That was why I correctly determined who the Future Husband was…long before people finally realized that I wasn’t being delusional. :D

 Now, since the scriptwriter isn’t here to defend herself, let me do it for her. I love this scriptwriter, and I think I got her. I’ll pose the typical questions and accusations leveled at her and I’ll try to answer them to the best of my abilities. I’ve nothing in common with DR HOUSE, except perhaps my acerbic wit, but I do TREAT people fairly. People with an observation about the script that has been bugging them should feel free to PM @moonkeeper or @nearsea. Please no abusive language. 

 I’m also posting the questions randomly. Q&A’s 1 to 11 and 13 to 22 are already in the pipeline.

 Question 12: Why is this Taec crying all the time? JH is so manly compared to him.

Short Answer: Taec's character may not be a fit for many viewers’ personalities. He’s not everybody’s cup of tea. But his character makes him the BEST and ONLY match for DS.  DS shares this “trait” with Taec. [Refer to the dead birds in Episode 1.] They both have an uncanny ability to look at the situation at hand and see the bigger picture.

 On the other hand, JH doesn't possess this trait yet. But he's learning it. For instance, one of the biggest steps he took toward the right direction was organizing with DR the belated wedding party for his parents [Episode 19].  He saw the wedding portrait, he recognized the deception, and he correctly attributed the cause of his mother's melancholy -- NOT to hormonal imbalance of menopause -- but to the passage of time which was NEVER properly celebrated to BEGIN with. :)

 JH saw the "big picture".

One might ask, “What picture was that?” This: His mom and dad weren't able to celebrate the START of their union. Now, decades later, when she and her husband were about to embark on the second phase of their union (i.e., post-menopausal life), she couldn’t have CLOSURE because there wasn't “technically” any beginning point. A closure necessitated a beginning.  

 This explained why she had this inexplicable inner anger at her husband. For a long time, she had been complaining about her petty resentment, but the other mothers thought it was normal marital push-pull. But it was actually a discontent arising from never having a wedding of her own to COMMEMORATE the start of her marriage and family life.

 ...which is pretty ironic (well-done, scriptwriter!!) considering the number of times they had celebratory meals at their home. Remember TK's party in Ep 2? JH’s mother was always the hostess but she was never the hostess of the most important party of her life, her wedding.  

Now, the Long Answer.

The problem with most interpretations of TK's tears is that tears are judged as a sign of a man’s weakness. (That's sexist, btw...) Taek is crying because HE is hurt.

No. I think this view is incorrect and shallow. Let me explain.  


Look at his crying scene in Episode 7: To You. This is how dramabeans recapped it:

Once that pressure is gone, Dad quite easily says, “Son, I love you.” It’s still startling to Taek, and his eyes fill with tears instantly to hear those words from Dad. He says it again into the camera: “I love you, son,” and Taek cries.

 The widely accepted interpretation here is that TK cried because he was TOUCHED to hear his father say "I love you."

 No. I say that the BETTER interpretation here is that Taec saw the pressure that his reticent father went through to appear on camera, and he saw the discomfort that his father felt being badgered by the interviewer to verbally express his emotions to Taec. His tears fell because he understood that his father was doing ALL this for him, despite his natural aversion to be in the spotlight. The father was doing this because he loved his son. Taec cried FOR his father, not for himself. He was sorry that he had put his Dad through this.

You see, Taec already knew his father loved him. Didn't they just have the tearful father-and-son moment the previous night? lol. There was no reason for Taec to feel emotionally moved all over again, simply by watching his dad say, “I love you” on VIDEOTAPE. Last night’s confession was more personal and it was one-on-one, private. That was why the common interpretation didn’t make sense to me.

Noteworthy: His dad's forbearance during the interview was the reason he agreed to sit for the interview requested by his manager, and endured two hours of scrutiny. Like his dad accepted the intrusion of the interview, he did the interview because his manager pleaded with him and he loved his manager, too. 

Next, look at his crying tearduct in Episode 16: Irony, part 1. Here's how dramabeans described it:

Taek held the receiver long after Deok-sun had hung up on the other end, and then when we finally panned over to him, a single tear trickled down his face. Awwww, Taekie.

The general assumption here is that he cried because he was soooo sad that he had to break off the meeting.

 Again, I say that the BETTER interpretation here is that Taec realized that his desire to win DS was being selfish and inconsiderate of his good friend JH's feelings. A tear fell because he felt guilty, remorse, and probably grief that he had placed HIS wants and needs ahead of his good friend JH's wants and needs. He was sorry for doing that. 

Yes, it's that noble idiocy, Kdrama style. :)

You see, when TK discovered that JH also liked the girl HE liked, his first instinct was NOT to back down at all. He was going ahead with his plan to propose on Saturday. When DS left to go to the bathroom, he followed her.

Noteworthy: lol. JH didn't "cross the line" and stand up to check on DS's well-being when she complained of indigestion. TK immediately did.

TK prepared her medicine and went ahead with scheduling a date with her the following Saturday. This was TK in full competition mode. As DR said later in the bus, TK aimed to win, and when he had a goal, he was driven. His “opponent” in this case was JH, his childhood friend. Taec actually had an advantage, an edge over JH. He “claimed” DS first when he told the rest of the gang that he liked her. The "boys' code" dictated that JH cede to him. DS was TK's to lose. 

 But the irony here, as the Episode title implied, was that the ultimate competitor and champion baduk player decided NOT to compete when the outcome of the match mattered MOST to him. He yielded to his good friend JH. Out of consideration for JH's feelings and their friendship, he backed out. He wasn't going to compete against him.

 That was what he meant about his neatly tied shoelaces.  He cryptically said, "I thought I would not be able to re-do it if I untied it. So I tied it once more, really tight."  Meaning, had he pursued DS -- i.e., loosened his bonds with JH -- then he wouldn't be able to repair their friendship again.

That was why he avoided DS after his return and he reluctantly offered her a piggy back ride. He had chosen JH over DS. But fate intervened in the form of the school security officer. TK couldn’t leave her behind so he “crossed the line” or the breached the wall that he had built in between him and DS.  He carried DS, bridal-style, to escape the officer. Because he did that romantic thing, DS was embolden to wait for him that night, to stick around in his room and to watch him while he slept.   

His choice to honor his friendship with JH was also the reason he muttered, "That's a relief". He was relieved when DS said that she went home right away and he decided that he simply dreamt their kiss. It was a "relief" for him because he didn't do anything wrong to break his friendship with JH. He didn't sabotage their friendship. He didn't make a move on the girl that they both liked. He only dreamt the kiss all. See? He was very competitive but he willed himself to stand back.

 Last, look at Episode 19: You Did Your Best. Here's how dramabeans recapped it. As always, she does a splendid job of including the important details. But remember, she has her own bias. ;)

 Deok-sun: “Why, are you going to kiss me again?” Omo. It was real! Taek freezes and finally says, “It… wasn’t a dream.” He looks over at her, and she avoids his gaze nervously. He asks why she lied about it, and she admits, “I was scared. We’re friends. What if it became awkward?”

A tear trickles down his cheek. Aw, Taek. She says that she can’t imagine things ever being awkward between them. He wipes his tear away and seems to accept it, but then he turns to ask, “What about now?”

Deok-sun finally meets his eyes, and says, “It would be awkward now too… But…”

Again, the popular interpretation of his tears here is he was being EMO again.

No. :) The BETTER interpretation here is that he teared up because he realized that for six long years, DS had been running scared, all by herself, thinking that she did something to jeopardize THEIR friendship. He cried because he realized that she suffered needlessly because of him. Had he confessed or acted that time or not held back then, then they wouldn't be in this sticky situation at all. True, they “wasted” six years because of a misunderstanding, but mostly it was his own doing. His fault. HE didn’t cross the line himself. He hesitated.

Lol. When it counted the most, he didn’t cross the line either. He left DS stranded there, in a limbo.  And he was sorry. 

NOTEWORTHY: Just like in Episodes 7 and 16, he cried because he acknowledged his fault. HIs tears weren't sign of his weakness. On the contrary, they were signs of his humility, his acknowledgement that he had done wrong.  In my books, only a STRONG man can admit mistakes. ;)

In a typical Taec fashion, he saw the BIG PICTURE right away. In this Episode, he zoomed in on the crucial point, “What about now?” He understood that the past is the past. There was nothing they could do about the the history, but to adjust and correct the mistakes in the current time. HOW they would proceed in the future depended largely on her willingness to overlook that feeling of "awkwardness", to start anew, to proceed ahead. That one word, “But” was all the answer he needed. Though it’s very simple word, the depth of its meaning is profound. She loved him still. 

This explains why in Episode 20, he refused to lie about their relationship. He had held back once for JH, resulting into a disastrous consequence for DS. And now he was being asked again to hold back to keep the peace among his family and friends. He refused. “I won’t lie. I kept it in for 6 years. I don’t want to anymore.” The only reason he budged was DS’ firm avowal that she won’t change. She said, “I’m confident that my feelings won’t change. Are you? Taek. I trust you. Does our relationship seem like it’s going to change easily? I won’t change.” For all those six years, she suffered in silence because of his hesitation, she didn’t change her feelings for him.  

On the strength of her love for him, he relented.   

So there you go. When interpreting the work of THIS screenwriter, it’s a good thing to remember that she doesn’t think at all like an average person. Dig deeper into her motives. 

@shooastrid, lol. no baduk report still.

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Imho, pointing out the wrong facts in other statement is different with bringing down a character. Because truthfully, every character in 1988 deserved to be loved. Yes we might have a different opinion about the love line goes or the ending, but it doesn't justify people spreading the wrong facts and accusing the writer for things they didn't do.

By the way, I can't still move on from this drama. I keep playing the ending scene after watching everything with full subtitles and cry a buckets. It makes me very sad with the thought of losing my youth in the future, motivate me to treat my parents and sibling better, and go after what i really want :''') The most bittersweet ending of the series, that makes me wish to be born and live forever in 1988, while watching movie in Taek's room with the squad.

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Can't we all just say "it was one hell of a ride" and let it go...LET IT GOOOOOOO *does a fabulous flawess I am queen cape throw* The cold never bothered me anyway....Oh snap now I realize that this could sound like a rally call to keep raging. It's not LOL.

Put away the war paint. Wipe your cheeks and forheads of the blue and yellow or green and yellow. Stop boiling the tar. Leave them innocent chickens and their feathers alone and for goodness sakes is the pitch fork really needed *looks into the crowd* yes you back there gimpy go put it back in the farm...what...did you just really...oh real mature...go put in the farm before I come off this stage....*watches them go*.....*clears throat to give the greatest most moving speech of all times. The UN will ask me to lead all their peace talks. MLK Jr his self will arise to give me daps for beating his 'dream',*  Ya'll ready.......

I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school *sniffles* l....I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat *holding back her tears* and be happy.....hahahahahahahahahaha. come on that was a little kind of sort of funny no?

"There is no Santa Clause. Your mom brought you that" :o:o...no...."should I b-pologize, c-pologize"...still nothing *tough crowd* "oh, oh, oh my thumb".....no...."OMMMAAA!!!"...."this would be best *holds up the biggest sweet potato I ever seen*"....nothing......*mama Kim chicken music dance*...yes I knew that would do it....

Come on ya'll the drama gave us memorable characters, moments, love stories (those fulfilled and unfulfilled), friendship, family, and squad kind of goals (sorry a little too many secrets) that I will not soon forget. All of this ship business that still going on (especially when the husband is who he is and no amount of nothing is changing that) is kind of silly. Think on it. All of them are on some Phuketooo (too lazy to google) drinking drinks, sharing laughs, and swimming in your tears and or "I told you so" all the way to bank, hell they doing it on (should it be in?) your bank LOL...

Writer Lee, PD Shin I salute you. That was some flawless trickery...I jigged to every one of ya'll notes...I played into the palm of ya'll hands...you used everything you knew I knew I knew you knew I knew (say that 10 times fast) from R97 and R94 and was like *snatch snatch* Nah YOU THOUGHT...you know nothing!! I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!!! yeah so I ain't even mad and despite how they've left me *the trust issues I got with dramas now...*through half lidded eyes* yo that dude be lead, second lead? second lead in lead disguise? lead in second lead disguise? No lead leads lead? Will the real lead please stand up please stand up. Yo, fall back. Does it even matter if you are lead...* I love it!!! It's damn brilliant when you think on it all....*James Earl Jones doing Shakespeare proud voice* I was not the iceberg. I was the ship....ahahahahahahahaha....

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hi guys! i know that there's a lot of beef going on right now because of the love triangle

i actually really shipped junghwan and deoksun and i wrote some fanfic for them

but today i decided to write a little bit about why deoksun is complementary for taek

because taek only thinks in black and white, but deoksun, in all her vibrancy, really adds color to his world


but if you can't stand taek/deoksun even in the slightest i also wrote a fic for closure about junghwan and deoksun earlier LOL


"At 36,000 feet, there were no yellow lights. There was only an endless obstacle course of winds and clouds, one that Junghwan had mastered long ago. After all, everyday for the past six years, he had climbed into a jet and ripped through the sky.

But this Sunday was different. The cockpit sat two, not one."

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Oh darn... I know the finale wasn't satisfactory for everyone, for me it was nostalgic.

I actually had tears in my eyes while DS was narrating about the youth that we will never be able to go back. I've been living in the US for about 17 years yet I remember my childhood and youth like it was yesterday in Mexico. The neighborhood where after getting off of school me and friends were eager to go and play soccer, talk about scary stories, play traditional Mexican games. We would made our moms angry because we stayed out after 10:00 p.m. And they would scream at us from one corner to the other to go back inside the house. Yes it will never be the same. Every time I go to that neighborhood it's nothing but memories.

Would I like to go back to those days?? Yes, to take a glimpse and see one more time those faces smiling. Some of them are still there, some moved out and a strong woman that wasn't able to live life to the fullest. 

I saw a little bit of my mom's attitude in each of the ahjummas. Bo Ra became my favorite character I understand her a little bit since I have that same relationship with my dad.


Only have to say, Thank You writers for this reply 1988.

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First time posting here, reason is because im way too triggered by some JHx DS fans right now. Let me just show you my opinion.

To me,  Doeksun does not 'love' jh at all. its obviously just another sunwoo case in the beginning when she just kinda goes: "Ah my friends tell me he likes me yay so excited hihihihihi". Don't you guys see that after DR tells her to stop paying attention to those who might like her, but instead focus on the one she herself like, she choose Taek? that's because she is unconsiously gravitated toward Taek from the very beginning. To her Taek is always the priority, the number 1 in her heart, she just doesnt realise it yet.

There are many hint that's the case, dont you guys remember that when Doeksun is supposed to be "falling" for JH when she finds out JH might like her, she kicked her brother out of his seat just so she can sit next to him, but right after that she instantly(without any hesistant whatsoever) abandon that seat next to JH just to bring Taek soup, then after that she even CHOOSES to stay by his side reading manga to make sure he finished his meal and then take care of him. That's one of many hints that she values Taek more than anything, she chooses Taek when in reality if she really liked JH she would have find some excuse to stay by JH's side at that table. BUt no, just like when DR asks her who she like more him or Taek, she answer without a wink that it's Taek, because she would always puts Taek first, always have been and always will be. Thus it's only a matter of time for her to realise her feeling, not "switched over in 2 episodes" like some of you have said.

In the end, what matter the most is that DS made her choice, and her choice is Choi Taek, nothing is going to change that.

Even so, my heart still break for JH because of his sad first love and his somewhat unfinished ending. I really feel for JH a lot since he is just like me who is kinda over-calculated in love, hesitantly let the chances go by and unlike taek who is way more pure and straight forward with his feeling. That being said, I cant believe how some of JH fans can bash on the serie and the cast just because their "ship" sunk, while failing to realise what matter is who DS wants not what the viewers want.

Almost all of JHxDS moments (mostly the stuff he does for her) go by unnoticed by DS herself and only seem clear to us viewer, meanwhile all of TaekxDS moments is all the time they are together, the happy smile DS have just spending time with him. 

Im not trying to take side here, but just trying to protect this drama who has give me so much to love and learn in just 20 episodes. And unlike most of the people in this thread, i started bing-watching after it has finished. So i might get a different opinion than you guys, so my advice is to rewatch the drama from the beginning to finish, and try your hardest to understand the character's feeling and their POVs. 

Don't mindlessly spread your hate like this, it looks really bad.


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Everyone stop with the shipping wars. It's starting to get dirty in here. Here is my view on why some characters were  lightly shown in the last episode. I'm was not a shipper of the love triangle. I felt that the love triangle  has detracted people from seeing the show as a whole.


There were too many characters. I feel like the last three episodes as a whole were the finale. Jung pal got his finale in ep 18. DR got his in 19. The last episode focused on FAMILIES as a whole. It may look like. Bora SW episode but step back and look. I might go further and say the focus was parents. I don't think they intentionally meant to show the last episode as a omission of some characters. But with time constraints it ended up being edited that way. I liked that it didn't end like the usual kdrama showing where everyone in with the flash foward snippets. It's up to you as the viewer to imagine where they are now.

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Thank you for that well-composed post. Junghwan is a superbly written and acted character, and that's party of the charm why so many can't get over the ending. I really do feel like AM88 was the most mature work of the series, whereas CB (as much as I love him) feels paper-thin in comparison as a character outside of the love triangle. 

As few others have said, JH's closure comes in the natural continuity of his character outside of what's shown to us, and that's true for all of these characters on this show. While I would've liked to know how they fared in the future, I didn't need to to know that he will do well in the future. He's well-equipped based on the lessons and process of maturation that the writer has put him through to live a rich, full, and purposeful life. 

Anyways, I've been wanting to write other posts dedicated to the other members of our gang, including our Bora unni. They are just as lovable and deserving of our attention. 


hahaha. A bunch of us on the CB ship made a parody of Let It Go since the movie just came out then, and we actually sang the song with these lyrics. I will just share the lyrics here, since I do feel in some ways, it's appropriate for JH-shippers too. (A note: It's timed to be CB's inner musical monologue after his scene with NJ in the baseball field. Actually, this would make a pretty epic musical number).

A freezing wind in this field tonight

Not a shadow to be seen

A lifetime of isolation

And it looks like it’s still the same


The tears are coming like this swirling storm inside

Couldn’t keep them in, heaven knows I tried 


Don’t let them out, don’t let her see

Be the good guy you always seem to be

Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let her know

But the tears, they flow


Let them go, let them go

Can’t hold them back anymore

Let them go, let them go

She’s not the same girl anymore 


Six full years

It’s like a dream gone by

But I must move on 

She never saw me for me anyways


It’s funny how some distance

Makes everything seem small

And the heartache that once filled me

Can’t get to me at all


It’s time to see possibilities

To test the limits and break through

No pain, no gain, and life awaits

I’m free


Let her go, let her go

It’s easier said than done

Let her go, let her go

It’s the last time I will cry


And here I stand

Hope to love again

Now I have moved on


Life does not start until ninth inning and two outs

Ten thousand hours in life does not just go by and be gone

Life is way more than just one unrequited love 

I’m never going back 

The past is in the past  


Let it go, let it go

Life starts at the break of dawn

Let it go, let it go

That clueless boy is gone


And here I stand

Ready to love again

I’ve long moved on 

And the sun has truly come out again

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@luluponyazn I love that song :lol::lol: *applauds* No my baby Junghwan cannot let it go okay. I don't care what anyone here says. My girl Deok Sun is the only woman for him forever okay :P One thing kdramas have taught me is that you neeeeeeevvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrr forget your first love! One day Taek will die. 78 year old Deok Sun will just happen to sit next to 78 year old Junghwan on a bus (our bus, their bus, the bus) and my ship will finally sail........

Nah, for real though all this discussion about how the two would have never worked out and what not okay but for me they would have worked out. They would have lived a life similar to the one @blue_angel_1004 said her pilot uncle lived. Deok Sun would have made the cutest military wife who became a novelist on the side on the side. Junghwan moved up in the ranks and did some awesome thing that got him national recognition. They were being interviewed for being the "nation's air couple" him for is service to country, her, for her awesome and popular books. They had two kids who were the perfect mixture of him and her (seemingly uncaring but at the same time bright and sunny. They secretly and openly do a lot for the people they care about, and never get in an argument with them because they can bicker like  no tomorrow) and a goldfish (I don't know why but it's there). If I could pick or choose a girl for Junghwan it would be Deok Sun :P but since she don't want to ride his ride it'll be a Deok Sun 2.0....None of this changes anything that happened nor do I want it to be changed. 

"Taek and Deok Sun are married and being interviewed"


*just kidding, just kidding don't come for me :P M is truly the queen of shade*

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Writer Lee, PD Shin I salute you. That was some flawless trickery...I jigged to every one of ya'll notes...I played into the palm of ya'll hands...you used everything you knew I knew I knew you knew I knew (say that 10 times fast) from R97 and R94 and was like *snatch snatch* Nah YOU THOUGHT...you know nothing!! I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!!! yeah so I ain't even mad and despite how they've left me *the trust issues I got with dramas now...*through half lidded eyes* yo that dude be lead, second lead? second lead in lead disguise? lead in second lead disguise? No lead leads lead? Will the real lead please stand up please stand up. Yo, fall back. Does it even matter if you are lead...* I love it!!! It's damn brilliant when you think on it all....*James Earl Jones doing Shakespeare proud voice* I was not the iceberg. I was the ship....ahahahahahahahaha....


LOL...You've been served !!!

Let's just dance it out..........just dance it out to your heart content *insert mama kim dancing gift*

(make sure there is no "a little girl"  laying anywhere near your music player though hahahahahahahahahahahaha) 

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9 hours ago, tomanderson said:

I have to DISAGREE wholeheartedly.  Regardless of what you may think in terms of the storyline, remember that this drama was billed with two co-stars: Hyeri (Deoksun) and Ryu Joonyeol (Junghwan), which, in the previous 99% of Kdramas (and the two previous 응답하라), they are supposed to either hook up, die, disappear, or a combination thereof.  How the story unraveled is irrelevant.

In this case, because of the spoilers released by some trigger-happy elected official fanatic (Assemblyman Kim Kwangjin), the writers and PD decided to change the ending.  It's obvious that for 18 or 19 episodes, Junghwan and Deoksun were the center of the plot.  Taek was just a side show; so were Bora and Sunwoo.  All of those "hints" (left-handed, smoking, etc.) that may have led viewers to believe that Taek was the husband were just ploys to misdirect people, like in the previous 응답하라's and 10,000 kdramas.  Then, all of a sudden, episode 20 is all about Bora and Sunwoo, and Junghwan is nowhere to be found?  What?  Junghwan is the lead male actor, and he only gets 30 seconds in the finale?  Are you serious?  Did he get hurt during filming?  Was he fired?  That doesn't even make sense.  Imagine if Lee Byunghun was completely absent in the final episode of IRIS.  Or Hyunbin not marrying Ha Jiwon in Secret Garden?  Is that even conceivable?  Even the worst Kdramas have never changed the storyline at the very end.  I have seen over a hundred Kdramas, including the previous 응답하라 series, and none of them ended in this disconnected and pathetic fashion.  In terms of production, it was clear that episode 20 was nothing more than a very poor attempt to completely undo the 19 episode-storyline in roughly two hours.

Want to know how it was supposed to end?  This is how: After six long years, the air force pilot finally gets the stewardess.  That's how it was originally conceived.  It's very cliche and predictable but works all the time.

 What a disaster.


Lol what to do with that. Go check tvn drama youtube acc, watch the clip. It started with hyeri-pbg when they were about to air the first ep. And it ended with hyeri-pbg in final BTS. How the writer and pd-nim treat PBG is totally opposite from how-usually-they-treat-the-side-show-character (if he is indeed the side show lol but he is not btw). Of course Taek is not side show, and Park Bo Gum is a big deal in this drama. Look how they made PBG choose the character that fits him. even Choi Taek is modified to PBG character. Even RJY never expected his character to be the husband. Its just because some people think so, he started to think about being the husband lol he said that right? In his own live v-app.


about the ending you want; go write some cute and delusional or even the smutty one to satisfy yourself because the reality is "Choi Taek and Sung Doeksun ended up married after 20years more being together". The end.

oh they even kiss and hug and the whole world is watching it. They kiss passionately btw:wub:

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13 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@luluponyazn I lovlle that song :lol::lol: *applauds* Noll my baby Junghwan cannot let it go okay. I don't care what anyone here says. My girl Deok Sun is the only woman for him forever okay :P One thing kdramas have taught me is that you neeeeeeevvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrr forget your first love! One day Taek will die. 78 year old Deok Sun will just happen to sit next to 78 year old Junghwan on a bus (our bus, their bus, the bus) and my ship will finally sail........

Nah, for real though all this discussion about how the two would have never worked out and what not okay but for me they would have worked out. They would have lived a life similar to the one @blue_angel_1004 said her pilot uncle lived. Deok Sun would have made the cutest military wife who became a novelist on the side on the side. Junghwan moved up in the ranks and did some awesome thing that got him national recognition. They were being interviewed for being the "nation's air couple" him for is service to country, her, for her awesome and popular books. They had two kids who were the perfect mixture of him and her (seemingly uncaring but at the same time bright and sunny. They secretly and openly do a lot for the people they care about, and never get in an argument with them because they can bicker like  no tomorrow) and a goldfish (I don't know why but it's there). If I could pick or choose a girl for Junghwan it would be Deok Sun :P but since she don't want to ride his ride it'll be a Deok Sun 2.0....None of this changes anything that happened nor do I want it to be changed.


Hahaha agree. Junghwan will always put deoksun in a special place in his heart where no other woman can replace.

With how deep his love was, I think He will fall for deok sun 2.0, the one who have deoksun personality (kind, loving, considerate, sunny) but with sunwoo brain, confidence and determination so that she can read through his tsundere's ways and be an equal partner.

Similar to blue's uncle , he will be a stern military man but totally whipped at home by his wife and be a complete daughter baboo. His family will be his top priority as always ^^

The drama will actually be my most favourite korean drama if only I get to know (not necesserally seeing him in person) how he is doing in the present time because honestly he was the character I invested my emotions and care the most.

As for deoksun and taek, they are just meant to be together. I think I'll also love seeing their journey from being friend to being life partners.

Both love story (Junghwan's and taeksun) are beautifull In their own ways.

Let's love :heart::heart:

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6 hours ago, nearsea said:

That was why he avoided DS after his return and he reluctantly offered her a piggy back ride. He had chosen JH over DS. But fate intervened in the form of the school security officer. TK couldn’t leave her behind so he “crossed the line” or the breached the wall that he had built in between him and DS.  He carried DS, bridal-style, to escape the officer. Because he did that romantic thing, DS was embolden to wait for him that night, to stick around in his room and to watch him while he slept.   


His choice to honor his friendship with JH was also the reason he muttered, "That's a relief". He was relieved when DS said that she went home right away and he decided that he simply dreamt their kiss. It was a "relief" for him because he didn't do anything wrong to break his friendship with JH. He didn't sabotage their friendship. He didn't make a move on the girl that they both liked. He only dreamt the kiss all. See? He was very competitive but he willed himself to stand back.

@packmule3 so that's why TK visited JH before pursuing DS. Because He don't want their friendship thorn apart. when the epic moment at TK hotel room. Just if DS answer is  “It would be awkward now too.”  and answer it without hesitation. I'm sure TK won't cross the line and kiss her in the most romantic way... and very MANLY . SWOOON..... very nice kiss TK .


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3 hours ago, PiggyKid said:

There are many hint that's the case, dont you guys remember that when Doeksun is supposed to be "falling" for JH when she finds out JH might like her, she kicked her brother out of his seat just so she can sit next to him, but right after that she instantly(without any hesistant whatsoever) abandon that seat next to JH just to bring Taek soup, then after that she even CHOOSES to stay by his side reading manga to make sure he finished his meal and then take care of him. That's one of many hints that she values Taek more than anything, she chooses Taek when in reality if she really liked JH she would have find some excuse to stay by JH's side at that table. BUt no, just like when DR asks her who she like more him or Taek, she answer without a wink that it's Taek, because she would always puts Taek first, always have been and always will be. Thus it's only a matter of time for her to realise her feeling, not "switched over in 2 episodes" like some of you have said.

In the end, what matter the most is that DS made her choice, and her choice is Choi Taek, nothing is going to change that.

so agree... and her action isn't because TK is like a brother to her. From the moment DS give TK piggyback,DS fill TK heart. and from the moment DS stay by TK side when DK accidentally hurt TK forehead TK fill in DS heart. either is love or just friendship TK is always being the first for DS from that moment.

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well my ship sunk.. ah well, so be it :P

i have to comment about one thing tho.. ppl keep saying the romance isnt the most important thing but the family and their relationships.. ill have to disagree with that..

if romance wasnt the biggest part about the series, you would have known who the husband was at ep 10.. who shes gonna end up with, is still the most important/discussed fact about the show, whether you agree with it or not.. and thats why they dont reveal it until the very end of the show.. simpel

its even the trademark of the reply series..

and whether you ship teak or JH.. we didnt get see real romantic scenes/development/moments.. just so they could say at end: SUPRISE! ITS HIM!.. (i dont count throwing everything in the last 2 episodes of a 20 episode show good development)

anyway final rating:

reply1988 -> 6/10

reply 1997 -> 9/10

reply 1994 -> i dropped after ep 4.. might pick it up again,,


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