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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Happy Eid to the brownies celebrating! :)

@happy2bhere in any other scenario JH would want to knock off the cameras and run away with SY if she kissed him like that on the neck! :P Being in this setting, I cannot say. Remember how he ws physically affectionate with her in front of his family? He hugged her and smelled/kissed her hand and kept touching her or brushing his shoulder against hers? And even with Minhyuk and Jungshin he didn't really think twice about being physically affectionate with her. If it were based on that, he might be totally ok with what she did. ;) I don't want to attempt guessing though because the whole scenario is a new one. And there are more people; some who he does not know as well. He is transparent though. We will know what he thought within seconds. If his cheekbones hit the clouds then he's a happy man! :P 

I'm so amused by SYs little vampire kiss move though. Our little fox, hehe. :D Who knows, JH might ask her to repeat that action when they are alone...or at least alone during filming. ;) The neck is a sensitive spot; an erogenous zone...I imagine JH's naughty thoughts will get activated. Oh yeah...

@iheartpororo92 SY's face is refreshingly different from any other actress/idol star I've seen. She's always so fresh faced and even with simple make up she looks stunning. A simpler approach to make up doesn't work for everyone...but she looks incredible. Like she gets out of bed looking like that...or like little birds help her dress in the morning, like a fairytale princess, hehe.


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Guest kimmmm1234


- This was the article that mentions SY’s casting in WGM

- Also not sure if this has been mentioned but anyway, 0seungyeon’s post on 5/20 was actually her visit to the royal tomb mentioned in the article below (https://jongyeon.wordpress.com/2015/05/20/ig-0seungyeon-52015/). Apparently cnbluegt approves too because he had ‘liked’ it.


6/12 POP interview: the rumor behind hot item GSY

Variety, TV drama, new actress GSY while having in hand the drama scene is simultaneously becoming a hot item.

 After the recently concluded drama HITTG, GSY is scheduled to be part of the upcoming SBS drama SFD for broadcasting in October. Not only that, GSY is also paired up with Idol boy band CNBLUE member LJH as a virtual couple full of chemistry in MBC variety WGM.

Entering the entertainment industry with the label “SM trainee”, GSY recently sat down with Herald POP in an exclusive interview where she spilled on secrets from her trainee life to her audition process, her future plans and various other stories. Unlike her fox-like outer appearance, throughout the interview she reveled a side that was constantly easy going and mature.


“ To be able to work with Director Ahn Pan-Seok in my first formal step as an actor, I feel very blessed. I am a fan of director Ahn Pan Seok. To simply audition for HITTG was an honor for me. So during the audition, as a fan I delivered a letter to him and left. Actually, this was us meeting again after 4 years. I am the inaugural class of Sung Shin Women’s University’s Acting department, during my admission interview Director Ahn Pan Seok was one of the panel. He still remembers me from that time. I am really grateful. “


GSY still remembers the contents of the letter that she handed to the director during the audition. Regardless, simply meeting the director I felt that it was such an honor, even if I couldn't be casted, I looked forward to the day when I could see him again. In reality, before GSY’s HITTG successful audition, she had failed a hundred other auditions. Towards GSY who felt a sense of defeat and setback, HITTG has become a very meaningful piece.


“ Because she is a character that aspires to be an announcer, so I prepared a lot. I listened to the news all day, and used the name of the character Seo Neo-ri to enroll in an announcer academy. Although there were only a few related scenes with regards to announcing, but I felt really happy simply being at the filming site for HITTG. I did not feel tired pulling all nighters. Even during times I had to wait I was happy. I liked it so much I travelled down to the filming site even on days I did not have any filming to do. Although I learnt a lot with regards to performing, but that is as an actor, I had also realized a lot of things personally during that time.”


GSY also expressed that it was due to her appearance in HITTG that she was able to be casted in WGM and SFD. The WGM PD, Sun Hye Yoon, had offered SY an audition for WGM after seeing SY in a few scenes in HITTG. After falling hundreds of drama auditions, SY went for the audition not expecting much and just went for the WGM audition, but it was that free and unrestrained appearance that captured the heart of the PD.


SY herself had thoughts like " 'How did she know about me? They're not going to use a newbie like me right? Amazing.' Although it was a very important occasion, but I had a very light-hearted mindset. For my outfit I wore my favourite denim jacket. When they told me they wanted to carry out an in-depth interview, I simply wore my denim jacket with my checked shirt, answered the questions truthfully and went back home. After that, they told me that it was because during that portion I gave off the feeling that I was just like an average female college student and so they felt it was good (haha)". 


With filming for SFD just around the corner, GSY also revealed that there is a ‘rumor’ behind her casting. It turned out that the director of SFD, Shin Kyung-soo, is a passionate fan of HITTG. Director Shin had also offered GSY an audition after seeing her appearance in HITTG.


“ From what I heard, there were 100 people who took part in the audition for the role of Empress Yuan. When I received the news that they were reviewing me positively for the role, I went to visit the resting place of Empress Yuan at the royal tombs. I prayed, ‘ Please help me to be able to play the role of Empress Yuan, if am manage to be selected please help me not to disgrace anyone. Since I was given such an opportunity, I intend to work hard.”

As the interview went on, compared to talking to an actress, GSY felt more like a “really good friend”. This made us look forward to her future. Finally we asked her how she would like to be remembered as an actress.


“I want to keep appearing be productions, and want to be an actress with good actress, a beautiful actress. Please look forward to SFD”.




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Guest district_BEC

Gongseungyeon, " Vampire kiss" on Lee jonghyun's neck

It became an issue that  Gongseungyeon kissed on Leejonghyun's neck in the middle of Wedding song,

AOA Choa who took care of wedding song! Choa suggested surprising mission of wedding song for Groom and bride. What was the mission Choa gave to Gongee couple>?

Guests who catched the intimate action between Leejonghyun&Gongseungyeon they bombarded with Waterguns... SY was messed up(was in panic) with doing what Choa's mission,  avoiding guests' water gun shooting, she got attention with "bold kiss" on jonghyun's neck. What was in his mind when JH got the kiss from SY and what was real reason of SY?

reply to @pre 's paging haha^^

Here is my guess: They have to get intimate without getting caught...this mission is for SY to kiss JH "somehow" without getting caught (water gun's). 

What do you think was in his mind? He wanted to take her away? He wanted to return the kiss? He was embarrassed that she actually did it in front of everyone? 


Dunno... maybe he has to kiss her hand at a certain word in the song, failing which they will soak him?


Neck kiss - SY being prodded to kiss JH maybe hopefully?

Aaahhhhh!! i probably look crazy, but idc... my smile is so wide just imagining how it's gonna play out.!! :w00t: 

She looks hesitant for a moment. But a second later, she has a determined look in her light-brown eyes. 

"Ok. Just go for it," she thinks to herself. "Hwaiting!"

Before she loses her confidence, she turns her head to the pale Busan namja. Turning her body slightly towards his, she tilts her head and quickly leans in to place a kiss to his neck. 

Haha forgive me.. I just had to get it out my system. What actually happened was probably a lot cuter than my lame attempt lol.. :sweatingbullets: and my mind totally has a different ending =_= mianhaeyo:phew:

Anyway, I just wanted to say what I thought the mission was. Maybe Choa dared them to act sweet to each other and if it's not enough/satisfactory, the guests will spray them with water guns (i guess we're not the only ones waiting for some lip action :phew:) So in order to stop the water gun attacks, SY became bold and F***ING KISSED HIS NECK!! :w00t: I'm going crazzyyyy!!

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Guest lokoraven

When SY's female intuition (aka B.S. detector) realizes that something's not quite right, it's adorable, but almost scary, watching SY's reaction change so suddenly :w00t:

where did you get the sub unaired scene of sun cream?

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Hello brownies,

real life is keeping me very busy lately so I don't find as much time as before to come on thread and spazz with you. However, I still magage to read through most of the posts here.

I must say I am a bit upset with how the thread is handled nowadays... We used to have a lot of fun here, share insights, support our couple and dreamed about them becoming real. Over the last months and around about 1000 pages of documentation done by brownies, and this is my opinion now, we did not have many reasons to complain at all in regards to our ship. Seriously... and I said that a dozen times before... we are so lucky to be able to see their love blossom. How many other couples are there that you can really watch grow close on and offscreen? We are allowed to see so much more than just a stint on a show and we should really be grateful for that from a shipper's point of view.

However, for some of us this doesn't seem to be enough. Quite a number of us has to analyse every single movement, mainly without knowing the actual conversaton yet. Some of us are very doubtful about the two or are generally more doubtful towards only one partner of this couple even though we have extraordinary prove like IG-Saga, for example, that should not let us worry so much in first place. Others have to often put JongYeon actions out of the South Korean cultural context - which is bound to stirr an uproar. (I mean... it applies to common logic that people with different upbringing will view cultural related situations differently... We are all smart enough to know that already. Also, what is the use of this information on this Thread since JongYeon are bound to act within their cultural standards? We cannot seriously ask them to act within another cultural standard, can we?!)

Please don't get me wrong here, I am not against gathering and interprating information or against sharing thoughts or even a well led discussion on this thread in general. I am not against honesty either! What I am against though is hastily judging words/movements/actions of this couple by others who are not even willing to wait for the whole context to become clear. And sometimes, I have to admit, I am against judging at all. Reason: We only see an edited version of approximately 20 mins of a whole day of filming every few weeks or even a month. We do not know what scenes are missing. We do not know what is truely happening behind the scenes. I sometimes get the feeling our poor JongYeon end up at court here in our thread on black Tuesdays (and lately a lot of days a week). If I had to plead my case in front of judges that knew only a few bits and pieces of information and were to judge me without even finding out the whole truth... Well I would not feel very lucky with the future prospect of this, I can say that.

I sometimes imagine uri couple reading through comments and threads like this one. At first I felt they must be so happy if they ever stumpled across this thread. There were so many supporting messages here that would have given them strength whenever life could have been hard on them. It really was a shippers place - one to support, one to dream, one to gather beautiful pictures, articles and videos of them.
Lately, and this is what is actually upsetting me, I am not sure about this anymore. When they would come here, they'd still be able to read some really amazing posts. But more than that they would become aware of all the crisitism on them and how we are not able to let go of certain arguments (-->it doesn't feel like a normal discussion to me anymore).
My thought behind this: Why can't we tone down our expectations a little since - even though LJH and GSY are celebs - this couple is only human too? The idea of WGM is getting to know each other in front of dozens of cameras... Of course they won't always act like they'd do without a whole filming team around. I am sure there are times when they think "I didn't reach my own expectations".  Do they really need us as well to point it out even though it was obvious to everyone (like the whole world) already? Saying they need to do better, feeling upset with them... Who are we to react like that? However we feel about certain situations that didn't play out like in k-drama (because WGM is not scripted and constists of real people) I am sure they already regretted it more/felt worse about it...

Brownies who recognize me and my posts a little know that I've been on this thread for quite a while now. I believe JongYeon are real due to some research and I believe we are very lucky to be able to watch them grow on a plattform like WGM, because let's be honest, this is very rare. I am always up for a good discussion and I never mind to interprete a certain bit of information. But we need to be concious in which way we do so and to what extent it makes sense to do it in first place.
For that very reason I asked repeatedly to be extremely careful with certain judgements and the way you want to deliver them over the past few weeks. We always need to take into account that this is an open thread where all kinds of people can read our thoughts. We don't want to insult any other users here with our words and we don't want to stirr troubles with Melons or only JH or SY biased fandoms either. 
However, even though a lot of brownies voiced out their concern (like me) in a polite way for quite some time now nothing much seems to have changed. Instead, some people stated directly or indirectly through their posts that they don't plan on behaving any differently. They won't consider to wait with their judgement and they don't see that the way they say things can come across upsetting at times. 

I for one used to enjoy the good spazzing vibe here. Due to the extensive critisism on our couple and the mood that was created by it I don't really feel as happy being here anymore. I don't want to nagg on people or play the teacher who always asks brownies to hold back their judgement at least until the subs are out. That is why for now I'll be going on a hiatus from this thread, just like @GongLeeAddict.  I don't know how long I will be away yet - probably until we can pick up on something like the old mood in here again and the major critisism will be done on the WGM thread where it actually belongs to...

Why I am telling you all of this? Firstly I don't want to upset those brownies who are still following my fanfiction. (I will leave teasers and a notice with a new update here whenever I find the time.) Secondly, because I wanted to give a sign to those brownies who wondered why/where some of the old commentators left to. I think it's fairer this way/easier to understand than to just go into complete silence without even explaining myself at all. 

So I guess it's goodbye for now. I've got to know so many awesome people through this thread and I know we'll be in contact for a long time even if I leave now. I am grateful to all the brownies who gathered information here and supported this couple wholeheartedly. I will always be so very thankful to uri BEST for the amazing work they are doing every week!

I hope we can all happily meet again on this thread someday. Please take care of yourself until then!

Again, this is my one & only warning to this thread due to the amount of reports we have gotten over the past 24 hours. If any more problems occur, we will be forced to temporarily close the thread. 

If you have any questions, please contact me or any of the mods. 

Appreciate the moderators' efforts, put if you really do feel there are such "attacks or insults" going on, could we please deal with those posts and posters directly? Take care of the weeds and let the garden grow. 

None of us want the thread to be closed, and, frankly, I don't think any of us appreciate such threats to close the thread. Please do consider focusing efforts on the perpetrators and their posts, rather than the thread. I realize this means more work for the moderators, but if that's what's needed to protect the thread, please consider doing so. Having experienced similar issues at other forums, I'd think it makes much more sense this way :)

Soompi's forum, despite its little kinks, remains the #1 gathering hole, and beehive, on the internet for English-speaking Jongyeon fans. Facebook, Reddit, etc. all pale in comparison :) Please don't punish the masses for the actions of a few.

You put into words what one part of my decision to leave this thread for now was. We always tried to sort out things on our own here and we are naturally very patient and considerate. That brownies even felt the need to report certain posts because they thought they were rude or threatened to cause troubles with other fandoms therefore is a very serious matter.
As I see it, a moderator should be someone to talk things through with the people involved so we can all come to a sufficient solution. Just literally stating a threat to close down this place completely... I, as someone who had mediation at university, can only shake my head upon this way of handling things. I know the moderators have a lot of work to do. However this position also comes with a certain understanding of empathy and responsibilty. If closing down a whole thread due to some comments is the solution offered by the moderators, I think the existence of a report button becomes somehow useless. I am sure the brownies who reported love this thread and wanted to set a signal to let it become a positive place again. They surely felt that they had no other option left to handle this matter. It's sad that their real intentions weren't heard.

@USAFarmgirl I love your posts, Sis! Usually I agree with you on every of your beautiful thoughts as well. I am very sorry that I have a different opinion this time. Altough we are all family... if we cannot work out things on out own anymore (and obviously to a lot of brownies it seems like this for weeks now) it should be alright to ask for help. Unfortunately the "help" we got didn't really help much after all...

Lastly, because I want to end this sad post on a happy note, I came to leave you guys a teaser to the 4 th Chapter of "Creating Destiny" as a special treat.


The update can be expected next week.
You can read the teaser below...


Call Me, Baby!

          May 2020

Lee Jonghyun wanted to punch the front wall of CNBLUE‘s waiting room. He was so very mad that he had not been able to reach his wife again after trying to talk to her personally for over a week now. But if he was being honest, more than anything else, he was worried as hell about Seungyeon now. Nothing made sense to him anymore and he just wanted this world tour to end quickly so he could finally go home and check on her himself.


„Hyung, did you not reach Sister in law again?“ Jungshin asked when Jonghyun came back to the stage where the rest of the members and the CNBLUE staff were collecting the instruments. The previous concert was their last schedule for the States. After just one more gig they would eventually be heading back to South Korea to play their final concert in Seoul, according to the band’s tradition.


„No“ He sighed. „I couldn’t reach Jungyeon-ah either and I don’t want the rest of her family to worry and come all the way from Suwon to check on my wife - the one woman I am supposed to take care of.“


„She texted you she was alright though, Hyung. It’s not like you didn’t hear anything from her at all.“ Minhyuk tried logic but Junghyun’s death stare made him go back to silence right away. He understood the older one in a way altough he didn’t want to look at things as negatively yet. If it was him he wouldn’t have been able to shake things off that easily too though. He had to admit that. It wasn’t like Seungyeon not to call at all and even with heavy schedule she would usually make time to answer Jonghyun. Leaving only a few messages during a whole week didn't seem like her... Even Minhyuk felt that something was definitely off.


„Jungyeon-ah is not in Seoul right now. I think they are having some schedule in Japan this week…“ Jungshin threw in while typing something on his phone.


„How do you…“ But Jonghyun decided not to ask any further when he saw that Jungshin was already checking his phone. Beside all of his members being friends with his sister in law, Jungyeon's schedule would be all over the internet too. It wasn’t all that hard to keep track on a celebrity, especially since TWICE had become quite famous over the last few years.  


„Couldn’t Jong Suk Hyung know what’s up with Sister in law? I mean since they are both playing the lead…“ Minhyuk thought loudly.


„I texted him too. No reply. They should have wrapped up their last schedule by now. Why the heck is he not answering his damn phone?!“ Jonghyun stated agitated and his teeth made a grinding sound. „That jerk better not be doing anything he could possibly regret later!“


„That’s it. We are done playing CSI here. I will just call Shinhye-ah and tell her to check on your wife.“ The CNBLUE leader finally stated after looking at the extremely worried husband for a long moment.  


Yonghwa sighed. Strangely he seemed just as annoyed with the situation as Jonghun was. He handed his brother a cold bottle of water to cool down his temper before sharing what he had been keeping from him these last few days.


„I wasn’t supposed to tell you, because your wife especially asked for this favor and I thought she wanted to let you know herself. However, if I had known that she was not going to call you at all I wouldn’t have promised…“ Yonghwa started spilling what he knew.


He really wondered what was running through Seungyeon-ah’s mind right now, not to forget his own wife’s too, because she also insisted that he should really keep his Sister in law's fainting earlier to himself as well. Women could be crazy sometimes. Now he had to explain to Jonghyun what had happened, who would definately want to break his neck right after what he was about to hear next. Being a leader and taking care of his younger brothers was sometimes no fun at all.


„Sister in law has been sick lately. She needed to go to hospital last week.“










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Guest guitarpick851

- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .(done)
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.(done,,,, well its different when you are from korea?)
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.(done,,, many times)
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now. ( ohhhhh yes)
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect. (  not yet .... pretty soon?)
- Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU...( i think they have done it)
- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.

yaiks... all of the above....

maybe jonghyun have read this hehehe.......


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@mase207  Clap, clap clap!! 

LOVED reading your insight and it must be cool to not be watching each week, but being unknowning and watching them MARATHON style! You probably saw the changes and the growth so much more clearly (kind of like watching K-drama's for the first time in marathon mode...they just seem so much better than week to week waiting ;)

I'm very much looking forward to the neck kiss. Of course it's the hype in the article, but to kiss someones neck is pretty intimate. I hope JH is in a receptive mood! He'll either be conservative cautious or he will "squeal like a girl" melt!!! 

Ooo hoo hoo hoo ....I just can't wait!  

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I always love these little meme thingies Most of it tends to be pretty much how it is. The neck kiss definitely signifies an intention more sexual in nature. Well, most of them are sexual in nature..hello. ;) But on the neck...mmmhmmm. ;) SY might be trying it out but I guess underneath it all her foxy mind is thinking naughty thoughts. I have been re-watching the show with my mum and I always remember her face when she saw him in the white shirt. Her eyes said everything. LOL. I think she was already letting her mind wander then. ;) 

@starcrossgrass wanna hold my hand when Saturday comes so I don't wind up stuck to the ceiling again? :D Hehe. I'm actually super excited for the preview that comes after this ep. Oh and the neck kiss...omg...

@happy2bhere I am sincerely hoping for the squeal...and cheekbones. And his WOLFISH face to show up. RAWWWR. ;) I'm getting way too excited already, lol!

@IAmSoulReader I am sorry to see you take leave like this, dear. I know our thread has had its moments and I really hoped things would slowly settle down. I just also hope the mods deal with the situation wisely, and handle it on a case by case basis or deal with individuals as opposed to shutting down the thread for a while. Everyone shouldn't have to suffer. Where in the world would brownies discuss otherwise, right? :( I hope you will feel comfortable about returning soon. Poor @GongLeeAddict has also gone quiet... :( 


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Guest panda101sf

Hello Everyone!

I've been gone for a long time and had not had the chance to post or even read the forum, though I seldom do anyway (ehehe!). Imagine my surprise that I even missed the 1000th page party. So sad. Life's truly unfair. :tears:

I tried to read back on some of the comments/posts/articles in our thread and well, I can't say I've enjoyed all of them. But since we all just want to move past his particular hurdle, I won't say much about it. I guess, my best and probably shortest comment about is, you either skip the posts you don't like or learn to "agree to disagree" . After all, no two person is totally alike and will have same opinions on all subjects and topics. Not sure if I'm making sense now. Lol! 

On to a different note, I cannot wait for the next episode. It's finally the wedding. I mean, come on! It's THE WEDDING! Though I had my own hopes, dreams, aspirations, DELUSIONS about how I would have wanted them to celebrate it, I'm just simply happy that they are doing and celebrating it the way they want it to be. Who cares what we want, if we wanted it to be as real and not "reel", then them planning it and spending it like that is for the best for all the shippers. (Okay, please don't shoot me. Please? :sweatingbullets:)

Oh, and I totally like this. 

- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .(done)
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.(done,,,, well its different when you are from korea?)
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.(done,,, many times)
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now. ( ohhhhh yes)
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect. (  not yet .... pretty soon?)
- Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU...( i think they have done it)
- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.

yaiks... all of the above....

maybe jonghyun have read this hehehe.......

I cannot wait to just see how their relationship and interaction grow at every episode (*cough* kiss *cough* on the lips *cough*). I just hope MBC does a better job with their editing (hehehehe!)


On a different note, to all the members here that have been reading my fanfiction, Let's Pretend, thank you! Thank you all for your patience with me. I am not a great writer nor do I even update at a timely manner now but you have all continuously read each chapter. For that, I am blessed. I have updated but only with a very short chapter. Please continue to bear with me (i am on my knees right now :tears:) and I will continue to write as I continue to get inspiration from our adorably cute but sizzling hot couple (don't know how that is possible but they make it possible). 

Yikes! This has been a long post and I just simply missed everyone here. Okay, I'm shutting up. 

But before I forget, thank you to all members of BEST! You are all awesome! Hugs to all of you!! Woohooo!! 


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Guest rinrintae

Leejonghyun♡Gong,Seungyeon, "a flurry of  wild dance " strange Wedding

WGM, Leejonghyun♡Gongseungyeon had strange wedding ceremony with flurry wild dance

Instead of sterotyped wedding ceremony, they wanted to have a wedding like " the party in the movie". They planned form-demolished wedding ceremony that they would appear with Dance to the funky music and sunglasses on !

As what Groom and bride asked, Guest danced in various way!  Leader of CNBlue Jungyonghwa hesitated a bit about Lee Gook ju's Sexy dance but sooner, he made funny with that he  showed " full of feel " sexy dance like he  put down everything(?).  MC 'Ms.Park" appeared withe Cnblue's(Jungsin and Minhyuk) escort.  She couldn't hide her happy face all the time and she dances with joy of two handsome guys' escort! 

And finally... They overwhelmed guests' eyes with their wild dance which was very shrinking.
How was the wedding ceremony which 02 dreamed?

Guests for Wedding :CNBLUE(Jung yonghwa,Gangminhyuk,Lee,jungshin) Sunggyu(INfinite)choa(AOA)Eric nam, Lee seyoung(Actress), Park,Misun, LeeGookju, Hwang,jesung

Gongseungyeon, " Vampire kiss" on Lee jonghyun's neck

It became an issue that  Gongseungyeon kissed on Leejonghyun's neck in the middle of Wedding song,

AOA Choa who took care of wedding song! Choa suggested surprising mission of wedding song for Groom and bride. What was the mission Choa gave to Gongee couple>?

Guests who catched the intimate action between Leejonghyun&Gongseungyeon they bombarded with Waterguns... SY was messed up(was in panic) with doing what Choa's mission,  avoiding guests' water gun shooting, she got attention with "bold kiss" on jonghyun's neck. What was in his mind when JH got the kiss from SY and what was real reason of SY?


reply to @pre 's paging haha^^

omgggggg.. i'm going to prepare my grave now.. :w00t:

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Guest diechan







Aaahh if this girl (Lee Seyoung) is really with Jungshin, we can make a prediction name like this :

Yonghwa ♥ Seohyun (the initial is SH or Se-H)

Jonghyun ♥ Seungyeon (the initial SY or Se-Y)

Minhyuk ♥ ?????

Jungshin  Seyoung (the initial SY or Se-Y)

So I think maybe Minhyuk future wife is betwen Kim Sohyun (SH) or Seolhyun (SH or Se-H). 

Aaahhh I hope I can read their future with a magic ball :sweatingbullets:


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After this neck kiss discussion a scenario thought popped into my head....

THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME :D ! I bet JH can no longer forward approach her and expect her to turn away...she won't back down. He has TRAINED her to have this kind of confidence she now shows (in other words...he made her this way with him lol). So imagine him backing her into a corner, up against a wall whatever... I can almost guarantee she will now call him on his "bluff" and look him right in the eye... no matter how close moves into her, she is prepared to take it for the team! She will take the kiss...OR she will lean forward and MAKE the kiss happen. Bottomline, she now wants it and since she has a gentler version of JH's "I'll get what I want if someone else doesn't make it happen first". I'm thinkin' we can expect to see her start getting some things she wants too (nicely so)

Ooooo, these next episodes can be very fun indeed!!! :D !!! 

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Guest freedom1104

After this neck kiss discussion a scenario thought popped into my head....

THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME :D ! I bet JH can no longer forward approach her and expect her to turn away...she won't back down. He has TRAINED her to have this kind of confidence she now shows (in other words...he made her this way with him lol). So imagine him backing her into a corner, up against a wall whatever... I can almost guarantee she will now call him on his "bluff" and look him right in the eye... no matter how close moves into her, she is prepared to take it for the team! She will take the kiss...OR she will lean forward and MAKE the kiss happen. Bottomline, she now wants it and since she has a gentler version of JH's "I'll get what I want if someone else doesn't make it happen first". I'm thinkin' we can expect to see her start getting some things she wants too (nicely so)

Ooooo, these next episodes can be very fun indeed!!! :D !!!

you had me at "after this neck kiss  :lol: prepare for our thread EXPLOSIONS Brownies!

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After this neck kiss discussion a scenario thought popped into my head....

THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME :D ! I bet JH can no longer forward approach her and expect her to turn away...she won't back down. He has TRAINED her to have this kind of confidence she now shows (in other words...he made her this way with him lol). So imagine him backing her into a corner, up against a wall whatever... I can almost guarantee she will now call him on his "bluff" and look him right in the eye... no matter how close moves into her, she is prepared to take it for the team! She will take the kiss...OR she will lean forward and MAKE the kiss happen. Bottomline, she now wants it and since she has a gentler version of JH's "I'll get what I want if someone else doesn't make it happen first". I'm thinkin' we can expect to see her start getting some things she wants too (nicely so)

Ooooo, these next episodes can be very fun indeed!!! :D !!! 

omo!!!! I start to delulu-ing... bahahaha fatale bear who like a stone becoming a sexy fox... JH is responsible for her changes which gain her confident. I cant wait for the neck kiss tomorrow!!!

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After this neck kiss discussion a scenario thought popped into my head....

THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME :D ! I bet JH can no longer forward approach her and expect her to turn away...she won't back down. He has TRAINED her to have this kind of confidence she now shows (in other words...he made her this way with him lol). So imagine him backing her into a corner, up against a wall whatever... I can almost guarantee she will now call him on his "bluff" and look him right in the eye... no matter how close moves into her, she is prepared to take it for the team! She will take the kiss...OR she will lean forward and MAKE the kiss happen. Bottomline, she now wants it and since she has a gentler version of JH's "I'll get what I want if someone else doesn't make it happen first". I'm thinkin' we can expect to see her start getting some things she wants too (nicely so)

Ooooo, these next episodes can be very fun indeed!!! :D !!!

you had me at "after neck kiss  :lol: prepare for our thread EXPLOSIONS Brownies!


Brownies, now I'm terrified soompi will crash during or after the episode tomorrow! Because this spazz might be epic! :P

@happy2bhere oh you bet this girlie is not backing down now. Remember when he said he'd kiss her if she won the beer drinking contest? And she was all *fist pump* "I have to win it now. I want that kiss!" JH better prepare his heart because his Foxy little Bear is out to seduce him now. ;) I'm loving it. I think at the game he didn't go for it because there were so many people and those cameras were probably right up in their faces or practically on their laps! But at the wedding...or even after. My mind is working overtime now regarding JY kisses after the wedding when no one's around...maybe even stuff no one got on camera! :w00t:

HAAALP...the delulu is already here!!!! :w00t: 



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