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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest lolita_00

off topic, B.E.S.T team, guys i was going through our couple's word press and watched their videos but somehow i couldn't find some of the episodes like ep 268 ep269 and some others, can you please tell me where to find them? Salamat(thank you) 

ms. Gongleeaddict: please don't leave the thread, let's just let this pass, you can take a break but then come back okay,:D 


Hello, kababayan! ❋❋❋ And shoutout to all other filipinos here! ;)

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Guest Hickk

My midweek slump is officially over thanks to the awesome B.E.S.T team! Such stars, all of you! :D Now i have lots of fun to look forward to when I get back home. Heck, I might even sneak a watch here at work during my lunch break. *makes grabby hands towards video* :P 

Also, regarding the Orange Marmalade pics...I'll put it under a spoiler...

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Orange Marmalade

Yes. I think JH and Seolhyun's acting is more natural after the past arc, but Jingoo's acting is still above theirs, especially obvious during the past arc.

(Spoiler speculation)



Most probably Ara stops being a bully and becomes Mari's friend, then they will pair her of with Shihoo


In the manhwa there was a girl who regularly gives Shihoo her blood, she bullied Mari out of jealousy but Shihoo found out and smacked her. They ended up together in the end. Then there was Ara's character who eventually gave up on Jingoo and started to like Mari.

Maybe the drama combined the two characters.

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My fellow brownies, this midweek slump was really hard on all of us. The MBC editing monkey messed with out episode last week and it just made us tear our hair out even more. :(  I say we wait it out and enjoy the next ep. Some folks have said that the wedding ep is probably going to be more fun and games and less of the unscripted couple that we know and love... I think this is true. Especially if the next ep is only the wedding. I say we band together and ride this storm out together because we might have another weekend of light moments and less super romantic JY scenes. But who knows, maybe the editing monkey will be merciful this time and give us more shippy scenes! ;) 

And once the wedding is over I hope we get an amazing preview for the next ep that gets all of us excited again. 

On a lighter note: my mum has started watching the JY clips with me from the start so I've had a chance to re-watch old eps and hear her pov of things. She already knows how much I adore these two and right from the get go she's been saying "ooh there's definitely something there." She started noticing JH's reactions especially during the Japan episodes. She told me: "he blushes around her and look at his face when she compliments him." His reactions truly are different to SY when compared to other women he interacts with. I should also mention that mum and I watch Orange Marmalade together and she finds his WGM interactions with SY so sweet and romantic when he's more of a badass in Orange Marmalade. Weve now got to the episodes where JY moved into their new apartment and started painting and made their first meal there. And its clear to her that both JH and SY are definitely attracted to each other and its not a put on thing. Because we all know, you cannot fake what JY have. Just thought I'd add that in there coz having a fresh pair of eyes confirm what we've been saying all along is just wonderful. It ups the squee factor for me now! :D 

Orange Marmalade

@Hickk combining two characters in that manner is not unheard of. They even did it in a historical show I watch which was based on true events! Hehe. :D  Very possible they did this then based on your description. I would find it interesting if they paired Shi Hoo up with Ara esp since there was that little "ang" moment at the start that was palpable...I thought so anyway. I wish they had built it up a bit more there. But I'm curious to see where they go with this. This show has been a bit quieter fandom wise, so I doubt they will have too much trouble giving him a different girl to the lead. Especially if there is chemistry...with him and Ara I expect it to be less fluttery and innocent and probably more heated. Their one flirty scene gave me loads of hope. He flirted outrageously and even though it was to help Mari, we saw Ara's flustered reaction.

For sure Jin Goo is the more experienced and natural actor of the younger lot. He's practically a veteran now and I  actually started watching the show for him (and Song Jong Ho who I lurve) because I've enjoyed his performances in several other shows where he played the younger versions of the adult male lead. I think with OM hes a bit unfortunate because they haven't properly fleshed out Jaemin's character. JinGoo will milk a scene and line for all its got and you can bet he can sell ice to Eskimos the way he acts. He's that good! I think JH has been very fortunate in that the role of Shi Hoo is right up his alley and the writers have fleshed this character out way more than the others. I always feel like Shi Hoo drives a good part of the story and is, for me, the emotional center of it all. It ought to be the lead pair but for me its him...and not because I'm a JH fan. I went into Orange Marmalade expecting to just find JH pretty but not much of an actor based on what U'd heard. But he surprised me completely.

I have to admit that I tend to have 2nd lead syndrome a lot...hehe. But that said, some writers tend to flesh out their 2nd leads (especially the males) a lot better than their leads. Or they just give them nice personalities and winning qualities. I don't know if its because there's no pressure to make them a particular kind of namja...like the cold, aloof hero or something like that. It has always fascinated me.

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Thanks BEST team! I really like the way you spliced in the extra cuts, you even cut out the redundant stuff before the phone call! :D

Just to clarify for folks, this splicing in of scenes didn't eliminate or "lose" any unseen scenes -- there were about 20-30 seconds that MBC included in both the original episode 279 and the unaired clip, and only one version (from the original episode, with captions) is included in the subbed BEST video.

It's the scene where SY asks about who the guests are and JH teases her for being so curious. Don't want to worry folks -- the scene is identical and nothing "new" was cut :)


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Guest ayvah

Here are five positive statements about WGM and this couple to make me remember how much enjoyment it is watching the progression of this couple;

1) I don't know what kind of guy JongHyun is in real life, but he seems to be the exact type of guy that SeungYeon was looking for. 

2) There is not a single person that JongHyun has met on the show that he did not tell them how pretty SeungYeon is to him- family, friends, coworkers, strangers, everybody. 

3) SeungYeon's father approved of JongHyun very much- the highest compliment he could get.

4) Being with JongHyun has made SeungYeon more open and happy, even if it is just as two people filming a show, it is obvious that she is really enjoying her time with him.

5) We don't know how many WGM couples were fake, but then that also means that we don't know how many WGM couples were real. It is more fun to believe they are real until we learn differently. 

thank you for sharing this with us.

1) I also dont know JH personally, like how he really is as a person but watching them on the show, i really could see that seungyeon is handling him very well. I am beginning to see that he is really a clueless person, bordering on insensitive. but it seems that it doesnt bother seungyeon and she seems to really accept that trait of him as part of himself, including his jealousy and possessiveness. imagine, how he wanted her to tuck in her shirt but she just obliged him with that. with these two, i dont feel that there's an ongoing war as who gets the upper hand on their relationship. i like to think that they really care for each other so much that they're just simply doing things to make each other happy. they really suit each other well that it would be a waste if they didn't end up together for real. and in seungyeon's interviews, she always says that jonghyun is a very good person and that she's happy being "married" to him. she's so open about this that its so endearing. i wonder how jonghyun felt when he heard about this, a girl he himself finds so amazing and pretty, says good things about him on her non-wgm interviews. even though he has not mentioned her outside wgm. shocks, i am a sucker for unconditional love. (not unrequited love. there's a difference between unconditional and unrequited hahaha! need to highlight this as i don't want people to become martyrs out of love)

2) There are really times when jonghyun could reach the highest point of cluelessness, like how he mentioned on the latest episode that he had this cheerleader friend or how he kept on eating like it's his last supper hahahah! but one thing that i really observed while watching him, is he is so transparent. you can basically tell if his forced smile is on. and i think he is really an honest person for real. so when he says she's pretty to him, then she's pretty to him. and i remember my favorite scene from the ferris wheel episode, "what do i do? you're so pretty to me. it's trouble." he said it in a very low voice, not really looking at her, like i could really feel how bothered he was or worried.

3) Seungyeon's father who approved of him. Though the logical me would argue that of course, he would say that because it's on record or something, my more logical self is saying that seungyeon's appa is not an actor, including jonghyun's entire family. so i can accept the reactions i have seen on the show as real. i think both families see how good these two people really are and how they work well together on the show and for sure, if they had seen anything not-so-good offscreen, they would not have been able to pull off such a happy family meeting on tv. some people would never learn how to fake and there are moments we feel as real because they're just it - real.

4) Now this is my favorite part. :) how these two have become the two people we are seeing now. like all the brownies here, i have also been repeating their episodes time and time again. i used to repeat everything a day before the airing of new episode hahaha! these two have become more open to each other in each episode, especially seungyeon. during the first episodes, she was so shy around him and did not really show much reaction hahaha. it's like she was just observing, then giving in when she felt like it would be right to just do it. i dont know how to put it into words but with seungyeon before, i felt like she was taking her time to process everything you could actually hear the wheels of her brain turning. it was hard to really read her reactions back then but now, my gahhd! she has completely open up her heart for all of jonghyun to see. i really did not expect her to say i love you first, as i thought she would wait for jonghyun to say it first. but she did not. indeed a very brave girl! as for jonghyun, i have heard lots of people say that he's different around her, that he's a totally different person.But after watching a number of his interviews and variety show appearances, I think he’s exactly just the same person but in a much, much more different atmosphere. He’s still clueless, straightforward, and too honest hahaha! I am sure that these two are also feeling what we are feeling, like having a hard time distinguishing that very thin line between real and reel. As we have noted, I don’t know how many times they have described what they’re feeling as weird or strange. To put my words into their mouth, “this is just a show but why am I this affected?” Or “this is just a show but why does my heart flutter for real?” hahaha! 

5) and i highlighted point no. 5 as this has become my motto. as long as there is no official dating announcement involving the two, i will keep believing on the possibility that what they are feeling for each other on the show has already extended to their real lives. after all, the jonghyun and seungyeon i see on wgm are the same people i see outside the show. they may have different lives outside and within wgm, but they are still the same person living in both. drama couples even end up together for real. if the love is strong enough, you can only separate your professional life from your personal life to a certain extent. in the end, the walls you build will crumble and you have no other choice but to surrender lol! and it's fun when you're happy deluluing. :D



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Guest kimmmm1234

6/17 Newspim

(interview) http://www.newspim.com/view.jsp?newsId=20150616000001


GSY “Even though I am busy and it’s hard, I am happy now”


“ I took part in all the drama auditions for cable and public broadcasting stations. To the extent that it was hard to find an audition I haven’t tried. ‘When will I be able to get busy?’ days that I worried over that has passed, now I am doing the performing that I always wanted to do from the beginning. I am really happy.”


Some may feel that she is a celebrity that showed up unexpectedly one day. This was the idea we had before we met GSY (22, real name Yoo Seung Yeon) who is casted in MBC variety WGM and SBS Mon-Tues drama HITTG. She is in a good mood because she is able to stand before the public and perform, throughout the interview she spoke with a bright and cherry voice. Presenting herself as an actress, she laughs while saying, “ I am very contented now. In the past I had such an thirst and desire to perform, I really wanted to work.”


“ I really want to become an actor. Before I even cried and told my company, ‘Please let me get busy’. Now I endorse a makeup brand as a model, am doing a variety program, and am filming a television drama, my days go by busily. I feel comforted inside knowing that I am able to do the performing that I wanted. Most importantly I am able to repay my parents who have silently supported me while I was a trainee for 10 years, so I am really happy. Even though I am busy and its hard, I only feel happiness”.  


GSY spent 7 years as a trainee to be a singer in a well-known entertainment company, after turning 20 she decide to become an actor. Although she took part in a lot of auditions, but things did not go as she wished. While feeling mentally exhausted, she pulled herself together and challenged an audition again, this time earning herself an entry ticket to HITTG. Auditions are usually carried out very quickly targeting 10 people at a time. GSY’s many years of auditions honed her technique, it was her freshness that allowed her to stand before the director in charge of HITTG Ahn Pan-Seok. She received a pass for the audition and finally earned the label of an ‘actor’.


“ The site for drama auditions are unlike what people think it is. It is not conducted individually, instead 10 people stand in a place and present their prepared performance. You must complete it within a very short amount of time, so its very nerve-wrecking. Because it is conducted in a way that you have one shot and ‘cut’ is shouted, so it is often the case for many that you leave unable to say what you want to say. As such, I prepared a handwritten letter to pass to the director. I think maybe that was effective (haha). Most importantly I thought I must definitely be part of director Ahn Pan-Seok’s production. I was drawn to the way the director constantly created a family-like atmosphere, that character. He is someone that even remembers the name of the smallest worker on site. When working with him I learnt a lot, I was constantly very touched and constantly learning.”


Through HITTG GSY who is in her 20s presented a youthful image. She played a character Seo Neo-ri who was momentarily tempted by the life of the upper class, and having experienced a crises, a character that returned to reality once again. During the first part of the drama, as an aspiring announcer she personally took on part time jobs to earn her pocket money. If we are to talk about the similarities between GSY and Seo Neori, it would be that they both have a lot of experience working part time jobs. Since she was 20, GSY started to work because she did not want to ask her parents for money. As the oldest among 3 daughters, she has worked in a hotel as a buffet server. While working she experienced many things that left her at a loss unable to laugh or cry. Thinking back on those days, she revealed a smile.


“ My first part time job was a buffet server at a hotel. I made a lot of mistakes during that time. Its not an easy thing to move the cutlery and utensils. Because I had no upper arm strength I had once dragged a whole tub of orange juice on the floor (haha). At times, my vision was constantly attracted to the food. One day, I felt that the yogurt pudding looked really good. Of course you cant eat while working, even if the food is left behind you are not allowed to eat and because of hygiene issues you cannot take it out. So you can only look and are left anxious but unable to do anything. During that time you have have no idea of how much I wanted to eat that pudding. I laughed at myself and resolved to indulge myself at the place I worked after I earned a lot of money. One day, I will be able to untie this regret I have right?”


After HITTG successfully ended, GSY is scheduled to be part of the upcoming SBS drama SFD for broadcast in October. SFD is a drama that tells the tale of the 6 dragons Lee Bang Won, Jeong Do-Jeon, Lee Seong-Gye and fictitious characters Lee Boon Yu, Moo Hyul and Boon Yi who laid the foundations of the new nation. GSY plays the character of Taejo’s concubine, Min Da-kyung who eventually becoming Empress Yuan. Empress Yuan was a crucial character in helping Taejo ascend the throne, and she had also a desire to ascend to the highest position among women. Thanks to her father who is a fan of historical dramas, GSY who has also paid attention to them, and had handed the director her thoughts regarding Empress Yuan during her audition, revealing her passion for the character.


“My father loves historical drama. So since young I was introduced to history books and historical dramas. Knowing that I am casted in SFD my father is really happy. In order not to disappoint him, I am preparing a lot for my performance. Before my audition, I familiarized myself with the historical background and so I am able to quickly recall the crucial characters that that time period needs. I also handed the director my handwritten letter regarding the learning that I am doing during my audition. Now all’s left with is how to present a woman whose knowledge of politics is not second to the king. I am very nervous but also very excited.”


As the interview comes to a close, GSY expressed that that it is her dream to become an actor that abides by what she has to do. She even said, “ As Yoo Seung Yeon I will become a strong person” revealing her enthusiasm. “To believe in myself and be a person not easily moved, also it would be even better if I am able to become a person that gives off her own fragrance”, She laughed while explaining. Now is the start of her bright future.


“As an actor, I wish to become a person that acts well. This time I learnt a lot of Ah-Sung. Her acting is really good. Unknowingly I had thoughts like, “ I need to be like that too”. As a person Yoo Seung Yeon, I want become firm and resolute like those people who are firm and resolute. I want to be filial to my parents. I have received so much so far, I want to be a source of strength and support for my family.  I think I must change my dad’s car, I hope that day comes soon.”




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I'm sorry to see people argue in this forum. This place is different from others i've been lurking in. I agree that lately there has been a lot of negativity and critics but i don't see it necessarily as a bad thing. We have to fight against the melons who tries to push us down but neither amastris or mase are melons. They actually have a lot of things in common. They love BE couple,they love to share with us insights an feelings. They are usually ver y good analizing things and i love reading their posts. See? You'v got A lot of things in common...maybe you are not going t be best friends but anyway you're both important for the forrum. As gonglee addict. ..please don't leave...

Let's make this forum a place where all be lovers are welcomed!

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Presented to you by B.E.S.T

Translators: Ishi-chanmase20713lacknightfreelyruth

Timers: ohhotdeymbokyo28pre, panda101sf

Proofreaders: moritafanayvahRowina, chagushu


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Btw, I know that you are here and read this post littlecloverstar. You are using our sub without asking for permission, write a full credit or link back here. This is not the 1st time you are using it. So now I am asking for politely, please DO ASK! or DON'T USE OUR SUB to do your gifs. Thanks in advance.

thanks for sub B.E.S.T team!

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Guest wilddove

JH's Japan Fan Meeting on 2 Aug, 5th Aug on Wednesday........ next WGM filming?  They always film on Wednesday, right?

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Presented to you by B.E.S.T

Translators: Ishi-chanmase20713lacknightfreelyruth

Timers: ohhotdeymbokyo28pre, panda101sf

Proofreaders: moritafanayvahRowina, chagushu


Kamsa hamnida~!~~! ^_^  xoxo

Thank you so much for the subs!!! 

I was wondering if you have a vimeo version? I got here too late to download from google because it says too many people have downloaded. I can't be mega

Thanks so much! 

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Guest iheartpororo92

Can someone tell me what's gonna happen on 5th of august? Cause JH manager commented on seungyeon's post saying that "i'm sorry seungyeon ah, but look forward to 5th of august kekeke" 

Plot twist: SeungYeon and JH's manager are dating and gonna meet on August 5. LMAO. Kidding!

They're supposed to meet next week for WGM filming. So the next filming will be on August 5? :(  That's almost a month(last WGM filming was on July 8). 

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Guest Choco1Luv

Can someone tell me what's gonna happen on 5th of august? Cause JH manager commented on seungyeon's post saying that "i'm sorry seungyeon ah, but look forward to 5th of august kekeke" 

Plot twist: SeungYeon and JH's manager are dating and gonna meet on August 5. LMAO. Kidding!

They're supposed to meet next week for WGM filming. So the next filming will be on August 5? :(  That's almost a month(last WGM filming was on July 8). 

:tears: speechless

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