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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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I just watched the ep. Shin PD is a genius. It's significant that Taek lost his match. I need subs to understand his opponent and workout all the parells and how it obtains to things, but it's not a random thing. Looking at what was revealed by the end of the ep, that match loss tis telling of things to come. The same thing was done in R94.

I believe it was ep 11(?) where Oppa admits out loud that yes he does and always has liked Najeong just the same. My memory is a bit blurred but I remember we learn the different baseball signs (curve ball, intentional walk, and head to head match). In one scene Chilbong wants to shoot a straight ball at a teammate but his empire wife tells him no. The opponent is too good. He'll hit the ball and it'll cost them the game. Chilbong doesn't listen, goes for it straight, and opponent knocks back a home run, and wins it. That night Chilbong teaches oppa the signs and they play a game of catch. Chilbong tells oppa of his feels for Najeong, oppa does the same, and Chilbong lets oppa know he's going to go "head to head" with oppa to challenge and conquer/capture Najeong's feels (I wanted to slap them both. She will decide for herself). Anyways later another practice game. Chilbong lets us know that love and baseball are the same. Really good opponent comes again. This time Chilbong listens to empire wife and let's the dude walk. The game is going to be won by Chilbong's team. One more player comes out to bat he's not a good hitter so empire wife tells Chilbong to go head to head (throw straight at him, strike or caught ball, they win). Chilbong listens but the guys knocks it out the ball park and wins the game for his team (CB looses). From all that had been going on in that ep, had CB been able to get a strike and win the game, we would have been in for some changes. I got the same feeling about Taek's match and the fact that he didn't win it.

i needs subs to understand the storyline but my heart broke for Duk Seon. She really fell for the idea of liking him and being liked in return. She is totally feeling like the Jan who as to watch Marsha have and get everything. At the same time I couldn't help but crack up because Junghwan was so hilariously happy about it all. One man's loss was truly another man's gain for him. I thought he would feel some sadness to see her hurting but LOL he's eating with glee while she bawls her eyes out. Does my Bong hyung like Bora? That cabbage patch doll cradling, scared of smoking high schoolers (how hilarious was him mimicking behind the safety of Bora), teddy bear is mine. Are they the ones married? We never saw Bora's response to Sunwoo and Bong did try to stop them smoking and lectured on how bad it was for them. Then again Sunwoo ventently told his mom he doesn't smoke....

The core 5 are the bestest of friends. I love how throughout the day they were all listening to the match. The bedroom scene was just so genuine in showing how long they've all known each other, how comfortable they are around each other, and their support for one another. I love that they all waited for the phone call and were immediately off when it came. Junghwan's awkward hug gave me life. The fact that being there lasted all of 5 seconds was golden. I'm really looking forward to all the parents (I see you DR's dad, why no wifey?) working together and I bet Junghwan and Dok Seon don't get each other as secret Santa (I don't think he gets her). I believe Junghwan may still get Duk Seon a gift, but watch the idiot chuck it through her bedroom window or something. Could some one pretty please gif my boy's scene with his cabbage patch doll (I wonder if he's named it). 

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I just watched the ep. Shin PD is a genius. It's significant that Taek lost his match. I need subs to understand his opponent and workout all the parells and how it obtains to things, but it's not a random thing. Looking at what was revealed by the end of the ep, that match loss tis telling of things to come. The same thing was done in R94.

ERRR but Taek won the baduk matches in Episode 6. Unless you are talking about the lost match in an earlier episode?

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I just watched the ep. Shin PD is a genius. It's significant that Taek lost his match. I need subs to understand his opponent and workout all the parells and how it obtains to things, but it's not a random thing. Looking at what was revealed by the end of the ep, that match loss tis telling of things to come. The same thing was done in R94.


ERRR but Taek won the baduk matches in Episode 6. Unless you are talking about the lost match in an earlier episode?

I watched without subs so perhaps I am wrong. I thought he won a couple of matches then lost that last one against the same aged dude with glasses and lost the tournament? Isn't that why he washed his face and came back to talk to the reporters and why they all hugged him. If not oop at me. 

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@MrsSoJiSub He won all of the baduk matches in Episode 6. In the cut of the Chinese player speaking first to the reporters, the Chinese player was actually saying, "It was too difficult. I could not win against him at all. He is an expert." 

Also slightly later on in the episode, Taek's father confirms to the other fathers that Taek won, which is why they broke out the alcohol.

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I'm a huge fan of Shin PD. But at times, I find him scary. Like, dude, who are you?

(Scenes from the drama)




(Reenactment of the real life tournament in 2004 involving real-life baduk player, Lee Chang Ho, who was the inspiration for Taek's character. Note that Shin PD had the actors reenact everything, from Taek's suit to the walking position of the players from the other country.)



EDIT: Shoot, the photos are not showing up. But you can see the original posting HERE.

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Guest neonmoon

If the writer’s inspiration of Taek’s character is indeed from real-life Baduk champion Lee Chan-ho, who married a woman 11 years younger than him, then the theory that Taek might eventually end up with Jin-joo or someone her age is not very far-fetched. How old was JJ in 1988 by the way? But from a personal point of view, this resolution to have everyone in the neighborhood marry off each other feels too forced. And it’s funny at the same time. I don't know now. LOL.

Thanks so much for sharing your insights here and for helping us understand the drama deeper with all the other hints thrown to the viewers by the production team. Unlike you, I’m not so keen into details so without reading those, may have gone unnoticed for me. Haha. Though I do love discussing this show and how it lets us viewers to come up with so many possibilities in terms of how the story will progress. Bring 'em on! =O)

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I'm a huge fan of Shin PD. But at times, I find him scary. Like, dude, who are you?

(Scenes from the drama)



(Reenactment of the real life tournament in 2004 involving real-life baduk player, Lee Chang Ho, who was the inspiration for Taek's character. Note that Shin PD had the actors reenact everything, from Taek's suit to the walking position of the players from the other country.)




Off topics: But at times I wonder what TVN would be without Na PD team. Na PD has given TVN many successful seasons of Grandpa Over Flowers and Three Days A Meal which is all huge rating hits. Then we have Lee Myunghan who are chief executive of TVN from what I catches from New Journey To The West. Then we have Yoon Hyun Jun PD with Crime Scene, Shin Won Ho with Reply series.

All these shows changed TVN and brought them far front in the game even against major broadcast channels. And the guys who made these possible are Na PD crews. What a loss for KBS when these big guys all moved to TVN together after 1N2D ended its first season.

Back on topic. Yeah I saw the post at DC too and it's amazing how much attention the producer and staffs are paying to the details. Even the PPL feels so natural in this drama and each products fits with those existing at the time the drama is portraying too.

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@MrsSoJiSub He won all of the baduk matches in Episode 6. In the cut of the Chinese player speaking first to the reporters, the Chinese player was actually saying, "It was too difficult. I could not win against him at all. He is an expert." 

Also slightly later on in the episode, Taek's father confirms to the other fathers that Taek won, which is why they broke out the alcohol.

Oh thanks. I was wrong then but I'm glad he won because boy works so hard for each and every victory. Reading the recaps it sounds like it was a very challenging tournament for him. At times I want the poor boy to just stop playing and go live a normal happy life. Then I watch how hard he works to get on top and stay there and I want him to continue and achieve the things he wants to achieve. It must be so had for his dad to watch him experience this day in and day out. To want to support him but all not want him to wear himself thin. 

Im still pretty sure of endgame status and now I'm actually confused as to who Bora ends up with. Statistics seems to be on Sunwoo's side, but then my Bong. Who would not fall for a guy who proudly walks around with his cabbage patch doll :wub:. I'm so glad next week has even more of him. I really like adult Dok Seon and her husband. They are such an old married couple. I think it's cute that he came out as soon as she called for him, and left at her still embrassingly bad dancing. But who are the people interviewing them and why? It would be so cute if it's one of their kids and we got a bit of ' How I Met Your Mother' going on. Their bickering, always makes me laugh and wonder why they have such faulty memories. Whomever the husband is they don't get together any time soon in the past cause she says he dated plenty of girls before her. I hope we get to watch Duk Seon watch him date. Were her feels there by then? How did she react/feel watching all this? 

P.S Junghwan's colors should really be switched to black and white cause that's all he ever wears. I'm also seeing a pattern in the who (cause it's not just him) and type of scenes those colors pop in. 


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Guest siege3333

"the quality of Dramafever's sub is seriously way worse than Viki's. They omit so many lines and captions, fail to catch every nuance and even make some obvious translation error." I wrote this on Dramafever, and expectably they deleted it immediately. Ok, I understand. But it's so bothering me and I want to rant about it somewhere like mad, so please forgive me even if it doesn't match the atmosphere here.

I wouldn't say that if it were just a fan sub or there were other reliable ones. They obstinately acquired exclusive right and their sub is the only one available right now. Then they need to feel some responsibility to make the sub as good as possible. However, the translation shows that they're not so concerned about that kind of job.

First of all, they frequently make very absurd errors which are never made if they pay more attention. For example, when Dong-il said the word 'eomni'(mother in some dialects) they translated it as older sister(eonni) when he is a man (you konw man calls older sister nuna) and doesn't have older sister. In another case, they translate hakju(dean of students, abbreviation for haksaeng-juim) as orchestra(hapju) when it's unbelievable that an ordinary Korean high school had orchestra class in the 80's. Also Kim Wan-seon's name was wrongly written as Kim Hyun-chul when her famous song was playing and she is a household name even to this day. And SW's mom pronounced Eunma as Eonma because she's from Gyeongsangdo judging by her accent and some people there can't pronounce 'eu' correctly, but they wrote it as 'Umma(mom)', which makes me think they didn't know this well known fact. If it had been Viki, they would've definitely explained it. 

Other than countless minor errors like these, they often omit words and captions and there are a few totally wrong mistranslations such as rendering "Why are you sleeping during lunch when we have both math and physics classes (after lunch) today?"(maybe because those classes are boring or the teachers keep a loose rein?) as "Why are you sleeping during lunch when you don't even have to do your class rep duties?". or "he came to the bank(where Dong-il is working)" as "the bank came to find him, demanding their money". Huh, demanding what? Seriously, they even made up a story and that means they didn't grasp the situation. 

Actually the worst of all is that they tend to translate lines too liberally so can't convey its proper meaning or delicate sense. When SW's mom said "he's early to make No-eul's younger sibling", it was translated as "it's for the happy fun time". Also when DS's mom said "Wow! Where did you get this expensive dried croakers?", it was translated as "Wow! Why did you go through all the trouble of making this?". I think literal translation is much better in these cases, especially considering dried croaker was the topic of the following conversation in the second one and it's a byword for precious fish in Korea. And they once translated "if you hadn't guarantee the debt" as "if you hadn't become riddled with debt". It's practically a mistranslation rather than a liberal translation, you know. Well, the fact that Dong-il had once guaranteed someone's debt was mentioned several times and that's a key point explaining why they are so poor when he's a bank clerk who earns a decent salary. However, they didn't translate it. Let's put aside minor ones like 'son of parvenu' which is suggesting winning the lottery as just 'rich kids'. I can't count up things like this.
All of this lessens the fun of the show. In brief, Dramafever's sub is bad. Whereas Viki's was very neat and accurate. I think this AM series are the type of drama which will be far more entertaining if you know more about trivial details and literal meaning of words. I'm upset that viewers can't enjoy the show to the full because the quality of the sub is not so great. 

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Glad that SW is out of main triangle, he is cute puppy too. Good luck to him on wining Bora's heart :)


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Cr: R1988 DC 

Yeah, he was already out of the guessing game on the 2nd ep when Deok-sun's husband said that he didn't get the chocolate (Deok-sun put the chocolate in Sun-woo's bag, unless somehow he dropped the chocolate somewhere ;)).

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@siege3333 .

Yeah, you're absolutely right. I checked out Episode 1 there just to see how they're doing in subtitling the show. Honestly, because of the dialects used by the parents, AM1988 is not the easiest drama to sub. But within the first 10 minutes of the show, there were so many blatant mistranslations... it was almost frightening. It's unfortunate because there are so many nuances that will be missed.  And I love Lee Woo Jung's writing so much that it's upsetting to know that they're doing her writing such injustice. :(

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Another batch of theories I found online. I'm gonna categorize them according to uri candidates. 


응답하라 빼박 복선 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ | 인스티즈

응답하라 빼박 복선 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ | 인스티즈

응답하라 빼박 복선 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ | 인스티즈

Remember the Fate thing in Reply 1994? Though Fate was mentioned in 1997 by Yoonjae (I think), Fate in 1994 is more profound because it speaks to our main Nareki OTP. 

I'll quote prkbgm because he/she discussed this:

"in reply 1994, there was a famous scene that revolved around the word 'fate/destiny'. in episode 19, najung's mother says about najung and trash 'if you two are meant to be (fated to be) together, wouldn't they get married some day?'. and a few episode earlier in episode 16, in the scene where trash is talking on the phone, the towel next to him says 'it's fate'.

now in episode 3 of episode 1988, they show a flyer in junghwan's drawer (as he's going to grab the alcohol) which also talks about 'considering fate once tied as the most treasured.'"


Here, we speak about Oppa-yah and Taek's parallelism. I also remembered a scene from YoonJae that he's drinking milk from the carton and I can't find a pic of it on google. 

응답하라 시리즈 남자배역들의 공통점 | 인스티즈

응답하라 시리즈 남자배역들의 공통점 | 인스티즈

응답하라 시리즈 남자배역들의 공통점 | 인스티즈

prkbgm: "what do the lead male characters (that end up getting married to the girl) in the reply series have in common?

in the comments section of the discussion page: they're also bad at using chopsticks
they drink milk."

I'm still getting a CB vibe to Taek (he's cute, lonely, sad, famous, appa likes him, most likely to get the one sided love)  because of the similar thing he said in episode 6 that quite much the same what CB said in R94:

Chilbongie: At a time in my life when I had nothing left if you took baseball away from me, I found a person who made me more excited, more fired up than baseball. The hottest summer in history was beginning, and my age twenty was following suit just like the season. It was the summer of 1994.

I saw the full translation of what Taek said on Tumblr but it was gone now so I'm going to retaliate what I remember. It goes something like this, that he's always focused on Baduk and his world revolves into it. But that special someone came into his life and the shift of his world is now focused to that special someone. He likes the company of that special someone because that someone makes him feel happy and comforted (like a tug in his heartstrings). And he can't wait to try something new and pursue that special someone. That's quite the catch, it is a long quote and it really captures CB's quote. Oh the similarities. 

The piggy back ride when they were young had a very strong effect after all lol. Btw, I also noticed that Taek's childhood was given emphasis instead of the others. The memories gave us connection to the other 3 boys and DS. They always do this to the hubby in the previous Reply series. They always give us the childhood background of the hubby and how it connects to the wifey. Might not be significant but I just noticed it. 

While JH holds the Fate card, I think Taek will hold the Timing card. These two concepts were so controversial in the past reply series and it connects to the husband to well (Re: Trash and YoonJae). I think he'll hold the timing concept because I noticed that their house is bombarded with clocks lmao. I think it's a hint to what messages we can expect in the next few episodes. 

Timing of the first confession? Timing of the first kiss? Fate to meet you this way? Fate that I have fallen for you? Fate that my red string connects to you? 

So many interpretations and I can't wait to unravel each one of them! 

Also, here's the house theory some of you discussed earlier:

새로나온 응답하라1988 궁예(나온거 중에 제일 소름돋았음) | 인스티즈

새로나온 응답하라1988 궁예(나온거 중에 제일 소름돋았음) | 인스티즈

prkbgm: "deoksun's family eventually has to move out of jeonghwan's house which could be due to one of two possible reasons:
a) dongil yells at noeul for kicking the table during dinner, which noeul denies doing - which would possible mean that the house is collapsing/there is something wrong with the foundation
B) there was a case of flooding in Korea in 1988, which would make it impossible for deosun's family to continue living in the basement.
and with there being a yellow line separating the two floors of taek's house, fans are speculating that they move into his house."

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Glad that SW is out of main triangle, he is cute puppy too. Good luck to him on wining Bora's heart :)


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Cr: R1988 DC 

Yeah, he was already out of the guessing game on the 2nd ep when Deok-sun's husband said that he didn't get the chocolate (Deok-sun put the chocolate in Sun-woo's bag, unless somehow he dropped the chocolate somewhere ;)).

haha i think the chocolate was eaten by sun woo's younger sister. from the video, there were chocolate wraps on the floor. just wasnt sure because i was too lazy to check again and again. 

i dont know if i understood it correctly but i thought in 2015, deoksun was telling her husband that she definitely gave him chocolate but the husband said he did not receive it. then deoksun went on saying she definitely gave him one perhaps he had forgotten it since it was a long time ago. it was confirmed that it was sun woo's bag but it does not make him the husband as deoksun may have kept it in his bag by mistake. or maybe they were talking about another chocolate, not related to the video (which happened a lot in reply 1994)

i am a fan of reply series but one thing i have learned after watching the last 2 installments is that the writer and the PD are the greatest trolls of kdramaland, that i should not fall in love with any of the potential husbands to save myself from heartache, and that husband guessing is fun lol. and that it's not over till its over. :D

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I'm curious why did Na PD leave 1n2d anyways?

I'm going off topics again, sorry guys...ㅜㅜ But to answer the question, I remember reading an  interview that Na PD doesn't want to limit himself and he always want to challenge himself with new content and show concepts etc. And I think that's one of the reason why many of the head writers and PD for 1n2d also moved.

KBS, Korean broadcast channel is still conservative in their broadcast and has certain contents frame they follow, or to say going the safe route. But Na PD and those who left KBS wanted to experiment with new contents and have the freedom to try out new concepts. I think those freedoms are are something that TVN give them and let their producers and writers utilize their own potential to the fullest.

If Na PD or the other crew stayed with KBS I doubt they would let them produce show like Grandpa Over Flowers, Reply series, Three Meals A Day or internet broadcasting show like New Journey To The West.

TVN give their producers and writers better working conditions to utilize their producer and writers creative ideas, and I find this kind of awesome cause TVN trademark is "TVN content trend leader".

But yeah if the crew didn't move to TVN we wouldn't have the awesome Reply franchise series, Crime Scene, GoF, TMAD, NJTTW etc:phew:

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Figured it was always a very real possibility but SW and Bora is something I don't want. Like they did a great job in redeeming Bora in Ep. 6 but my heart still wanted to ship Bora and Jung Bong more than Bora and Sunwoo. Can't really tell if Bora and Sunwoo really become a thing or not, I think Jung Bong still has a chance. At least we know that Bora's husband hates smoking so I guess it has to be either Sunwoo or Jung Bong. Haha, another mystery, Bora's husband. 

Taek won that tournament thankfully, I was so worried for him the whole time. Now I'm worried again. Poor thing is going to have his heart broken, I think. But now that I think of it he has a chance. How can JH not know who got the chocolate? I mean he should know the best about DS's crush on SW, but then again maybe the husband is just teasing. Definitely not Taek though, he'll have to get a personality transplant to become the husband. But then as much as I ship Taek and Jin Joo, I also ship Taek's dad and SW's mom so if one pair get's together the other pair can't happen...

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